Custom button in Edit form that displays result - ajax

I am fairly new to .NET and MVC3 - and even Ajax and Json, and am working on an MVC3 (razor) application, using jqGrid, and so far it is immense(jqgrid that is!) and has dealt with everything I have thrown at it.
However, I have One Outstanding peice of functionality that I do not know How to accomplish.
Within the Edit form of a Row, I have Placed a Custom button called 'Reset Password'. I need the Onclick Event to call a piece of functionality in my Controller to go through some logic, generate a Password, and Return the new Password to the Screen.
Can anyone tell me How can I achieve this?
May thanks in Advance.

You can return a partial view result or json data from the action.
See the partial view approach here


In ASP .NET Core Razor Pages, how do I properly present server responses to the user?

Recently I have started to deal with dynamic content in my RazorPages web application. I found out about AJAX and have started to incorporate it into my application since it helps me display information to the user. For example, when a user presses a button, some information is taken from an input field and sent to the server, as usual. I use the server response (OnGet or OnPost return value) to display information to the user without them reloading the page.
However, I cannot figure out how to incorporate model binding into this. When I use AJAX I can build the message myself but the model binder of RazorPages was made to this automatically - which is great and I use it a lot, but how can I access the return value of my OnGet or OnPost when I created a form and used tag helpers to allow model binding? I know that I can return Content(string) in these methods but that will show an empty page with the string I return, of course.
My question is: How can I access such a string to display it to the user? Am I even on the right track here or is there maybe a better way to solve this kind of issue?
I would recommend checking out some of the Razor Pages tutorials as they cover the basics of posting form data using Razor pages:
Best of luck on your programming journey.

MVC Webgrid Paging and Sorting Stops Working After Ajax Calls

I have created an MVC application that uses webgrids to display data on my views. In my grid's toolbar I have drop downs, text boxes and a search button that call Jquery to perform various actions. For example, if I click the search button, I refresh the grid via Ajax based on a text entry. This all works well until interaction with the webgrid (page or sort) occurs. We noticed that if any ajax calls are made, then the sorting and paging do not work anymore. Also, if I load the page and page or sort first, then none of my JavaScript works. I have been researching this issue, but have not seen any concrete solutions. Does anyone have recommendations for a solution?
I would wager to guess that you are attaching your jquery handlers in the document.ready function using something like $("#Sort").click(function(){});. When you reload the grid via an AJAX call, the jquery handlers are not reattached since the DOM was not reloaded. Try using something like this $("#Sort").live('click', function(){}); which will attach the handler to any instance of your identifier once it is present on the page.
This is was a complete guess since you posted no code, but this and the post you referenced above (SO post) seems to have fixed your issue.

MVC3 AjaxHelper choosing selected DDL values without custom javascript

I'm creating a site where I don't want anything to be done via custom javascript/jquery code at all, and I'm not sure it's going to be possible so need some advice.
The things that I want to be able to do are:
Load a JQuery (or Jquery style) dialog box containing a partial view.
Have a button that will select the "SelectedValue" from a dropdown list and render a partial view. (e.g. select a user from a dropdown and then click a button to add them to a list)
Append a partial view to an existing div.
I'm sure that all the above can be done using custom javascript, but what I want to is to use the standard Ajax and Html helpers that come with MVC3.
Main reason is that I've been struggling to get to grips with jQuery, but I also thought it would be nice to see if it can all be done without having to add a new script to the site.
As always, any help is greatly appreciated (even if it's just pointing me to articles).
The standard Ajax and Html helpers that come with MVC3 are for handling server-side stuff. Even the #Html.ValidationMessageFor helper usually uses their unobtrusive validation lib for jQuery validate.
Keep trying at jQuery, you'll get it. There is a reason it is so popular!
I believe you can do #3 using #Ajax.ActionLink, but don't think you can do 1 or 2 out of the box with the Ajax html helper.
It seems that you can use the Ajax.BeginForm method to do this.
There are issues with the fact that it has been in a separate form as I can't nest the forms though. MVC Ajax - Disabling button in ajax.beginform?

I'm using microsoft ajax and ajax.beginform.
It's working great for model binding my partial view, but I need to conditionally disable some of the buttons in my form itself depending on what comes back from the server.
How can I go about this without using JQuery?
Have you thought instead about using two separate views instead, and have your conditional logic in your controller determine which view to display.

Return Pop Up As a response In MVC ASP.NET

In facebook after I shared something in my wall I get a nice pop message about my activity. Sometimes whenever there is an error with they gave a nice pop about the error. Like this.
I know in facebook everything is about ajax.
I am creating a web application using mvc 3 In my web app there is something similar to sharing links like in facebook.
I implemented this feature using ajax and partial views and it is works fine.
When user submit a new link, In my controller action method I update the db and return a partial view finally update my view with nice animation.
Now my problem is how can I give a pop up response while updating my view(facebook wall).
I want to do both of them with the ActionResult.
I not sure this is the correct way to do this.
Briefly what I want is update my view with automatic pop up response. Hope you understand what I want.
Let me know If you need any clarification on this.
Please help me to implement this function.
Thanks !!
Well a "popup" is client-side functionality, not server-side. You can't do it with actionresult per-se.
Perhaps you should return a PartialViewResult from an action method, which is fired by an AJAX call (e.g jQuery).
Then in the callback, set the HTML of a hidden container/div to the partial view's HTML, then show it in a fancy way.
Something like jQModal or jQuery UI dialog is perfect for this.
I found the answer myself. Add Jquery library and unrobustive javascript and
return JavaScript("alert('Some message')");
