Grails 2.3 dependency management maven or BuildConfig - maven

There is a lot of talk about maven being the dependency resolution engine of choice (or Aether more specifically). What is the result of this change from an application development perspective? Going forward am I meant to use an external pom file to capture my dependencies rather than BuildConfig? Do I run create-pom on legacy projects upgraded to 2.3x? Is there a recommended approach?

The recommended approach is to express your dependencies in BuildConfig.groovy and let Grails take care of it from there. You don't need to generate a pom file unless you are trying to integrate your Grails build as part of some other build (like a Maven build). The normal thing to do, unless you have some specific reason to do otherwise, is to use the Grails build system which by default in recent versions will use aether to do the resolution, but that is largely an implementation detail and all you typically have to interact with is BuildConfig.groovy.
I hope that helps.


After making a Gradle groovy jar library how to make it re-usable for multiple local projects?

Here I read about how to make a Groovy library .jar ... i.e. pretty much the same as making a Groovy (standalone) project. But I'm not clear what you do then with the resultant .jar...
Say I have two Eclipse "proper"/"standalone" projects (I'm using Groovy for everything) and I want them to share a third Gradle library project of mine as a dependency, which is merely a library of classes... how are my standalone projects expected to find the latest .jar version of the library which they're both using...?
My expectation would be that somehow these versions of the library .jar would have to under GRADLE_USER_HOME (i.e. same location as all other dependency .jars).
Then I would assume that in the build.gradle of both standalone projects you'd have a line like
compile 'mylibrary:mylibrarymodule:3.+'
... of course the first part of these compile directives normally involves a "domain name in reverse" ... and this is normally used by a repository like Maven. How does it work with something which doesn't need to be published?
NB at the time of writing I don't have a Maven account as such and have no idea whether "publication" for re-use of a local common library project like this is essential or not.
Naturally, when I distribute versions of my standalone projects they will need to be packaged up with the library .jar in question.
A link to a how-to for a case like this would be more than welcome: I haven't found it under
If you are developing by yourself, you can use maven-publish plugin to publish your artifacts to local maven repository(you don't have to install maven for this) and on your dependent project you can simply say use mavenLocal repository for dependencies.
If you are on a company, I suggest installing a repository manager and deploy your artifacts to this repository so others can use. You can use their respective plugins to deploy easily. (Gradle Artifactory Plugin, Gradle Nexus Plugin, these are just deployment plugins, you have to setup respository manager to. There are other repository management tools also.) Doing the above process from CI server is the preferred way.
To use latest version of a dependency, you can use Gradle Versions Plugin. If the versioning happen often, using snapshot versions also a possibility.

Grails 2.4 transitive plugin dependencies don't respect the 'exclude' directive

We're currently developing a Grails plugin that is meant to be a shared library of goodies for several different applications. This plug-in does the management around GORM and caching and, as such, it includes both the hibernate plug-in and the cache and cache-ehcache plugins. Hibernate and cache-ehcache plug-ins both want to import the ehcache-core jar dependency, but with different versions. The version of ehcache-core that I want is the one in the cache-ehcache plug-in so I've configured my BuildConfig.groovy like so:
compile(':hibernate:', { excludes 'ehcache-core' })
compile ':cache:1.1.8'
compile ":cache-ehcache:1.0.4"
When running tests in this plug-in everything works just fine. However, once I include this plug-in in one of my real applications the excludes directive seems to be ignored and the transitive dependency on the hibernate plug-in starts pulling in ehcache-core. Having two versions of ehcache-core breaks many different aspects.
I've checked the grails dependency-report for my applications and it shows the chain of dependencies from my app -> my utility plugin -> hibernate plugin -> ehcache-core intact. The same dependency report run on the plug-in itself just points to the hibernate plug-in and then stops with no dependency on ehcache-core.
Anyone out there have any ideas as to why the dependency exclusion works while running the plug-in, but not while running the application that depends on the plug-in?
This is due to the change to the Maven/Aether dependency manager library. It's somewhat less buggy than Ivy and significantly faster, but is missing a lot of features that many of us are used to. One easy fix is to switch back to the Ivy resolver. You would only need to do that for the plugings when publishing, but not necessarily when using them since you need a defailed .pom file with exclusions listed so the consuming dependency manager knows what to ignore. If you use Aether the .pom files only include dependencies.
EDIT: I was focusing on the correctness of the pom files, and or course exclusions like this should work (although it'd be better to have correct poms and not have to force every user to fix this on their end.)
The issue might be that your group or name are different (e.g, "cache" vs. "ehcache"), and then they cant evict/exclude another. Or the jar might be coming from a different dependency and they exclusions are not global. There may be a way to set a global exclusion, but I don't know of one and there's nothing in the docs.

Find dependant (reverse dependencies) in maven project

I'm trying to find a command that does the opposite of mvn dependency:tree. I want to find out all the projects that depend on a specific module. As trivial as it may sound, I couldn't find such thing.
The use case is in order to find, in a very large project, if I can delete a module or if there are other modules that use it as their dependency.
Try this:
mvn dependency:tree -Dincludes=module
Where module is the dependency you're interested in. You should get the list of libraries that depend on the module you've specified, either directly or transitively.
Although outdated since the question is from 2014, I was looking for something similar:
matching dependencies (f.e. junit) to a list of projects (f.e. maven-compiler-plugin 3.6.0) in use, which should give a list of dependent dependencies currently in use (f.e. junit 4.12). That should point us (for our own projects) to outdated dependencies (f.e. junit 3.8). This will be used for the undeployment of overgrown services (in this case).
Since I was unable to find an automated version (other than manual nexus/repo-plugins or maven-dependency-greps), I wrote a small java tool: reverseDependencies. Feel free to use if you come across a similar task. Note: it will check against the online Nexus-like repository or cache file that you specify.
This is something that is not part of Maven. But it can be implemented in Maven repositories like Nexus and Bintray. The closest I've found is in Bintray and its Build Integration.
But since my clients are using different Maven repositories I needed something that works for any repository. So I created Pom Dependency Analyzer Web that can keep track of dependents, and dependencies.

Is Maven a framework that provides mainly an archetype like domain.controller-view in grails?

I´ve been reading lot about, but since there are several web frameworks that uses Maven for the project, I got confused, so I´m not entirely sure if Maven is an archetype that defines an schema to start developing apps by following good practices, or is just some piece of sdk that converts my code to bytecode. Thanks in advance to anyone who can drag me out of my confusion and gave me the required info. BTW is that rigth to say an archetype is a directory structure?
I am not sure if you are reading enough about maven, Maven is a build system which can help you build your application, manage your dependencies, run your tests, create reports and many other things.
First link in google result is
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage
a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of
Each application has many dependencies and many small tasks that needs to be done before you can run your application, developers define them in a file called POM and that will be a instruction for Maven to build the application. Maven can do pretty much everything other than writing your code. In that sense it is like Genie in the story of Aladdin, you wish for something it will bring it for you.
There is a Grails maven plugin that can populate Grails project with the same convention that Grails uses. It can work with Grails to execute your commands and many other. More importantly it will manage your dependencies.

what is the use of Maven in seleniumRC or WebDriver?

Can anyone explain me, for what purpose we will use Maven with seleniumRC or WebDriver? Is it like ANT - build.xml?
Your help will kindly appreciated!!
Maven's original purpose was to handle transitive dependency management, so a developer needed only specify their "top-level" dependencies (e.g., I need Spring version n.n and webdriver version x.y).
Those dependencies have their own dependencies. Resolving those manually for all but trivial projects is difficult and error-prone. Using Maven we can make things difficult and error-prone automatically.
Kidding aside, Maven provides a lot of functionality out-of-the-box that would make for a very large Ant build.xml. Maven does handle the build process, but it also downloads your dependencies, resolves transitive dependencies, runs your tests, generates reports and a project website, and a million other things through its plugins.
Check out the docs on the Maven web site, particularly the Maven in 5 Minutes page to get started.
