After making a Gradle groovy jar library how to make it re-usable for multiple local projects? - gradle

Here I read about how to make a Groovy library .jar ... i.e. pretty much the same as making a Groovy (standalone) project. But I'm not clear what you do then with the resultant .jar...
Say I have two Eclipse "proper"/"standalone" projects (I'm using Groovy for everything) and I want them to share a third Gradle library project of mine as a dependency, which is merely a library of classes... how are my standalone projects expected to find the latest .jar version of the library which they're both using...?
My expectation would be that somehow these versions of the library .jar would have to under GRADLE_USER_HOME (i.e. same location as all other dependency .jars).
Then I would assume that in the build.gradle of both standalone projects you'd have a line like
compile 'mylibrary:mylibrarymodule:3.+'
... of course the first part of these compile directives normally involves a "domain name in reverse" ... and this is normally used by a repository like Maven. How does it work with something which doesn't need to be published?
NB at the time of writing I don't have a Maven account as such and have no idea whether "publication" for re-use of a local common library project like this is essential or not.
Naturally, when I distribute versions of my standalone projects they will need to be packaged up with the library .jar in question.
A link to a how-to for a case like this would be more than welcome: I haven't found it under

If you are developing by yourself, you can use maven-publish plugin to publish your artifacts to local maven repository(you don't have to install maven for this) and on your dependent project you can simply say use mavenLocal repository for dependencies.
If you are on a company, I suggest installing a repository manager and deploy your artifacts to this repository so others can use. You can use their respective plugins to deploy easily. (Gradle Artifactory Plugin, Gradle Nexus Plugin, these are just deployment plugins, you have to setup respository manager to. There are other repository management tools also.) Doing the above process from CI server is the preferred way.
To use latest version of a dependency, you can use Gradle Versions Plugin. If the versioning happen often, using snapshot versions also a possibility.


Does "build with local dependencies" exist in Maven without multi-module?

I have a set of applications, all use Maven and the local repository. The applications form a dependency tree using <dependency> in their pom.xml. All of these projects have -SNAPSHOT in their version.
Is it possible for Maven (or some compatible dependency manager) to build an application together with all of its local dependencies whose source changed?
I do not want to create a multi-module project, because:
the projects are exactly libraries, not modules;
I do not want an additional complexity just to have a form of build which is already precisely defined;
I want the process to be dynamic: if a library is mature enough to be put into a remote repository, it would be no more rebuilt with the main project and that's ok.
For now, there is a lot of refactoring, moving code from one library to another etc. and it happens often that substantial parts of the dependency tree need to be rebuilt. I thus need to manually write mvn install in several projects in order to assure that there is no stale code.
No, it doesn't work. Even with a multi-module project, maven does not detect which modules have changed sources in it and which do not.
There was a (flaky) implementation in Maven 2, but it was not continued in 3.x, see How to get maven 3.0 to only build modules with local scm changes
I hoped they would include it again in maven 4, but I didn't see it yet:
I once did a similar setup, but had to use shell scripts with some git magic to get it working.
You can also decide to put your libraries in separate repo's from the start, and use the repo tool that google uses for android development:
Once you run mvn install on the particular Maven project, it will be accessible for all other Maven projects, which are on the same workstation, during dependency collection (before the compile phase).
Official Maven Build Lifecycle description:
install - install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
It's not necessary to keep libraries as part of the same project(or have it as a multi-module project). But once you want to share those libraries with your teammates, you would need either to force them installing libraries locally (as you did), or store those libraries at some external repo, like Artifactory or Nexus

Confused with maven assembly plugin vs build-helper-maven:attach-artifact

I'm a bit confused between maven assembly plugin and build-helper-maven plugin.
I've also read in the maven documentation that The assemblies/archive created by the Assembly Plugin gets deployed during the deployed phase.Hence, they can be deployed to the remote nexus repositories.
The purpose of maven assembly plugin is to archive many things into one(say in tar.gz format).
However, the attach-artifact goal present within build-helper-maven plugin has the same role i.e.archiving,installing and deploying the artifact.
With that being said,why would anyone use both of them together? I've seen people using both of them together. Isn't one of the plugins an alternative choice of the other?
Kindly advise.
If you use maven-assembly-plugin you can create as you already mentioned any kind of archives (range from very simple to very complex structures) they will be by default be attached to your project which means they will be deployed into remote repositories in one go if you do mvn deploy with no supplemental configuration.
The build-helper-maven-plugin is intended to add an artifact (one goal of this plugin) which is usually not generated by Maven itself which most of the cases is a smell. If people using them together (in the use case to create an archive and attach it) this makes no sense.
Apart from that the build-helper-maven-plugin can also be used to add other source directories for example for scala, kotlin projects (other goals for example add-source etc.)
So those plugins are not alternatives they have different intentions/use cases.

Alternate solution to the Maven Shade plugin in order to deploy a list of shared libraries in the Cargo plugin?

I need to execute non-regression tests on a system made of a set of Web Applications and shared libraries. I currently use the Maven Cargo plugin in order to deploy this system on an Apache Tomcat Web Container.
Up to now, the shared libraries, which are also used in the production environment, were referenced in a Maven BOM file, and then "imported" by other Maven projects. For instance, they are imported by the Maven projects that take care of the distribution of the software.
However, this approach does not work with the Cargo plugin, because this plugin seems not to support the import of the materials declared in a BOM file. As a workaround to this issue, I've used the Maven Shade plugin in order to produce an "uber" jar with all these shared libraries. This is working perfectly well, but I'm not 100% satisfied with this workaround, for the same reasons as those reported in What is the maven-shade-plugin used for, and why would you want to relocate java packages?
As there any other alternate approach to this issue (EAR not supported in our environment) ?

Statically linking maven and gradle dependencies

I am using the hector & astyanax projects. These projects used to require maven, and now astyanax requires gradle.
I would like to statically link one of these projects to my java project (which is not built using maven/gradle). I am not interested in updating the version of astyanax every time they make a new release. I am not interested in mavenizing/gradelizing my own project.
So, two problems arise: 1. Getting the astyanax jars. 2. Getting the depenedency Jars.
At first, not having time to thoroughly understand maven (get off my lawn!), I copied all of the jar files in my global .maven directory into my project, and linked to them. Problem is, it's a pretty messy solution.
Is there an easier way to get all jars needed to use a gradle/maven library? (While I don't mind using gradle to build astyanax, I don't want to use it to build my own project).
Getting jars for distribution, seems like a very basic use case, am I missing a simple way here?
astyanax is published to maven central as Any build tool (Grails, Maven, Gradle, Buildr, SBT) that resolves from Maven can make a dependency on Astyanax and have its dependencies transitively downloaded. That fact that it's built with Gradle doesn't change how it's consumed.
From your question, it's unclear how you want to resolve these libraries. If you don't want to use a tool (Grails, Maven, Gradle, Buildr, SBT), then you'll have to manually navigate every dependencies and its dependencies from Maven Central. It's quite uncommon for a modern java project to manually download dependencies anymore, the practicalness given the complex dependencies graph make it prohibitive.

How to make my maven project depend on non maven projects?

I want to create a maven project, which has to depend on a non maven project which in turn depends on 2 other non maven projects. I do not have ownership of any of the other projects and it would not be possible for me to change anything in those projects let alone the structure to conform to the maven structure.
I asked if I could just get jars -- but was told that because of multiple levels of dependency, it would be "difficult" -- although I haven't understood why.
Is this possible or should I just abandon the use of maven to create my project and go with a regular project with jars in the lib folder?
If you can go with a regular project build that means you must have access to the other project's jar files?
It doesn't really matter how the other project builds them, you can still gain more control over your own build process by loading the jars you depend on into a Maven repository.
I'd suggest using one of the following repository managers:
They'll give you management screens to uploading 3rd party jars, they'll also a more efficient way to use other Maven repositories like Maven Central.
Once you've got your Maven build process working, you could encourage the other projects to automatically publish their versions into your Maven repo.
They could use the ANT tasks provided by the Maven or Apache ivy projects. Worst case you just continue to load their libraries until they see the light :-)
