Counting unique occurrences of values in a hash - ruby

I'm trying to count occurrences of unique values matching a regex pattern in a hash.
If there's three different values, multiple times, I want to know how much each value occurs.
This is the code I've developed to achieve that so far:
def trim(results)
open = [] { |k, v| v }.each { |n| open << n.to_s.scan(/^closed/) }
puts open.size
For some reason, it returns the length of all the values, not just the ones I tried a match on. I've also tried using results.each_value, to no avail.

Another way:
hash = {a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: 'baz', d: 'foo'}
hash.each_with_object( {|(k,v),h| h[v]+=1 if v.start_with?('foo')}
#=> {"foo"=>2}
hash.each_with_object( {|(k,v),h| h[v]+=1 if v =~ /^foo|bar/}
#=> {"foo"=>2, "bar"=>1}

Something like this?
hash = {a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: 'baz', d: 'foo'}
groups = hash.group_by{ |k, v| v[/(?:foo|bar)/] }
# => {"foo"=>[[:a, "foo"], [:d, "foo"]],
# "bar"=>[[:b, "bar"]],
# nil=>[[:c, "baz"]]}
Notice that there is a nil key, which means the regex didn't match anything. We can get rid of it because we (probably) don't care. Or maybe you do care, in which case, don't get rid of it.
This counts the number of matching "hits":{ |k, v| [k, v.size] }
# => [["foo", 2], ["bar", 1]]
group_by is a magical method and well worthy of learning.

def count(hash, pattern)
hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), counts|
counts[k] = v.count{|s| s.to_s =~ pattern}
h = { a: ['open', 'closed'], b: ['closed'] }
count(h, /^closed/)
=> {:a=>1, :b=>1}
Does that work for you?

I think it worths to update for RUBY_VERSION #=> "2.7.0" which introduces Enumerable#tally:
h = {a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: 'baz', d: 'foo'}
h.values.tally #=> {"foo"=>2, "bar"=>1, "baz"=>1}{ |k, _| k=~ /^foo|bar/ } #=> {"foo"=>2, "bar"=>1}


Merge Ruby Hash values with same key

Is this possible to achieve with selected keys:
h = [
{a: 1, b: "Hello", c: "Test1"},
{a: 2, b: "Hey", c: "Test1"},
{a: 3, b: "Hi", c: "Test2"}
Expected Output
{a: 1, b: "Hello, Hey", c: "Test1"}, # See here, I don't want key 'a' to be merged
{a: 3, b: "Hi", c: "Test2"}
My Try
g = h.group_by{|k| k[:c]}.values
{:a=>1, :b=>"Hello", :c=>"Test1"},
{:a=>2, :b=>"Hey", :c=>"Test1"}
], [
{:a=>3, :b=>"Hi", :c=>"Test2"}
g.each do |v|
if v.length > 1
c = v.reduce({}) do |s, l|
s.merge(l) { |_, a, b| [a, b].uniq.join(", ") }
p c #{:a=>"1, 2", :b=>"Hello, Hey", :c=>"Test1"}
So, the output I get is
{:a=>"1, 2", :b=>"Hello, Hey", :c=>"Test1"}
But, I needed
{a: 1, b: "Hello, Hey", c: "Test1"}
NOTE: This is just a test array of HASH I have taken to put my question. But, the actual hash has a lots of keys. So, please don't reply with key comparison answers
I need a less complex solution
I can't see a simpler version of your code. To make it fully work, you can use the first argument in the merge block instead of dismissing it to differentiate when you need to merge a and b or when you just use a. Your line becomes:
s.merge(l) { |key, a, b| key == :a ? a : [a, b].uniq.join(", ") }
Maybe you can consider this option, but I don't know if it is less complex:
h.group_by { |h| h[:c] } { |tmp| tmp[0].merge(*tmp[1..]) { |key, oldval, newval| key == :b ? [oldval, newval].join(' ') : oldval } }
#=> [{:a=>1, :b=>"Hello Hey", :c=>"Test1"}, {:a=>3, :b=>"Hi", :c=>"Test2"}]
The first part groups the hashes by :c
h.group_by { |h| h[:c] }.values #=> [[{:a=>1, :b=>"Hello", :c=>"Test1"}, {:a=>2, :b=>"Hey", :c=>"Test1"}], [{:a=>3, :b=>"Hi", :c=>"Test2"}]]
Then it maps to merge the first elements with others using Hash#merge
h.each_with_object({}) do |g,h|
h.update(g[:c]=>g) { |_,o,n| o.merge(b: "#{o[:b]}, #{n[:b]}") }
#=> [{:a=>1, :b=>"Hello, Hey", :c=>"Test1"},
# {:a=>3, :b=>"Hi", :c=>"Test2"}]
This uses the form of Hash#update that employs a block (here { |_,o,n| o.merge(b: "#{o[:b]}, #{n[:b]}") }) to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged. The first block variable holds the common key. I’ve used an underscore for that variable mainly to signal to the reader that it is not used in the block calculation. See the doc for definitions of the other two block variables.
Note that the receiver of values equals the following.
h.each_with_object({}) do |g,h|
h.update(g[:c]=>g) { |_,o,n| o.merge(b: "#{o[:b]}, #{n[:b]}") }
#=> { “Test1”=>{:a=>1, :b=>"Hello, Hey", :c=>"Test1"},
# “Test2=>{:a=>3, :b=>"Hi", :c=>"Test2"} }

Using ranges as keys in Ruby

I have a hash table that uses ranges as keys.
hash = {
1..10 => "Foo",
11..20 => "Bar",
21..30 => "Baz",
31..40 => "Quux",
hash.find {|key, value| key == 5} # => `nil`
Why doesn't it return Foo?
As pointed out below, changed Hash to hash
With == you check for a real equality and 5 is no range. But you may use === or include?. You may also try select instead find.
hash = {
1..10 => "Foo",
11..20 => "Bar",
21..30 => "Baz",
31..40 => "Quux",
p hash.find {|key, value| key === 5} #[1..10, "Foo"]
p hash.find {|key, value| key.include?(5)} #[1..10, "Foo"]
p{|key, value| key === 5} #{1..10=>"Foo"}
p{|key, value| key.include?(5)}#{1..10=>"Foo"}
Please see the different results. find returns an array, `select a Hash.
A closing remark: You used Hash = .... I hope this a a typo and you wanted to use hash.
case when constructions are designed to do this.
x = 5
p case x
when 1..10 then "Foo"
when 11..20 then "Bar"
when 21..30 then "Baz"
when 31..40 then "Quux"
# => "Foo"
For your specific example, you could use
For example, if k = 15:
Hash[(15-1)/10] => Hash[1] => "Bar"
For the general case, if speed is important, first construct another hash:
H=Hash.flat_map { |r,v| r.to_a.product([v]) }.to_h
#=> { 1=>"Foo" , 2=>"Foo" ,..., 10=>"Foo",
# 11=>"Bar" , 12=>"Bar" ,..., 20=>"Bar",
# ...
# 31=>"Quux", 32=>"Quux",..., 40=>"Quux"}
so you can then just lookup values:
H[15] #=> "Bar"
H[35] #=> "Quux"

Is there a better solution to partition a hash into two hashes?

I wrote a method to split a hash into two hashes based on a criteria (a particular hash value). My question is different from another question on Hash. Here is an example of what I expect:
:a => "FOO",
:b => "FOO",
:c => "BAR",
:d => "BAR",
:e => "FOO"
h_foo, h_bar = partition(h)
I need h_foo and h_bar to be like:
:a => "FOO",
:b => "FOO",
:e => "FOO"
:c => "BAR",
:d => "BAR"
My solution is:
def partition h
h.group_by{|k,v| v=="FOO"}.values.collect{|ary| Hash[*ary.flatten]}
Is there a clever solution?
There's Enumerable#partition:
h.partition { |k, v| v == "FOO" }.map(&:to_h)
#=> [{:a=>"FOO", :b=>"FOO", :e=>"FOO"}, {:c=>"BAR", :d=>"BAR"}]
Or you could use Enumerable#each_with_object to avoid the intermediate arrays:
h.each_with_object([{}, {}]) { |(k, v), (h_foo, h_bar)|
v == "FOO" ? h_foo[k] = v : h_bar[k] = v
#=> [{:a=>"FOO", :b=>"FOO", :e=>"FOO"}, {:c=>"BAR", :d=>"BAR"}]
I don't think there is a clever one liner, but you can make it slightly more generic by doing something like:
def transpose(h,k,v)
h[v] ||= []
h[v] << k
def partition(h)
n = {}{|k,v| transpose(n,k,v)}
result ={|k,v| Hash[{|e| [e, k]}] }
which will yield
[{:a=>"FOO", :b=>"FOO", :e=>"FOO"}, {:c=>"BAR", :d=>"BAR"}]
when run against your initial hash h
Edit - TIL about partition. Wicked.
Why not use builtin partition, which is doing almost exactly what you are looking for?
h_foo, h_bar = h.partition { |key, value| value == 'FOO' }
The only downside is that you will get arrays instead of hashes (but you already know how to convert that). In ruby 2.1+ you could simply call .map(&:to_h) at the end of call chain.

Search Ruby hash for value?

Trying to search through a hash for a value, no methods I have tried previously have worked.
def input
#search_term = STDIN.gets.chomp
def execute
#reader.searchKey(#search_term).each{|b| puts b}
def searchKey(search_term)
puts books_catalogue.has_value?(search_term)
hash = {foo: 'val', bar: 'other_val', bak: 'val'}
selected_hash = { |k,v| v == 'val' } # => {foo: 'val', bak: 'val'}
selected_hash.keys # => [:foo, :bak]
So the method looks like:
def search_key(value) { |k, v| v == value }.keys
Try this:
hash = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 2}
value_to_search_for = 2 {|_,value| value == value_to_search_for}
# output is {b: 2, c: 2}

How to convert the values of a hash from String to Array in Ruby?

I'm looking to perform a conversion of the values in a Ruby hash from String to Integer.
I thought this would be fairly similar to the way you perform a conversion in a Ruby array (using the map method), but I have not been able to find an elegant solution that doesn't involve converting the hash to an array, flattening it, etc.
Is there a clean solution to do this?
Eg. From
x = { "a" => "1", "b" => "2", "c"=> "3" }
x = { "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3 }
To avoid modifying the original Hash (unlike the existing answers), I'd use
newhash = x.reduce({}) do |h, (k, v)|
h[k] = v.to_i and h
If you're using Ruby 1.9, you can also use Enumerable#each_with_object to achieve the same effect a bit more cleanly.
newhash = x.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h|
h[k] = v.to_i
If you want to, you can also extract the logic into a module and extend the Hash class with it.
module HMap
def hmap
self.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h|
h[k] = yield(k, v)
class Hash
include HMap
Now you can use
newhash = x.hmap { |k, v| v.to_i } # => {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
My preferred solution:
Hash[ { |k, v| [k, v.to_i]}] #=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
A somewhat wasteful one (has to iterate over the values twice):
Hash[] #=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}
Try this:
x.each{|k,v| x[k]=v.to_i} { |key| p[key] = p[key].to_i }
