Map USB disk BSD Name to actual mounted drive(s) in OSX - usb-drive

I am trying to get from the USB device BSD Name to the actual mounted volume(s) for that device e.g. device has BSD name "disk2" and mounts a single volume with BSD name "disk2s1" at "/Volumes/USBSTICK".
Here is what I have been doing so far. Using
NSNotificationCenter NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification
I detect when a drive has been added. I then scan through all the USB devices and use
IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty kIOBSDNameKey
to get the BSD name of the device.
For my USB stick this returns "disk2". Running
system_profiler SPUSBDataTypesystem_profiler SPUSBDataType
Product ID: 0x5607
Vendor ID: 0x03f0 (Hewlett Packard)
Serial Number: AA04012700008687
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: HP
Location ID: 0x14200000 / 25
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 500
Capacity: 16.04 GB (16,039,018,496 bytes)
Removable Media: Yes
Detachable Drive: Yes
BSD Name: disk2
Partition Map Type: MBR (Master Boot Record)
S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
Capacity: 16.04 GB (16,037,879,808 bytes)
Available: 5.22 GB (5,224,095,744 bytes)
Writable: Yes
File System: MS-DOS FAT32
BSD Name: disk2s1
Mount Point: /Volumes/USBSTICK
Content: Windows_FAT_32
which makes sense since there could be multiple volumes for a single USB device.
I assumed I could use DiskArbitration to find the actual volumes, but
DASessionRef session = DASessionCreate(NULL);
if (session)
DADiskRef disk = DADiskCreateFromBSDName(NULL,session,"disk2");
if (disk)
CFDictionaryRef dict = DADiskCopyDescription(disk);
if (dict)
always returns a NULL dictionary.
So, how do I get from the BSD name for a USB device to the actual mounted volume(s) for that device? I guess it should be possible to get iterate over all the volumes, get their BSD name and check if it starts with the string e.g. /Volumes/USBSTICK above is "disk2s1", but that's hacky and what if there is a disk20 etc.

Found a solution using IOBSDNameMatching will create a dictionary to match the service with a given BSD name. Then the children of that service can be searched for their BSD names.
NOTE: This is my first time doing anything on OSX. Also, the 'dict' in the above code was NULL because of bug, but that dictionary is of no use for this anyway.
Here's some cut down code with no error checking etc.
CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict;
matchingDict = IOBSDNameMatching(kIOMasterPortDefault, 0, "disk2");
io_iterator_t itr;
// Might only ever be one service so, MatchingService could be used. No sure though
IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDict, &itr);
io_object_t service;
while ((service = IOIteratorNext(itr)))
io_iterator_t children;
io_registry_entry_t child;
// Obtain the service's children.
IORegistryEntryGetChildIterator(service, kIOServicePlane, &children);
while ((child = IOIteratorNext(children)))
CFTypeRef name = IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(child,
if (name)
// Got child BSD Name e.g. "disk2s1"


Replacing a failed drive in DRBD ()

How to correctly set the size of the disk, when replacing, if I want to use the original disk size?
The volume of the new disk is 4 Gb, but I want to use only the volume that was used before and is used on the disk of another node (2 Gb).
resource res-vdb {
device drbd_res_vdb1 minor 1;
disk /dev/vdb;
meta-disk internal;
protocol C;
on node01 {
on node02 {
Do I understand correctly that I can take the size from lsblck or from /sys/block/drbd1/size and set in res config before drbdadm create-md and drbdadm attach?
i.e. config:
resource res-vdb {
device drbd_res_vdb1 minor 1;
disk /dev/vdb;
meta-disk internal;
protocol C;
disk {
size 2097052K; <==== 2GB
on node01 {
on node02 {
You're correct in that you can set the size in the DRBD res file before you create-md and attach in order to explicitly set the size of the DRBD device.
As you've also suggested, you can retrieve the exact size of the DRBD device in various ways, including using lsblk or inspecting the kernel settings with cat /sys/block/drbd1/size, run from the peer node.
However, when you use lsblk, it's going to do some rounding. DRBD's parser doesn't seem to accept bytes (B) as a valid unit (with drbd-utils version 9.13.1 seems to only like KB, MB, and GB), so you might be better off setting the size in sectors (s).
The size you find in /sys/block/drbd1/size is already in sectors, so an example would be:
# cat /sys/block/drbd1/size
# cat /etc/drbd.d/r1.res
resource res-vdb {
protocol C;
disk /dev/vdb;
device minor 1;
disk {
size 27262072s;
on centos7-a {
on centos7-b {
All that said, because DRBD auto-negotiates the device size among it's peers, you could simply, drbdadm create-md res-vdb, drbdadm up res-vdb, and it should just work.

How to identify USB Card Reader

I am trying to detect programmatically existence of USB Card Reader, which identifies itself as keyboard device. In Device Manager it looks like this:
The difference between real keyboard and card reader is only in device IDs. I have the following C# WMI code:
ManagementObjectSearcher managementObjectSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(#"Select * from Win32_Keyboard");
ManagementObjectCollection keyboards = managementObjectSearcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementBaseObject keyboard in keyboards)
foreach (var property in keyboard.Properties)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", property.Name, property.Value));
The output, like in Device Manager, differs only by device IDs:
Caption: Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
ConfigManagerErrorCode: 0
ConfigManagerUserConfig: False
CreationClassName: Win32_Keyboard
Description: USB Input Device
DeviceID: USB\VID_04B3&PID_3025\5&DC4A972&0&3
Layout: 00000409
Name: Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
NumberOfFunctionKeys: 12
PNPDeviceID: USB\VID_04B3&PID_3025\5&DC4A972&0&3
PowerManagementSupported: False
Status: OK
SystemCreationClassName: Win32_ComputerSystem
SystemName: ALEX19
Caption: Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
ConfigManagerErrorCode: 0
ConfigManagerUserConfig: False
CreationClassName: Win32_Keyboard
Description: USB Input Device
DeviceID: USB\VID_0804&PID_0040\5&DC4A972&0&6
Layout: 00000409
Name: Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
NumberOfFunctionKeys: 12
PNPDeviceID: USB\VID_0804&PID_0040\5&DC4A972&0&6
PowerManagementSupported: False
Status: OK
SystemCreationClassName: Win32_ComputerSystem
SystemName: ALEX19
However, Windows Settings shows this device as USB Card Reader:
How can I do the same, using .NET or native Windows API? OS is Windows 10 x64.
Note: this answer How do I get all the smart card readers on my system via WMI? suggests to use SmartCardReader class, but it doesn't work for me, card reader is not recognized.

How to find dma_request_chan() failure reason details?

In an external kernel module, using DMA Engine, when calling dma_request_chan() returns an error pointer of value -19, i.e. ENODEV or "No such device".
Now, in the active device tree, I do find a dma-names entry with what I'm trying to get a channel for, so my suspicion is that something else deeper in the forest is already not found.
How do I find out what's wrong?
I have a Zynq MP Ultrascale+ board here, with an FPGA design which uses AXI VDMA block to provide one channel of data to be received on the Cortex A's Linux, where the data is written to DDR4 by the FPGA and to be read from Linux.
I found that there is a Xilinx DMA driver included in the kernel, in the Xilinx source repo anyway, currently kernel version 5.6.0.
And that that driver has no user space interface, such that an intermediate kernel driver is needed.
This is depicted, and they have an example here: Section "4 DMA Proxy Design". I modified the code in the dma-proxy.c of the zip file linked there such that it uses only the RX channel, i.e. also only tries to request it.
The code for that is here, to not make this post huge:
Modified dma-proxy.c at
Line 407 has the function create_channel(), which used to use dma_request_slave_channel() which ditches the error code of the function it wraps, so to see the error, I am using that one instead: dma_request_chan().
The function create_channel() is called in function dma_proxy_probe() # line 470 (the occurences before that are deactivated by compile switch).
So by way of this call, dma_request_chan() will be called with the parameters:
create_channel(pdev, &channels[RX_CHANNEL], "dma_proxy_rx", DMA_DEV_TO_MEM);
The Device Tree for my board has an added node for dma-proxy driver as is shown at the top of the dma-proxy.c
dma_proxy {
compatible ="xlnx,dma_proxy";
dmas = <&axi_dma_0 0>;
dma-names = "dma_proxy_rx";
The name "axi_dma_0" matches with the name in the axi DMA device tree node:
axi_dma_0: dma#a0000000 {
#dma-cells = <0x1>;
clock-names = "s_axi_lite_aclk", "m_axi_s2mm_aclk";
clocks = <0x3 0x47 0x3 0x47>;
compatible = "xlnx,axi-dma-7.1", "xlnx,axi-dma-1.00.a";
interrupt-names = "s2mm_introut";
interrupt-parent = <0x1d>;
interrupts = <0x0 0x2>;
reg = <0x0 0xa0000000 0x0 0x1000>;
xlnx,addrwidth = <0x28>;
xlnx,sg-length-width = <0x1a>;
phandle = <0x1e>;
dma-channel#a0000030 {
compatible = "xlnx,axi-dma-s2mm-channel";
dma-channels = <0x1>;
interrupts = <0x0 0x2>;
xlnx,datawidth = <0x40>;
xlnx,device-id = <0x0>;
If I now look here:
% cat /proc/device-tree/dma_proxy/dma-names
Looks like my dma_proxy_rx, that I'm trying to request the channel for, is in there.
In the boot log, I see this:
xilinx-vdma a0000000.dma: Please ensure that IP supports buffer length > 23 bits
irq: no irq domain found for interrupt-controller#a0010000 !
xilinx-vdma a0000000.dma: unable to request IRQ 0
xilinx-vdma a0000000.dma: WARN: Device release is not defined so it is not safe to unbind this driver while in use
xilinx-vdma a0000000.dma: Xilinx AXI DMA Engine Driver Probed!!
There are warnings - but in the end, the Xilinx AXI DMA Engine got "probed", meaning the lowest level driver loaded and is ready, right?
So it looks to me like there should be my device, but the kernel disagrees.
I've got the same problem with similar configuration. After digging a lot of kernel source code (especially drivers/dma/xilinx/xilinx_dma.c) I've solved this problem by changing channel number in dmas parameter from 0 to 1 in dma-proxy device tree entry like this:
dma_proxy {
compatible ="xlnx,dma_proxy";
dmas = <&axi_dma_0 1>;
dma-names = "dma_proxy_rx";
It seems that dma-proxy example is written for AXI DMA block with both mm2s (channel #0) and s2mm (channel #1) channels. And if we remove mm2s channel from AXI DMA block, the s2mm channel stays #1.

pci_driver.probe function not called so pci_device_id wrong?

I am moving my first steps into Linux Kernel Device Driver development.
I learnt that for pci-e cards I have to call pci_register_driver providing information via an object of type pci_driver ( below an example ).
When I load my module ( via insmod ) If the information passed via .id_table is found than the .probe function is called.
As I am now I cannot see my .probe function called at all ( I added some logging via printk ) so I must assume that the information contained in pci_device_id must be wrong, right?
Is there any way to retrieve this information directly from the hardware itself?
Once I plug my PCI-E card on my Linux box, where I can find all information about it?
Maybe reading BIOS or some file in sys?
Any help is appreciated.
static struct pci_driver my_driver = {
// other here
.id_table = pci_datatable,
.probe = driver_add
static struct pci_device_id pci_datatable[] __devinitdata =
{ VendorID, PciExp_0041, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID },
{ 0 },
int __devinit DmaDriverAdd(
struct pci_dev * pPciDev,
const struct pci_device_id * pPciEntry
// my stuff!
While the accepted answer does indeed answer the question, I want to elaborate a bit about the probe function not being called.
According to the Documentation/PCI/pci.txt (How To Write Linux PCI Drivers) the probing function is called for all existing PCI devices that are not owned by the other drivers yet. So, even if you have the correct vendor and device IDs you will not see the function being called if the device is owned by another driver.
To see which drivers own which devices run:
lspci -knn
If you temporarily change both vendor ID and device ID to PCI_ANY_ID your probe function will be called for every available (i.e. not owned) device.
The command you want is lspci.
With no arguments it will give you a list of all PCI devices, eg:
$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM Controller (rev 09)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family
03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 (rev 34)
Then to get the ids, use:
$ lspci -v -n -s 03:00.0
03:00.0 0280: 8086:0085 (rev 34)
Subsystem: 8086:1311
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 52
You can also find the same information in /sys:
$ cd /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:03:00.0
$ cat vendor device
$ cat subsystem_vendor subsystem_device

What is Target Device of IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME (USB driver specific IOCTL IRQ)

I am a bit confused by the USB IOCTL IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME. What is the target device of it? Although the MSDN WDK doc clearly indicates the target device, I am still confused by the USBVIEW sample provided by the WDK. The reason I'm confused is as follows:
I am new to kernel mode and USB driver writing in Windows and is now studying the USBVIEW sample from the windows driver kit The MSDN describes the first step the USBVIEW sample performs as:
Enumerate host controllers and root
hubs. Host controllers have symbolic
link names of the form "HCDx", where x
starts at 0.
Use CreateFile() to open each host
controller symbolic link.
Create a node in the tree view to
represent each host controller.
After a host controller has been
opened, send the host controller an
get the symbolic link name of the root
hub that is part of the host
But, I double checked the usage of IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME in MSDN
which says:
user-mode I/O control request. This
request targets the USB hub FDO.
Note that the target of the IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME IRP is a USB Hub FDO. However, as described by the USBVIEW sample, we just retreived the host controller symbolic link which means the device object is a host controller device object. How could we send it a IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME IRP? Should we retreive a USB hub FDO somehow first?
I would guess it's an unfortunate copy-paste error. IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME is indeed sent to the host controller and therefore handled by the USB Host Controller FDO.
By the way, just to put you in context:
The term "FDO" only loosely concerns user mode -- it's not like you can access any other "xDO" anyway. If you were to send this IOCTL in kernel mode, then sure, you can send an IOCTL to any specific device object in the device stack ("can" doesn't mean "should", mind you). However, a DeviceIoControl from a user mode application always sends IOCTLs to the top of the device stack (therefore it passes all the filters, the FDO and down to the PDO).
This question was asked on March 28, so I really hope you've solved it by now :)
As the documentation states you will need a handle to the USB host controller but it is not very clear on how you are supposed to get such a handle. In USBView something similar to this function is used to get the device path name by passing GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER (include initguid.h and usbiodef.h):
vector<wstring> EnumDevices(
_In_ const GUID Guid
vector<wstring> r;
int index = 0;
memset(&DevInfoData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA));
DevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, index, &DevInfoData)) {
int jndex = 0;
memset(&DevIntData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA));
DevIntData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(
&DevInfoData, &Guid, jndex, &DevIntData
)) {
// Get the size required for the structure.
DWORD RequiredSize;
hDevInfo, &DevIntData, NULL, NULL, &RequiredSize, NULL
memset(pDevIntDetData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) + RequiredSize);
pDevIntDetData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
pDevIntDetData, RequiredSize,
return r;
Keep in mind using the above function you can also request devices of type GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB and GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE which may eliminate any need to interact with the host controller or hubs directly.
