Magento https not working in localhost - magento

I have changed my magneto localhost to https.My site is not working now.I want to go back to http.For that I have made changes in the table core_config_data web/secure/base_url to "http" ,web/secure/use_in_frontend,web/secure/use_in_adminhtml to "1" but still it is working

It will not work on localhost. Because local server don't support the ssl. You must have ssl install on your server to run it using https. You will need to install openssl.

Change secure base url in core_config_data from https:// to http://.
Also, since you're talking localhost, I take it this is a dev machine. If it's running under Linux, it's pretty easy to create your own CA, add it to your browser cert store and create a self signed certificate for your web server. You'll have to add a virtual host entry for port 443 and the usual SSL specific entries in it. Makes Magento development go a lot easier.


How to allow external custom domains to run a Laravel app on my server?

My app is a Laravel app, running on Nginx, provisioned by Forge, and SSL certificates are provided by CloudFlare.
It is hosted at a URL like
My app’s customers are businesses, and already own their domains:
I want my customers to run MyApp from the sub-domains of their choice:
My customers should not install anything — MyApp still runs on, not on their servers
My customers should only (if possible) modify their DNS, probably add a CNAME like "some-name” that points to “”
I followed this amazing article: Dynamic custom domain routing in Laravel.
but I can't get it to work in an https (with SSL) environment -- the browser returns:
This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.
The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.
How should Nginx and/or SSL certificates be configured?
This is still a question which is not very simple.
However, Caddy does generate SSLs automatically (if replacing Nginx with Caddy is an option for you).
You can check the documentation for more.

Getting laravel app pretty url on Nginx (homestead) working

trying to lunch a laravel site on a homestead setup with a pretty url: my host file :
all i get back is Your connection is not private with this:
The problem is that you're accessing your local host with HTTPS. This might be caused by Chrome enforcing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for all .app domains (Google owns the .app TLD, so they can enforce this).
The easiest solution is to switch your domain to moziz.test (update your hosts file and Homestead.yaml), and then use http:// instead of https://.
After changing the sites property in Homestead.yaml you might also need to run vagrant reload --provision.

how to port forward an https website

I have recently got an SSL certificate on my website, on the apache server that I am using to host my website. The website says "Secure" and also works fine when I run it over localhost using the laptops ip address 192.168.*.**. But when I try to port forward this website over the port 443, it somehow says unsecure and your connection is not private. Any help here will be appreciated.
It sounds like you are using a self-signed certificate for your https connection. While modern browsers such as chrome give you errors saying the connection is unsecure and perhaps you even see red lines crossing out the https at the beginning of your url, there is no need to worry. If you are getting your page to render with these characteristics all is working, the reason for the errors is because the certificate is signed only for you.
In a real world production scenario you would have to use a third party service for a public capable certificate. However for your own development purposes, as long as the page runs with https there all is working as it is intended to.
For more try reading this article.

Using SSL Cert for ngrok dev environment

I am working to setup my application to watch calendar events through Google's Calendar API. In doing so I must setup a "Push" endpoint on my server that has a valid SSL certificate (not self-signed).
My production environment is running on Heroku so setting up an SSL cert was easy using Expidited SSL. I have two CNames setup in GoDaddy, one for my production application and one for my development environment tunneled through ngrok. I'm using the paid ngrok feature of white labeled domain tunneling (
Host Points To
The problem is that my ssl certificate is recognized when you hit the production application (, but it uses ngrok's certificate when you visit the development application (
How can I setup my ngrok tunnel to use my ssl certificate?
Ngrok's white labeled domain does not support HTTPS if you are using your own domain. Simply because it serves it's own certificate, where you need to serve your domain's. That's why you are getting certificate mismatch issue.
Here's what you could do to watch calendar events on your dev machine:
Point to another server, let's say a new EC2
micro instance
Point wildcard CNAME to
Compile ngrok server and client to use your certificate (rather than
Run the ngroku-server on EC2 instance
On your dev machine config the client to use instead of
Run ngrok -subdomain=dev 80
Your local dev machine's 80 port should be accessible via
This is really cool and is very helpful when debugging Google's webhooks, which require valid HTTPS and a verified root domain name.
Another interesting trick is to use CloudFlare's universal SSL to have a valid pointing to your dev machine without purchasing a certificate. The steps are exactly the same except that you need to issue your own certificate for ngrok client-server communications and use CloudFlare's Flex SSL for
ngrok has a new feature that tunnels and terminates SSL. Thus you can use your own domain and HTTPS. No need to open ports in your router or PC. They call it TLS Tunneling. The following is a link to a GitHub repos that describes how to do it.
How to use your own domain to access your home PC over the internet. Use HTTPS without raising SSL errors.

How Do You Use PayPal Express Checkout in XAMPP?

I am hosting a website using XAMPP. The website uses PayPal API for Express Checkout. If I move the website to a real hosted server (i.e., the PayPal checkout system will work. If I use it from XAMPP (localhost), it won't even connect to PayPal. How would I make this work from my localhost?
Step 1: Port forwarding. Your router has a public ip (not Configure your router to accept requests from the interwebs.
Step 2. Have a spare domain name? Configure your domain # your registar: Point "A" Record to your newly forwarded IP.
Step 3. Add a fake HTTPS cert to the root folder of your XAMPP installation.
Not the end-all, say, all-a guideline. Tricky, but a starting point.
With this approach, you can test Paypal IPN's, use the sandbox, all the good stuff, as well as monkey around with all the other major vendors' api's on your local server.
These links will be helpful for you.
Can I test paypal api's from localhost
