Use variables outside the subprocess in bash - bash

There's a getStrings() function that calls getPage() function that returns some html page. That html is piped through egrep and sed combination to get only 3 strings. Then I try to put every string into separate variable link, profile, gallery respectively using while read.. construction. But it works only inside the while...done loop because it runs in subprocess. What should I do to use those variables outside the getStrings() function?
getStrings() {
local i=2
local C=0
getPage $(getPageLink 1 $i) |
egrep *some expression that results in 3 strings* |
while read line; do
if (( (C % 3) == 0 )); then
elif (( (C % 3) == 1 )); then
C=$((C+1)) #Counter

Simple: don't run the loop in a subprocess :)
To actually accomplish that, you can use process substitution.
while read line; do
done < <(getPage $(getPageLink 1 $i) | egrep ...)
For the curious, a POSIX-compatible way is to use a named pipe (and its possible that bash uses named pipes to implement process substitution):
mkfifo pipe
getPage $(getPageLink 1 $i) | egrep ... > pipe &
while read line; do
done < pipe
Starting in bash 4.2, you can just set the lastpipe option, which causes the last command in a pipeline to run in the current shell, rather than a subshell.
shopt -s lastpipe
getPage $(getPageLink 1 $i) | egrep ... | while read line; do
However, using a while loop is not the best way to set the three variables. It's easier to just call read three times within a command group, so that they all read from the same stream. In any of the three scenarios above, replace the while loop with
{ read link; read profile; read gallery; }
If you want to be a little more flexible, put the names of the variables you might want to read in an array:
fields=( link profile gallery )
then replace the while loop with this for loop instead:
for var in "${fields[#]}"; do read $var; done
This lets you easily adjust your code, should the pipeline ever return more or fewer lines, by just editing the fields array to have the appropriate field names.

One more solving using array:
getStrings() {
array_3=( `getPage | #some function
egrep | ...` ) #pipe conveyor


Bash: Issue when iterating string with lines [duplicate]

I have a JSON data as follows in data.json file
I want to iterate through the array and extract the value for each element in a loop. I saw jq. I find it difficult to use it to iterate. How can I do that?
Just use a filter that would return each item in the array. Then loop over the results, just make sure you use the compact output option (-c) so each result is put on a single line and is treated as one item in the loop.
jq -c '.[]' input.json | while read i; do
# do stuff with $i
By leveraging the power of Bash arrays, you can do something like:
# read each item in the JSON array to an item in the Bash array
readarray -t my_array < <(jq --compact-output '.[]' input.json)
# iterate through the Bash array
for item in "${my_array[#]}"; do
original_name=$(jq --raw-output '.original_name' <<< "$item")
changed_name=$(jq --raw-output '.changed_name' <<< "$item")
# do your stuff
jq has a shell formatting option: #sh.
You can use the following to format your json data as shell parameters:
cat data.json | jq '. | map([.original_name, .changed_name])' | jq #sh
The output will look like:
"'pdf_convert' 'pdf_convert_1'"
"'video_encode' 'video_encode_1'",
"'video_transcode' 'video_transcode_1'"
To process each row, we need to do a couple of things:
Set the bash for-loop to read the entire row, rather than stopping at the first space (default behavior).
Strip the enclosing double-quotes off of each row, so each value can be passed as a parameter to the function which processes each row.
To read the entire row on each iteration of the bash for-loop, set the IFS variable, as described in this answer.
To strip off the double-quotes, we'll run it through the bash shell interpreter using xargs:
stripped=$(echo $original | xargs echo)
Putting it all together, we have:
function processRow() {
IFS=$'\n' # Each iteration of the for loop should read until we find an end-of-line
for row in $(cat data.json | jq '. | map([.original_name, .changed_name])' | jq #sh)
# Run the row through the shell interpreter to remove enclosing double-quotes
stripped=$(echo $row | xargs echo)
# Call our function to process the row
# eval must be used to interpret the spaces in $stripped as separating arguments
eval processRow $stripped
unset IFS # Return IFS to its original value
From Iterate over json array of dates in bash (has whitespace)
items=$(echo "$JSON_Content" | jq -c -r '.[]')
for item in ${items[#]}; do
echo $item
# whatever you are trying to do ...
Try Build it around this example. (Source: Original Site)
jq '[foreach .[] as $item ([[],[]]; if $item == null then [[],.[0]] else [(.[0] + [$item]),[]] end; if $item == null then .[1] else empty end)]'
Input [1,2,3,4,null,"a","b",null]
Output [[1,2,3,4],["a","b"]]
None of the answers here worked for me, out-of-the-box.
What did work was a combination of a few:
projectList=$(echo "$projRes" | jq -c '.projects[]')
IFS=$'\n' # Read till newline
for project in ${projectList[#]}; do
projectId=$(jq '.id' <<< "$project")
projectName=$(jq -r '.name' <<< "$project")
unset IFS
NOTE: I'm not using the same data as the question does, in this example assume projRes is the output from an API that gives us a JSON list of projects, eg:
"projects": [
... // array of projects
An earlier answer in this thread suggested using jq's foreach, but that may be much more complicated than needed, especially given the stated task. Specifically, foreach (and reduce) are intended for certain cases where you need to accumulate results.
In many cases (including some cases where eventually a reduction step is necessary), it's better to use .[] or map(_). The latter is just another way of writing [.[] | _] so if you are going to use jq, it's really useful to understand that .[] simply creates a stream of values.
For example, [1,2,3] | .[] produces a stream of the three values.
To take a simple map-reduce example, suppose you want to find the maximum length of an array of strings. One solution would be [ .[] | length] | max.
Here is a simple example that works in zch shell:
arr=$(echo $DOMAINS | jq -c '.[]')
for d in $arr; do
printf "Here is your domain: ${d}\n"
I stopped using jq and started using jp, since JMESpath is the same language as used by the --query argument of my cloud service and I find it difficult to juggle both languages at once. You can quickly learn the basics of JMESpath expressions here:
Since you didn't specifically ask for a jq answer but instead, an approach to iterating JSON in bash, I think it's an appropriate answer.
Style points:
I use backticks and those have fallen out of fashion. You can substitute with another command substitution operator.
I use cat to pipe the input contents into the command. Yes, you can also specify the filename as a parameter, but I find this distracting because it breaks my left-to-right reading of the sequence of operations. Of course you can update this from my style to yours.
set -u has no function in this solution, but is important if you are fiddling with bash to get something to work. The command forces you to declare variables and therefore doesn't allow you to misspell a variable name.
Here's how I do it:
set -u
# exploit the JMESpath length() function to get a count of list elements to iterate
export COUNT=`cat data.json | jp "length( [*] )"`
# The `seq` command produces the sequence `0 1 2` for our indexes
# The $(( )) operator in bash produces an arithmetic result ($COUNT minus one)
for i in `seq 0 $((COUNT - 1))` ; do
# The list elements in JMESpath are zero-indexed
echo "Here is element $i:"
cat data.json | jp "[$i]"
# Add or replace whatever operation you like here.
Now, it would also be a common use case to pull the original JSON data from an online API and not from a local file. In that case, I use a slightly modified technique of caching the full result in a variable:
set -u
# cache the JSON content in a stack variable, downloading it only once
export DATA=`api --profile foo compute instance list --query "bar"`
export COUNT=`echo "$DATA" | jp "length( [*] )"`
for i in `seq 0 $((COUNT - 1))` ; do
echo "Here is element $i:"
echo "$DATA" | jp "[$i]"
This second example has the added benefit that if the data is changing rapidly, you are guaranteed to have a consistent count between the elements you are iterating through, and the elements in the iterated data.
This is what I have done so far
arr=$(echo "$array" | jq -c -r '.[]')
for item in ${arr[#]}; do
original_name=$(echo $item | jq -r '.original_name')
changed_name=$(echo $item | jq -r '.changed_name')
echo $original_name $changed_name

How to iterate over multiple variables and echo them using Shell Script?

Consider the below variables which are dynamic and might change each time. Sometimes there might even be 5 variables, But the length of all the variables will be the same every time.
var1='a b c d e... upto z'
var2='1 2 3 4 5... upto 26'
var3='I II III IV V... upto XXVI'
I am looking for a generalized approach to iterate the variables in a for loop & My desired output should be like below.
goes on upto
If I use nested loops, then I get all possible combinations which is not the expected outcome.
Also, I know how to make this work for 2 variables using for loop and shift using below link
With paste
paste -d , <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var1") <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var2") <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var3")
But clearly having to add other parameter substitutions for more varN's is not scalable.
You need to "zip" two variables at a time.
var1='a b c d e...z'
var2='1 2 3 4 5...26'
var3='I II III IV V...XXVI'
zip_var1_var2 () {
set $var1
for v2 in $var2; do
echo "$1,$v2"
zip_var12_var3 () {
set $(zip_var1_var2)
for v3 in $var3; do
echo "$1,$v3"
for x in $(zip_var12_var3); do
echo "$x"
If you are willing to use eval and are sure it is safe to do so, you can write a single function like
zip () {
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
eval echo \$$1
set $(eval echo \$$a1)
for v in $(zip $x); do
printf '=== %s\n' "$1,$v" >&2
echo "$1,$v"
zip var1 var2 var3 # Note the arguments are the *names* of the variables to zip
If you can use arrays, then (for example, in bash)
var1=(a b c d e)
var2=(1 2 3 4 5)
var3=(I II III IV V)
for i in "${!var1[#]}"; do
printf '%s,%s,%s\n' "${var1[i]}" "${var2[i]}" "${var3[i]}"
Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -le '#in = map { [split] } #ARGV; for $i ( 0..$#{ $in[0] } ) { print join ",", map { $in[$_][$i] } 0..$#in; }' "$var1" "$var2" "$var3"
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-l : Strip the input line separator ("\n" on *NIX by default) before executing the code in-line, and append it when printing.
The input variables must be quoted with double quotes "like so", to keep the blank-separated words from being treated as separate arguments.
#ARGV is an array of the command line arguments, here $var1, $var2, $var3.
#in is an array of 3 elements, each element being a reference to an array obtained as a result of splitting the corresponding element of #ARGV on whitespace. Note that split splits the string on whitespace by default, but you can specify a different delimiter, it accepts regexes.
The subsequent for loop prints #in elements separated by comma.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
perldoc perlvar: Perl predefined variables
The following is (almost) a copy of this answer with a few tweaks that make it fit this question.
The Original Question
First let’s assign a few variables to play with, 26 tokens in each of them:
var1="$(echo {a..z})"
var2="$(echo {1..26})"
var3="$(echo I II III IV \
var4="$(echo {A..Z})"
var5="$(echo {010101..262626..10101})"
Now we want a “magic” function that zips an arbitrary number of variables, ideally in pure Bash:
zip_vars var1 # a trivial test
zip_vars var{1..2} # a slightly less trivial test
zip_vars var{1..3} # the original question
zip_vars var{1..4} # more vars, becasuse we can
zip_vars var{1..5} # more vars, because why not
What could zip_vars look like? Here’s one in pure Bash, without any external commands:
zip_vars() {
local var
for var in "$#"; do
local -a "array_${var}"
local -n array_ref="array_${var}"
local -ar "array_${var}"
local -n array_ref="array_${1}"
local -ir size="${#array_ref[#]}"
local -i i
local output
for ((i = 0; i < size; ++i)); do
for var in "$#"; do
local -n array_ref="array_${var}"
printf '%s\n' "${output:1}"
How it works:
It splits all variables (passed by reference (by variable name)) into arrays. For each variable varX it creates a local array array_varX.
It would be actually way easier if the input variables were already Bash arrays to start with (see below), but … we stick with the original question initially.
It determines the size of the first array and then blindly expects all arrays to be of that size.
For each index i from 0 to size - 1 it concatenates the ith elements of all arrays, separated by ,.
Arrays Make Things Easier
If you use Bash arrays from the very start, the script will be shorter and look simpler and there won’t be any string-to-array conversions.
zip_arrays() {
local -n array_ref="$1"
local -ir size="${#array_ref[#]}"
local -i i
local output
for ((i = 0; i < size; ++i)); do
for arr in "$#"; do
local -n array_ref="$arr"
printf '%s\n' "${output:1}"
arr3=( I II III IV
zip_arrays arr1 # a trivial test
zip_arrays arr{1..2} # a slightly less trivial test
zip_arrays arr{1..3} # (almost) the original question
zip_arrays arr{1..4} # more arrays, becasuse we can
zip_arrays arr{1..5} # more arrays, because why not

Bash command to read a line based on the parameters I pass - perform column-based lookups

I have a file links.txt:
So, if i pass 1,4 as parameters to another file(, and should be stored in a variable.
sed '3!d' would print the 3rd line, but not the line that starts with 3. For that, you need sed '/^3 /!d'. The problem is you can't combine them for more lines, as this means "Delete everything that doesn't start with a 3", which means all other lines will be missed. So, use sed -n '/^3 /p' instead, i.e. don't print by default and tell sed what lines to print, not what lines to delete.
You can loop over the argument and create a sed script from them that prints the lines, then run sed using this output:
for id in "$#" ; do
echo "/^$id /p"
done | sed -nf- "$file"
Run as filename 3 4.
If you want to remove the id from the output, you can either use
cut -f2 -d' '
or you can modify the generated sed script to do the work
echo "/^$id /s/.* //p"
i.e. only print if the substitution was successful.
This loops through each argument and greps for it in the links file. The result is piped into cut where we specify the delimiter as a space with -d flag and the field number as 2 with -f flag. Finally this is appended to the array called files.
for arg in $#; do
files=("${files[#]}" `grep "^$arg" "$links" | cut -d" " -f2`)
echo ${files[#]}
$ ./ 1 4
As pointed out by mklement0, the solution above reads the file once per arg. The following first builds the pattern then reads the file just once.
for arg in ${#:2}; do
files=$(grep -E "$pattern" "$links" | cut -d" " -f2)
echo ${files[#]}
$ ./ 1 4
Here is another example with grep and cut:
for line in $(grep "$1\|$2" links.txt|cut -d' ' -f2)
echo $line
Example of usage:
./ 1 4
Why not just stores the values and call them at will:
while read -r num file
for arg
echo "${items[arg]}"
Now you can use the items array any time you like :)
The following awk solution:
preserves the argument order; that is, the results reflect the order in which the lookup values were specified (as opposed to the order in which the lookup values happen to occur in the file).
If that is not important (i.e., if outputting the results in file order is acceptable), the readarray technique below can be combined with this one-liner, which is a generalized variant of Panta's answer:
grep -f <(printf "^%s\n" "$#") links.txt | cut -d' ' -f2-
performs well, because the input file is only read once; the only requirement is that all key-value pairs fit into memory as a whole (as a single associative Awk array (dictionary)).
works with any lookup values that don't have embedded whitespace.
Similarly, the assumption is that the output column values (containing values such as in the sample input) have no embedded whitespace. awk doesn't handle quoted fields well, so more work would be needed.
readarray -t files < <(
awk -v idList="$*" '
BEGIN { count=split(idList, idArr); for (i in idArr) idDict[idArr[i]]++ }
$1 in idDict { idDict[$1] = $2 }
END { for (i=1; i<=count; ++i) print idDict[idArr[i]] }
' links.txt
# Print results.
printf '%s\n' "${files[#]}"
readarray -t files reads stdin input (<) line by line into array variable files.
Note: readarray requires Bash v4+; on Bash 3.x, such as on macOS, replace this part with
IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -ra files
<(...) is a Bash process substitution that, loosely speaking, presents the output from the enclosed command as if it were (self-deleting) temporary file.
This technique allows readarray to run in the current shell (as opposed to a subshell if a pipeline had been used), which is necessary for the files variable to remain defined in the remainder of the script.
The awk command breaks down as follows:
-v idList="$*" passes the space-separated list of all command-line arguments as a single string to Awk variable idList.
Note that this assumes that the arguments have no embedded spaces, which is indeed the case here and also generally the case with identifiers.
BEGIN { ... } is only executed once, before the individual lines are processed:
split(idList, idArr) splits the input ID list into an array by whitespace and stores the result in idArr.
for (i in idArr) idDict[idArr[i]]++ } then converts the (conceptually regular) array into associative array idDict (dictionary), whose keys are the input IDs - this enables efficient lookup by ID later, and also allows storing the lookup result for each ID.
$1 in idDict { idDict[$1] = $2 } is processed for every input line:
Pattern $1 in idDict returns true if the line's first whitespace-separated field ($1) - e.g., 6 - is among the keys (in) of associative array idDict, and, if so, executes the associated action ({...}).
Action { idDict[$1] = $2 } then assigns the second field ($2) - e.g., - to the iDict entry for key $1.
END { ... } is executed once, after all input lines have been processed:
for (i=1; i<=count; ++i) print idDict[idArr[i]] loops over all input IDs in order and prints each ID's lookup result, which is the value of the dictionary entry with that ID.

Integrate bash function return values

I have a function:
something() {
if [ something ]; then
echo "Something.";
return 0;
echo "Not something.";
return 1;
I call it in a loop, it actually validates some files and counts how many files were valid:
find . -type l | while read line ; do something "$line"; done
I need to count how many files were invalid, therefore how many times the function has returned 0. I was thinking about this:
find . -type l | while read line ; do INVALID=$(($INVALID + something "$line")); done
Needless to say, bash doesn't buy it. Note a few things:
The info within something must be print in stdout.
The info print does not always correlate with file validity in my code. It's just info for the user.
The return value isn't directly available for arithmetic like that. You can either call the function then access $?, or branch based on the result of the function, like so:
while IFS= read -r line; do
something "$line" || ((++INVALID))
done < <(find . -type l)
Also note that you can't change variables inside a pipeline. Pipelines run in subshells and have their own copies of variables. You'll need to restructure the loop to run without a pipeline to have the changes to $INVALID stick: change find | loop to loop < <(find).
It's also a good idea to use read -r to disable backslash escapes and clear out $IFS to handle lines with leading whitespace better.

Save a newline separated list into several bash variables

I'm relatively new to shell scripting and am writing a script to organize my music library. I'm using awk to parse the id3 tag info and am generating a newline separated list like so:
Kanye West
College Dropout
All Falls Down
I want to store each field in a separate variable so I can easily compose some mkdir and mv commands. I've tried piping the output to IFS=$'\n' read artist album title but each variable remains empty. I'm open to producing a different output from awk, but I still want to know how to parse a newline separated list using bash.
It turns out that by piping directly to read by doing:
id3info "$filename" | awk "$awkscript" | {read artist; read album; read title;}
WILL NOT WORK. It results in the variables existing in a different scope. I found that using a herestring works best:
{read artist; read album; read title;} <<< "$(id3info "$filename" | awk "$awkscript")"
read normally reads one line at a time. So, if your id3 info is in the file testfile.txt, you can read it in as follows:
{ read artist ; read album ; read song ; } <testfile.txt
echo "artist='$artist' album='$album' song='$song'"
# insert your mkdir and mv commands....
When run on your test file, the above outputs:
artist='Kanye West' album='College Dropout' song='All Falls Down'
You can just read the file into a bash array and loop through the array like so:
IFS=$'\r\n' content=($(cat ${filepath}))
for ((idx = 0; idx < ${#content[#]}; idx+=3)); do
Or read three lines in a loop.
yourscript |
while read artist; do # read first line of input
read album # read second line of input
read song # read third line of input
: self-destruct if the genre is rap
This loop will consume input lines in groups of three. If there is not an even multiple of three lines of input, the reads after that inside the loop will simply fail and the variables will be empty.
You can read the output from awk into an array. E.g.
readarray -t array <<< "$(printf '%s\n' 'Kanye West' 'College Dropout' 'All Falls Down')"
for ((i=0; i<${#array[#]}; i++ )) ; do
echo "array[$i]=${array[$i]}"
array[0]=Kanye West
array[1]=College Dropout
array[2]=All Falls Down
