Variable from conditional statement - bash

I have a few scripts I am taking ownership of that use Bash shell, there is a find statement inside a conditional statement.
Something like this:
if [ -z $(find / -type f -perm -002) ] ; then echo "no world writable found"
where as an else I would like to display what was found instead of world write perms found.
I can do:
echo $(find / -type f -perm -002) has world write permissions
or set variable to $(find / -type f -perm -002).
But was wondering if there was a a better way to do this. Is there another way to retrieve the contents of the find statement as a variable?

You just take the output and store it in a variable. If it is not empty you can print its contents. This way you only need to run the command once.
RESULT=$(find / -type f -perm -002)
if [ -z "$RESULT" ]
echo "no world writable found"
echo "$RESULT has world write permissions"

You can use use sed to insert a headline, if you like.
REPORT=$(find /tmp -type f -perm -002 | sed '1s/^/Found world write permissions:\n/')
echo ${REPORT:-No world writable found.}
Notice: your example seems to be broken, because find can return more than one line.
And awk can do both at once:
find /tmp -type f -perm -002 |
awk -- '1{print "Found world write permissions:";print};END{if(NR==0)print "No world writable found."}'

If you don't mind not having the message no world writable found, you can use a single find statement, and that's all:
find / -type f -perm -002 -printf '%p has world write permissions\n'
If you need to store the returned files for future use, store them in an array (assuming Bash):
while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
files+=( "$f" )
# You may also print the message:
printf '%s has world write permissions\n' "$f"
done < <(find / -type f -perm -002 -print0)
# At this point, you have all the found files
# You may print a message if no files were found:
if ((${#files[#]}==0)); then
printf 'No world writable files found\n'
exit 0
# Here you can do some processing with the files found...


How to stop Bash expansion of '*.h" in a function?

In trying to run the following function—Bash is expanding my variable in an unexpected way—thus preventing me from getting my expected result.
It comes down to the way bash deals with a "*.h" which I am passing in to the function.
Here is the function I call:
link_files_of_type_from_directory "*.h" ./..
And where I would expect this variable to stay this way all the way through at some point, by the time it hits the echo $command_to_run; part of my Bash script...this variable has expanded to...
MyHeader1.h MyHeader2.h MyHeader3.h
and so on.
What I want is for Bash to not expand my files so that my code runs the following:
find ./.. -type f -name '*.h'
Instead of
find ./.. -type f -name MyHeader1.h MyHeader2.h MyHeader3.h
This is the code:
function link_files_of_type_from_directory {
local file_type=$1;
local directory_to_link=$2;
echo "File type $file_type";
echo "Directory to link $directory_to_link";
command="find $directory_to_link -type f -name $file_type";
echo $command;
#for i in $(find $directory_to_link -type f -name $file_type);
for i in $command;
echo $i;
if test -e $(basename $i); then
echo $i exists;
echo Linking: $i;
ln -s $i;
How can I prevent the expansion so that Bash does search for files that end in *.h in my the directory I want to pass in?
So I've updated the call to be
link_files_of_type_from_directory "'*.h'" ..
And the function now assembles the string of the command to be evaluated like so:
mmd="find $directory_to_link -type f -name $file_type";
When I echo it out—it's correct :)
find .. -type f -name '*.h'
But I can't seem to get the find command to actually run. Here are the errors / mistakes I'm getting while trying to correctly assemble the for loop:
# for i in '$(mdd)'; # RUNS MMD LITERALLY
# for i in ${!mmd}; # Errors out with: INVALID VARIABLE NAME — find .. -type f -name '*.h':
Would love help on this part—even though it is a different question :)
With quoting of your variables, removed semicolons and your loop wrapped into an -exec action to prevent problems with spaces, tabs and newlines in filenames, your function looks like this:
function link_files_of_type_from_directory {
local file_type=$1
local directory_to_link=$2
echo "File type $file_type"
echo "Directory to link $directory_to_link"
find "$directory_to_link" -type f -name "$file_type" -exec sh -c '
for i do
echo "$i"
if test -e "$(basename "$i")"; then
echo "$i exists"
echo "Linking: $i"
ln -s "$i"
' sh {} +

Count filenumber in directory with blank in its name

If you want a breakdown of how many files are in each dir under your current dir:
for i in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d) ; do
echo -n $i": " ;
(find $i -type f | wc -l) ;
It does not work when the directory name has a blank in the name. Can anyone here tell me how I must edite this shell script so that such directory names also accepted for counting its file contents?
Your code suffers from a common issue described in
In your case you could do this instead:
for i in */; do
echo -n "${i%/}: "
find "$i" -type f | wc -l
This will work with all types of file names:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'printf "%s: %i\n" "$1" "$(find "$1" -type f | wc -l)"' Counter {} \;
How it works
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d
This finds the directories just as you were doing
-exec sh -c 'printf "%s: %i\n" "$1" "$(find "$1" -type f | wc -l)"' Counter {} \;
This feeds each directory name to a shell script which counts the files, similarly to what you were doing.
There are some tricks here: Counter {} are passed as arguments to the shell script. Counter becomes $0 (which is only used if the shell script generates an error. find replaces {} with the name of a directory it found and this will be available to the shell script as $1. This is done is a way that is safe for all types of file names.
Note that, wherever $1 is used in the script, it is inside double-quotes. This protects it for word splitting or other unwanted shell expansions.
I found the solution what I have to consider:
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
for i in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d); do
echo -n " $i: ";
(find $i -type f | wc -l) ;

How to print the number of locations of file found

Prompt the user for a file name, without the path (Ex: xyz.out)
- Using the find command, provide the full path to the file
- At the end, “print number of locations of that file found”
- If it’s not found, then display “not found
and this is my script
#! /bin /bash
echo "please enter your file name"
read filename
if [ -f $filename ];
echo "file $filename found"
find $PWD -type f | grep $filename
#find "$(cd ..; pwd)" -name $filename
echo "file $filename was not found"
but the thing is At the end, i need to “print number of locations of that file found”
help me out with this
Something like this to get the count:
find $PWD -type f -name $filename 2>/dev/null | wc -l
This should work:
find "$PWD" -type f -name "$fname" |grep "" -c
In trying to keep it as short as possible, one approach with Posix shell would be to fill a temporary file with the file names returned by find, cat the file to provide your output, and use wc to provide the line count (note: you use your own pattern instead of "*cmpf*" shown below):
$ find . -name "*cmpf*" -printf "%P\n" >tmp; cat tmp; c=$(wc -l <tmp); \
rm tmp; printf "[%s] files found\n" $c
[6] files found
If bash is available, another approach is to read the matching files into an array and then use the number of elements as your count. Example:
$ a=( $(find . -name "*cmpf*" -printf "%P\n") ); printf "%s\n" ${a[#]}; \
printf -- "--\n'%s' files found.\n" ${#a[#]}
'6' files found.
Both approaches give you both the files and directories in which they reside as well as the count of the files returned.
Note: if you would like ./ before each file and directory names, use the %p format instead of %P above.

Why does this conditional return "No such file or directory"

My conditional works properly when the dirs exist, but if they don't, it seems to execute both then and else statements (is that the correct term?).
if [[ $(find path/to/dir/*[^thisdir] -type d -maxdepth 0) ]]
find path/to/dir/*[^thisdir] -type d -maxdepth 0 -exec mv {} new/location \;
echo "Huzzah!"
echo "hey hey hey"
For the first call, the dirs are there; in the second, they've been moved from the first call.
$ sh
$ sh
find: path/to/dir/*[^thisdir]: No such file or directory
hey hey hey
How can I fix this?
tried suggestion(s)
if [[ -d $(path/to/dir/*[^thisdir]) ]]
find path/to/dir/*[^thisdir] -type d -maxdepth 0 -exec mv {} statamic-1.3-personal/admin/themes \;
echo "Huzzah!"
echo "hey hey hey"
$ sh line 1: path/to/dir/one_of_the_dirs_to_be_moved: is a directory
hey hey hey
There seem to be some errors:
First, the pattern path/to/dir/*[^thisdir] is interpreted in bash in the same manner than path/to/dir/*[^dihstr] mean *all filename ending by d, i, h, s, t or r.
Than if you are searching for something in this dir (path/to/dir) but not on path/to/dir/thisdir, and not on a nth subdir, you could bannish find and write:
Edit: There was an error on my sample too: [ -e $var ] was wrong.
declare -a files=( path/to/dir/!(thisdir) )
if [ -e $files ] ;then
mv -t newlocation "${files[#]}"
echo "Huzzah!"
echo "hey hey hey"
If you need find for searching in subirs, please give us samples and/or more descriptions.
Your error is probably occurring at if [[ $(find path/to/dir/*[^thisdir] -type d -maxdepth 0) ]] and then it goes to else because find errors out.
find wants its directory parameter to exist. Based on what you are trying to do you should probably consider
$(find path/to/dir/ -name "appropriate name pattern" -type d -maxdepth 1)
Also, I'd consider using actual logical function in if. See this for file conditionals.
Try adding a #!/bin/bash on the first line to ensure that it is bash that is executing your script, as recommended by this post:
Why is both the if and else executed?
The OP wishes to move all files excluding thisdir to a new location.
A solution using find would be to exclude thisdir using find's functionality, rather than by using bash's shell expansion:
if [[ $(find path/to/directory/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -name 'thisdir') ]]
find path/to/directory/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -name 'thisdir' -exec mv {} new/location \;
echo "Huzzah!"
echo "hey hey hey"
This has been tested, and works under bash version 4.2.39, and GNU findutils v4.5.10.

Perform an action in every sub-directory using Bash

I am working on a script that needs to perform an action in every sub-directory of a specific folder.
What is the most efficient way to write that?
A version that avoids creating a sub-process:
for D in *; do
if [ -d "${D}" ]; then
echo "${D}" # your processing here
Or, if your action is a single command, this is more concise:
for D in *; do [ -d "${D}" ] && my_command; done
Or an even more concise version (thanks #enzotib). Note that in this version each value of D will have a trailing slash:
for D in */; do my_command; done
for D in `find . -type d`
//Do whatever you need with D
The simplest non recursive way is:
for d in */; do
echo "$d"
The / at the end tells, use directories only.
There is no need for
Use find command.
In GNU find, you can use -execdir parameter:
find . -type d -execdir realpath "{}" ';'
or by using -exec parameter:
find . -type d -exec sh -c 'cd -P "$0" && pwd -P' {} \;
or with xargs command:
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 sh -c 'cd "$0" && pwd && echo Do stuff'
Or using for loop:
for d in */; { echo "$d"; }
For recursivity try extended globbing (**/) instead (enable by: shopt -s extglob).
For more examples, see: How to go to each directory and execute a command? at SO
Handy one-liners
for D in *; do echo "$D"; done
for D in *; do find "$D" -type d; done ### Option A
find * -type d ### Option B
Option A is correct for folders with spaces in between. Also, generally faster since it doesn't print each word in a folder name as a separate entity.
# Option A
$ time for D in ./big_dir/*; do find "$D" -type d > /dev/null; done
real 0m0.327s
user 0m0.084s
sys 0m0.236s
# Option B
$ time for D in `find ./big_dir/* -type d`; do echo "$D" > /dev/null; done
real 0m0.787s
user 0m0.484s
sys 0m0.308s
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 my_command
This will create a subshell (which means that variable values will be lost when the while loop exits):
find . -type d | while read -r dir
This won't:
while read -r dir
done < <(find . -type d)
Either one will work if there are spaces in directory names.
You could try:
### $1 == the first args to this script
### usage: /path/to/dir/
for f in `find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do
cd "$f"
<your job here>
or similar...
find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d :
Only find directories with a maximum recursive depth of 1 (only the subdirectories of $1) and minimum depth of 1 (excludes current folder .)
the accepted answer will break on white spaces if the directory names have them, and the preferred syntax is $() for bash/ksh. Use GNU find -exec option with +; eg
find .... -exec mycommand +; #this is same as passing to xargs
or use a while loop
find .... | while read -r D
# use variable `D` or whatever variable name you defined instead here
if you want to perform an action INSIDE the folder and not ON folder.
Explanation: You have many pdfs and you would like to concetrate them inside a single folder.
my folders
AV 001/
AV 002/
for D in *; do cd "$D"; # VERY
#-- missing "", it will list files too. It can go up too.
for d in */; do cd "$d"; echo $d; cd ..; done; # works
for D in "$(ls -d */)"; do cd "$D"; done; #
bash: cd: $'Athens Voice 001/\nAthens Voice 002/' - there is no such
for D in "$(*/)"; do cd "$D"; done; # bash: Athens
Voice 001/: is folder
for D in "$(`find . -type d`)"; do cd $D; done; # bash: ./Athens: there is no such folder or file
for D in *; do if [ -d "${D}" ] then cd ${D}; done; # many
