Getting laravel app pretty url on Nginx (homestead) working - laravel

trying to lunch a laravel site on a homestead setup with a pretty url: my host file :
all i get back is Your connection is not private with this:

The problem is that you're accessing your local host with HTTPS. This might be caused by Chrome enforcing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for all .app domains (Google owns the .app TLD, so they can enforce this).
The easiest solution is to switch your domain to moziz.test (update your hosts file and Homestead.yaml), and then use http:// instead of https://.
After changing the sites property in Homestead.yaml you might also need to run vagrant reload --provision.


Setting Google domains to use https

I purchased a domain (say, from Google and my Django application (say, runs on Heroku. The CNAME is set on Google to forward the http requests to the Django applicaiton on Heroku. Forwarding requests from to works just fine.
Recently, I need to introduce progressive-web-application to my application and it requires the https protocol, instead of http, that is, the URL now has to be and it doesn't work for Google domains. I tried and it works fine, which means Heroku already supports https. However, I tried (and also googled) for a long time without finding a solution.
So how do I set the Google domain to use https protocol?
The DNS answer from Google cannot contain the port or protocol (http vs. https), it just contains the hostname.
You need to add a redirect from http to https in the Heroku django app, see e.g. here for more instructions.
It's not Google you need to change, it's your Django configuration.
Set SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT to True, and enable the SecurityMiddleware in your app, and any requests should automatically be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS.
When switching to HTTPS you need to add certs to heroku and that process updates the host from "" to something like "". You will need to update your DNS to serve HTTPS pages from the new SSL compliant heroku instance for both HTTP and HTTPS.
Here is a tutorial that outlines the process with Godaddy, it should be very similar or all DNS providers.
Just got a solution from one of Heroku's engineers:
1) Upgrade the Heroku app to a paid one (e.g., Hobby)
2) On the DNS provider's settings, set the DNS target to <app_name>.<domain> (e.g., "")
3) Run $ heroku certs:auto:refresh -a <app_name> (e.g., $ heroku certs:auto:refresh -a mysite)
I'm not sure if this is the same problem that you ran into, but when forwarding from to my wix subdomain, I got a "No resource with given identifier found" error in the browser. Forwarding from to was working just fine.
I had to open Google Domains' advanced forwarding options for my forwarding rule and enable SSL forwarding, like so:

Laragon, laravel. my virtual host cannot work on my PC

Anyone can helme? i get problem whit virtual host
This is my problem
I solved that issue as follow
Menu -> Apache -> sites-enabled -> delete all (auto)
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts right click -> properties on hosts file and uncheck the "Read-only"
make sure auto virtual host is checked on laragon
restart laragon and try your project folder name inside in www with .test (or as specified in laragon setting) in the browser
This question has entirely insufficient details to help you in any meaningful way. However, if I had to guess, I would say there are couple of possible reasons:
Your DNS for is not configured properly for Note, .dev is an actual top-level domain, owned by Google and reserved for their own use -, so it's likely you are trying to follow some advice how to setup .dev for local development, but Firefox is actually looking against the real .dev DNS servers.
Assuming your DNS is indeed properly configured (in which case you happen to work for Google, and you just accidentally leaked their Amazon competitor :-)), it is possible that your app server is not running. It's impossible to say by the screenshot.
Assuming that the DNS and the app server are configured and running properly, it's possible your firewall is blocking port 80.

Laravel app running on Homestead - how to access it on a mobile device?

I'm running an app on Laravel Homestead. My OS is Windows 7. The hosts file:
My PC uses the LAN Internet connection.
Now, I would like to be able to access on a mobile device.
I have tried this (1), as well as that (2). None of these worked for me. If I use the php artisan serve approach (link 1), my IPv4 gets rewritten to, and the site cannot be found.
How do I access my Homestead-based app on a phone?
Homestead 5.x
As of Homestead 5.x, ngrok software is included in your homestead environment. You can use the share command to fire off ngrok to listen for Please refer to the Laravel Homestead documentation (Sharing Your Environment)
Homestead versions without ngrok included
You can change your nginx configuration file to listen on all requests and use your local IP http://yourip:8000 instead of, but the easiest way to archive this is by creating a secure tunnel to your machine with software like
With your local domain you can basically run the following command after you served your webserver:
ngrok http
ngrok will generate a secure url which is available on your local network, but also publicly so you can share it with your friends/colleagues.

Magento https not working in localhost

I have changed my magneto localhost to https.My site is not working now.I want to go back to http.For that I have made changes in the table core_config_data web/secure/base_url to "http" ,web/secure/use_in_frontend,web/secure/use_in_adminhtml to "1" but still it is working
It will not work on localhost. Because local server don't support the ssl. You must have ssl install on your server to run it using https. You will need to install openssl.
Change secure base url in core_config_data from https:// to http://.
Also, since you're talking localhost, I take it this is a dev machine. If it's running under Linux, it's pretty easy to create your own CA, add it to your browser cert store and create a self signed certificate for your web server. You'll have to add a virtual host entry for port 443 and the usual SSL specific entries in it. Makes Magento development go a lot easier.

Local URL IP redirect via port

I do a lot of custom web development and I am looking for a solution to a problem with testing.
I have a local development server that I run sandboxed environments on. When I need to test something I sometimes will edit my host file to make the domain point at my local IP
In my host file I would have.
What I would rather be able to setup is if I added a port to a URL:
That would then redirect to my local IP
Something like this *:7777
Is this a pipe dream or doable in someway?
You can use Firefox Extension Server Switcher
This firefox extension is a tool for web developers and allows switching between sites on your development and live servers; it helps you to see difference immediately.
It's more easy in use than host file.
