directory api - get users using orgName - google-api

I have four sub-organizations defined. (/AdminOrg, /subOrgA, /SubOrgB, /subOrgA/SubOrgAA)
my directory.orgunits.list query return below data. I store the return array in a variable called orgUnits[]:
I have 4 users in my organization. one in each sub-organization. the users.list return below data:
I am trying to get no. of users within an organization (without including sub organizations in them)
Option 1:
The query directory.users.list.query("orgUnitPath=/subOrgA") includes users from sub organization (/subOrgA/SubOrgAA) too and does not meet my needs.
Option 2:
I tried the query directory.users.list.query("orgName=orgUnits[]->name"). It queries for users[]->organizations[]->name. And this field is null by default. It does not get populated with orgUnits[]->name.
My questions are
How to populate users.organizations[].name?
Is there any way I can get users within an organization without including sub-organizations in them

Unfortunately it isn't possible to search for users within an orgUnit not including sub-orgs. The orginations field in the Users resource, as well as the orgName, orgTitle, orgDepartment, orgDescription,
orgCostCenter query parameters, refer to a completely separate set of data that appears to be used by the API only. Only the orgUnitPath field and query parameter operate on the organizations visible within the Google Apps Admin Console.


Filtering across multiple Dynamics entities in Common Data Service

I'm trying to query our Dynamics 365 CRM through the Common Data Service / Microsoft Dataverse. I can manage this when I need to just filter on fields that exist within the entity type I'm searching. But I also need to filter on a different linked entity.
So far I can query on the contact entity just fine:
var contacts = svc.Get("contacts?" +
"$select=firstname,lastname,address1_name,address1_line1," +
"address1_postalcode,emailaddress1,statecode,_parentcustomerid_value&" +
$"$filter=contains(firstname,'{firstName}') and " +
$"contains(lastname, '{lastName}')"
, formattedValueHeaders);
And this returns a list of contacts which match the filter.
However, I also need to filter on the Account Name that the contact is linked to. If I had the AccountId value then I could do this by adding $"contains(_parentcustomerid_value, '{accountId}')" to the filter. But I can't use this as the input data I'm receiving to query on is the name of the account and not an Id value.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Currently, the only way I can see is to use my existing query, then to loop through each contact and check the returned account name in the response, and if this matches then in effect I've filtered it. But I would prefer to be able to have the whole filter all in a single query.
You can use this to filter based on lookup field name value.$filter=parentcustomerid_account/name eq 'test'

Assigned to field in Case Table- Servicenow

In Case Form,Based on the group selected in Assignment group field ,the assigned to field is listing some users which belongs to it in CRM UI.
Now I want to retrieve the same users using normal REST API. Please suggest REST API to list the users based on a group.
Users linked to groups is stored in table sys_user_grmember. In the example I search for all Users in Group named "Application Development".
You can easily test the REST Api with the rest api explorer from SNOW:$
Can you give more info on the exact requirement, so i can be more precise?
As far as I know, you can create a rest message to get the users inside a group and show the list wherever you want.
This would require three things from your side.
a) Creating a rest message in Snow.
b) Creating a script includes calling the rest message.
c) A client script or trigger which initiates the rest call using client script.
Hope this helps.

How can I search users by id

Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears that the admin-sdks's Users>list operation doesnt support searching users by ID (According to the docs here).
For example I use the Members api to get all the members of a given group. It returns a list or User Ids.
The only way to fetch data about those users is to call the get operation for each user. Seems pretty inefficient to me.
How come this functionality is not implemented (or perhaps I'm missing something)?
Search feature means you have a pattern and you want the list of all entities which relate to given pattern. It assumes you don't have the unique id of the entity you need. The output of search feature is the list of unique ids with optional additional minimal information which matches to search pattern. To get full information of the individual entity, you need to use unique id and use get information feature.
However, if you already have the unique id, then you don't need the search function. Directly use get information feature.
So google has provided sufficient functionality. If you already have userid, why using search call, use retrieve user call directly.

Parse - avoid sharing information in specific column of a class

I've got a question about the best way to allow user's information to be visible between users in certain situations.
I have certain columns in User class which are private to the user.
In some activity i'm pointing to user object as 'postedBy' or something else,In this case the entire data regarding user is getting shared.
My question is how to restrict user to get some columns in User class??
usually if you want to restrict an access in parse it should be done via ACL. In ACL you can create role for users who can read/write to the class.
ACL are executed on a class level and not on a column level. In order to expose part of the fields i think you have 2 options:
Create one to one realtionship from your User class to another Class. the second class will contain all columns that not all users can see and for this class create ACL's with the users/roles that can view this data and when you will execute your query only the users with sufficient permissions will be able to get this data
The second option is when you want to avoid relationships here you can use the select option under query. Select allows you to select specific fields of the class and the query will return only the fields that you specified under the select. here is a code snippet from parse docs which explain how to use select (in JS):
var GameScore = Parse.Object.extend("GameScore");
var query = new Parse.Query(GameScore);"score", "playerName");
query.find().then(function(results) {
// each of results will only have the selected fields available.
Hope its clear now :)

XPages: can i filter a view to show only entries that belong to a group?

i have a view in an xpage with some entries (lets say clients). I have an acl group of persons (clients) that contains some of the clients of the view. Now i want to use the search attribute of the view to show only entries that belong to the group.
I already use search attribute to select users by name e.g:
FIELD Name Contains "Chuck Norris"
Is there any similar query? (maybe using #isMember on the field....?)
UPDATE: i will have the group entries (client names) into a text list in a document too. so can i filter the "name" field of the view based on the values of a text list?
Perhaps using a reader field is a good idea. You're talking about restricting document access to a group of Domino users - that's exactly what reader fields are for.
For example, make your text list field containing client names into a reader field like this:
var item = document1.getFirstItem("myfield");
myfield needs to contain canonical names (CN=firstname lastname/O=organisation).
Using reader fields, you don't need to do any view filtering at all, it happens automatically. If you have really many documents (say, half a million or so), it could slow down things, otherwise, it's a nice approach.
When you want to restrict displaying documents only in one certain view reader fields are no solution, though. In that case, you need to do the view filtering yourself as you tried.
If you want to filter only for ONE certain client, then using a categorized view is the way to go. You can give the view panel the name of one client as category filter then.
If you want to filter for multiple clients, you need to do it based on fulltext search, just as you already tried. In that case, make sure you're working with Domino 9. Previous Domino versions don't apply the view sorting order to a fulltext search result, which means you have to search it manually using custom javascript or so, which is complicated.
Or, as Frantisek suggested, write a scheduled agent which puts documents in folders depending on their clients - but depending on the number of clients you want to filter the view for this may lead to many folders, which may lead to other problems. Furthermore, you need to make sure to remove folders when they are not needed anymore, and you have a lag until new documents appear in a folder.
So in a nutshell, if you want to do an application wide restriction based on client names, use reader fields.
If you want to restrict for one client name at a time, use categories.
Otherwise, use fulltext search with Domino 9.
