How to move Locally developed Prestashop to hosting server - prestashop-1.7

I have installed Prestashop 1.7 with MariaDB, in local system it is working fine. I have developed 4 different pages. I want to move this pages to hosting server? Do i need to install the same Prestashop version in the hosting server or just copy and paste will work?. I developed in Ubuntu 16.04 system. Do i need do some changes in db developed in local system while moving to hosting server?

You should simply follow this process:
Transfer your files through FTP to your hosting server
Transfer your database through phpMyAdmin to your hosting server (make use to use utf8_general_ci as a charset)
Upon transfer completion, edit /config/ to set the right MySQL password (the one provided by your hosting provider)
In your PrestaShop admin-panel, configure your main shop URL as well as if you want to use SSL (recommended) or not

After all setting Also You need to Change in ps_configuration table of DB.
In the name column, find the PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL row In the value column and write new domain name that you want PrestaShop to use.


Magento 1.9.x moving website from shared server to Amazon ec2 instance

I was trying to move a Magento 1.9 store from a shared server to a an standalone server ( an Amazon EC2) instance.
I tried the following :
Created an ec2 instance where I migrated the database(using MySQL dump) and changed the core_config_data to allow access from the new IP address.
when copied my source code (www/public_html/*) to the new server my server gives and error.
Another approach was I used a preconfigured Magento image where I linked the database to the new store using MySQL dump and I was able to see all the products but as soon as I copied source code to allow the same frontend I was getting an error.
How can I properly migrate a Magento 1.9 store to AWS instance?
You should deploy a new installation of magento and follow the step by step instructions mentioned in the article here to import your 'old site'.
The second method should work for you.

Why magento installation hangs on configuration phase?

I am installing a fresh magento in my Windows 7 computer. I have Xampp installed. While installing magento, I had a problem at the configuration step where I had to fill database host, username, password etc. When I click continue after filling the required fields, the installation process doesn’t move forward. I am redirected to the same page.
Which Magento version your trying to instal? Try Magneto version 1.8.1 or higher. before installing run Magento check to test whether your server meets Magento requirements. here is the link for Checking system requirements for Magento server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
Invalid Security Certificate, though it sounds like the HTTP server's starting anyway, just warning of the domain name mismatch. SSL isn't needed for installation though.
Are you using localhost or for the host name?
Magento expects dots in the host name as it expects either a Fully Qualified Domain Name or an IP address, so if you didn't put a domain name in your computer's hosts files to resolve to, you need to use an IP address.
The other thing to consider is making sure you've set up the database on MySQL and have connected to it by other means to make sure your database login credentials actually work and that you have permissions to write to the database.
I have this problem and it solve by tick this option in db configuration:
-Skip Base URL Validation Before the Next Step

How to protect (or lock) Apache Server folder in Windows 7

I am running PHP 5 and MySQL with Apache 2 in my Windows 7 PC. Everything (in localhost) is working fine and the localhost is defined in port 80 (It works!). But I would like to password protect (or lock) and hide server folder including htdocs. I mean, I don't want want another user to access the server folder and files. I know that I can remove installation information from add/remove programs menu by removing registry entries (hope it won't affect the server framework). But how can I prevent the users from accessing the server folder? The server folder is a master folder, in which I installed Apache, PHP and MySQL. I made it in C: drive(to ensure security). I want to lock the master folder (password protected). Only I should have the access to them (my friends use my PC). But the content (localhost) should be delivered (I mean the pages should come, along with PHP and MySQL) for everyone. Only a single user account is there (Admin).
How can I lock and hide my folder while running server silent/hidden. Is this possible with or without any software?
Implement User/Password-protected Directories for Apache Server

Website files are hidden in FTP and need to move host

I'm new to Joomla and trying to help on a project.
I'm trying to switch host providers for my live Joomla Website.
I've successfully connected to FTP within Dreamweaver and the sites files are not displaying. Locally, I see the folder 'htdcos' with only 'contact.php' in it and only '.ftpquota' on the remote end. How can I access the websites files to back them to my hard drive to re-upload them to the new host?
Use a FTP such as FileZilla Dreamweaver is not that much compatible with Joomla's architecture.
Most of the web hosting companies, provides a back-end (CPanel) where you can zip the website root folder and upload it to the site and extract them, that way its very easy to deploy your joomla website.

can't get database to connect during magento installation - using wizard

I’m trying to install magento on my live web server , I’ve checked the server with magento-check.php and thats fine.
I’ve set up a mysql db with the user name and password the of the mysql server
I’ve entered this into the host* along with the username and password into the installation wizard but it will not connect. ?
Can anybody help me with this I know it seems so simple ??
The problem was that the server i was trying to install magento onto did not support mysql InnoDB - only MyISAM , Magento uses the InnoDB engine. I have now installed several versions of Magento on 1and1 servers.
