Make to annotation callout link to a new view on mkmapkit - xcode

I got the below annotation code form GitHub
When I click on the annotation, nothing happens. I want users to be brought to a new view which will display text and an image of the location on which the pin is placed.
I presume I have to create a new viewcontroller but how do I link each annotation to its own view?
I take it I create a new viewcontrol and somehow name(or tag) it? If so what is the code to link the callout to that unique "named" view controller?
Apparently this is a common question but I have received no guidance on this nor are there quality videos online to show how this is done.
Anyone help?


laravel user editable layout - is it possible?

I'm trying to build a view in laravel that will allow the user to drag and drop widget on and off the page as well as around the page and resizing them.
Everything I read suggests this is not possible in laravel as the view seems fairly immutable.
Does anyone have any pointers?
ok.. no laravel can't do it, at least thats what I think..
However you can do it with javascript and store the widget locations in laravel..
Things I did find though for the next person...

Passing form data to another form Xcode Storyboard

Ok first off I am uber new at Obj C programming and even more new at using Xcode. Right now I am creating a app that a customer info controller. From the customer info controller, there is a button that goes to billing info. This both of these controllers have a form that needs to be filled out, BUT on the billing one I have a button that can be clicked to bring data from the customer info page if it is the same info. Now for the life of me I am not able to find anything that can assist me in making this happen. How it is setup is one textfield to the next...I.E...on the customer info page, First name is filled out and then on the billing page if it is the same one it will correspond to it as well and so forth. Any help or direction to get me to this would be great. Thank!
The method prepareForSegue:sender: is perfect for that.

Custom button in Edit form that displays result

I am fairly new to .NET and MVC3 - and even Ajax and Json, and am working on an MVC3 (razor) application, using jqGrid, and so far it is immense(jqgrid that is!) and has dealt with everything I have thrown at it.
However, I have One Outstanding peice of functionality that I do not know How to accomplish.
Within the Edit form of a Row, I have Placed a Custom button called 'Reset Password'. I need the Onclick Event to call a piece of functionality in my Controller to go through some logic, generate a Password, and Return the new Password to the Screen.
Can anyone tell me How can I achieve this?
May thanks in Advance.
You can return a partial view result or json data from the action.
See the partial view approach here

iOS5: Relationship Segues and Tabs without using UITabBar

TL:DR - How do I create Relationship Segues in Xcode 4.4?
Hello everyone, I have an app where I want to add some tabbing behaviour to one of my controllers but, due to design decisions, I can't use UITabbar. I already know about using a UIToolbar with a UISegmented control inside it, but where I'm having difficulty, is how to switch between view controllers.
I know I can't use normal segues (since each tab change would keep stacking a new controller on top of the previous), but UITabBar has something called "Relationship Segues". I looked around but couldn't figure out how to create one.
Does anyone know how do it? Also, is there a better way to approach this problem?
I've done the exact same thing recently. I've created a container view controller, SegmentedViewController, and added the view controllers I wanted to switch between to my container controller using addChildViewController. Upon switching view controller (I used target/action on my UISegmentedControl), you call transitionFromViewController:toViewController:duration:options:animation:completion. That's the general idea. Look at the "Implementing a Container View Controller" section here for implementation details.

Using MVVM Light messaging instead of query strings in Windows Phone

I am trying to use MVVM light messaging to send a value from one page to another during Navigation (for example, send the id of an item that was selected to an edit page). So the list page's viewmodel sends a message and then sends a navigation message to the view which redirects to the edit page. The edit page's viewmodel gets created only when the navigation to the page happens. So when I register for this event in the edit page viewmodel, I never get the message? What is the best solution for this?
Thanks in advance.
Your best solution would be to use the querystring instead of messaging. If you don't use the querystring, you'll have to deal with situations like the application being deactivated (tomestoned), then the user clicking "back" and your application loads the second page without receiving the message.
However, if you want to continue down this path, you can modify your ViewModelLocator such that your page's ViewModel is created immediately (in ctor for instance) instead of as needed. Since the ViewModelLocator is created as soon as your App.xaml is loaded, you know that any view models will be created immediately. As long as your view model is registering for messages in it's constructor it should receive the message.
