iOS Simulator 7.1 crash running on Yosemite with weak linked new frameworks (Symbol not found: _objc_isAuto) - xcode

I have just updated to xCode 6.1 and had to reinstall my iOS 7 simulators.
I can run my app on all the simulators apart from the 5s iOS 7.1 sim.
I get this crash
dyld: Symbol not found: _objc_isAuto
Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Expected in: /Applications/
in /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
What gives? Any ideas why this sim crashes?

This issue can occur if you are building your project against the iOS 8.x SDKs and are weak linking a framework that is new to iOS 8.x and also present in OS X 10.10 and you run in the iOS 7.1 simulator.
The Xcode 6.1 Release Notes mention this issue:
If an app is weak linked against frameworks new in iOS 8 SDK and OS X
10.10 SDK, it may fail to run if the run destination is an iOS Simulator for older iOS runtimes and the host system is running OS X
Yosemite. (17807439)
The issue is resolved in the updates iOS 7.1 simulator runtime that can be downloaded from Xcode 6.2 beta 4 an later (and I think possibly beta3 worked as well).


Xamarin app crashes in iOS 10.3 but working in version above 11

i have a xamarin app which is working in iOS version of 11.0 and above but it always fail when i set simulator version to 10 or lower when checking build logs they are same except in case of lower versions log has this line
Xamarin.Hosting: Simulated process has exited. process with id 7642 not found
now i don't understand why this process exits
can this be because of some nuget package that is not supporting the platform ?
Note:-MinimumOSVersion set in info.plist file is 10.0 and issue is coming in 10.3.2
Xcode 10's release notes:
Weak linking against frameworks that are not present in simulator
runtimes older than iOS 12.0, tvOS 12.0, and watchOS 5.0 yet are
present in macOS Mojave can cause an app to crash on launch when
running in those older simulator runtimes. (41224059) Workaround: Use
older simulator runtimes on macOS High Sierra

XCode 9.4.1 >> Simulator iPhone 8 Plus OS 11.4 issue

I have recently installed XCode 9.4.1 on my MAC, current MAC OS is 10.13.4. When I run application on simulator (iPhone 8 plus with iOS 11.4) or on any other simulator which is having iOS 11.4. It is giving me below warning and simulator doesn't run application though it is getting open backside,
Kindly suggest me an appropriate solution to come out from this issue.

Paired device unavailable for development - after OSX Sierra and watchOS 3.1

After upgrading my Macbook to OS X Sierra and my Apple Watch to watchOS 3.1, I've been getting the following error in the Xcode run project target item:
"Paired device unavailable for development"
It looks like people have encountered this in the past and this specific StackOverflow answer is linked when someone has this problem:
iOS: Watch Kit paired device unavailable for development
However, I've done every single solution that has been listed and I'm still getting this issue. Is there any reason in particular why upgrading to Sierra and watchOS 3.1 would have caused this issue?
Downloading the latest xcode beta (8.1 beta 3) appears to fix this issue
I have the same problem. After I deleted Xcode 9.1 beta then open project with Xcode 9.0. I found that my deployment target is auto set to iOS 11.1 which higher my iPhone OS. After change target to iOS 9.0 it worked.

Xcode 3 and iOS 6

A newbie question. I have Xcode 3.2.6 and my ipad is iOS 6.0. It seems this version of Xcode doesn't support the iOS version. What version do I need to upgrade my Xcode to so that I can test apps on devices running iOS 6.
And, my second question do I have to download the .dmg to upgrade Xcode. Currently I am running snow leopard 10.6.8.
For iOS 6 you will need Xcode 4.5 and at least Lion (10.7)
You need OS X Lion 10.7.4 or later to install the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore. Then you will be able to build apps to your device with iOS 6.0.

xcode 4.2 with ios5.1

I have Xcode version 4.2 with OS X 10.7.2, and I was trying to install our app on the new iPad, which is running iOS 5.1. The problem is Xcode doesn't recognize the iPad as a deployable device. I know this is a common issue, but please read it all.
I get this in the organizer: (after push the "use for development")
The version of iOS on “iPad” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
OS Installed on iPad
5.1 (9B176)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
5.0 (9A334)
Now I know that in order to connect the iOS 5.1 device to Xcode I need the latest release of Xcode, but I can connect another iPhone with iOS 5.1 to the same Xcode and deploy an app to it.
Why is that?
The only different between them is that this iPhone was previously connected to Xcode, and the iPad was not. I did manage to install an app to iPhone with iOS 5.1!
What is happening here? I don't want to install the new Xcode for nothing if I can install to 5.1.
Xcode will not let you build to an iOS version higher than it supports, and in this case with Xcode 4.2, you will not be able to deploy to iOS 5.1. I recommend updating to OS X Lion 10.7.3 and downloading the 4.3.2 version of Xcode. Do this any you will be able to deploy to your 5.1 device without any problems. In addition to this, the second device should not be able to receive builds from Xcode. Please check and see if the device in question is in fact running iOS 5.0.1 and not 5.1 as 5.1 will not work on Xcode 4.2 and 5.0.1 will.
