Context: Two sets of data, one is the radius, r, and the other is the velocity, v. v can be positive and negative. The following code
is used to give a curve, with positive and negative v both plotted in log-log coordinates.
Question: How to draw a circular, contour-like plot, with Log[r] as the distance to the center of the circle, and the velocities (Log[v]) shown as different, but continuously varying colors, according to v's sign and magnitude?
You may use a DensityPlot function:
v[r_] := Sin[r]*r^2
DensityPlot[v[Norm[{x, y}]], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}]
You can deal with the tabular data in two ways. You can either interpolate and use the interpolating function as above or you may use a ListDensityPlot function:
ListDensityPlot[Table[With[{r = RandomReal[{0, 4}], t = RandomReal[{0, 2 Pi}]},
{r Cos[t], r Sin[t], v[r]}], {10^4}]]
I hope this helps.
I am trying to parametrize a 3D geometry for shape optimization. The structure looks like the following. Another real example is here.
Currently I am using BSplines to create the lower part and using symmetry to create the whole down part of the foil. Here is what I get.
Now I have many control points to take care in order to run a shape optimization. I also don't know how to join the upper part with the bottom hydrofoil part in a sensible way. I don't know how to design a good middle part of the foil (fat nose part of the foil) where the upper part is linked to. I also need to accompany a flap with in the geometry.
Please offer some suggestion for parametrization of such a surface so that we can manipulate the geometry from MMA. The less control points are there better the situation is for optimization. May be combination of some analytic function in 3D. But I doubt if that is possible.
I think you have two choices: 1) create the second part of the geometry and then write a face-face intersection algorithm to merge them. 2) create the second part of the geometry and write two functions that return -1 if a query point is inside the geometry and +1 if it is out side (other values will do). Then use RegionPlot3D[ f1[x,y,z]<0 || f2[x,y,z]<0,....]. The idea is the to extract the GraphicsComplex and use that. The question is going to be how well you can approximate the corners with that. Here is an illustration of what I mean.
if1[x_, y_, z_] := If[x^2 + y^2 + z^2 <= 1, -1, 1]
if2[x_, y_, z_] := If[(x - 1)^2 + y^2 <= 1 && -1.5 <= z <= 1.5, -1, 1]
res = RegionPlot3D[
if1[x, y, z] < 0 || if2[x, y, z] < 0, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2,
2}, {z, -2, 2}, PlotPoints -> 100, Boxed -> False, Axes -> False]
Then extract the coords and the polygons.
coords = res[[1, 1]];
poly = Cases[res[[1]], _Polygon, Infinity];
Graphics3D[GraphicsComplex[coords, poly], Boxed -> False]
Hope this helps.
Encouraged by this question, I dare to ask something similar.
I am trying to plot with mathematica a cone which is intersected by a line. The start point of the line is on the lateral surface of the cone and its endpoint inside of the cone.
As long as the endpoint of the line is far away from the tip of the cone, everything looks quite nice (use e.g. endpointOfLine = 0.007 in my example). But if the endpoint approaches the tip (endpointOfLine < 0.007 in my example), it seems that a big part of the line would be on the surface of the cone.
Sure, for endpoint values which are very close to the cone tip, the line is almost parallel to the surface so that this effect has probably to appear. But the effect appears also if the endpoint is not so close to cone tip.
Here the example:
totalLength = 10^-2;(*length of the cone*)
theta = 17*10^-3;(*half opening angle of the cone*)
radius[theta_, l_] := Tan[theta]*l;(*radius of the cone as function of its length*)
endpointOfLine = 0.0015;(*endpoint of the test line, to be varied*)
testLine = Line[{{radius[theta, totalLength], 0, totalLength},{0, 0, endpointOfLine}},
VertexColors -> {Orange, Orange}
RevolutionPlot3D[{radius[theta, l], 0, l}, {l, 0, totalLength},
Mesh -> None,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Opacity[0.5], Gray],
PlotPoints -> 60][[1]]
Boxed -> True,BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 3},
Lighting -> None(*ugly, but makes the problem well visible*)
Is there any way to reduce this effect? Increasing the PlotPoints to 60 has reduced the effect a bit, but I would be happy if I could reduce it more. Any ideas?
Try to place the endpoint at the base of the cone close but not on the radius like:
testLine =
Line[{{0.97 radius[theta, totalLength], 0, totalLength}, {0, 0, endpointOfLine}},
VertexColors -> {Orange, Orange}
I feel this is not a problem fundamentally different from the one you were referring to.
I am trying to use computer to show some planar geometry plots. I donot know what software can do this, or whether mathematica can produce such plots easily.
For example, I have the following plot to show.
Given any triangle ABC, let AD be the line bisecting angle BAC and intersecting BC at D. Let M be the midpoint of AD. Let the circle whose diameter is AB intersects CM at F.
How to produce these plots and show the relevant labeling of the points in mma? Is it easy to do? Could someone please give an example, or give some recommendation as to what software is best suited for this purposes?
Many thanks.
Here you have your graph done with Geometry Expressions in two minutes. It has many nice features, including elemental geometry calculations and an interface for exporting formulas to Mathematica.
The formula in the drawing was calculated by the program.
Free to use, $79 - $99 to be able to save.
Here's a very quick solution using GeoGebra to the problem you described.
It is the first time I've used GeoGebra and this took me about 20mins to make - so the program is quite well made and intuitive.
What's more, it can export to dynamic, java based, webpages. Here's the one for the problem you specified: TriangleCircle.
For Mathematica demonstrations, there are lots of good examples at Plane Geometry.
From this page, I found other software such as Cabri Geometry and The Geometer's Sketchpad.
I thought I'd show how one might approach this in Mathematica. While not the simplest thing to code, it does have flexibility. Also bear in mind that the author is fairly inept when it comes to graphics, so there might be easier and/or better ways to go about it.
offset[pt_, center_, eps_] := center + (1 + eps)*(pt - center);
pointfunc[{pt_List, center_List, ptname_String}, siz_,
eps_] := {PointSize[siz], Point[pt],
Inset[ptname, offset[pt, center, eps]]};
{plot1, plot2, plot3, siz = .02, ab = bb - aa, bc = cc - bb,
ac = cc - aa, cen = (aa + bb)/2., x, y, soln, dd, mm, ff, lens,
pts, eps = .15},
plot1 = ListLinePlot[{aa, bb, cc, aa}];
plot2 = Graphics[Circle[cen, Norm[ab]/2.]];
soln = NSolve[{Norm[ac]*({x, y} - aa).ab -
Norm[ab]*({x, y} - aa).ac ==
0, ({x, y} - cc).({-1, 1}*Reverse[bc]) == 0}, {x, y}];
dd = {x, y} /. soln[[1]];
mm = (dd + aa)/2;
soln = NSolve[{({x, y} - cen).({x, y} - cen) - ab.ab/4 ==
0, ({x, y} - cc).({-1, 1}*Reverse[mm - cc]) == 0}, {x, y}];
ff = {x, y} /. soln;
lens = Map[Norm[# - cc] &, ff];
ff = If[OrderedQ[lens], ff[[1]], ff[[2]]];
pts = {{aa, cen, "A"}, {bb, cen, "B"}, {cc, cen, "C"}, {dd, cen,
"D"}, {ff, cen, "F"}, {mm, cen, "M"}, {cen, ff, "O"}};
pts = Map[pointfunc[#, siz, eps] &, pts];
plot3 = Graphics[Join[pts, {Line[{aa, dd}], Line[{cc, mm}]}]];
Show[plot1, plot2, plot3, PlotRange -> {{-.2, 1.1}, {-.2, 1.2}},
AspectRatio -> Full, Axes -> False]],
{{aa, {0, 0}}, {0, 0}, {1, 1}, Locator},
{{bb, {.8, .7}}, {0, 0}, {1, 1}, Locator},
{{cc, {.1, 1}}, {0, 0}, {1, 1}, Locator},
TrackedSymbols :> None]
Here is a screen shot.
Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research
Mathematica isn't the best software for this, although it will work out. has source code for a really nice triangle, and following that example you can add a bisecting line to the code.
As already stated, Mathematica is not the best software for this. There are several better options that you can use, depending on your exact purpose. To generate such figures programatically, there are several languages especially adapted for such tasks. I would recommend to try eukleides or GCLC. If you have any experience with TeX/LaTeX, you may want to look at metapost or asymptote, or even a LaTeX package such as tkz-euklide.
If you on the other hand prefer to create you drawings in an interactive way, there are number of programs available. Search the web for "dynamic geometry software", you should get a number of hits. Of those I would most recommend geogebra.
I thought that I should really attempt this problem in Mathematica (only once I finished did I see Daniel's solution). It took me about half an hour - which is longer than my GeoGebra solution, despite the fact that I'd never used GeoGebra before.
The code is not as fast as it could be. This is because I was too lazy to code up proper code for finding intersections of lines and circles, so I just used the slower but more general FindInstance.
A quite comprehensive plane geometry package can be found as part of Eric Weinstein's MathWorld packages. It includes all the intersection, bisection etc... code that you could possibly want, but it would take a little bit of time to learn it all.
A + s(B-A)/.First#FindInstance[A + s(B-A) == C + t(D-C), {s,t}]]
A + s(B-A)/.FindInstance[A + s(B-A) == {x,y}
&& Norm[p0-{x,y}] == r, {s,x,y}, Reals, 2]]
I posted at this post before, but I still could not solve the following problem completely. As an example:
{pA, pB, pC, pD} = {{0, 0, Sqrt[61/3]}, {Sqrt[7], 4*Sqrt[2/3], 0}, {0, -5*Sqrt[2/3], 0}, {-Sqrt[71], 4*Sqrt[2/3], 0}};
plotPolygon[{a_, b_, c_}] := {Opacity[.4], Polygon[{a, b, c}]};
graph=Graphics3D[{plotPolygon[{pA, pB, pC}], plotPolygon[{pA, pB, pD}],
plotPolygon[{pB, pC, pD}], plotPolygon[{pA, pC, pD}]},
Axes -> True, AxesOrigin->pt];
Animate[graph/.gg : Graphics3D[___] :> Rotate[gg, theta, axis], {theta, 0., 2.*Pi}]
I want to rotate along an axis axis={1,0,0} which passes the point pt={0,1,0}. But I don't know how to specify the point information. Also the rotation animation seems very chaotic in the sense that I would expect at least one point (in this case, the origin?) is not rotating.
You need to first change the origin of vertices of your polygon, rotate, and translate back. You can do this by hand
(RotationMatrix[theta,axis].(#-pt) + pt)& /# {pA, pB, pC, pD}
Or, you can combine the transformations using Composition
] /# {pA, pB, pC, pD}
Or, you can take the previous composition and apply it directly to your Graphics object
GeometricTransformation[ <graphics>, Composition[ ... ]]
This documentation gives a thorough list of what can be done.
Edit: Here's a working animation script
graph /. Graphics3D[prims__, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :>
AffineTransform[{RotationMatrix[theta, axis], pt}],
{theta, 0., 2.*Pi}
There's a couple of things to note here. First, GeometricTransformation only appears to work on the primitives themselves, so I had to split out the primitives from the options in Graphics3D via the rule Graphics3D[prims__, opts : OptionsPattern[]]. Also, the transformation itself needs to be within Animate to use the local version of theta.