How to iterate over multiple variables and echo them using Shell Script? - bash

Consider the below variables which are dynamic and might change each time. Sometimes there might even be 5 variables, But the length of all the variables will be the same every time.
var1='a b c d e... upto z'
var2='1 2 3 4 5... upto 26'
var3='I II III IV V... upto XXVI'
I am looking for a generalized approach to iterate the variables in a for loop & My desired output should be like below.
goes on upto
If I use nested loops, then I get all possible combinations which is not the expected outcome.
Also, I know how to make this work for 2 variables using for loop and shift using below link

With paste
paste -d , <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var1") <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var2") <(tr ' ' '\n' <<<"$var3")
But clearly having to add other parameter substitutions for more varN's is not scalable.

You need to "zip" two variables at a time.
var1='a b c d e...z'
var2='1 2 3 4 5...26'
var3='I II III IV V...XXVI'
zip_var1_var2 () {
set $var1
for v2 in $var2; do
echo "$1,$v2"
zip_var12_var3 () {
set $(zip_var1_var2)
for v3 in $var3; do
echo "$1,$v3"
for x in $(zip_var12_var3); do
echo "$x"
If you are willing to use eval and are sure it is safe to do so, you can write a single function like
zip () {
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
eval echo \$$1
set $(eval echo \$$a1)
for v in $(zip $x); do
printf '=== %s\n' "$1,$v" >&2
echo "$1,$v"
zip var1 var2 var3 # Note the arguments are the *names* of the variables to zip
If you can use arrays, then (for example, in bash)
var1=(a b c d e)
var2=(1 2 3 4 5)
var3=(I II III IV V)
for i in "${!var1[#]}"; do
printf '%s,%s,%s\n' "${var1[i]}" "${var2[i]}" "${var3[i]}"

Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -le '#in = map { [split] } #ARGV; for $i ( 0..$#{ $in[0] } ) { print join ",", map { $in[$_][$i] } 0..$#in; }' "$var1" "$var2" "$var3"
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-l : Strip the input line separator ("\n" on *NIX by default) before executing the code in-line, and append it when printing.
The input variables must be quoted with double quotes "like so", to keep the blank-separated words from being treated as separate arguments.
#ARGV is an array of the command line arguments, here $var1, $var2, $var3.
#in is an array of 3 elements, each element being a reference to an array obtained as a result of splitting the corresponding element of #ARGV on whitespace. Note that split splits the string on whitespace by default, but you can specify a different delimiter, it accepts regexes.
The subsequent for loop prints #in elements separated by comma.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
perldoc perlvar: Perl predefined variables

The following is (almost) a copy of this answer with a few tweaks that make it fit this question.
The Original Question
First let’s assign a few variables to play with, 26 tokens in each of them:
var1="$(echo {a..z})"
var2="$(echo {1..26})"
var3="$(echo I II III IV \
var4="$(echo {A..Z})"
var5="$(echo {010101..262626..10101})"
Now we want a “magic” function that zips an arbitrary number of variables, ideally in pure Bash:
zip_vars var1 # a trivial test
zip_vars var{1..2} # a slightly less trivial test
zip_vars var{1..3} # the original question
zip_vars var{1..4} # more vars, becasuse we can
zip_vars var{1..5} # more vars, because why not
What could zip_vars look like? Here’s one in pure Bash, without any external commands:
zip_vars() {
local var
for var in "$#"; do
local -a "array_${var}"
local -n array_ref="array_${var}"
local -ar "array_${var}"
local -n array_ref="array_${1}"
local -ir size="${#array_ref[#]}"
local -i i
local output
for ((i = 0; i < size; ++i)); do
for var in "$#"; do
local -n array_ref="array_${var}"
printf '%s\n' "${output:1}"
How it works:
It splits all variables (passed by reference (by variable name)) into arrays. For each variable varX it creates a local array array_varX.
It would be actually way easier if the input variables were already Bash arrays to start with (see below), but … we stick with the original question initially.
It determines the size of the first array and then blindly expects all arrays to be of that size.
For each index i from 0 to size - 1 it concatenates the ith elements of all arrays, separated by ,.
Arrays Make Things Easier
If you use Bash arrays from the very start, the script will be shorter and look simpler and there won’t be any string-to-array conversions.
zip_arrays() {
local -n array_ref="$1"
local -ir size="${#array_ref[#]}"
local -i i
local output
for ((i = 0; i < size; ++i)); do
for arr in "$#"; do
local -n array_ref="$arr"
printf '%s\n' "${output:1}"
arr3=( I II III IV
zip_arrays arr1 # a trivial test
zip_arrays arr{1..2} # a slightly less trivial test
zip_arrays arr{1..3} # (almost) the original question
zip_arrays arr{1..4} # more arrays, becasuse we can
zip_arrays arr{1..5} # more arrays, because why not


how to assign each of multiple lines in a file as different variable?

this is probably a very simple question. I looked at other answers but couldn't come up with a solution. I have a 365 line date file. file as below,
I need to read this file line by line and assign each day to a separate variable. like this,
I tried while read commands but couldn't get them to work.It takes a lot of time to shoot one by one. How can I do it quickly?
Trying to create named variable out of an associative array, is time waste and not supported de-facto. Better use this, using an associative array:
declare -A array
while read -r line; do
printf -v key 'd%03d' $((++c))
done < file
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do echo "key=$i value=${array[$i]}"; done
key=d001 value=01-01-2000
key=d002 value=02-01-2000
an array is acceptable
array index should start with 1
Sample input:
$ cat sample.dat
One bash/mapfile option:
unset d # make sure variable is not currently in use
mapfile -t -O1 d < sample.dat # load each line from file into separate array location
This generates:
$ typeset -p d
declare -a d=([1]="01-01-2000" [2]="02-01-2000" [3]="03-01-2000" [4]="04-01-2000" [5]="05-01-2000")
$ for i in "${!d[#]}"; do echo "d[$i] = ${d[i]}"; done
d[1] = 01-01-2000
d[2] = 02-01-2000
d[3] = 03-01-2000
d[4] = 04-01-2000
d[5] = 05-01-2000
In OP's code, references to $d001 now become ${d[1]}.
A quick one-liner would be:
eval $(awk 'BEGIN{cnt=0}{printf "d%3.3d=\"%s\"\n",cnt,$0; cnt++}' your_file)
eval makes the shell variables known inside your script or shell. Use echo $d000 to show the first one of the newly defined variables. There should be no shell special characters (like * and $) inside your_file. Remove eval $() to see the result of the awk command. The \" quoted %s is to allow spaces in the variable values. If you don't have any spaces in your_file you can remove the \" before and after %s.

Parse filename string and extract parent at specific level using shell

I have a filename as a string, say filname="a/b/c/d.png".
Is there a general method to extract the parent directory at a given level using ONLY shell parameter expansion?
I.e. I would like to extract "level 1" and return c or "level 2" and return b.
Explicitly, I DO NOT want to get the entire parent path (i.e. a/b/c/, which is the result of ${filename%/*}).
Using just shell parameter expansion, assuming bash, you can first transform the path into an array (splitting on /) and then ask for specific array indexes:
filename_array=( $filename )
unset IFS
echo "0 = ${filename_array[0]}"
echo "1 = ${filename_array[1]}"
echo "2 = ${filename_array[2]}"
echo "3 = ${filename_array[3]}"
Running the above produces:
0 = a
1 = b
2 = c
3 = d.png
These indexes are the reverse of what you want, but a little
arithmetic should fix that.
Using zsh, the :h modifier trims the final component off a path in variable expansion.
The (s:...:) parameter expansion flag can be used to split the contents of a variable. Combine those with normal array indexing where a negative index goes from the end of the array, and...
$ filename=a/b/c/d.png
$ print $filename:h
$ level=1
$ print ${${(s:/:)filename:h}[-level]}
$ level=2
$ print ${${(s:/:)filename:h}[-level]}
You could also use array subscript flags instead to avoid the nested expansion:
$ level=1
$ print ${filename[(ws:/:)-level-1]}
$ level=2
$ print ${filename[(ws:/:)-level-1]}
w makes the index of a scalar split on words instead of by character, and s:...: has the same meaning, to say what to split on. Have to subtract one from the level to skip over the trailing d.png, since it's not stripped off already like the first way.
The :h (head) and :t (tail) expansion modifiers in zsh accept digits to specify a level; they can be combined to get a subset of the path:
> filname="a/b/c/d.png"
> print ${filname:t2}
> print ${filname:t2:h1}
> print ${filname:t3:h1}
If the level is in a variable, then the F modifier can be used to repeat the h modifier a specific number of times:
> for i in 1 2 3; printf '%s: %s\n' $i ${filname:F(i)h:t}
1: c
2: b
3: a
If using printf (a shell builtin) is allowed then this will do the trick in bash:
printf -v spaces '%*s' $level
echo $component
prints out
You can assign different values to the variable level.

Is it possible to save perl hash into bash array?

I have done some processing in perl, and got the result in perl's hash data structure. Usually in bash, when I try to retrieve result from other script like
output=$(perl -E '...')
I got the output in string. Is it possible to save the result in bash array?
Assuming a perl variable hash is an associative array, please try:
declare -A "output=($(perl -e '
$hash{"foo"} = "xx"; # just an example
$hash{"bar"} = "yy"; # ditto
for (keys %hash) {print "[\"$_\"]=\"$hash{$_}\"\n"}'))"
for i in "${!output[#]}"; do
echo "$i => ${output[$i]}" # see the result
The outermost double quotes around output=.. is required to tell declare
to evaluate the argument.
Considering tripleee's comment, here is a robust version against special characters:
mapfile -d "" -t a < <(perl -e '
$hash{"baz"} = "boo"; # example
$hash{"foo"} = "x\"x"; # example with a double quote
$hash{"bar"} = "y\ny"; # example with a newline
print join("\0", %hash), "\0"') # use a nul byte as a delimiter
declare -A output # bash associative array
for ((i = 0; i < ${#a[#]}; i+=2 )); do
output[${a[i]}]=${a[i+1]} # key and value pair
for i in "${!output[#]}"; do
echo "$i => ${output[$i]}" # see the result
The conversion from perl variables to bash variables works only if they are free of null bytes (\n), as perl can store null bytes in strings, but bash cannot.
At least, we can use that limitation to print the hash in perl with null delimiters and safely parse it in bash again:
declare -A "array=($(
perl -e 'print join("\0", %hash), "\0"' |
xargs -0 printf '[%q]=%q '
Please note that neither %q nor -0 are specified by posix. For a more portable solution see tshiono's answer.
If the hash is very big such that ARG_MAX might be exceeded you should ensure that xargs does not split a key value pair across two calls to printf. To do so, add the option -n2 (or any other number 2n where you are sure that n key value pairs never exceed ARG_MAX).

Is there a way to loop variables from another file into my bash script?

Sorry to be a pain, but I'm not sure how I can loop values from an outside file, into my bash script as variables. I have three variable names in my bash script:
In a separate varSrc.txt file, I have several variables:
# a - Some marker
tagBegin_a='/<!-- Begin A -->/'
tagEnd_a='/<!-- End A -->/'
code_a=' [ some code to replace in between tags ] '
# b - Some marker
tagBegin_b='/<!-- Begin B -->/'
tagEnd_b='/<!-- End B -->/'
code_b=' [ some code to replace in between tags ] '
# c - Some marker
I need my bash script to be able to loop through each "# marker"* section and perform a function:
source varSrc.txt
sed '
Note: sed code logic (not quoting mess) courtesy of Glenn J.
I need some kind of looping logic like:
for (var i = 0; i <= markers in varSrc.txt ; i++) {
// set bash vars equal to varSrc values
$TAGBEGIN= $tagBegin_i
$TAGEND= $tagEnd_i
$MYCODE= $code_i
// run the 'sed' replace command
sed '
Is this something that can be feasibly done in a bash script and is this a good approach? Any suggestions, pointers or guidance is very, very appreciated!
*(which I don't think is a real marker I can use)
[Answering the question as amended]
There's no need use use, iterate over, or think about markers at all. Leave them out.
source varSrc.txt
for beginVar in "${!tagBegin_#}"; do # Iterate over defined begin variable names
endVar=tagEnd_${var#tagBegin_} # Generate the name of the end variable
codeVar=code_${var#tagBegin_} # Generate the name of the code variable
begin=${!beginVar} # Look up the contents of the begin variable
end=${!endVar} # Look up the contents of the end variable
code=${!codeVar} # Look up the contents of the code variable
sed -e "$end R $code" -e "$begin,$end d" -i "$file"
[Answers original, pre-amended question]
source only works if your input file is valid bash syntax; it isn't. Thus, you'll need to parse it yourself, something like the following:
begin= end= code=
while IFS= read -r; do
case $REPLY in
# we saw a marker; process all vars seen so far
[[ $begin && $end && $code ]] || continue # do nothing if we have no vars seen
sed -e "$end R $code" -e "$begin,$end d" -i "$file"
'$TAGBEGIN='*) begin=${REPLY#'$TAGBEGIN='} ;;
'$TAGEND='*) end=${REPLY#'$TAGEND='} ;;
'$MYCODE='*) code=${REPLY#'$MYCODE='} ;;
done <varSrc.txt
What you can do is export your variables in your second file an the execute the script within your current environment (with a dot before the script) to get the variable names/markers you can parse the file and search for an $ or #

Parse out key=value pairs into variables

I have a bunch of different kinds of files I need to look at periodically, and what they have in common is that the lines have a bunch of key=value type strings. So something like:
Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other
I would like to be able to reference the names directly from awk... so something like:
cat some_file | ... | awk '{print Var, $5}' # prints Howdy Other
How can I go about doing that?
The closest you can get is to parse the variables into an associative array first thing every line. That is to say,
awk '{ delete vars; for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { n = index($i, "="); if(n) { vars[substr($i, 1, n - 1)] = substr($i, n + 1) } } Var = vars["Var"] } { print Var, $5 }'
More readably:
delete vars; # clean up previous variable values
for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { # walk through fields
n = index($i, "="); # search for =
if(n) { # if there is one:
# remember value by name. The reason I use
# substr over split is the possibility of
# something like Var=foo=bar=baz (that will
# be parsed into a variable Var with the
# value "foo=bar=baz" this way).
vars[substr($i, 1, n - 1)] = substr($i, n + 1)
# if you know precisely what variable names you expect to get, you can
# assign to them here:
Var = vars["Var"]
Version = vars["Version"]
Len = vars["Len"]
print Var, $5 # then use them in the rest of the code
$ cat file | sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g' | awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
Howdy Other
Or, avoiding the useless use of cat:
$ sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g' file | awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
Howdy Other
How it works
sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g'
This places each key,value pair on its own line.
awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
This reads the key-value pairs. Since the field separator is chosen to be =, the key ends up as field 1 and the value as field 2. Thus, we just look for lines whose first field is Var and print the corresponding value.
Since discussion in commentary has made it clear that a pure-bash solution would also be acceptable:
''|[0-3].*) echo "ERROR: Bash 4.0 required" >&2; exit 1;;
while read -r -a words; do # iterate over lines of input
declare -A vars=( ) # refresh variables for each line
set -- "${words[#]}" # update positional parameters
for word; do
if [[ $word = *"="* ]]; then # if a word contains an "="...
vars[${word%%=*}]=${word#*=} # ...then set it as an associative-array key
echo "${vars[Var]} $5" # Here, we use content read from that line.
done <<<"Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other"
The <<<"Input Here" could also be <file.txt, in which case lines in the file would be iterated over.
If you wanted to use $Var instead of ${vars[Var]}, then substitute printf -v "${word%%=*}" %s "${word*=}" in place of vars[${word%%=*}]=${word#*=}, and remove references to vars elsewhere. Note that this doesn't allow for a good way to clean up variables between lines of input, as the associative-array approach does.
I will try to explain you a very generic way to do this which you can adapt easily if you want to print out other stuff.
Assume you have a string which has a format like this:
key1=value1 key2=value2 key3=value3
or more generic
With fs1 and fs2 two different field separators.
You would like to make a selection or some operations with these values. To do this, the easiest is to store these in an associative array:
array["key1"] => value1
array["key2"] => value2
array["key3"] => value3
array["key1","full"] => "key1=value1"
array["key2","full"] => "key2=value2"
array["key3","full"] => "key3=value3"
This can be done with the following function in awk:
function str2map(str,fs1,fs2,map, n,tmp) {
for (;n>0;n--) {
map[tmp[1]]=tmp[2]; map[tmp[1],"full"]=map[n]
delete map[n]
So, after processing the string, you have the full flexibility to do operations in any way you like:
awk '
function str2map(str,fs1,fs2,map, n,tmp) {
for (;n>0;n--) {
map[tmp[1]]=tmp[2]; map[tmp[1],"full"]=map[n]
delete map[n]
{ str2map($0," ","=",map) }
{ print map["Var","full"] }
' file
The advantage of this method is that you can easily adapt your code to print any other key you are interested in, or even make selections based on this, example:
(map["Version"] < 3) { print map["var"]/map["Len"] }
The simplest and easiest way is to use the string substitution like this:
echo "'$name' : '$value'"
The output is:
'' : '1234567890=='
Using bash's set command, we can split the line into positional parameters like awk.
For each word, we'll try to read a name value pair delimited by =.
When we find a value, assign it to the variable named $key using bash's printf -v feature.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
line='Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other'
set $line
for word in "$#"; do
IFS='=' read -r key val <<< "$word"
test -n "$val" && printf -v "$key" "$val"
echo "$Var $5"
Howdy Other
an awk-based solution that doesn't require manually checking the fields to locate the desired key pair :
approach being avoid splitting unnecessary fields or arrays - only performing regex match via function call when needed
only returning FIRST occurrence of input key value. Subsequent matches along the row are NOT returned
i just called it S() cuz it's the closest letter to $
I only included an array (_) of the 3 test values for demo purposes. Those aren't needed. In fact, no state information is being kept at all
caveat being : key-match must be exact - this version of the code isn't for case-insensitive or fuzzy/agile matching
Tested and confirmed working on
- gawk 5.1.1
- mawk 1.3.4
- mawk-2/
- macos nawk
# gawk profile, created Fri May 27 02:07:53 2022
{m,n,g}awk '
function S(__,_) {
return \
! match($(_=_<_), "(^|["(_="[:blank:]]")")"(__)"[=][^"(_)"*") \
? "^$" \
: substr(__=substr($-_, RSTART, RLENGTH), index(__,"=")+_^!_)
BEGIN { OFS = "\f" # This array is only for testing
_["Version"] _["Len"] _["Var"] # purposes. Feel free to discard at will
} {
for (__ in _) {
print __, S(__) } }'
So either call the fields in BAU fashion
- $5, $0, $NF, etc
or call S(QUOTED_KEY_VALUE), case-sensitive, like
As a safeguard, to prevent mis-interpreting null strings
or invalid inputs as $0, a non-match returns ^$
instead of empty string
S("Version") to get back 2.
As a bonus, it can safely handle values in multibyte unicode, both for values and even for keys, regardless of whether ur awk is UTF-8-aware or not :
1 ✜
2 Version
3 Var
4 Len
5 ✜=🤡 Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other
I know this is particularly regarding awk but mentioning this as many people come here for solutions to break down name = value pairs ( with / without using awk as such).
I found below way simple straight forward and very effective in managing multiple spaces / commas as well -
change="foo=red bar=green baz=blue"
#use below if var is in CSV (instead of space as delim)
change=`echo $change | tr ',' ' '`
for change in $changes; do
set -- `echo $change | tr '=' ' '`
echo "variable name == $1 and variable value == $2"
#can assign value to a variable like below
eval my_var_$1=$2;
