Using LINQ to get distinct items that do not join - linq

I'm having problems running a LINQ query between two tables and returning an answer set that doesen't match.
Is there a way to get all distinct products that a customer has not purchased by using 1 LINQ query, or do I have to be doing two separate queries, 1 for all products and 1 for purchased products, and compare the two?

This query will return all products, which do not have related record in purchases table.
int customerID = 1;
var query = from ap in context.TB_AvailableProducts
join p in context.TB_Purchases.Where(x => x.Cust_ID == customerID)
on ap.Prod_ID equals p.Prod_ID into g
where !g.Any()
select ap;
I don't think you need Distinct here if you don't have duplicated records in your products table.
Generated SQL query will look like:
SELECT ap.Prod_ID, ap.Name
FROM TB_AvailableProducts AS ap
1 AS C1
FROM TB_Purchases AS p
WHERE (1 = p.Cust_ID) AND (ap.Prod_ID = p.Prod_ID)


LINQ Equivalent of and SQL query with two inner joins and a left join

I would be grateful for help with a LINQ equivalent of the following SQL Query (which works). Below this SQL query I give some description of my simple data base and the problem I want to solve.
Select a.Name, a.OrderID,
b.ProductIDFirst, c1.productName ProductNameFirst,
b.ProductIDSecond , c2.productName ProductNameSecond
from Customers a
left join products c1 on b.productidfirst = c1.productid
left join products c2 on b.ProductIDSecond = c2.productid
Background information on the database structure:
I have a simple SQL Server Database with three Tables named Products, Orders and Customers.
The business model is such that each order can have only two products (not more).
The Orders table has two foreign keys, though they both come from the Products table. These Foreign Key field Names in the Orders Table are ProductIDFirst and ProductIDSecond. These two Foreign Keys in the orders table correspond to two products that each order can have. Customers table has one Foreign Key which comes from the Orders Table.
Now I need help with an LINQ query that will return me all customers such that I get five fields - CustomerName, OrderID and Names of each of the two products that match the OrderID in the customer product.
Your links are non-existent, so here's a best attempt without seeing anything.
Assuming you have the following containers (you'll need to change them for your scenario):
var customers = new List<Customer>();
var orders = new List<Order>();
var products = new List<Product>();
You can do the following:
var query =
from a in customers
join b in orders
on a.OrderId equals b.OrderId
join c1 in products
on b.ProductIdFirst equals c1.ProductId into c1a
join c2 in products
on b.ProductIdSecond equals c2.ProductId into c2a
from p1 in c1a.DefaultIfEmpty()
from p2 in c2a.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
Name = a.Name,
OrderId = a.OrderId,
ProductIdFirst = p1 == null ? null : p1.ProductIdFirst,
ProductNameFirst = p1 == null ? null : p1.ProductNameFirst,
ProductIdSecond = p2 == null ? null : p1.ProductIdSecond,
ProductNameSecond = p2 == null ? null : p1.ProductNameSecond,
In short, where you want a left join, project the join into something else (e.g. c1a, c2a) then call from on them using DefaultIfEmpty() which will set null when no matching item exists on the right-hand-side.

How to join two tables and make group by in Linq

I have a question about Linq select statement. I am new to Linq so any help will be very helpful. I did a lot of research but I still didn't manage to write down correct Linq statement.
I have this two tables and attributes:
Table Titles(title_id(PK), title) and
Table Sales(title_id(PK), qty)
where are title_id and title string values and qty is a number which represents some quantity.
I need to write a select which will take five most selling titles from this two tables.
So, I need to make sum from qty (we can have more records with the same Sales.title_id attribute) and make group by title_id and order by sum(qty) descending and then return attributes title and title_id.
How can I make suitable solution for my question?
You can do group join of tables by title_id (each group g will represent all sales of joined title). Then select title description and total of sales for that title. Order result by totals, select title and take required number of top sales titles:
var query = (from t in db.Titles
join s in db.Sales on t.title_id equals s.title_id into g
select new { Title = t.title, Total = g.Sum(x => x.qty) } into ts
orderby ts.Total descending
select ts.Title).Take(5);
Resulting SQL will look like:
SELECT TOP (5) [t2].[title] AS [Title], [t2].[value] AS [Total]
SELECT [t0].[title_id], (
SELECT SUM([t1].[qty])
FROM [Sales] AS [t1]
WHERE [t0].[title_id] = [t1].[title_id]
) AS [value]
FROM [Titles] AS [t0]
) AS [t2]
ORDER BY [t2].[value] DESC
Following is the linq query in method syntax
.Select ( x =>
new {
Title_id = x.Key,
Sales= x.Sum (x=> x.qty)
.Join( titles,
title=> title.title_id,
(sale, title)=> new
Title = title.Title,

Linq: Orderby when including multiple tables

Currently learning Linq to Entity. I been successful, but came stumped with the orderby clause and its use with multiple tables.
var query = from k in contxt.pages.Include("keywords")
where k.ID == vals.pageId select k;
My understanding with the code above is it creates an inner join where ID is equal to pageId.
So what I am having a difficult time visualizing is how I would perform an orderby on both tables?
I would like to sort on both tables.
I have tried:
var query = from k in contxt.pages.Include("keywords") where k.ID == vals.pageId orderby k.keywords.**?** select k;
The question mark is not supposed to be there. I am showing that the column that I would like to sort by isn't there. Trying this k.Kegwords. doesn't show the column.
I would write a SQL query as follows:
string query = "SELECT, pages.title, pages.descp, keywords.keyword
FROM pages INNER JOIN keywords ON pages.ID = keywords.pageID
ORDER BY keywords.sort,";
pages and keywords have a 1 to many relationship, which FK keywords.
Thank you,
Here you go.
var result = (from x in pages
join y in keywords on x.ID equals y.pageID
orderby y.sort,
select new

many to many relationship

I am trying to write a linq to get data from many to many tables.
Here are the tables
Products (ID,Name,Description)
Products_Items (ID,ProductID,Description)
ProductsNeeds (ID,Name)
ProductsItems_Needs (ItemID,NeedsID)
This is the t-sql query
select gPro.Name,gProItems.ShortDescription,gProItems.Description,gNeeds.Name
from Products gPro
join Products_Items gProItems on gPro.ID = gProItems.ProductID
join ProductsItems_Needs gProNeeds on gProNeeds.ItemID = gProItems.ID
join ProductsNeeds gNeeds on gNeeds.ID = gProNeeds.NeedsID
where gProItems.ID = 1
this is the linq
var q = from p in objM.Products
join gpItems in objM.Products_Items on p.ID equals gpItems.ProductID
from needs in gpItems.ProductsNeeds
where gpItems.ID == 1
select p;
This query returns (Products) and it has the Produts_Items but it has not the ProductsNeeds.
What modifications should I do in order each Products_items to have the ProductsNeeds?
Finally I found the solution.
The change was that instead of returning Products it returns Product_Items.
var q = from pItems in objM.Products_Items
join p in objM.Products on pItems.ID equals p.ID into joinedProducts
from p in joinedProducts.DefaultIfEmpty()
from needs in pItems.ProductsNeeds
where pItems.ID == 1
select pItems;

Linq To Entity Framework selecting whole tables

I have the following Linq statement:
(from order in Orders.AsEnumerable()
join component in Components.AsEnumerable()
on order.ORDER_ID equals component.ORDER_ID
join detail in Detailss.AsEnumerable()
on component.RESULT_ID equals detail.RESULT_ID
where orderRestrict.ORDER_MNEMONIC == "MyOrderText"
select new
Mnemonic = detail.TEST_MNEMONIC,
OrderID = component.ORDER_ID,
SeqNumber = component.SEQ_NUM
I expect this to put out the following query:
select *
from Orders ord (NoLock)
join Component comp (NoLock)
on ord .ORDER_ID = comp.ORDER_ID
join Details detail (NoLock)
where res.ORDER_MNEMONIC = 'MyOrderText'
but instead I get 3 seperate queries that select all rows from the tables. I am guessing that Linq is then filtering the values because I do get the correct values in the end.
The problem is that it takes WAY WAY too long because it is pulling down all the rows from all three tables.
Any ideas how I can fix that?
Remove the .AsEnumerable()s from the query as these are preventing the entire query being evaluated on the server.
