Algorithm for building an equation from a list of numbers using basic operators (+,-,*,/) - algorithm

I am struggling to find a smart/creative way to approach this problem instead of a brute force algorithm. Any insights that could allow me to view this problem in a different light would be greatly appreciated. Any language can be used.
Given a sequence of numbers, it is sometimes possible to place the basic operations of =, +, −, ×, and ÷ between those number to build a complete, correct equation. For instance, the sequence [2, 3, 8, 4, 22] can be made into an equation by putting the symbols in the following places:
2 + 3 × 8 − 4 = 22
Note how the order of operations is followed. Write a program that will build such a number sentence, given the list of numbers. An ideal solution would allow the numbers to be specified on the command line, but prompting the user for a list is also acceptable. If no true sentence can be found, print such a message to the user. Assume only one = will be used (allowing for multiple equal signs makes the assignment a lot harder, but is fun!)
You may present the sentence using prefix, infix, or postfix operators.
Sample Output
Note that some of these sequences could form multiple sentences. Only one need be printed.
$ assignment -4 1 2 3 4
1 - 2 = 3 - 4
$ assignment -4 1 1 1
1 / 1 = 1
$ assignment -4 0 18 1 2 1 1
0 / 18 = 1 - 2 + 1 * 1
$ assignment -4 2 2 2
No equation found


Diagonal Matrices in J

I do a lot of work with eigenvalues and hence building / unbuilding diagonal matrices is something I do a lot. In the spirit of J, I've come up with some simple definitions, but wonder if I have missed a simpler way? I couldn't find anything in the phrasebook, but may have been looking in the wrong place.
Make Diagonal matrix from list of diagonal entries:
diag =: * =#i.##
Extract diagonal entries from a matrix:
extract =: +/#(* =#i.##)
Diagonal entries of a matrix have a standar definition in J:
extract =: (<0 1)&|:
This is, unfortunately, hidden somewhere in the vocabulary. (You can see it passing in transpose)
I usually use diag as
diag =: 3 :'(2##y) $ ,_1 (((#y)#0),~])\y'
but I no longer remember why. Your version is better.
(* =) 2 3 4
2 0 0
0 3 0
0 0 4
If you are working with unique elements.
diag=: * = NB. a hook defined tacitly
diag 89 3 56.6
89 0 0
0 3 0
0 0 56.6
The = breaks down if the elements are not unique as the matrix is no longer square
diag 3 4 4
|length error: diag
| diag 3 4 4
Another solution involves using "copy-fill".
diag =: (2 ##) $ (#~ 1 j. #)
This is longer than OP's original formulation, but it works for both numbers and characters (as long as you want spaces to play the role of zero).
Short explanation (primarily for "future me", as I'm fairly new to J):
Consider the following example (with y =: 1 2 5 7 representing the diagonal entries):
4 4 $ 1j4 # y NB. the required diagonal matrix
The complex number argument 1j4 to the left of # inserts 4 zeros after every copied item from y. Reshaping this into a 4 x 4 matrix gives the diagonal matrix.
The 4's above are nothing but the number of items in y: #y. So we can generalise as (2 # #y) $ (1 j. #y) # y. The tacit equivalent of this is given at the top.

Converting a number into a special base system

I want to convert a number in base 10 into a special base form like this:
A*2^2 + B*3^1 + C*2^0
A can take on values of [0,1]
B can take on values of [0,1,2]
C can take on values of [0,1]
For example, the number 8 would be
1*2^2 + 1*3 + 1.
It is guaranteed that the given number can be converted to this specialized base system.
I know how to convert from this base system back to base-10, but I do not know how to convert from base-10 to this specialized base system.
In short words, treat every base number (2^2, 3^1, 2^0 in your example) as weight of an item, and the whole number as the capacity of a bag. This problem wants us to find a combination of these items which they fill the bag exactly.
In the first place this problem is NP-complete. It is identical to the subset sum problem, which can also be seen as a derivative problem of the knapsack problem.
Despite this fact, this problem can however be solved by a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm using dynamic programming in O(nW) time, which n is the number of bases, and W is the number to decompose. The details can be find in this wikipedia page: and this SO page: What's it called when I want to choose items to fill container as full as possible - and what algorithm should I use?.
Simplifying your "special base":
X = A * 4 + B * 3 + C
A E {0,1}
B E {0,1,2}
C E {0,1}
Obviously the largest number that can be represented is 4 + 2 * 3 + 1 = 11
To figure out how to get the values of A, B, C you can do one of two things:
There are only 12 possible inputs: create a lookup table. Ugly, but quick.
Use some algorithm. A bit trickier.
Let's look at (1) first:
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 3
0 1 1 4
0 2 0 6
0 2 1 7
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 7
1 1 1 8
1 2 0 10
1 2 1 11
Notice that 2 and 9 cannot be expressed in this system, while 4 and 7 occur twice. The fact that you have multiple possible solutions for a given input is a hint that there isn't a really robust algorithm (other than a look up table) to achieve what you want. So your table might look like this:
int A[] = {0,0,-1,0,0,1,0,1,1,-1,1,1};
int B[] = {0,0,-1,1,1,0,2,1,1,-1,2,2};
int C[] = {0,1,-1,0,2,1,0,1,1,-1,0,1};
Then look up A, B, C. If A < 0, there is no solution.

Minimize maximum absolute difference in pairs of numbers

The problem statement:
Give n variables and k pairs. The variables can be distinct by assigning a value from 1 to n to each variable. Each pair p contain 2 variables and let the absolute difference between 2 variables in p is abs(p). Define the upper bound of difference is U=max(Abs(p)|every p).
Find an assignment that minimize U.
Each variable appear at least 2 times in list of pairs.
A problem instance:
n=9, k=12
1 2 (meaning pair x1 x2)
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 3
2 6
3 5
3 7
3 8
3 9
6 9
8 9
1 2 5 4 3 6 7 8 9
(meaning x1=1,x2=2,x3=5,...)
Explaination: An assignment of x1=1,x2=2,x3=3,... will result in U=6 (3 9 has greastest abs value). The output assignment will get U=4, the minimum value (changed pair: 3 7 => 5 7, 3 8 => 5 8, etc. and 3 5 isn't changed. In this case, abs(p)<=4 for every pair).
There is an important point: To achieve the best assignments, the variables in the pairs that have greatest abs must be change.
Base on this, I have thought of a greedy algorithm:
1)Assign every x to default assignment (x(i)=i)
2)Locate pairs that have largest abs and x(i)'s contained in them.
3)For every i,j: Calculate U. Swap value of x(i),x(j). Calculate U'. If U'<U, stop and repeat step 3. If U'>=U for every i,j, end and output the assignment.
However, this method has a major pitfall, if we need an assignment like this:
x(a)<<x(b), x(b)<<x(c), x(c)<<x(a)
, we have to swap in 2 steps, like: x(a)<=>x(b), then x(b)<=>x(c), then there is a possibility that x(b)<<x(a) in first step has its abs become larger than U and the swap failed.
Is there any efficient algorithm to solve this problem?
This looks like (NP complete, even for special cases). It looks like people run when they need to do this to try and turn a sparse matrix into a banded diagonal matrix.

Find longest common substring of multiple strings using factor oracle enhanced with LRS array

Can we use a factor-oracle with suffix link (paper here) to compute the longest common substring of multiple strings? Here, substring means any part of the original string. For example "abc" is the substring of "ffabcgg", while "abg" is not.
I've found a way to compute the maximum length common substring of two strings s1 and s2. It works by concatenating the two strings using a character not in them, '$' for example. Then for each prefix of the concatenated string s with length i >= |s1| + 2, we calculate its LRS (longest repeated suffix) length lrs[i] and sp[i] (the end position of the first occurence of its LRS). Finally, the answer is
max{lrs[i]| i >= |s1| + 2 and sp[i] <= |s1|}
I've written a C++ program that uses this method, which can solve the problem within 200ms on my laptop when |s1|+|s2| <= 200000, using the factor oracle.
s1 = 'ffabcgg'
s2 = 'gfbcge'
s = s1+'$'+s2
= 'ffabcgg$gfbcge'
p: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
s: f f a b c g g $ g f b c g e
sp: 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 1 4 5 6 0
lrs:0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 0
ans = lrs[13] = 3
I know the both problems can be solved using suffix-array and suffix-tree with high efficiency, but I wonder if there is a method using factor oracle to solve it. I am interested in this because the factor oracle is easy to construct (with 30 lines of C++, suffix-array needs about 60, and suffix-tree needs 150), and it runs faster than suffix-array and suffix-tree.
You can test your method of the first problem in this OnlineJudge, and the second problem in here.
Can we use a factor-oracle with suffix link (paper here) to compute
the longest common substring of multiple strings?
I don't think the algorithm is a very good fit (it is designed to factor a single string) but you can use it by concatenating the original strings with a unique separator.
Given abcdefg and hijcdekl and mncdop, find the longest common substring cd:
# combine with unique joiners
>>> s = "abcdefg" + "1" + "hijcdekl" + "2" + "mncdop"
>>> factor_oracle(s)
As part of its linear-time and space algorithm, the factor-oracle quickly rediscover the break points between the input strings as part of its search for common factors (the unique joiners provide and immediate cue to stop extending the best factor found so far).

How can I maximally partition a set?

I'm trying to solve one of the Project Euler problems. As a consequence, I need an algorithm that will help me find all possible partitions of a set, in any order.
For instance, given the set 2 3 3 5:
2 | 3 3 5
2 | 3 | 3 5
2 | 3 3 | 5
2 | 3 | 3 | 5
2 5 | 3 3
and so on. Pretty much every possible combination of the members of the set. I've searched the net of course, but haven't found much that's directly useful to me, since I speak programmer-ese not advanced-math-ese.
Can anyone help me out with this? I can read pretty much any programming language, from BASIC to Haskell, so post in whatever language you wish.
Have you considered a search tree? Each node would represent a choice of where to put an element and the leaf nodes are answers. I won't give you code because that's part of the fun of Project Euler ;)
Take a look at:
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 3: Generating All Combinations and Partitions Generating all set partitions
In general I would look at the structure of the recursion used to compute the number of configurations, and build a similar recursion for enumerating them. Best is to compute a one-to-one mapping between integers and configurations. This works well for permutations, combinations, etc. and ensures that each configuration is enumerated only once.
Now even the recursion for the number of partitions of some identical items is rather complicated.
For partitions of multisets the counting amounts to solving the generalization of Project Euler problem 181 to arbitrary multisets.
Well, the problem has two aspects.
Firsty, the items can be arranged in any order. So for N items, there are N! permutations (assuming the items are treated as unique).
Secondly, you can envision the grouping as a bit flag between each item indicating a divide. There would be N-1 of these flags, so for a given permutation there would be 2^(N-1) possible groupings.
This means that for N items, there would be a total of N!*(2^(N-1)) groupings/permutations, which gets big very very fast.
In your example, the top four items are groupings of one permutation. The last item is a grouping of another permutation. Your items can be viewed as :
2 on 3 off 3 off 5
2 on 3 on 3 off 5
2 on 3 off 3 on 5
2 on 3 on 3 on 5
2 off 5 on 3 off 3
The permutations (the order of display) can be derived by looking at them like a tree, as mentioned by the other two. This would almost certainly involve recursion, such as here.
The grouping is independent of them in many ways. Once you have all the permutations, you can link them with the groupings if needed.
Here is the code you need for this part of your problem:
def memoize(f):
def helper(x):
if x not in memo:
return memo[x]
return helper
def A000041(n):
if n == 0: return 1
S = 0
J = n-1
k = 2
while 0 <= J:
T = A000041(J)
S = S+T if k//2%2!=0 else S-T
J -= k if k%2!=0 else k//2
k += 1
return S
print A000041(100) #the 100's number in this series, as an example
I quickly whipped up some code to do this. However, I left out separating every possible combination of the given list, because I wasn't sure it was actually needed, but it should be easy to add, if necessary.
Anyway, the code runs quite well for small amounts, but, as CodeByMoonlight already mentioned, the amount of possibilities gets really high really fast, so the runtime increases accordingly.
Anyway, here's the python code:
import time
def separate(toseparate):
"Find every possible way to separate a given list."
#The list of every possibility
possibilities = []
n = len(toseparate)
#We can distribute n-1 separations in the given list, so iterate from 0 to n
for i in xrange(n):
#Create a copy of the list to avoid modifying the already existing list
copy = list(toseparate)
#A boolean list indicating where a separator is put. 'True' indicates a separator
#and 'False', of course, no separator.
#The list will contain i separators, the rest is filled with 'False'
separators = [True]*i + [False]*(n-i-1)
for j in xrange(len(separators)):
#We insert the separators into our given list. The separators have to
#be between two elements. The index between two elements is always
#2*[index of the left element]+1.
copy.insert(2*j+1, separators[j])
#The first possibility is, of course, the one we just created
#The following is a modification of the QuickPerm algorithm, which finds
#all possible permutations of a given list. It was modified to only permutate
#the spaces between two elements, so it finds every possibility to insert n
#separators in the given list.
m = len(separators)
hi, lo = 1, 0
p = [0]*m
while hi < m:
if p[hi] < hi:
lo = (hi%2)*p[hi]
copy[2*lo+1], copy[2*hi+1] = copy[2*hi+1], copy[2*lo+1]
#Since the items are non-unique, some possibilities will show up more than once, so we
#avoid this by checking first.
if not copy in possibilities:
p[hi] += 1
hi = 1
p[hi] = 0
hi += 1
return possibilities
t1 = time.time()
separations = separate([2, 3, 3, 5])
print time.time()-t1
sepmap = {True:"|", False:""}
for a in separations:
for b in a:
if sepmap.has_key(b):
print sepmap[b],
print b,
print "\n",
It's based on the QuickPerm algorithm, which you can read more about here: QuickPerm
Basically, my code generates a list containing n separations, inserts them into the given list and then finds all possible permutations of the separations in the list.
So, if we use your example we would get:
2 3 3 5
2 | 3 3 5
2 3 | 3 5
2 3 3 | 5
2 | 3 | 3 5
2 3 | 3 | 5
2 | 3 3 | 5
2 | 3 | 3 | 5
In 0.000154972076416 seconds.
However, I read through the problem description of the problem you are doing and I see how you are trying to solve this, but seeing how quickly the runtime increases I don't think that it would work as fast you would expect. Remember that Project Euler's problems should solve in around a minute.
