Diagonal Matrices in J - matrix

I do a lot of work with eigenvalues and hence building / unbuilding diagonal matrices is something I do a lot. In the spirit of J, I've come up with some simple definitions, but wonder if I have missed a simpler way? I couldn't find anything in the phrasebook, but may have been looking in the wrong place.
Make Diagonal matrix from list of diagonal entries:
diag =: * =#i.##
Extract diagonal entries from a matrix:
extract =: +/#(* =#i.##)

Diagonal entries of a matrix have a standar definition in J:
extract =: (<0 1)&|:
This is, unfortunately, hidden somewhere in the vocabulary. (You can see it passing in transpose)
I usually use diag as
diag =: 3 :'(2##y) $ ,_1 (((#y)#0),~])\y'
but I no longer remember why. Your version is better.

(* =) 2 3 4
2 0 0
0 3 0
0 0 4
If you are working with unique elements.
diag=: * = NB. a hook defined tacitly
diag 89 3 56.6
89 0 0
0 3 0
0 0 56.6
The = breaks down if the elements are not unique as the matrix is no longer square
diag 3 4 4
|length error: diag
| diag 3 4 4

Another solution involves using "copy-fill".
diag =: (2 ##) $ (#~ 1 j. #)
This is longer than OP's original formulation, but it works for both numbers and characters (as long as you want spaces to play the role of zero).
Short explanation (primarily for "future me", as I'm fairly new to J):
Consider the following example (with y =: 1 2 5 7 representing the diagonal entries):
4 4 $ 1j4 # y NB. the required diagonal matrix
The complex number argument 1j4 to the left of # inserts 4 zeros after every copied item from y. Reshaping this into a 4 x 4 matrix gives the diagonal matrix.
The 4's above are nothing but the number of items in y: #y. So we can generalise as (2 # #y) $ (1 j. #y) # y. The tacit equivalent of this is given at the top.


Number of valid parenthesis

I have to find out the number of valid parenthesis.Parenthesis are of two type [] ,(). How many ways are there to construct a valid sequence using X and Y number of [] ,(). For this problem we consider ([]) is invalid way i.e () can't hold [].
Is there any better solution than recursion.
For Example X=1 and Y=1
For any given combination of grouped, self-enclosed round parentheses and a given arrangement of square brackets, we can use the multiset combination to determine the number of arrangements:
n + k - 1 choose k, where k is the smaller of the number of self-enclosed parenthetical groups and the total number of square brackets, and n is the larger of the two + 1.
The number of arragements of square brackets is the nth Catalan number.
One way to generate the groups of parentheses is to assign an increasing number of groups, and calculate the number of distinct permutations for each partition of (X - number of assigned groups) multiplied by the sum of the parts-as-nth-Catalan. For example:
X = 4
Counts for each grouping:
1 group: Cat 3
2 groups: Cat 2 * 2 + 1 // partitions [2,0] * 2 and [1,1]
3 groups: 3 // partition [1,0,0] * 3
4 groups: 1 // partition [0,0,0,0]
I have yet to think of a way to avoid the partitions and would be interested to learn.
Because square brackets cannot be inside round brackets, every sequence of round brackets has to be complete (i.e. the count of the number of open minus close brackets is back down to zero) before each occurance of a square bracket.
1 012 1 0
10 121010 1010 123210 10
This effectively means that the square brackets split the round brackets into seperate independent sequences:
1 0 1 2 1 0
where complete sequences of round brackets can be placed anywhere between the square brackets.
As mentioned by Paul Hankin, the number of valid sequences of just one type of brackets is given by the Catalan Number. This gives you the number of valid sequences for the square brackets, and the number of valid sequences for any number of round brackets to be inserted somewhere inbetween the square brackets.
Unfortunately, finding out in what ways the round brackets can be distributed to the different locations inbetween the square brackets is a partitioning problem, and the logical way to solve this is by recursion. So this train of thought could lead to an algorithm, but not to one which avoids recursion.
However, the number of recursions needed to find partitions is much smaller than the Catalan number (e.g. 20 has 627 partitions, but the Catalan number for 20 is 6,564,120,420), so this method will be much faster than recursively enumerating every valid sequence.
Here's a simple example to demonstrate how this would work:
X=2, Y=3
The valid sequences of square brackets:
CatalanNumber(2) = 2
1. [ ] [ ]
2. [ [ ] ]
The positions for the round brackets:
2 × X + 1 = 5
The partitions of the round brackets:
p(Y) = 3
The permutations of the partitions:
partition: 3 (number of parts: 1)
→ 5 = 5
3,0,0,0,0 0,3,0,0,0 0,0,3,0,0 0,0,0,3,0 0,0,0,0,3
partition: 2,1 (number of parts: 2)
→ 5 × 4 = 20
2,1,0,0,0 2,0,1,0,0 2,0,0,1,0 2,0,0,0,1
1,2,0,0,0 0,2,1,0,0 0,2,0,1,0 0,2,0,0,1
1,0,2,0,0 0,1,2,0,0 0,0,2,1,0 0,0,2,0,1
1,0,0,2,0 0,1,0,2,0 0,0,1,2,0 0,0,0,2,1
1,0,0,0,2 0,1,0,0,2 0,0,1,0,2 0,0,0,1,2
partition: 1,1,1 (number of parts: 3, identical: 3)
→ (5 × 4 × 3) / (1 × 2 × 3) = 10
1,1,1,0,0 1,1,0,1,0 1,1,0,0,1
1,0,1,1,0 1,0,1,0,1 1,0,0,1,1
0,1,1,1,0 0,1,1,0,1 0,1,0,1,1 0,0,1,1,1
The valid sequences of round brackets:
CatalanNumber(3) = 5
1. ()()()
2. ()(())
3. (())()
4. (()())
5. ((()))
CatalanNumber(2) = 2
1. ()()
2. (())
CatalanNumber(1) = 1
1. ()
CatalanNumber(0) = 1
The valid sequences per partition:
3,0,0,0,0 5 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 = 5
2,1,0,0,0 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 = 2
1,1,1,0,0 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 = 1
The total number of valid sequences:
Square brackets: 2
Round Brackets: 75
5 x 5 = 25
20 x 2 = 40
10 x 1 = 10
Total: 2 × 75 = 150

MATLAB: Fast creation of random symmetric Matrix with fixed degree (sum of rows)

I am searching for a method to create, in a fast way a random matrix A with the follwing properties:
A = transpose(A)
A(i,i) = 0 for all i
A(i,j) >= 0 for all i, j
sum(A) =~ degree; the sum of rows are randomly distributed by a distribution I want to specify (here =~ means approximate equality).
The distribution degree comes from a matrix orig, specifically degree=sum(orig), thus I know that matrices with this distribution exist.
For example: orig=[0 12 7 5; 12 0 1 9; 7 1 0 3; 5 9 3 0]
orig =
0 12 7 5
12 0 1 9
7 1 0 3
5 9 3 0
sum(orig)=[24 22 11 17];
Now one possible matrix A=[0 11 5 8, 11 0 4 7, 5 4 0 2, 8 7 2 0] is
A =
0 11 5 8
11 0 4 7
5 4 0 2
8 7 2 0
with sum(A)=[24 22 11 17].
I am trying this for quite some time, but unfortunatly my two ideas didn't work:
version 1:
I switch Nswitch times two random elements: A(k1,k3)--; A(k1,k4)++; A(k2,k3)++; A(k2,k4)--; (the transposed elements aswell).
Unfortunatly, Nswitch = log(E)*E (with E=sum(sum(nn))) in order that the Matrices are very uncorrelated. As my E > 5.000.000, this is not feasible (in particular, as I need at least 10 of such matrices).
version 2:
I create the matrix according to the distribution from scratch. The idea is, to fill every row i with degree(i) numbers, based on the distribution of degree:
for i=1:length(nn)
nnR = nnR + accumarray([xx(:),ff(:)],1,size(nnR));
However, while sum(A')=degree, sum(A) systematically deviates from degree, and I am not able to find the reason for that.
Small deviations from degree are fine of course, but there seem to be systmatical deviations in particulat of the matrices contain in some places large numbers.
I would be very happy if somebody could either show me a fast method for version1, or a reason for the systematic deviation of the distribution in version 2, or a method to create such matrices in a different way. Thank you!
This is the problem in matsmath's proposed solution:
Imagine you have the matrix:
orig =
0 12 3 1
12 0 1 9
3 1 0 3
1 9 3 0
with r(i)=[16 22 7 13].
Step 1: r(1)=16, my random integer partition is p(i)=[0 7 3 6].
Step 2: Check that all p(i)<=r(i), which is the case.
Step 3:
My random matrix starts looks like
A =
0 7 3 6
7 0 . .
3 . 0 .
6 . . 0
with the new row sum vector rnew=[r(2)-p(2),...,r(n)-p(n)]=[15 4 7]
Second iteration (here the problem occures):
Step 1: rnew(1)=15, my random integer partition is p(i)=[0 A B]: rnew(1)=15=A+B.
Step 2: Check that all p(i)<=rnew(i), which gives A<=4, B<=7. So A+B<=11, but A+B has to be 15. contradiction :-/
This is the code representing (to the best of my knowledge) the solution posted by David Eisenstat:
orig=[0 12 3 1; 12 0 1 9; 3 1 0 3; 1 9 3 0];
w=[2.2406 4.6334 0.8174 1.6902];
for ii=1:1000
rndmat=[poissrnd(w(1),1,4); poissrnd(w(2),1,4); poissrnd(w(3),1,4); poissrnd(w(4),1,4)];
kkk=rndmat.*(ones(4)-eye(4)); % remove diagonal
hhh=sum(sum(orig))/sum(sum(kkk))*kkk; % normalisation
disp(sum(orig)); % gives [16 22 7 13]
disp(sum(xf)); % gives [14.8337 9.6171 18.0627 15.4865] (obvious systematic problem)
disp(sum(xf')) % gives [13.5230 28.8452 4.9635 10.6683] (which is also systematically different from [16, 22, 7, 13]
Since it's enough to approximately preserve the degree sequence, let me propose a random distribution where each entry above the diagonal is chosen according to a Poisson distribution. My intuition is that we want to find weights w_i such that the i,j entry for i != j has mean w_i*w_j (all of the diagonal entries are zero). This gives us a nonlinear system of equations:
for all i, (sum_{j != i} w_i*w_j) = d_i,
where d_i is the degree of i. Equivalently,
for all i, w_i * (sum_j w_j) - w_i^2 = d_i.
The latter can be solved by applying Newton's method as described below from a starting solution of w_i = d_i / sqrt(sum_j d_j).
Once we have the w_is, we can sample repeatedly using poissrnd to generate samples of multiple Poisson distributions at once.
(If I have time, I'll try implementing this in numpy.)
The Jacobian matrix of the equation system for a 4 by 4 problem is
(w_2 + w_3 + w_4) w_1 w_1 w_1
w_2 (w_1 + w_3 + w_4) w_2 w_2
w_3 w_3 (w_1 + w_2 + w_4) w_3
w_4 w_4 w_4 (w_1 + w_2 + w_3).
In general, let A be a diagonal matrix where A_{i,i} = sum_j w_j - 2*w_i. Let u = [w_1, ..., w_n]' and v = [1, ..., 1]'. The Jacobian can be written J = A + u*v'. The inverse is given by the Sherman--Morrison formula
J^-1 = (A + u*v')^-1 = A^-1 - -------------- .
1 + v'*A^-1*u
For the Newton step, we need to compute J^-1*y for some given y. This can be done straightforwardly in time O(n) using the above equation. I'll add more detail when I get the chance.
First approach (based on version2)
Let your row sum vector given by the matrix orig [r(1),r(2),...,r(n)].
Step 1. Take a random integer partition of the integer r(1) into exactly n-1 parts, say p(2), p(3), ..., p(n)
Step 2. Check if p(i)<=r(i) for all i=2...n. If not, go to Step 1.
Step 3. Fill out your random matrix first row and colum by the entries 0, p(2), ... , p(n), and consider the new row sum vector [r(2)-p(2),...,r(n)-p(n)].
Repeat these steps with a matrix of order n-1.
The point is, that you randomize one row at a time, and reduce the problem to searching for a matrix of size one less.
As pointed out by OP in the comment, this naive algorithm fails. The reason is that the matrices in question have a further necessary condition on their entries as follows:
If A is an orig matrix with row sums [r(1), r(2), ..., r(n)] then necessarily for every i=1..n it holds that r(i)<=-r(i)+sum(r(j),j=1..n).
That is, any row sum, say the ith, r(i), is necessarily at most as big as the sum of the other row sums (not including r(i)).
In light of this, a revised algorithm is possible. Note that in Step 2b. we check if the new row sum vector has the property discussed above.
Step 1. Take a random integer partition of the integer r(1) into exactly n-1 parts, say p(2), p(3), ..., p(n)
Step 2a. Check if p(i)<=r(i) for all i=2...n. If not, go to Step 1.
Step 2b. Check if r(i)-p(i)<=-r(i)+p(i)+sum(r(j)-p(j),j=2..n) for all i=2..n. If not, go to Step 1.
Step 3. Fill out your random matrix first row and colum by the entries 0, p(2), ... , p(n), and consider the new row sum vector [r(2)-p(2),...,r(n)-p(n)].
Second approach (based on version1)
I am not sure if this approach gives you random matrices, but it certainly gives you different matrices.
The idea here is to change some parts of your orig matrix locally, in a way which maintains all of its properties.
You should look for a random 2x2 submatrix below the main diagonal which contains strictly positive entries, like [[a,b],[c,d]] and perturbe its contents by a random value r to [[a+r,b-r],[c-r,d+r]]. You make the same change above the main diagonal too, to keep your new matrix symmetric. Here the point is that the changes within the entries "cancel" each other out.
Of course, r should be chosen in a way such that b-r>=0 and c-r>=0.
You can pursue this idea to modify larger submatrices too. For example, you might choose 3 random row coordinates r1, r2, r2 and 3 random column coordinates c1, c2, and c3 and then make changes in your orig matrix at the 9 positions (ri,cj) as follows: you change your 3x3 submatrix [[a b c],[d e f], [g h i]] to [[a-r b+r c] [d+r e f-r], [g h-r i+r]]. You do the same at the transposed places. Again, the random value r must be chosen in a way so that a-r>=0 and f-r>=0 and h-r>=0. Moreover, c1 and r1, and c3 and r3 must be distinct as you can't change the 0 entries in the main diagonal of the matrix orig.
You can repeat such things over and over again, say 100 times, until you find something which looks random. Note that this idea uses the fact that you have existing knowledge of a solution, this is the matrix orig, while the first approach does not use such knowledge at all.

Algorithm for building an equation from a list of numbers using basic operators (+,-,*,/)

I am struggling to find a smart/creative way to approach this problem instead of a brute force algorithm. Any insights that could allow me to view this problem in a different light would be greatly appreciated. Any language can be used.
Given a sequence of numbers, it is sometimes possible to place the basic operations of =, +, −, ×, and ÷ between those number to build a complete, correct equation. For instance, the sequence [2, 3, 8, 4, 22] can be made into an equation by putting the symbols in the following places:
2 + 3 × 8 − 4 = 22
Note how the order of operations is followed. Write a program that will build such a number sentence, given the list of numbers. An ideal solution would allow the numbers to be specified on the command line, but prompting the user for a list is also acceptable. If no true sentence can be found, print such a message to the user. Assume only one = will be used (allowing for multiple equal signs makes the assignment a lot harder, but is fun!)
You may present the sentence using prefix, infix, or postfix operators.
Sample Output
Note that some of these sequences could form multiple sentences. Only one need be printed.
$ assignment -4 1 2 3 4
1 - 2 = 3 - 4
$ assignment -4 1 1 1
1 / 1 = 1
$ assignment -4 0 18 1 2 1 1
0 / 18 = 1 - 2 + 1 * 1
$ assignment -4 2 2 2
No equation found

Converting a number into a special base system

I want to convert a number in base 10 into a special base form like this:
A*2^2 + B*3^1 + C*2^0
A can take on values of [0,1]
B can take on values of [0,1,2]
C can take on values of [0,1]
For example, the number 8 would be
1*2^2 + 1*3 + 1.
It is guaranteed that the given number can be converted to this specialized base system.
I know how to convert from this base system back to base-10, but I do not know how to convert from base-10 to this specialized base system.
In short words, treat every base number (2^2, 3^1, 2^0 in your example) as weight of an item, and the whole number as the capacity of a bag. This problem wants us to find a combination of these items which they fill the bag exactly.
In the first place this problem is NP-complete. It is identical to the subset sum problem, which can also be seen as a derivative problem of the knapsack problem.
Despite this fact, this problem can however be solved by a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm using dynamic programming in O(nW) time, which n is the number of bases, and W is the number to decompose. The details can be find in this wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem#Dynamic_programming and this SO page: What's it called when I want to choose items to fill container as full as possible - and what algorithm should I use?.
Simplifying your "special base":
X = A * 4 + B * 3 + C
A E {0,1}
B E {0,1,2}
C E {0,1}
Obviously the largest number that can be represented is 4 + 2 * 3 + 1 = 11
To figure out how to get the values of A, B, C you can do one of two things:
There are only 12 possible inputs: create a lookup table. Ugly, but quick.
Use some algorithm. A bit trickier.
Let's look at (1) first:
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 3
0 1 1 4
0 2 0 6
0 2 1 7
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 7
1 1 1 8
1 2 0 10
1 2 1 11
Notice that 2 and 9 cannot be expressed in this system, while 4 and 7 occur twice. The fact that you have multiple possible solutions for a given input is a hint that there isn't a really robust algorithm (other than a look up table) to achieve what you want. So your table might look like this:
int A[] = {0,0,-1,0,0,1,0,1,1,-1,1,1};
int B[] = {0,0,-1,1,1,0,2,1,1,-1,2,2};
int C[] = {0,1,-1,0,2,1,0,1,1,-1,0,1};
Then look up A, B, C. If A < 0, there is no solution.

minimum steps required to make array of integers contiguous

given a sorted array of distinct integers, what is the minimum number of steps required to make the integers contiguous? Here the condition is that: in a step , only one element can be changed and can be either increased or decreased by 1 . For example, if we have 2,4,5,6 then '2' can be made '3' thus making the elements contiguous(3,4,5,6) .Hence the minimum steps here is 1 . Similarly for the array: 2,4,5,8:
Step 1: '2' can be made '3'
Step 2: '8' can be made '7'
Step 3: '7' can be made '6'
Thus the sequence now is 3,4,5,6 and the number of steps is 3.
I tried as follows but am not sure if its correct?
//n is the number of elements in array a
int count=a[n-1]-a[0]-1;
The intuitive guess is that the "center" of the optimal sequence will be the arithmetic average, but this is not the case. Let's find the correct solution with some vector math:
Part 1: Assuming the first number is to be left alone (we'll deal with this assumption later), calculate the differences, so 1 12 3 14 5 16-1 2 3 4 5 6 would yield 0 -10 0 -10 0 -10.
sidenote: Notice that a "contiguous" array by your implied definition would be an increasing arithmetic sequence with difference 1. (Note that there are other reasonable interpretations of your question: some people may consider 5 4 3 2 1 to be contiguous, or 5 3 1 to be contiguous, or 1 2 3 2 3 to be contiguous. You also did not specify if negative numbers should be treated any differently.)
theorem: The contiguous numbers must lie between the minimum and maximum number. [proof left to reader]
Part 2: Now returning to our example, assuming we took the 30 steps (sum(abs(0 -10 0 -10 0 -10))=30) required to turn 1 12 3 14 5 16 into 1 2 3 4 5 6. This is one correct answer. But 0 -10 0 -10 0 -10+c is also an answer which yields an arithmetic sequence of difference 1, for any constant c. In order to minimize the number of "steps", we must pick an appropriate c. In this case, each time we increase or decrease c, we increase the number of steps by N=6 (the length of the vector). So for example if we wanted to turn our original sequence 1 12 3 14 5 16 into 3 4 5 6 7 8 (c=2), then the differences would have been 2 -8 2 -8 2 -8, and sum(abs(2 -8 2 -8 2 -8))=30.
Now this is very clear if you could picture it visually, but it's sort of hard to type out in text. First we took our difference vector. Imagine you drew it like so:
3| *
2| * |
1| | | *
-1| |
-2| *
We are free to "shift" this vector up and down by adding or subtracting 1 from everything. (This is equivalent to finding c.) We wish to find the shift which minimizes the number of | you see (the area between the curve and the x-axis). This is NOT the average (that would be minimizing the standard deviation or RMS error, not the absolute error). To find the minimizing c, let's think of this as a function and consider its derivative. If the differences are all far away from the x-axis (we're trying to make 101 112 103 114 105 116), it makes sense to just not add this extra stuff, so we shift the function down towards the x-axis. Each time we decrease c, we improve the solution by 6. Now suppose that one of the *s passes the x axis. Each time we decrease c, we improve the solution by 5-1=4 (we save 5 steps of work, but have to do 1 extra step of work for the * below the x-axis). Eventually when HALF the *s are past the x-axis, we can NO LONGER IMPROVE THE SOLUTION (derivative: 3-3=0). (In fact soon we begin to make the solution worse, and can never make it better again. Not only have we found the minimum of this function, but we can see it is a global minimum.)
Thus the solution is as follows: Pretend the first number is in place. Calculate the vector of differences. Minimize the sum of the absolute value of this vector; do this by finding the median OF THE DIFFERENCES and subtracting that off from the differences to obtain an improved differences-vector. The sum of the absolute value of the "improved" vector is your answer. This is O(N) The solutions of equal optimality will (as per the above) always be "adjacent". A unique solution exists only if there are an odd number of numbers; otherwise if there are an even number of numbers, AND the median-of-differences is not an integer, the equally-optimal solutions will have difference-vectors with corrective factors of any number between the two medians.
So I guess this wouldn't be complete without a final example.
input: 2 3 4 10 14 14 15 100
difference vector: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-2 3 4 10 14 14 15 100 = 0 0 0 -5 -8 -7 -7 -91
note that the medians of the difference-vector are not in the middle anymore, we need to perform an O(N) median-finding algorithm to extract them...
medians of difference-vector are -5 and -7
let us take -5 to be our correction factor (any number between the medians, such as -6 or -7, would also be a valid choice)
thus our new goal is 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+5=7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, and the new differences are 5 5 5 0 -3 -2 -2 -86*
this means we will need to do 5+5+5+0+3+2+2+86=108 steps
*(we obtain this by repeating step 2 with our new target, or by adding 5 to each number of the previous difference... but since you only care about the sum, we'd just add 8*5 (vector length times correct factor) to the previously calculated sum)
Alternatively, we could have also taken -6 or -7 to be our correction factor. Let's say we took -7...
then the new goal would have been 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+7=9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, and the new differences would have been 7 7 7 2 1 0 0 -84
this would have meant we'd need to do 7+7+7+2+1+0+0+84=108 steps, the same as above
If you simulate this yourself, can see the number of steps becomes >108 as we take offsets further away from the range [-5,-7].
def minSteps(array A of size N):
A' = [0,1,...,N-1]
diffs = A'-A
medianOfDiffs = leftMedian(diffs)
return sum(abs(diffs-medianOfDiffs))
leftMedian = lambda x:sorted(x)[len(x)//2]
def minSteps(array):
target = range(len(array))
diffs = [t-a for t,a in zip(target,array)]
medianOfDiffs = leftMedian(diffs)
return sum(abs(d-medianOfDiffs) for d in diffs)
It turns out that for arrays of distinct integers, this is equivalent to a simpler solution: picking one of the (up to 2) medians, assuming it doesn't move, and moving other numbers accordingly. This simpler method often gives incorrect answers if you have any duplicates, but the OP didn't ask that, so that would be a simpler and more elegant solution. Additionally we can use the proof I've given in this solution to justify the "assume the median doesn't move" solution as follows: the corrective factor will always be in the center of the array (i.e. the median of the differences will be from the median of the numbers). Thus any restriction which also guarantees this can be used to create variations of this brainteaser.
Get one of the medians of all the numbers. As the numbers are already sorted, this shouldn't be a big deal. Assume that median does not move. Then compute the total cost of moving all the numbers accordingly. This should give the answer.
community edit:
def minSteps(a):
"""INPUT: list of sorted unique integers"""
oneMedian = a[floor(n/2)]
aTarget = [oneMedian + (i-floor(n/2)) for i in range(len(a))]
# aTargets looks roughly like [m-n/2?, ..., m-1, m, m+1, ..., m+n/2]
return sum(abs(aTarget[i]-a[i]) for i in range(len(a)))
This is probably not an ideal solution, but a first idea.
Given a sorted sequence [x1, x2, …, xn]:
Write a function that returns the differences of an element to the previous and to the next element, i.e. (xn – xn–1, xn+1 – xn).
If the difference to the previous element is > 1, you would have to increase all previous elements by xn – xn–1 – 1. That is, the number of necessary steps would increase by the number of previous elements × (xn – xn–1 – 1). Let's call this number a.
If the difference to the next element is >1, you would have to decrease all subsequent elements by xn+1 – xn – 1. That is, the number of necessary steps would increase by the number of subsequent elements × (xn+1 – xn – 1). Let's call this number b.
If a < b, then increase all previous elements until they are contiguous to the current element. If a > b, then decrease all subsequent elements until they are contiguous to the current element. If a = b, it doesn't matter which of these two actions is chosen.
Add up the number of steps taken in the previous step (by increasing the total number of necessary steps by either a or b), and repeat until all elements are contiguous.
First of all, imagine that we pick an arbitrary target of contiguous increasing values and then calculate the cost (number of steps required) for modifying the array the array to match.
Original: 3 5 7 8 10 16
Target: 4 5 6 7 8 9
Difference: +1 0 -1 -1 -2 -7 -> Cost = 12
Sign: + 0 - - - -
Because the input array is already ordered and distinct, it is strictly increasing. Because of this, it can be shown that the differences will always be non-increasing.
If we change the target by increasing it by 1, the cost will change. Each position in which the difference is currently positive or zero will incur an increase in cost by 1. Each position in which the difference is currently negative will yield a decrease in cost by 1:
Original: 3 5 7 8 10 16
New target: 5 6 7 8 9 10
New Difference: +2 +1 0 0 -1 -6 -> Cost = 10 (decrease by 2)
Conversely, if we decrease the target by 1, each position in which the difference is currently positive will yield a decrease in cost by 1, while each position in which the difference is zero or negative will incur an increase in cost by 1:
Original: 3 5 7 8 10 16
New target: 3 4 5 6 7 8
New Difference: 0 -1 -2 -2 -3 -8 -> Cost = 16 (increase by 4)
In order to find the optimal values for the target array, we must find a target such that any change (increment or decrement) will not decrease the cost. Note that an increment of the target can only decrease the cost when there are more positions with negative difference than there are with zero or positive difference. A decrement can only decrease the cost when there are more positions with a positive difference than with a zero or negative difference.
Here are some example distributions of difference signs. Remember that the differences array is non-increasing, so positives always have to be first and negatives last:
+ + + - - - optimal
+ + 0 - - - optimal
0 0 0 - - - optimal
+ 0 - - - - can increment (negatives exceed positives & zeroes)
+ + + 0 0 0 optimal
+ + + + - - can decrement (positives exceed negatives & zeroes)
+ + 0 0 - - optimal
+ 0 0 0 0 0 optimal
Observe that if one of the central elements (marked C) is zero, the target must be optimal. In such a circumstance, at best any increment or decrement will not change the cost, but it may increase it. This result is important, because it gives us a trivial solution. We pick a target such that a[n/2] remains unchanged. There may be other possible targets that yield the same cost, but there are definitely none that are better. Here's the original code modified to calculate this cost:
//n is the number of elements in array a
int targetValue;
int cost = 0;
int middle = n / 2;
int startValue = a[middle] - middle;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
targetValue = startValue + i;
cost += abs(targetValue - a[i]);
You can not do it by iterating once on the array, that's for sure.
You need first to check the difference between each two numbers, for example:
2,7,8,9 can be 2,3,4,5 with 18 steps or 6,7,8,9 with 4 steps.
Create a new array with the difference like so: for 2,7,8,9 it wiil be 4,1,1. Now you can decide whether to increase or decrease the first number.
Lets assume that the contiguous array looks something like this -
c c+1 c+2 c+3 .. and so on
Now lets take an example -
5 7 8 10
The contiguous array in this case will be -
c c+1 c+2 c+3
In order to get the minimum steps, the sum of the modulus of the difference of the integers(before and after) w.r.t the ith index should be the minimum. In which case,
(c-5)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-7)^2 should be minimum
Let f(c) = (c-5)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-7)^2
= 4c^2 - 48c + 146
Applying differential calculus to get the minima,
f'(c) = 8c - 48 = 0
=> c = 6
So our contiguous array is 6 7 8 9 and the minimum cost here is 2.
To sum it up, just generate f(c), get the first differential and find out c.
This should take O(n).
Brute force approach O(N*M)
If one draws a line through each point in the array a then y0 is a value where each line starts at index 0. Then the answer is the minimum among number of steps reqired to get from a to every line that starts at y0, in Python:
y0s = set((y - i) for i, y in enumerate(a))
nsteps = min(sum(abs(y-(y0+i)) for i, y in enumerate(a))
for y0 in xrange(min(y0s), max(y0s)+1)))
