Print is printing entire window, not the View - cocoa

I have a simple program, for making sure the print works.
-Subclassed NSObject for a Controller, "ViewController.
-Subclassed NSView, View
Added a custom view to the window, set class to View.
Made ViewController delegate for View.
Added Object in IB, set class to ViewController.
Added IBOutlet to Delegate section of ViewController, connected it to the the custom view on the window.
In View, have a simple [myString drawInRect: rect], where myString is defined in the init as #"Hi".
When I run, the program prints "Hi" in the view. When I click the "Print" menu item, the print preview shows the entire window.
More: I hade an earlier test program which had no print code, I ran it and the print preview showed only the view. I've got through both codes and cannot find a difference, so I am lost at why one is working and the other is not.
Do any of you know why the print preview would show the entire window instead of the view?
I also created an extremely simple program to check and have the same issue.
Subclassed NSView, MainView
Added Custom View to Window, set class to MainView
Added [str drawInRect: dirtyRect withAttributes:nil];
(note; NSString *str = #"Hello";).
[More Information]-------
I added a print method as follows to the NSView object:
NSRect r = [self bounds];
[[NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:self] runOperation];
[self dataWithPDFInsideRect:r];
Added a button to the window, linked it to an IBAction method in the ViewController:
[view printPDF];
In the ViewController I have:
IBOutlet View *view;
This works! So, why does the default "print" menu item print the entire Window?

By default, you don't have to write any printing code and the printing just works. But, it provides default behavior (aka, print the entire window).
If you want custom printing behavior, you'd have to write your own printing method.(like you did in your extremely simple program). And you can link the default print menu item to your own printing method.


OS X second window won't stay open

I want to open a second window to act as a content editor for some of the fields in the main window of my app. I created a custom NSWindowController (called ItemEditor) with its own nib.
I open the new window with this code:
ItemEditor *editor = [[ItemEditor alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"ItemEditor"];
[editor showWindow:nil];
[editor.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
The new window appears for an instant and then immediately disappears. Both the initWithWindow: and windowDidLoad of ItemEditor are called, but windowWillClose: isn't.
Can anyone tell me what's going on here? I'm stumped.
What's happening is that you're using ARC... and nothing is holding onto your "editor" object after it's created. That's why it's disappearing as soon as it's being created.
You need to make "editor" a "strong" property in your parent window controller.
In other words, declare it like this in the parent view controller's .h file:
#property (strong) ItemEditor *editor;
And replace the first line of your code snippet above with this:
self.editor = [[ItemEditor alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"ItemEditor"];

Open NSPopover in windowDidLoad

I am trying to display an NSPopover in a mac application when the window opens to give the user an instruction, but the popover will not display.
If I call the exact same function from a button press then the popover successfully displays, but when I call it in windowDidLoad it doesn't.
I can see that the control I am presenting it from has a bounds, so I don't think that is the problem. I've also checked that the behaviour of the popover is not transient, so it shouldn't close without intervention.
In my function I'm passing some variables into a custom initialiser, but it is basically just this:
CustomViewController *instruction = [[CustomViewController alloc] init];
[instruction.popover showRelativeToRect:[aField bounds] ofView:aField preferredEdge:NSMaxXEdge];
The init method simply calls the following, and the custom view and controller are hooked up in the NIB.
[super initWithNibName:#"InstructionalView" bundle:nil]
Has anyone come accross this?
You're programmatically allocating and init-ing your CustomViewController object, but the popover doesn't have a chance to load from the nib before you display it (on the line directly after the alloc & init).
Between those two lines, force a load via loadView, like this:
[instruction loadView];
You may also want to make certain that "instruction.popover" isn't nil when you try to display it, too.

Objective C - XIB load in NSView

I'm new to Objective C coding and the MVC concept gives me some pain. My goal is to develop a Mac Application. I was able to create a .xib for the main window. It starts well.
My main NSWindow has its main NSView. In this NSView, I put 3 subwiews (using Interface Builder). What I want is to change the content of the 2nd subview (by loading the content from another XIB file, called SubWindow1.xib) when I click on a button placed in the 1st subview.
I'm able to catch the click and tried some "xib loading" code but it doesn't work (the content never appears in my 2nd subview).
What I did is:
put the NSButton (on the 1st subview)
put a NSObject on Interface Builder (class renamed CtMainWindow, "Ct" for Controler)
link the IBAction (changeToSubWindow1) and IBOutlet (vSubView2 which is my 2nd subview)
create the CtMainWindow class, create a VwSubWindow1 class (which extends NSView)
In changeToSubWindow1(), I wrote:
VwSubWindow1 * vProfile = [[VwSubWindow1 alloc] initWithFrame:vSubView2.bounds];
[vProfile loadXib];
[vProfile.superview addSubview:vProfile];
The loadXib() function does:
NSNib * nib = [[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed:[self #"SubWindow1"] bundle:nil]; //#"SubWindow1" is the name of the expected loaded xib without .xib extention
[nib instantiateWithOwner:self topLevelObjects:nil];
And Voila. I was hoping that loading the sub xib in a view, and putting that view in my 2nd subview, it would appear.
I also tried to put only the following code in changeToSubWindow1()
VwSubWindow1 * vProfile = [[VwSubWindow1 alloc] initWithFrame:vSubView2.bounds];
[vProfile loadSubWindow];
The loadSubWindow() function does:
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:#"SubWindow1" owner:self];
Without more success.
I already read lots of threads from stackoverflow and tried lots of solutions but none of them worked for me.
Can anyone give me the hint I need in order to load and display the Xib in a subview ?
Thanks in advance.
you can try this method
you can put 3 xib files and 3 windows. connect each window
self.packages = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewController" bundle:nil];
self.packages.view.frame = ((NSView*)self.window1.contentView).bounds;
[window1 makeKeyAndOrderFront:NSApp];

NSTextView won't become first responder

Here's the layout of my little test app:
AppDelegate owns WindowController.
WindowController owns CustomTextContainerView.
CustomTextContainerView owns an NSScrollView which embeds MyCustomTextView (an NSTextView subclass).
The xibs for both the standard MainMenu and my window controller are relatively empty. My window controller's -windowDidLoad looks like this:
- (void)windowDidLoad {
[super windowDidLoad];
// create CustomTextContainerView
[[self window] setContentView:self.customTextContainerView];
What I'm trying to do is set first responder to the textView, but I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work.
I've made it so CustomTextContainerView just forwards -becomeFirstResponder on to its textView. I've tried calling it directly on both the container and the textView but I can't get it to become first responder automatically.
Note: The user can still click in the text area and start typing, but what I'm trying to do is set first responder status automatically so I don't have to click before I start typing. What am I missing?
To force the first responder for a window, call this:
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:self.customTextContainerView];
(This assumes that everything else necessary for first-responder status is enabled, e.g. the view can't have overridden acceptsFirstResponder to return NO.)

How to give focus to NSWindow loaded from NIB?

I'm using NSWindowController to load a window from a NIB. However, when I call showWindow:, the window is visually topmost, but the focus remains where it was (instead of moving it to the new window).
It's easy to see this happening when the first window (with keyboard focus) is moved slightly, before creating the new window (via cmd+n). This is the result:
The bottom, focused window is the original window. The unfocused window on top is the newly created window.
This is the relevant code:
- (IBAction)newDocument:(id) sender;
- (IBAction)newDocument:(id) sender {
[[[FooController alloc] init] showWindow:self];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
[self newDocument:self];
#interface FooController : NSWindowController { }
- (id)init {
self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"FooWindow"];
return self;
A freshly created Window xib, without modifications.
The default MainMenu.xib, with its window deleted.
Calling makeKeyAndOrderFront: on the window in the controller's windowDidLoad method does not appear to focus the new window. Setting the File's owner of FooWindow.xib to FooController also did not appear to help.
What is the correct way to load and show a window from a NIB so that it does receive keyboard focus?
Edit: It looks like NSWindowController's window method returns nil, which explains why calling methods on window doesn't do anything. But why is it nil?
Okay, I found the cause of this problem.
The xib's File's owner must be set to the controller, and (this is the part I didn't know about) you have to connect the controller's window outlet to the window itself.
Having done that, it just works. No makeKeyWindow, makeMainWindow or makeKeyAndOrderFront: needed.
Perhaps makeMainWindow: or makeKeyWindow: helps
