Why magento installation hangs on configuration phase? - magento

I am installing a fresh magento in my Windows 7 computer. I have Xampp installed. While installing magento, I had a problem at the configuration step where I had to fill database host, username, password etc. When I click continue after filling the required fields, the installation process doesn’t move forward. I am redirected to the same page.

Which Magento version your trying to instal? Try Magneto version 1.8.1 or higher. before installing run Magento check to test whether your server meets Magento requirements. here is the link for Checking system requirements for Magento

www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
Invalid Security Certificate, though it sounds like the HTTP server's starting anyway, just warning of the domain name mismatch. SSL isn't needed for installation though.
Are you using localhost or for the host name?
Magento expects dots in the host name as it expects either a Fully Qualified Domain Name or an IP address, so if you didn't put a domain name in your computer's hosts files to resolve to, you need to use an IP address.
The other thing to consider is making sure you've set up the database on MySQL and have connected to it by other means to make sure your database login credentials actually work and that you have permissions to write to the database.

I have this problem and it solve by tick this option in db configuration:
-Skip Base URL Validation Before the Next Step


How to move Locally developed Prestashop to hosting server

I have installed Prestashop 1.7 with MariaDB, in local system it is working fine. I have developed 4 different pages. I want to move this pages to hosting server? Do i need to install the same Prestashop version in the hosting server or just copy and paste will work?. I developed in Ubuntu 16.04 system. Do i need do some changes in db developed in local system while moving to hosting server?
You should simply follow this process:
Transfer your files through FTP to your hosting server
Transfer your database through phpMyAdmin to your hosting server (make use to use utf8_general_ci as a charset)
Upon transfer completion, edit /config/settings.inc.php to set the right MySQL password (the one provided by your hosting provider)
In your PrestaShop admin-panel, configure your main shop URL as well as if you want to use SSL (recommended) or not
After all setting Also You need to Change in ps_configuration table of DB.
In the name column, find the PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL row In the value column and write new domain name that you want PrestaShop to use.

Installing ColdFusion 11 on Windows Server 2012 / IIS 8.0

I've done this many times in the past, but this is new, and I think CF11 is the problem. Not sure.
Fresh Windows Server 2012.. installed CF11. Selected "Configure All IIS Websites" during install. There's only two sites configured in IIS -- Default, and one other, which has its own name (test.mydomain.com) configured in the hosts file and in DNS. In its webroot is a single index.cfm file, and a subdirectory thereof, is an actual ColdFusion web app.
When I browse to the webroot, I get a standard Microsoft IIS page, rather than the index.cfm file. If I browse to the subdirectory, I get 404.
I've set index.cfm as the default document.
The path specified to the webroot is correct.
If I run the wsproxyconfig.exe file, it shows nothing is configured. I click Add, select IIS. In the drop-down where you configure a specific site, it says None and is not selectable. If I try to add, I get the error, "Unable to configure WebSocket Proxy Enable the required WebSocket Protocol option in IIS." I've looked all over IIS and can't find where this setting might be.
What's interesting is I can get the cfadmin page to load and function just fine ( there are no port numbers in that URL so it must be passing through IIS. So I'm not really sure what the problem is. Is it the connector? Is it something else? I'm stumped.

Hosting my website with a different hosting service

Here is what I'm sure is a dumb question but I cannot find an answer for.
I purchased a domain name from 1and1 WITHOUT any hosting. I was intending to set it up on my own server which fell through, so I decided that I was just gonna do traditional hosting.
I found a great deal and promotion at Dreamhost for a year of hosting, so I signed up for the hosting service.
Through the 1and1 control panel, I have redirected to the Dreamhost name servers, but I'm not really sure what to do next.
How do I now upload my website files to Dreamhost and load them when visiting the domain that I purchased from 1and1?
I understand this may be vague, and I apologize if so, just want some guidance. Let me know if there is any information I can give to help.
Purchasing your domain through 1and1 is no problem. I'm not extremely familiar with either company or their infrastructure but I can give you a general guideline with an attempt to tailor it to your needs. Hopefully you'll find this helpful.
First step I would personally take would be to update your nameservers at 1and1 to use Dreamhost's. If they are using cpanel, this may be a requirement. Regardless of their control panel, this will likely be the easiest way to manage any updates you need to make. After this you will only need to login to 1and1 to renew your domain or transfer it.
To change your name servers:
1) Log in to the 1&1 Control Panel using your Customer ID OR domain name and your password.
2) Click the Domains link from the Domains & Webspace panel.
3) Check the box next to the domain to select it and click Show DNS Settings from the DNS drop-down box above the list of domains.
4) Click the Edit button next to Name Server Settings.
5) If you are currently using a CNAME with the domain, you will not be able to set which name servers should be used with the domain unless you select DNS from General settings.
Select My name server from the Name server drop-down box.
6) Enter the first name server address into the Primary name server text box.
Select My secondary name server from the Secondary name server drop-down box to add a second address.
Enter the second name server address into the 1st secondary name server text box.
You may add a third and fourth name server address if necessary, but only two are required.
Click the OK button to save your settings.
For step 6, you should be entering the following name servers (unless Dreamhost has provided different servers when you opened your account): ns1.dreamhost.com, ns2.dreamhost.com, ns3.dreamhost.com
Note: you may only be able to enter two of the three listed.
Next you need to login to your Dreamhost control panel for hosting. Ensure you have your domain added. If not, go to Manage Domains and add your domain. It should provide instructions for adding your domain. If you plan to have everything hosted at Dreamhost (as it sounds to me like you do) but sure to selected "Fully Hosted." You can manager your DNS through their domain manager once you are using their nameservers. You can add A records if needed to point to your IP but generally in shared hosting environments, the control panel will perform the basic configuration of the A records for your site.
As always with DNS, it may take some time for your changes to propagate. You may want to flush your dns as well (on your local machine).
edit: Sorry I just re-read your question and realized you accomplished what I answered. Here's some additional steps to get your website up and running:
Are you using a static HTML website? If you are using Wordpress or another CMS/Application, please let me know as the instructions will vary for those types of installs.
If it is a static website, download an FTP Client, if you do not have one already. My personal recommendation is FileZilla, simply because it is free and easy to use but any FTP Client will work. Log back into your DreamHost control panel and look for your server information under "Account Status." It will say "Your Web Server:" followed by the name of the server your account is on. Enter that server name into FileZilla for the IP/Host. Try using your controlpanel login and password and the port would be 21 for standard FTP. If your login does not work, go back to your control panel and look for an option called "FTP Accounts." Go into this section and create a new FTP account. Now use that account for your user and password in FileZilla. This should normally drop you into your website's home folder. If not, look for anything such as "html", "public_html", "www" and upload your files there. Ensure you have an index.html or index.php file.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know and I can update my response to address them.
In order for your site to show up from the Dreamhost hosting, you will need to set the A-record in your DNS at 1and1 to resolve to the IP address that is provided by Dreamhost. Making changes to your 1and1 DNS is not part of my expertise (I work at Dyn), but if you have any trouble, their support team should be able to assist.
Good luck!

Copying an existing Magento site to run locally

I am having a hard time running my Magento site website locally using xampp. I have downloaded everything in the public_html to the htdocs folder. It is giving me a n error when i load
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'mySite_magstore'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
I loaded up the phpmyadmin panel to check the password but it is not loading the one from my website but the new one i have locally. I'm sure I am missing a step here as well.
All the information I have found online is regarding setting up a new site on xampp but could not find anything about using an existing one. Any help or links would help.
If you want to create a test environment in your machine, try the following steps:
Export your live DB
Import it in your local machine
Go in to the core_config_data table and change the 'value' of:
Go in to:
And change the username and password to the correct ones
Thanks to Cooper Maruyana for bringining this up:
If the previous step doesn't help delete everything in the 'var' folder.
Check your app\etc\local.xml for below line
I am sure you have set some password for production server, but on your local you don't have any password for your root user. So you need to remove that password and also set you base URL in core_config table.
There are two possible options: one is to copy your database from your server to your localhost as pzirkind has illustrated in his answer.
The second option in case you want to use exactly the same database, i.e. you WANT to use your live database:
You need to adjust your app/etc/local.xml file to point to the database server IP address. Currently there should be "localhost" in there. Remove that and put the database server IP address. If you have setup the user on the database to allow remote access (% for scope in phpmyadmin), then this would work, too.
However, I would not recommend this option. I only use it sometimes to share a database between development and staging areas, but never for live sites.
Therefore, I would highly recommend pzirkind's approach!

ClickOnce Not Obeying Installation Folder for Localhost

I'm testing a ClickOnce application deployment. I have setup a virtual directory on my machine (running IIS). I have specified http://localhost/SampleApplication as the Installation Folder URL in the Publish tab of Visual Studio. However, when I publish the application I get the following error:
Warning: Files could not be downloaded
from http://chrish/SampleApplication/.
The remote server returned an error:
(407) Proxy Authentication Required.
Publish success.
Warning: Unable to
view published application at
Notice how it has changed my url from Localhost to my login name. Why? This wasn't happening a week ago.
ClickOnce installation involves verifying that the server name matches the expected name. Thus localhost always gets translated under the covers to the computer name [not the username as you suggest in your question] (one of many confusing things ClickOnce does - one side effect of this is that if you want to set up 3 download servers, you need to do 3 separate publishes and/or script the publish like this) or like this. So this is not a surprise - it's always doing that under the covers.
The 407 error relates to proxy auth. This implies downloading is being diverted via a proxy such as Microsoft ISA Server. Have a look in your IE Internet Options Connections Proxy Settings and make sure its bypassing for local addresses [such as chrish].
The reason it's reporting success is that the upload likely uses an alternate mechanism than the verification does and isn't being routed via / blocked by the proxy. (The underlying problem is that the .NET framework does not by default pass proxy credentials and you'd need to either apply a config entry for devenv or whatever does the publish or have the build process call a test step with extra code that does send the proxy credentials](http://blogs.msdn.com/jpsanders/archive/2009/03/24/httpwebrequest-webexcepton-the-remote-server-returned-an-error-407-proxy-authentication-required.aspx). See also How should I set the default proxy to use default credentials?)
ClickOnce doesn't like "localhost", but you can work around that.
If you set the Publishing Folder Location to:
and the Installation Folder URL to:
(where "chrish" is the network name of your computer) then you can publish locally.
