I want to convert the following SQL Query into Entity Framework + LINQ query. There are three tables Brands, Products and ProductReviews. Products table has BrandId as FK and ProductReviews has ProductId as FK.
SELECT Top 5 b.Id, b.ShortName, COUNT(r.Id) AS TotalReviews
FROM ProductsReviews r
INNER JOIN Products p ON r.ProductId = p.Id
INNER JOIN Brands b ON p.BrandId = b.Id
GROUP BY b.Id, b.ShortName
Order By TotalReviews desc
Basically, I want to display top 5 brands based on the reviews posted for the products of those brands. I want output like below:
Id ShortName TotalReviews
76 Adidas 61
120 Yamaha 29
109 Tommy Hilfiger 26
61 Mothercare 25
31 Haier 22
var results =
( from r in ProductsReviews
join p in Products on r.ProductId equals p.Id
join b in Brands on p.BrandId equals b.Id
group c by new {
b.ShortName } into grp
select new {
Id = grp.key.Id,
ShortName = grp.key.ShortName,
TotalReviews = grp.Count()}
It really depends on how your model is setup with EF.
If you have added relations in your model, the query could be as simple as
var result = context.ProductReviews.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalReviews).Select(x => new { x.BrandId, X.Brand.ShortName, x.TotalReviews});
Because you are not selecting anything from Product, I am not including it in the query. If you have relationships in your EF, we would be able to use navigation properties such as x.Brand.Someproperty, and EF will handle creating the query based upon the model that you have setup.
the result variable will contain the query and once you access the values, the query will be executed. Lastly to only select the top 5 you would simply use the Take function like so
var result = context.ProductReviews.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalReviews).Select(x => new { x.BrandId, X.Brand.ShortName, x.TotalReviews}).Take(5);
I have a recommendation system that uses SQL query similar to this one:
select B.* from user User1
join rating Rating1 on User1.user_id = Rating1.id and Rating1.value = 5
join product A on A.id = Rating1.product_id
join rating Rating2 on Rating2.product_id = A.id and Rating2.value = 5
join user User2 on User2.id = Rating2.user_id and User2.id <> User1.id
join rating RatingB on RatingB.user_id = User2.id and RatingB.value =5
join product B on B.id = RatingB.product_id
WHERE User1.id = 1;
This system recommends a product to a user if they didn’t buy that product yet. The recommendation is based on the rating of the product that they gave the best rating and it looks which other users also rated that product with the same rating.
How would this query look like in Cypher?
The mentioned SQL query would look something like this if it was written using Cypher:
MATCH (pA:PRODUCT)<-[r1:Rated {"rating":5}]-(n1:USER)-[r2:Rated {"rating":5}]->(pB:PRODUCT)
MATCH (n2:USER {id:1})-[r3:Rated {"rating":5}]->(pb)
WHERE n1.id != n2.id
How could I get this SQL query right in LINQ?
SQL query:
select c.Name, sum(t.value)
from Categories c
join Items i on c.Id = i.CategoryId
join Transactions t on t.ItemId = i.Id
where datepart(YEAR, t.CreatedTime) = 2016
and datepart(MONTH, t.CreatedTime) = 2
group by c.Name
I've tried to do the same in LINQ and got this:
var query = from cat in _context.Categories
join item in _context.Items on cat.Id equals item.CategoryId
join trans in _context.Transactions on item.Id equals trans.ItemId
where trans.CreatedTime.Month == e.RowIndex && trans.CreatedTime.Year == 2016
group new { cat.Name, trans.Value } by cat.Name into g
select new
Value = g.Sum(entry => entry.Value)
But it seems to be totally wrong, besides not giving me back the category names, it returns wrong values for the sums as well.
I have three tables:
Categories with columns Id and Name
Items with columns Id, Name, CategoryId, LastValue, IsIncome,
Transactions with columns Id, ItemId, Value, CreatedTime, IsIncome
I have a question about Linq select statement. I am new to Linq so any help will be very helpful. I did a lot of research but I still didn't manage to write down correct Linq statement.
I have this two tables and attributes:
Table Titles(title_id(PK), title) and
Table Sales(title_id(PK), qty)
where are title_id and title string values and qty is a number which represents some quantity.
I need to write a select which will take five most selling titles from this two tables.
So, I need to make sum from qty (we can have more records with the same Sales.title_id attribute) and make group by title_id and order by sum(qty) descending and then return attributes title and title_id.
How can I make suitable solution for my question?
You can do group join of tables by title_id (each group g will represent all sales of joined title). Then select title description and total of sales for that title. Order result by totals, select title and take required number of top sales titles:
var query = (from t in db.Titles
join s in db.Sales on t.title_id equals s.title_id into g
select new { Title = t.title, Total = g.Sum(x => x.qty) } into ts
orderby ts.Total descending
select ts.Title).Take(5);
Resulting SQL will look like:
SELECT TOP (5) [t2].[title] AS [Title], [t2].[value] AS [Total]
SELECT [t0].[title_id], (
SELECT SUM([t1].[qty])
FROM [Sales] AS [t1]
WHERE [t0].[title_id] = [t1].[title_id]
) AS [value]
FROM [Titles] AS [t0]
) AS [t2]
ORDER BY [t2].[value] DESC
Following is the linq query in method syntax
.Select ( x =>
new {
Title_id = x.Key,
Sales= x.Sum (x=> x.qty)
.Join( titles,
title=> title.title_id,
(sale, title)=> new
Title = title.Title,
I'm having problems running a LINQ query between two tables and returning an answer set that doesen't match.
Is there a way to get all distinct products that a customer has not purchased by using 1 LINQ query, or do I have to be doing two separate queries, 1 for all products and 1 for purchased products, and compare the two?
This query will return all products, which do not have related record in purchases table.
int customerID = 1;
var query = from ap in context.TB_AvailableProducts
join p in context.TB_Purchases.Where(x => x.Cust_ID == customerID)
on ap.Prod_ID equals p.Prod_ID into g
where !g.Any()
select ap;
I don't think you need Distinct here if you don't have duplicated records in your products table.
Generated SQL query will look like:
SELECT ap.Prod_ID, ap.Name
FROM TB_AvailableProducts AS ap
1 AS C1
FROM TB_Purchases AS p
WHERE (1 = p.Cust_ID) AND (ap.Prod_ID = p.Prod_ID)
I want to join the following Tables
1. B_Book[1st Table]
-B_BID (Book ID)(PK)
-B_CategroyID (FK)
2. BI_BookInstance [2nd Table]
-BI_IID(Instance ID)
3. BC_BookCategory [3rd Table]
-BC_CategoryID (PK)
First Join B_Book and BI_BookInstance then join the result of those both with BookCategory.
(1st join)[B_BID equals BI_BID]
(2nd nested join)[result of 1st join B_CategoryID equals BC_CategoryID]
SQL would be something like the following:
(SELECT * FROM B_Book b JOIN BI_BookInstance bi on b.B_BID = bi.BI_BID) as t1
JOIN BC_BookCategoryID bc on bc.BC_CategoryID = t1.B_CategoryID
What matches your query in LINQ would be the following (and you'll notice the similarity with SQL). I've also included some examples on how to rename the fields returned, such as Price or CategoryName:
var results = from b in B_Book
join bi in BI_BookInstance
on b.B_BID equals bi.BI_BID
join bc in BC_BookCategory
on b.B_CategoryID equals bc.BC_CategoryID
select new
// put in whatever fields you want returned here:
Price = bi.BI_Price,
CategoryName = bc.BC_CategoryName
I have supposed inner joins (your FKs is not null), so i would like query like this:
var ctx = new YourEntities();
var query = from b in ctx.B_Book
from bi in ctx.BI_BookInstance
from bc in ctx.BC_BookCategory
where b.B_BID == bi.BI_BID && b.B_CategoryID == bc.BC_CategoryID
select new
BInstID = bi.BI_IID,
BName = b.B_Name,
BPrice = bi.BI_Price,
BCategory = bc.BC_CategoryName
foreach (var item in query)
You can do this without explicitly using linq's join statement, provided that navigation properties are in place:
from b in ctx.B_Book
from bi in b.BookInstances
select new { b.Property1, bi.Property2, b.BookCategory.Name }