What is the default response timeout in JMeter? - jmeter

Can anyone help to know about default response time in JMeter if we do not set any timeout in 'HTTP request' sampler?

It defaults to 0 (no timeout)
The recommended way of setting the timeout is using GUI.
If for some reason it doesn't play for you you can use the following properties:
user.properties file:
httpclient.parameters file:
Both files live under JMeter's "bin" folder, JMeter restart is required to pick the properties up after the change.
Timeouts for http requests
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide


Jmeter is throwing Non HTTP response code

I am getting the below error message from Jmeter v5.4.3 (after all the users ramped up) in the middle of the test:
Response code:Non HTTP response code: java.net.SocketException
Response message:Non HTTP response message: Operation timed out
I am getting it most of the times I run it. Any suggestions? Connect Timeout limits are already set in HTTP Request Default
It indicates that your server fails to respond within the bounds of the time frame JMeter waits for response
If it happens only under the load then there is nothing you can do from JMeter's side apart from setting/increasing connect and response timeouts in the HTTP Request Defaults. If you leave the timeouts empty it means "no timeout" so JMeter will wait for the response forever, but underlying JVM or OS can have its own connection timeouts defined.
You can also consider enabling debug logging for Java network stack by adding the next line to system.properties file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter instalallation)
and increasing JMeter logging verbosity for JMeter HTTP components by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" />
in general jmeter.log file is a good troubleshooting option

Getting Non HTTP response message: Connection reset message On Taurus Container

I am getting Non HTTP response message: Connection reset error
I have 2 calls.
POST HTTP request
GET HTTP request: I am extracting the location from the response headers of the first POST call request.
NO cookies or request headers to send for 2nd request.
When I run it from JMeter and Taurus YAML locally, everything works fine.
Running on JMeter on the Taurus container through, it runs fine.
Running YAML through the Taurus container, I am getting the above error: ** Non-HTTP response message: Connection reset**
Test Configuration:
concurrency: 1
ramp-up: 3s
hold-for: 30s
Not sure where the problem Is?
I tried other options like setting JMeter properties and others, for example:
hc.parameters.file: hc.parameters
http.connection.stalecheck$Boolean: true
https.sessioncontext.shared: true
https.default.protocol: TLSv1.2
https.socket.protocols: TLSv1 TLSv1.2
Checked the jmeter.log and bzt.log file for any errors. But none was found.
We cannot say anything meaningful without:
Knowing your test configuration (how many users, for how long, what is ramp-up, what it time to hold the load)
Seeing jmeter.log file (preferably with debug logging enabled for HTTP components)
Seeing bzt.log file and/or console output, again preferably with verbose switch
Seeing your container and container management engine health metrics (CPU, RAM, Network sockets, etc.)
In your case Taurus acts as a wrapper for JMeter test and it has its extra cost, it might be the case the container doesn't have sufficient resources to run both.

Kindly share if any attribute can be set in properties file or anywhere in jmeter to update the waiting time and maximum tries to get server response

Getting 'response code 504 - GATEWAY TIMEOUT' when run jmeter scripts in distributed mode (1 master, 2 slaves in aws - ec2 instances). Kindly share if any attribute/value can be set in properties file or anywhere in jmeter to update the waiting time and maximum tries to get server response.
Actually you are getting the response already so you don't need to change any properties as they will not have any effect. If you need to retry the request in case of receiving HTTP status code 504 follow the next steps:
Store response code into a JMeter Variable using Regular Expression Extractor like:
Once done you can put your HTTP Request under the While Controller and use the following condition: ${__javaScript("${code}" != "200",)}.
This way JMeter will retry executing the sampler until response code will not become 200.

org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond in Jmeter

I have recorded a script and trying to replay the script. During the run i'm receiving the following errors.
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond
I'm receiving this errors from the payment gateway hits.
It looks like you're experiencing the issue described in Connection Reset since JMeter 2.10 ?, this is due to applied configuration to make JMeter to act like well-behaved browsers.
If you're totally sure that everything is fine with your server, you can try tweaking some JMeter properties in order to workaround these errors
Add the next 2 lines to user.properties file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
In hc.parameters file (lives in JMeter's "bin" folder as well) add the following line:
You need to restart JMeter to pick these properties up.
Also above instructions apply to HTTPClient4 implementation. It is default for the most recent JMeter versions, but just in case you can explicitly set it for all HTTP Request samplers using HTTP Request Defaults configuration element.
More often than not, this happens when you use the wrong port. Please check if you are using the right URL (name + port).
In addition to what Sasidhar indicated, you may want to ensure the JVM on the server associated with your port # is up and running. I've seen this when the JVM has been stopped without my knowledge. If none of these work, ensure the target server's httpd.conf file is properly configured and the server is actually up and running.

Apache Jmeter missing Config Element Http Request

I open a GUI for Apache Jmeter and not all of the features that are shown in videos and tutorials are shown. It's missing the Add > Config Element > Http Request. Where is this config element? Why is it missing from my version of Apache Jmeter?
I use linux mint and installed JMeter from the software manager. To get that component, along with other HTTP components, I needed to install the http module along with the main application.
Use latest version of JMeter which is 2.11 (at this time of posting this answer). http://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgi
You mean 'HTTP Request Defaults'? (It lets you set default values that your HTTP Request)
If yes, as they say, it will be available in the below path.
If you are looking for 'HTTP Request' - it is NOT a config element. It is a sampler. So you need to have a 'Thread Group' to see a sampler.
So, add a Thread Group first.
Then Select Thread Group -> Go to Sampler -> HTTP Request.
When you're on linux and after installing jmeter you miss HTTP Request options you have to run:
sudo apt-get install jmeter-http
To install missing http module.
