golang channel can't consume or publish - go

In my code below,just part of the whole code.I init a channel, the channel can't consume or publish.I don't konw what make this happen.
//init at the beginning of program
var stopSvr chan bool
stopSvr=make(chan bool)
var stopSvrDone chan bool
stopSvrDone=make(chan bool)
//somewhere use,in a goroutine
case <-stopSvr:
fmt.Println("son svr exit")
//do its job
//somewhere use,in a goroutine
stopSvr <- true //block here
fmt.Println("svr exit")
//here to do other things,but it's blocked at "stopSvr<-true",
//what condition could make this happen?
channel's block and unblock,I didn't know clearly.
select{} expr keyword 'default',I didn't know clearly.
that's why my program didn't run.
thanks #jimt ,I finish the problem.

I am unsure what you are trying to achieve. But your example code is guaranteed to block on the select statement.
The default case for a select is used to provide a fallback when either a specific read or write on a channel does not succeed. This means that in your code, the default case is always executed. No value is ever written into the channel before the select begins, thus the case statement is never run.
The code in the default case will never succeed and block indefinitely, because there is no space in the channel to store the value and nobody else is reading from it in any other goroutines.
A simple solution to your immediate problem would be:
stopSvr=make(chan bool, 1) // 1 slot buffer to store a value
However, without understanding what you want to achieve, I can't guarantee that this will solve all your problems.


How does this go-routine in an anonymous function exactly work?

func (s *server) send(m *message) error {
go func() {
s.outgoingMessageChan <- message
return nil
func main(s *server) {
for {
select {
case <-someChannel:
// do something
case msg := <-s.outGoingMessageChan:
// take message sent from "send" and do something
I am pulling out of this s.outgoingMessageChan in another function, before using an anonymous go function, a call to this function would usually block - meaning whenever send is called, s.outgoingMessageChan <- message would block until something is pulling out of it. However after wrapping it like this it doesn't seem to block anymore. I understand that it kind of sends this operation to the background and proceeds as usual, but I'm not able to wrap my head around how this doesn't affect the current function call.
Each time send is called a new goroutine is created, and returns immediately. (BTW there is no reason to return an error if there can never be an error.) The goroutine (which has it's own "thread" of execution) will block if nothing is ready to read from the chan (assuming it's unbuffered). Once the message is read off the chan the goroutine will continue but since it does nothing else it will simply end.
I should point out that there is no such thing as an anonymous goroutine. Goroutines have no identifier at all (except for a number that you should only use for debugging purposes). You have an anonymous function which you put the go keyword in front causing it to run in a separate goroutine.
For a send function that blocks as you seem to want then just use:
func (s *server) send(m *message) {
s.outgoingMessageChan <- message
However, I can't see any point in this function (though it would be inlined and just as efficient as not using a function).
I suspect you may be calling send many times before anything is read from the chan. In this case many new goroutines will be created (each time you call send) which will all block. Each time the chan is read from one will unblock delivering its value and that goroutine will terminate. Doing this you are simply creating an inefficient buffering mechanism. Moreover, if send is called for a prolonged period at a faster rate than the values can be read from the chan then you will eventually run out of memory. Better would be to use a buffered chan (and no goroutines) that once it (the chan) became full exerted "back-pressure" on whatever was producing the messages.
Another point is that the function name main is used to identify the entry point to a program. Please use another name for your 2nd function above. It also seems like it should be a method (using s *server receiver) than a function.

Best way to stop reading a channel if a condition occurs

I have a go routine that keeps blocked until a channel receives new data. However, I need to stop the go routine whenever a condition is true. I wonder what is the best way
to do this.
I will illustrate the problem with an example code. The first solution I thought was using a select statement and check the condition constantly, like this:
func routine(c chan string, shouldStop func() bool) {
select {
case s := <-c:
if shouldStop() {
However, this approach will force the routine to call shouldStop() every time and never block. I thought this could lead to performance problems, specially because there a lot others routines running.
Another option would be to use a sleep to at least block a little between shouldStop() calls. However, this would not be a perfect solution, since I'd like to call doStuff() in the exact time the channel receives with new data
Lastly, I thought about using a second channel just to achieve this, like:
func routine(c chan string, stop chan bool) {
select {
case s := <-c:
case b := <-stop:
While I thought that this might work, this would force me to have an extra channel along with the shouldStop flag. Maybe there is a better solution I'm not aware of.
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.

What happens when returning on for-select loop with running goroutines

I'm trying to figure how can I shorten run times as much as possible when waiting for results on multiple goroutines. The idea is doing a for-select loop on retrieving messages from a channel (result channel) and breaking out of the loop when a result is false. Subsequently, potentially one or more goroutines are left running and I don't quite know what would happen in the background.
Consider this:
results := make(chan bool, int NumRequests)
go DoSomething(results) // DoSomething sends the result on results channel
go DoSomething(results) // DoSomething sends the result on results channel
go DoSomething(results) // DoSomething sends the result on results channel
for {
select {
case r := <- results:
if !r {
My question is - What would happen if I return while there are goroutines trying to sent their result to the channel? I've made a buffered results channel as seen above so the goroutines wouldn't deadlock while running. What would happen memory-wise when doing this? Will there be a goroutine leakage? What is the idiomatic way of doing something like this?
This is the exact purpose behind cancellable contexts. Take a look at the example for context.WithCancel, it shows how to do exactly what you describe.

Writing Sleep function based on time.After

EDIT: My question is different from How to write my own Sleep function using just time.After? It has a different variant of the code that's not working for a separate reason and I needed explanation as to why.
I'm trying to solve the homework problem here: https://www.golang-book.com/books/intro/10 (Write your own Sleep function using time.After).
Here's my attempt so far based on the examples discussed in that chapter:
package main
import (
func myOwnSleep(duration int) {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(duration)):
func main() {
go myOwnSleep(3)
var input string
My thought process is that the infinite for will keep executing the select statement's default until the time.After function's returned channel talks. Problem with the current code being, the latter does not happen, while the default statement is called infinitely.
What am I doing wrong?
In each iteration of your for loop the select statement is executed which involves evaluating the channel operands.
In each iteration time.After() will be called and a new channel will be created!
And if duration is more than 0, this channel is not ready to receive from, so the default case will be executed. This channel will not be tested/checked again, the next iteration creates a new channel which will again not be ready to receive from, so the default case is chosen again - as always.
The solution is really simple though as can be seen in this answer:
func Sleep(sec int) {
<-time.After(time.Second* time.Duration(sec))
Fixing your variant:
If you want to make your variant work, you have to create one channel only (using time.After()), store the returned channel value, and always check this channel. And if the channel "kicks in" (a value is received from it), you must return from your function because more values will not be received from it and so your loop will remain endless!
func myOwnSleep(duration int) {
ch := time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(duration))
for {
select {
case <-ch:
return // MUST RETURN, else endless loop!
Note that though until a value is received from the channel, this function will not "rest" and just execute code relentlessly - loading one CPU core. This might even give you trouble if only 1 CPU core is available (runtime.GOMAXPROCS()), other goroutines (including the one that will (or would) send the value on the channel) might get blocked and never executed. A sleep (e.g. time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)) could release the CPU core from doing endless work (and allow other goroutines to run).

Catching return values from goroutines

The below code gives compilation error saying 'unexpected go':
x := go doSomething(arg)
func doSomething(arg int) int{
return my_int_value
I know, I can fetch the return value if I call the function normally i.e. without using goroutine or I can use channels etc.
My question is why is it not possible to fetch a return value like this from a goroutine.
Why is it not possible to fetch a return value from a goroutine assigning it to a variable?
Run goroutine (asynchronously) and fetch return value from function are essentially contradictory actions. When you say go you mean "do it asynchronously" or even simpler: "Go on! Don't wait for the function execution be finished". But when you assign function return value to a variable you are expecting to have this value within the variable. So when you do that x := go doSomething(arg) you are saying: "Go on, don't wait for the function! Wait-wait-wait! I need a returned value be accessible in x var right in the next line below!"
The most natural way to fetch a value from a goroutine is channels. Channels are the pipes that connect concurrent goroutines. You can send values into channels from one goroutine and receive those values into another goroutine or in a synchronous function. You could easily obtain a value from a goroutine not breaking concurrency using select:
func main() {
c1 := make(chan string)
c2 := make(chan string)
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
c1 <- "one"
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
c2 <- "two"
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// Await both of these values
// simultaneously, printing each one as it arrives.
select {
case msg1 := <-c1:
fmt.Println("received", msg1)
case msg2 := <-c2:
fmt.Println("received", msg2)
The example is taken from Go By Example
CSP & message-passing
Go is largerly based on CSP theory. The naive description from above could be precisely outlined in terms of CSP (although I believe it is out of scope of the question). I strongly recommend to familiarize yourself with CSP theory at least because it is RAD. These short quotations give a direction of thinking:
As its name suggests, CSP allows the description of systems in terms of component processes that operate independently, and interact with each other solely through message-passing communication.
In computer science, message passing sends a message to a process and relies on the process and the supporting infrastructure to select and invoke the actual code to run. Message passing differs from conventional programming where a process, subroutine, or function is directly invoked by name.
The strict answer is that you can do that. It's just probably not a good idea. Here's code that would do that:
var x int
go func() {
x = doSomething()
This will spawn off a new goroutine which will calculate doSomething() and then assign the result to x. The problem is: how are you going to use x from the original goroutine? You probably want to make sure the spawned goroutine is done with it so that you don't have a race condition. But if you want to do that, you'll need a way to communicate with the goroutine, and if you've got a way to do that, why not just use it to send the value back?
The idea of the go keyword is that you run the doSomething function asynchronously, and continue the current goroutine without waiting for the result, kind of like executing a command in a Bash shell with an '&' after it. If you want to do
x := doSomething(arg)
// Now do something with x
then you need the current goroutine to block until doSomething finishes. So why not just call doSomething in the current goroutine? There are other options (like, doSomething could post a result to a channel, which the current goroutine receives values from) but simply calling doSomething and assigning the result to a variable is obviously simpler.
It's a design choice by Go creators. There's a whole lot of abstractions/APIs to represent the value of async I/O operations - promise, future, async/await, callback, observable, etc. These abstractions/APIs are inherently tied to the unit of scheduling - coroutines - and these abstractions/APIs dictate how coroutines (or more precisely the return value of async I/O represented by them) can be composed.
Go chose message passing (aka channels) as the abstraction/API to represent the return value of async I/O operations. And of course, goroutines and channels give you a composable tool to implement async I/O operations.
Why not use a channel to write into?
chanRes := make(chan int, 1)
go doSomething(arg, chanRes)
//blocks here or you can use some other sync mechanism (do something else) and wait
x := <- chanRes
func doSomething(arg int, out chan<- int){
out <- my_int_value
