searching in a sorted array with less complexity than binary search - algorithm

To search a very large array,I was thinking for an algorithm with complexity less than log n ,means not of order less than log n but absolute less than log n.So what I did is instead of going to the middle just move 1 step forward and check how much we have to move further if numbers are evenly distibuted,move tto that position,if this is a solution break it otherwise calculate how much we have to move futher,do it iteratively until the solution is found
Here's a working Java code:-
public class Search {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a[]={12,15,16,17,19,20,26,27};
int required=27;
int pointer=0;
int n=1;
int diff;
int count=0;
int length=a.length;
if ((pointer+n)>(length-1))
P.S- I have an array which is near to evenly distributed.
I want to ask is it really better than binary search??In which cases it will fail?What is the best,avg and worst case complexity??

You are using a heuristic to try to accelerate your sort. A heuristic is like a guess. It isn't guaranteed to be right - but if the heuristic is a good one can accelerate an algorithm in the general case.
Heuristics generally won't improve worst case running time of an algorithm. That is - it is possible for some inputs for the heuristic to be wrong.
I can see the intuitive appeal of what you are doing - you are "searching" closer to where you think your target might be.
But there are two problems with what you are doing:
Moving the "split" in a binary search closer to the target does not speed up the search. In a binary search you split the search space in half each time. When you move the split point closer to the target, you have not found the target, and it is as likely as no that you target is in the larger of the two unequal spaces.
For example suppose you have the follow array. y is your target, x is all the other values:
In a binary search you would split the space in half and then half again in the first two decisions:
^ ^
After two decisions your 32 value array is down to a search space of 8 values. But suppose with your heuristic, that after the second choice you put the split after the y?
^ ^
After your second decision you have only reduced the search space a little bit. By adding this heuristic you have reduced the worst case running time to N - because it is possible to construct inputs that will fool your heuristic into making the worst guess every time.
The other problem is that heuristic methods to accelerate searches only help when you know something about what you are searching. Take dictionary searching. You know that z is at the end of alphabet. So when you get a word that starts with z, you know fairly well where in the dictionary the z words are. You don't have to start in the middle of the dictionary.
This is because you know something about the distribution of the words in a dictionary. But if someone made no guarantees about the words in a list - then you can't guarantee that dictionary search is faster - you might for example receive a list of all z words.
In your case your heuristic is not particularly good. You're guessing where the next split is based on the distance between the current split and the previous value. The only time that would be a good guess is if the elements in the list were evenly spaced. If they are unevenly spaced ( almost always ) then some guesses will always overshoot the split and other undershoot.
In any sorted array of unevenly spaced numbers there will necessarily be intervals that are more tightly spaced than average, and intervals more sparse than average. Your heuristic guesses at the average sparseness of the numbers at the current split to the end of the array. There is no relationship between those two things.
Your best case time: O(1) - e.g. you guess the index right off.
Worst case: O(N) - e.g. every choice is worst possible.
You added that your array is nearly evenly spaced and very large. My guess as to what in practice would be fastest: look up the first number and last number in the array, and the length of the array. Make an educated guess at the offset of your target:
offset = floor((( target - first ) / ( last - first )) * length );
Chose a reasonable search space around the target:
window_start = floor( offset * ( 1 - alpha ));
window_end = floor( offset * ( 1 + alpha ));
Do a binary search on the sub-array defined by this window.
What you set alpha to will depend on how regular you think your array is. E.g. you can set to to 0.05 to search a window which is roughly 10% of the total search space around your estimated target.
If you can make some guarantees about evenness of the input you might be able to tune alpha optimally.


Binary search for no uniform distribution

The binary search is highly efficient for uniform distributions. Each member of your list has equal 'hit' probability. That's why you try the center each time.
Is there an efficient algorithm for no uniform distributions ? e.g. a distribution following a 1/x distribution.
There's a deep connection between binary search and binary trees - binary tree is basically a "precalculated" binary search where the cutting points are decided by the structure of the tree, rather than being chosen as the search runs. And as it turns out, dealing with probability "weights" for each key is sometimes done with binary trees.
One reason is because it's a fairly normal binary search tree but known in advance, complete with knowledge of the query probabilities.
Niklaus Wirth covered this in his book "Algorithms and Data Structures", in a few variants (one for Pascal, one for Modula 2, one for Oberon), at least one of which is available for download from his web site.
Binary trees aren't always binary search trees, though, and one use of a binary tree is to derive a Huffman compression code.
Either way, the binary tree is constructed by starting with the leaves separate and, at each step, joining the two least likely subtrees into a larger subtree until there's only one subtree left. To efficiently pick the two least likely subtrees at each step, a priority queue data structure is used - perhaps a binary heap.
A binary tree that's built once then never modified can have a number of uses, but one that can be efficiently updated is even more useful. There are some weight-balanced binary tree data structures out there, but I'm not familiar with them. Beware - the term "weight balanced" is commonly used where each node always has weight 1, but subtree weights are approximately balanced. Some of these may be adaptable for varied node weights, but I don't know for certain.
Anyway, for a binary search in an array, the problem is that it's possible to use an arbitrary probability distribution, but inefficient. For example, you could have a running-total-of-weights array. For each iteration of your binary search, you want to determine the half-way-through-the-probability distribution point, so you determine the value for that then search the running-total-of-weights array. You get the perfectly weight-balanced next choice for your main binary search, but you had to do a complete binary search into your running total array to do it.
The principle works, however, if you can determine that weighted mid-point without searching for a known probability distribution. The principle is the same - you need the integral of your probability distribution (replacing the running total array) and when you need a mid-point, you choose it to get an exact centre value for the integral. That's more an algebra issue than a programming issue.
One problem with a weighted binary search like this is that the worst-case performance is worse - usually by constant factors but, if the distribution is skewed enough, you may end up with effectively a linear search. If your assumed distribution is correct, the average-case performance is improved despite the occasional slow search, but if your assumed distribution is wrong you could pay for that when many searches are for items that are meant to be unlikely according to that distribution. In the binary tree form, the "unlikely" nodes are further from the root than they would be in a simply balanced (flat probability distribution assumed) binary tree.
A flat probability distribution assumption works very well even when it's completely wrong - the worst case is good, and the best and average cases must be at least that good by definition. The further you move from a flat distribution, the worse things can be if actual query probabilities turn out to be very different from your assumptions.
Let me make it precise. What you want for binary search is:
Given array A which is sorted, but have non-uniform distribution
Given left & right index L & R of search range
Want to search for a value X in A
To apply binary search, we want to find the index M in [L,R]
as the next position to look at.
Where the value X should have equal chances to be in either range [L,M-1] or [M+1,R]
In general, you of course want to pick M where you think X value should be in A.
Because even if you miss, half the total 'chance' would be eliminated.
So it seems to me you have some expectation about distribution.
If you could tell us what exactly do you mean by '1/x distribution', then
maybe someone here can help build on my suggestion for you.
Let me give a worked example.
I'll use similar interpretation of '1/x distribution' as #Leonid Volnitsky
Here is a Python code that generate the input array A
from random import uniform
# Generating input
a,b = 10,20
A = [ 1.0/uniform(a,b) for i in range(10) ]
# example input (rounded)
# A = [0.0513, 0.0552, 0.0562, 0.0574, 0.0576, 0.0602, 0.0616, 0.0721, 0.0728, 0.0880]
Let assume the value to search for is:
X = 0.0553
Then the estimated index of X is:
= total number of items * cummulative probability distribution up to X
= length(A) * P(x <= X)
So how to calculate P(x <= X) ?
It this case it is simple.
We reverse X back to the value between [a,b] which we will call
X' = 1/X ~ 18
P(x <= X) = (b-X')/(b-a)
= (20-18)/(20-10)
= 2/10
So the expected position of X is:
10*(2/10) = 2
Well, and that's pretty damn accurate!
To repeat the process on predicting where X is in each given section of A require some more work. But I hope this sufficiently illustrate my idea.
I know this might not seems like a binary search anymore
if you can get that close to the answer in just one step.
But admit it, this is what you can do if you know the distribution of input array.
The purpose of a binary search is that, for an array that is sorted, every time you half the array you are minimizing the worst case, e.g. the worst possible number of checks you can do is log2(entries). If you do some kind of an 'uneven' binary search, where you divide the array into a smaller and larger half, if the element is always in the larger half you can have worse worst case behaviour. So, I think binary search would still be the best algorithm to use regardless of expected distribution, just because it has the best worse case behaviour.
You have a vector of entries, say [x1, x2, ..., xN], and you're aware of the fact that the distribution of the queries is given with probability 1/x, on the vector you have. This means your queries will take place with that distribution, i.e., on each consult, you'll take element xN with higher probability.
This causes your binary search tree to be balanced considering your labels, but not enforcing any policy on the search. A possible change on this policy would be to relax the constraint of a balanced binary search tree -- smaller to the left of the parent node, greater to the right --, and actually choosing the parent nodes as the ones with higher probabilities, and their child nodes as the two most probable elements.
Notice this is not a binary search tree, as you are not dividing your search space by two in every step, but rather a rebalanced tree, with respect to your search pattern distribution. This means you're worst case of search may reach O(N). For example, having v = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]:
/ \
20 50
/ / \
10 40 60
Which can be reordered, or, rebalanced, using your function f(x) = 1 / x:
f([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]) = [0.100, 0.050, 0.033, 0.025, 0.020, 0.016]
sort(v, f(v)) = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
Into a new search tree, that looks like:
10 -------------> the most probable of being taken
/ \ leaving v = [[20, 30], [40, 50, 60]]
20 30 ---------> the most probable of being taken
/ \ leaving v = [[40, 50], [60]]
40 50 -------> the most probable of being taken
/ leaving v = [[60]]
If you search for 10, you only need one comparison, but if you're looking for 60, you'll perform O(N) comparisons, which does not qualifies this as a binary search. As pointed by #Steve314, the farthest you go from a fully balanced tree, the worse will be your worst case of search.
I will assume from your description:
X is uniformly distributed
Y=1/X is your data which you want to search and it is stored in sorted table
given value y, you need to binary search it in the above table
Binary search usually uses value in center of range (median). For uniform distribution it is possible to to speed up search by knowing approximately where in the table to we need to look for searched value.
For example if we have uniformly distributed values in [0,1] range and query is for 0.25, it is best to look not in center of range but in 1st quarter of the range.
To use the same technique for 1/X data, store in table not Y but inverse 1/Y. Search not for y but for inverse value 1/y.
Unweighted binary search isn't even optimal for uniformly distributed keys in expected terms, but it is in worst case terms.
The proportionally weighted binary search (which I have been using for decades) does what you want for uniform data, and by applying an implicit or explicit transform for other distributions. The sorted hash table is closely related (and I've known about this for decades but never bothered to try it).
In this discussion I will assume that the data is uniformly selected from 1..N and in an array of size N indexed by 1..N. If it has a different solution, e.g. a Zipfian distribution where the value is proportional to 1/index, you can apply an inverse function to flatten the distribution, or the Fisher Transform will often help (see Wikipedia).
Initially you have 1..N as the bounds, but in fact you may know the actual Min..Max. In any case we will assume we always have a closed interval [Min,Max] for the index range [L..R] we are currently searching, and initially this is O(N).
We are looking for key K and want index I so that
[I-R]/[K-Max]=[L-I]/[Min-K]=[L-R]/[Min-Max] e.g. I = [R-L]/[Max-Min]*[Max-K] + L.
Round so that the smaller partition gets larger rather than smaller (to help worst case). The expected absolute and root mean square error is <√[R-L] (based on a Poisson/Skellam or a Random Walk model - see Wikipedia). The expected number of steps is thus O(loglogN).
The worst case can be constrained to be O(logN) in several ways. First we can decide what constant we regard as acceptable, perhaps requiring steps 1. Proceeding for loglogN steps as above, and then using halving will achieve this for any such c.
Alternatively we can modify the standard base b=B=2 of the logarithm so b>2. Suppose we take b=8, then effectively c~b/B. we can then modify the rounding above so that at step k the largest partition must be at most N*b^-k. Viz keep track of the size expected if we eliminate 1/b from consideration each step which leads to worst case b/2 lgN. This will however bring our expected case back to O(log N) as we are only allowed to reduce the small partition by 1/b each time. We can restore the O(loglog N) expectation by using simple uprounding of the small partition for loglogN steps before applying the restricted rounding. This is appropriate because within a burst expected to be local to a particular value, the distribution is approximately uniform (that is for any smooth distribution function, e.g. in this case Skellam, any sufficiently small segment is approximately linear with slope given by its derivative at the centre of the segment).
As for the sorted hash, I thought I read about this in Knuth decades ago, but can't find the reference. The technique involves pushing rather than probing - (possibly weighted binary) search to find the right place or a gap then pushing aside to make room as needed, and the hash function must respect the ordering. This pushing can wrap around and so a second pass through the table is needed to pick them all up - it is useful to track Min and Max and their indexes (to get forward or reverse ordered listing start at one and track cyclically to the other; they can then also be used instead of 1 and N as initial brackets for the search as above; otherwise 1 and N can be used as surrogates).
If the load factor alpha is close to 1, then insertion is expected O(√N) for expected O(√N) items, which still amortizes to O(1) on average. This cost is expected to decrease exponentially with alpha - I believe (under Poisson assumptions) that μ ~ σ ~ √[Nexp(α)].
The above proportionally weighted binary search can used to improve on the initial probe.

searching through a vast collection of potential solutions

I have a quite difficult problem (perhaps even a NP-hard problem ^^) with looking for a solution in a massive collection of results. Perhaps there is an algorithm for it.
Below exercise is artificial but is a perfect example to illustrate my issue.
There is a big array with integers. Lets say it has 100.000 elements.
int numbers[] = {-123,32,4,-234564,23,5,....}
I want to check in a relatively quick way if a sum on any 2 numbers from this array is equal to 0. In other words, if the array has "-123" I want to find is there also a "123" number.
The easiest solution would be brute force - check everything with everything. That gives 100.000 x 100.000 a big number ;-) Obviously brute force method can by optimised. Order numbers and check negatives against positive only. My question is - is there something better then optimised brute force to find a solution?
First, sort the array by magnitude of the value.
Then, if the data contains a pair which satisfies the conditions you're after, it contains such a pair adjacent in the array. So just sweep through looking for adjacent pairs whose sum is 0.
Overall time complexity is O(n log n) for the sort, could be O(n) if you use "cheating" sorts not based solely on comparisons. Clearly it can't be done in less than linear time, because in the worst case you can't do it without looking at all the elements. I think n log n is probably optimal in the decision tree model of computing, but only because it "feels a bit like" the element uniqueness problem.
Alternative approach:
Add the elements one at a time to a hash-based or tree-based container. Before adding each element, check whether its negative is present. If so, stop.
This is likely to be faster in the case where there are lots of suitable pairs, because you save the cost of sorting the whole data. That said, you could write a modified sort that exits early by checking for adjacent pairs as soon as any subset of the data is in its final order, but that's effort.
Brute force would be an O(n^2) solution. You can certainly do better.
Off the top of my head, first sort it. Heap sort will have a complexity of O(nlogn).
Now, for the first element, say a, you know you need to find an element b, such that a+b = 0. This can be found using binary search (since your array is now sorted). Binary search has a complexity of O(logn).
This gives you an overall solution of O(nlogn) complexity.
The example you provided can be brute-force solved in O(n^2) time.
You can start ordering the numbers (O(n·logn)) from smaller to bigger. If you place one pointer at the beginning (the "most negative number") and other at the end (the "most positive"), you can check if there is such pair of numbers in an additional O(n) steps by following the next procedure:
If the numbers at both pointers have the same module, you have the solution
If not, move the pointer of the number with bigger module towards "zero" (this is, increase if it is the pointer on the negative side, decrease if it is the positive-side one)
Repeat until finding a solution, or the pointers cross.
Total complexity is O(n·logn)+O(n) = O(n·logn).
Sort your array using Quicksort. After this happened, use two indexes, let's call them positive and negative.
positive <- 0
negative <- size - 1
while ((array[positive] > 0) and (array(negative < 0) and (positive >= 0) and (negative < size)) do
delta <- array[positive] + array[negative]
if (delta = 0) then
return true
else if (delta < 0) then
negative <- negative + 1
positive <- positive - 1
end if
end while
return (array[positive] * array[negative] = 0)
You didn't say what should the algorithm do if 0 is part of the array, I've supposed that in this case true should be returned.

Reducing the Average Number of Comparisons in Selection

The problem here is to reduce the average number of comparisons need in a selection sort.
I am reading an article on this and here is text snippet:
More generally, a sample S' of s elements is chosen from the n
elements. Let "delta" be some number, which we will choose later so
as to minimize the average number of comparisons used by the
procedure. We find the (v1 = (k * s)/(n - delta))th and (v2 = (k* * s)/(n + delta)
)th smallest elements in S'. Almost certainly, the kth smallest
element in S will fall between v1 and v2, so we are left with a
selection problem on (2 * delta) elements. With low probability, the
kth smallest element does not fall in this range, and we have
considerable work to do. However, with a good choice of s and delta,
we can ensure, by the laws of probability, that the second case does
not adversely affect the total work.
I do not follow the above text. Can anyone please explain to me with examples. How did the author reduce to 2 * delta elements? And how does he know that there is a low probablity that element does not fall into this category.
The basis for the idea is that the normal selection algorithm has linear runtime complexity, but in practical terms is slow. We need to sort all the elements in groups of five, and recursively do even more work. O(n) but with too large a constant. The idea then, is to reduce the number of comparisons in the selection algorithm (not a selection sort necessarily). Intuitively it is the same as in basic statistics; if I take a sample subspace of large enough proportion, it is likely that the distribution of data in the subspace adequately reflects the data in the whole space.
So if I'm looking for the kth number in a set of size one million, I could instead take say 10 000 (already one hundredth the size), which is still large enough to be a good representation of the global distribution, and look for the k/100th number. That's simple scaling. So if the space was 10 and I was looking for the 3rd, that's like looking for the 30th in 100, or the 300th in 1000, etc. Essentially k/S = k'/S' (where we're looking for the kth number in S, and we translate that to the k'th number in S' our subspace) and therefore k' = k*S'/S which should look familiar, since in the text you quoted S' is denoted by s, and S by n, and that's the same fraction quoted.
Now in order to take statistical fluctuations into account, we don't assume that the subspace will be a perfect representation of the data's distribution, so we allow for some fluctuation, namely, delta. We say let's find the k'th-delta and k'th+delta elements in S', and then we can say with great certainty (i.e. high mathematical probability) that the kth value from S is in the interval (k'th-delta, k'th+delta).
To wrap it all up we perform these two selections on S', then partition S accordingly, and now do [normal] selection on the much smaller interval in the partition. This ends up being almost optimal for the elements outside the interval, because we don't do selection on those, only partition them. So the selection process is faster, because we have reduced the problem size from S to S'.

Quicksort: Choosing the pivot

When implementing Quicksort, one of the things you have to do is to choose a pivot. But when I look at pseudocode like the one below, it is not clear how I should choose the pivot. First element of list? Something else?
function quicksort(array)
var list less, greater
if length(array) ≤ 1
return array
select and remove a pivot value pivot from array
for each x in array
if x ≤ pivot then append x to less
else append x to greater
return concatenate(quicksort(less), pivot, quicksort(greater))
Can someone help me grasp the concept of choosing a pivot and whether or not different scenarios call for different strategies.
Choosing a random pivot minimizes the chance that you will encounter worst-case O(n2) performance (always choosing first or last would cause worst-case performance for nearly-sorted or nearly-reverse-sorted data). Choosing the middle element would also be acceptable in the majority of cases.
Also, if you are implementing this yourself, there are versions of the algorithm that work in-place (i.e. without creating two new lists and then concatenating them).
It depends on your requirements. Choosing a pivot at random makes it harder to create a data set that generates O(N^2) performance. 'Median-of-three' (first, last, middle) is also a way of avoiding problems. Beware of relative performance of comparisons, though; if your comparisons are costly, then Mo3 does more comparisons than choosing (a single pivot value) at random. Database records can be costly to compare.
Update: Pulling comments into answer.
mdkess asserted:
'Median of 3' is NOT first last middle. Choose three random indexes, and take the middle value of this. The whole point is to make sure that your choice of pivots is not deterministic - if it is, worst case data can be quite easily generated.
To which I responded:
Analysis Of Hoare's Find Algorithm With Median-Of-Three Partition (1997)
by P Kirschenhofer, H Prodinger, C Martínez supports your contention (that 'median-of-three' is three random items).
There's an article described at that is about 'The Worst Case Permutation for Median-of-Three Quicksort' by Hannu Erkiö, published in The Computer Journal, Vol 27, No 3, 1984. [Update 2012-02-26: Got the text for the article. Section 2 'The Algorithm' begins: 'By using the median of the first, middle and last elements of A[L:R], efficient partitions into parts of fairly equal sizes can be achieved in most practical situations.' Thus, it is discussing the first-middle-last Mo3 approach.]
Another short article that is interesting is by M. D. McIlroy, "A Killer Adversary for Quicksort", published in Software-Practice and Experience, Vol. 29(0), 1–4 (0 1999). It explains how to make almost any Quicksort behave quadratically.
AT&T Bell Labs Tech Journal, Oct 1984 "Theory and Practice in the Construction of a Working Sort Routine" states "Hoare suggested partitioning around the median of several randomly selected lines. Sedgewick [...] recommended choosing the median of the first [...] last [...] and middle". This indicates that both techniques for 'median-of-three' are known in the literature. (Update 2014-11-23: The article appears to be available at IEEE Xplore or from Wiley — if you have membership or are prepared to pay a fee.)
'Engineering a Sort Function' by J L Bentley and M D McIlroy, published in Software Practice and Experience, Vol 23(11), November 1993, goes into an extensive discussion of the issues, and they chose an adaptive partitioning algorithm based in part on the size of the data set. There is a lot of discussion of trade-offs for various approaches.
A Google search for 'median-of-three' works pretty well for further tracking.
Thanks for the information; I had only encountered the deterministic 'median-of-three' before.
Heh, I just taught this class.
There are several options.
Simple: Pick the first or last element of the range. (bad on partially sorted input)
Better: Pick the item in the middle of the range. (better on partially sorted input)
However, picking any arbitrary element runs the risk of poorly partitioning the array of size n into two arrays of size 1 and n-1. If you do that often enough, your quicksort runs the risk of becoming O(n^2).
One improvement I've seen is pick median(first, last, mid);
In the worst case, it can still go to O(n^2), but probabilistically, this is a rare case.
For most data, picking the first or last is sufficient. But, if you find that you're running into worst case scenarios often (partially sorted input), the first option would be to pick the central value( Which is a statistically good pivot for partially sorted data).
If you're still running into problems, then go the median route.
Never ever choose a fixed pivot - this can be attacked to exploit your algorithm's worst case O(n2) runtime, which is just asking for trouble. Quicksort's worst case runtime occurs when partitioning results in one array of 1 element, and one array of n-1 elements. Suppose you choose the first element as your partition. If someone feeds an array to your algorithm that is in decreasing order, your first pivot will be the biggest, so everything else in the array will move to the left of it. Then when you recurse, the first element will be the biggest again, so once more you put everything to the left of it, and so on.
A better technique is the median-of-3 method, where you pick three elements at random, and choose the middle. You know that the element that you choose won't be the the first or the last, but also, by the central limit theorem, the distribution of the middle element will be normal, which means that you will tend towards the middle (and hence, nlog(n) time).
If you absolutely want to guarantee O(nlog(n)) runtime for the algorithm, the columns-of-5 method for finding the median of an array runs in O(n) time, which means that the recurrence equation for quicksort in the worst case will be:
T(n) = O(n) (find the median) + O(n) (partition) + 2T(n/2) (recurse left and right)
By the Master Theorem, this is O(nlog(n)). However, the constant factor will be huge, and if worst case performance is your primary concern, use a merge sort instead, which is only a little bit slower than quicksort on average, and guarantees O(nlog(n)) time (and will be much faster than this lame median quicksort).
Explanation of the Median of Medians Algorithm
Don't try and get too clever and combine pivoting strategies. If you combined median of 3 with random pivot by picking the median of the first, last and a random index in the middle, then you'll still be vulnerable to many of the distributions which send median of 3 quadratic (so its actually worse than plain random pivot)
E.g a pipe organ distribution (1,2,3...N/2..3,2,1) first and last will both be 1 and the random index will be some number greater than 1, taking the median gives 1 (either first or last) and you get an extermely unbalanced partitioning.
It is easier to break the quicksort into three sections doing this
Exchange or swap data element function
The partition function
Processing the partitions
It is only slightly more inefficent than one long function but is alot easier to understand.
Code follows:
/* This selects what the data type in the array to be sorted is */
#define DATATYPE long
/* This is the swap function .. your job is to swap data in x & y .. how depends on
data type .. the example works for normal numerical data types .. like long I chose
above */
void swap (DATATYPE *x, DATATYPE *y){
Temp = *x; // Hold current x value
*x = *y; // Transfer y to x
*y = Temp; // Set y to the held old x value
/* This is the partition code */
int partition (DATATYPE list[], int l, int h){
int i;
int p; // pivot element index
int firsthigh; // divider position for pivot element
// Random pivot example shown for median p = (l+h)/2 would be used
p = l + (short)(rand() % (int)(h - l + 1)); // Random partition point
swap(&list[p], &list[h]); // Swap the values
firsthigh = l; // Hold first high value
for (i = l; i < h; i++)
if(list[i] < list[h]) { // Value at i is less than h
swap(&list[i], &list[firsthigh]); // So swap the value
firsthigh++; // Incement first high
swap(&list[h], &list[firsthigh]); // Swap h and first high values
return(firsthigh); // Return first high
/* Finally the body sort */
void quicksort(DATATYPE list[], int l, int h){
int p; // index of partition
if ((h - l) > 0) {
p = partition(list, l, h); // Partition list
quicksort(list, l, p - 1); // Sort lower partion
quicksort(list, p + 1, h); // Sort upper partition
It is entirely dependent on how your data is sorted to begin with. If you think it will be pseudo-random then your best bet is to either pick a random selection or choose the middle.
If you are sorting a random-accessible collection (like an array), it's general best to pick the physical middle item. With this, if the array is all ready sorted (or nearly sorted), the two partitions will be close to even, and you'll get the best speed.
If you are sorting something with only linear access (like a linked-list), then it's best to choose the first item, because it's the fastest item to access. Here, however,if the list is already sorted, you're screwed -- one partition will always be null, and the other have everything, producing the worst time.
However, for a linked-list, picking anything besides the first, will just make matters worse. It pick the middle item in a listed-list, you'd have to step through it on each partition step -- adding a O(N/2) operation which is done logN times making total time O(1.5 N *log N) and that's if we know how long the list is before we start -- usually we don't so we'd have to step all the way through to count them, then step half-way through to find the middle, then step through a third time to do the actual partition: O(2.5N * log N)
Ideally the pivot should be the middle value in the entire array.
This will reduce the chances of getting worst case performance.
In a truly optimized implementation, the method for choosing pivot should depend on the array size - for a large array, it pays off to spend more time choosing a good pivot. Without doing a full analysis, I would guess "middle of O(log(n)) elements" is a good start, and this has the added bonus of not requiring any extra memory: Using tail-call on the larger partition and in-place partitioning, we use the same O(log(n)) extra memory at almost every stage of the algorithm.
Quick sort's complexity varies greatly with the selection of pivot value. for example if you always choose first element as an pivot, algorithm's complexity becomes as worst as O(n^2). here is an smart method to choose pivot element-
1. choose the first, mid, last element of the array.
2. compare these three numbers and find the number which is greater than one and smaller than other i.e. median.
3. make this element as pivot element.
choosing the pivot by this method splits the array in nearly two half and hence the complexity
reduces to O(nlog(n)).
On the average, Median of 3 is good for small n. Median of 5 is a bit better for larger n. The ninther, which is the "median of three medians of three" is even better for very large n.
The higher you go with sampling the better you get as n increases, but the improvement dramatically slows down as you increase the samples. And you incur the overhead of sampling and sorting samples.
I recommend using the middle index, as it can be calculated easily.
You can calculate it by rounding (array.length / 2).
If you choose the first or the last element in the array, then there are high chance that the pivot is the smallest or the largest element of the array and that is bad.
Because in that case the number of element smaller / larger than the pivot element in 0. and this will repeat as follow :
Consider the size of the array n.Then,
(n) + (n - 1) + (n - 2) + ......+ 1 = O(n^2)
Hence, the time complexity increases to O(n^2) from O(nlogn). So, I highly recommend to use median / random element of the array as the pivot.

How to calculate or approximate the median of a list without storing the list

I'm trying to calculate the median of a set of values, but I don't want to store all the values as that could blow memory requirements. Is there a way of calculating or approximating the median without storing and sorting all the individual values?
Ideally I would like to write my code a bit like the following
var medianCalculator = new MedianCalculator();
foreach (var value in SourceData)
Console.WriteLine("The median is: {0}", medianCalculator.Median);
All I need is the actual MedianCalculator code!
Update: Some people have asked if the values I'm trying to calculate the median for have known properties. The answer is yes. One value is in 0.5 increments from about -25 to -0.5. The other is also in 0.5 increments from -120 to -60. I guess this means I can use some form of histogram for each value.
If the values are discrete and the number of distinct values isn't too high, you could just accumulate the number of times each value occurs in a histogram, then find the median from the histogram counts (just add up counts from the top and bottom of the histogram until you reach the middle). Or if they're continuous values, you could distribute them into bins - that wouldn't tell you the exact median but it would give you a range, and if you need to know more precisely you could iterate over the list again, examining only the elements in the central bin.
There is the 'remedian' statistic. It works by first setting up k arrays, each of length b. Data values are fed in to the first array and, when this is full, the median is calculated and stored in the first pos of the next array, after which the first array is re-used. When the second array is full the median of its values is stored in the first pos of the third array, etc. etc. You get the idea :)
It's simple and pretty robust. The reference is here...
Hope this helps
I use these incremental/recursive mean and median estimators, which both use constant storage:
mean += eta * (sample - mean)
median += eta * sgn(sample - median)
where eta is a small learning rate parameter (e.g. 0.001), and sgn() is the signum function which returns one of {-1, 0, 1}. (Use a constant eta if the data is non-stationary and you want to track changes over time; otherwise, for stationary sources you can use something like eta=1/n for the mean estimator, where n is the number of samples seen so far... unfortunately, this does not appear to work for the median estimator.)
This type of incremental mean estimator seems to be used all over the place, e.g. in unsupervised neural network learning rules, but the median version seems much less common, despite its benefits (robustness to outliers). It seems that the median version could be used as a replacement for the mean estimator in many applications.
Also, I modified the incremental median estimator to estimate arbitrary quantiles. In general, a quantile function tells you the value that divides the data into two fractions: p and 1-p. The following estimates this value incrementally:
quantile += eta * (sgn(sample - quantile) + 2.0 * p - 1.0)
The value p should be within [0,1]. This essentially shifts the sgn() function's symmetrical output {-1,0,1} to lean toward one side, partitioning the data samples into two unequally-sized bins (fractions p and 1-p of the data are less than/greater than the quantile estimate, respectively). Note that for p=0.5, this reduces to the median estimator.
I would love to see an incremental mode estimator of a similar form...
(Note: I also posted this to a similar topic here: "On-line" (iterator) algorithms for estimating statistical median, mode, skewness, kurtosis?)
Here is a crazy approach that you might try. This is a classical problem in streaming algorithms. The rules are
You have limited memory, say O(log n) where n is the number of items you want
You can look at each item once and make a decision then and there what to do with it, if you store it, it costs memory, if you throw it away it is gone forever.
The idea for the finding a median is simple. Sample O(1 / a^2 * log(1 / p)) * log(n) elements from the list at random, you can do this via reservoir sampling (see a previous question). Now simply return the median from your sampled elements, using a classical method.
The guarantee is that the index of the item returned will be (1 +/- a) / 2 with probability at least 1-p. So there is a probability p of failing, you can choose it by sampling more elements. And it wont return the median or guarantee that the value of the item returned is anywhere close to the median, just that when you sort the list the item returned will be close to the half of the list.
This algorithm uses O(log n) additional space and runs in Linear time.
This is tricky to get right in general, especially to handle degenerate series that are already sorted, or have a bunch of values at the "start" of the list but the end of the list has values in a different range.
The basic idea of making a histogram is most promising. This lets you accumulate distribution information and answer queries (like median) from it. The median will be approximate since you obviously don't store all values. The storage space is fixed so it will work with whatever length sequence you have.
But you can't just build a histogram from say the first 100 values and use that histogram continually.. the changing data may make that histogram invalid. So you need a dynamic histogram that can change its range and bins on the fly.
Make a structure which has N bins. You'll store the X value of each slot transition (N+1 values total) as well as the population of the bin.
Stream in your data. Record the first N+1 values. If the stream ends before this, great, you have all the values loaded and you can find the exact median and return it. Else use the values to define your first histogram. Just sort the values and use those as bin definitions, each bin having a population of 1. It's OK to have dupes (0 width bins).
Now stream in new values. For each one, binary search to find the bin it belongs to.
In the common case, you just increment the population of that bin and continue.
If your sample is beyond the histogram's edges (highest or lowest), just extend the end bin's range to include it.
When your stream is done, you find the median sample value by finding the bin which has equal population on both sides of it, and linearly interpolating the remaining bin-width.
But that's not enough.. you still need to ADAPT the histogram to the data as it's being streamed in. When a bin gets over-full, you're losing information about that bin's sub distribution.
You can fix this by adapting based on some heuristic... The easiest and most robust one is if a bin reaches some certain threshold population (something like 10*v/N where v=# of values seen so far in the stream, and N is the number of bins), you SPLIT that overfull bin. Add a new value at the midpoint of the bin, give each side half of the original bin's population. But now you have too many bins, so you need to DELETE a bin. A good heuristic for that is to find the bin with the smallest product of population and width. Delete it and merge it with its left or right neighbor (whichever one of the neighbors itself has the smallest product of width and population.). Done!
Note that merging or splitting bins loses information, but that's unavoidable.. you only have fixed storage.
This algorithm is nice in that it will deal with all types of input streams and give good results. If you have the luxury of choosing sample order, a random sample is best, since that minimizes splits and merges.
The algorithm also allows you to query any percentile, not just median, since you have a complete distribution estimate.
I use this method in my own code in many places, mostly for debugging logs.. where some stats that you're recording have unknown distribution. With this algorithm you don't need to guess ahead of time.
The downside is the unequal bin widths means you have to do a binary search for each sample, so your net algorithm is O(NlogN).
David's suggestion seems like the most sensible approach for approximating the median.
A running mean for the same problem is a much easier to calculate:
Mn = Mn-1 + ((Vn - Mn-1) / n)
Where Mn is the mean of n values, Mn-1 is the previous mean, and Vn is the new value.
In other words, the new mean is the existing mean plus the difference between the new value and the mean, divided by the number of values.
In code this would look something like:
new_mean = prev_mean + ((value - prev_mean) / count)
though obviously you may want to consider language-specific stuff like floating-point rounding errors etc.
I don't think it is possible to do without having the list in memory. You can obviously approximate with
average if you know that the data is symmetrically distributed
or calculate a proper median of a small subset of data (that fits in memory) - if you know that your data has the same distribution across the sample (e.g. that the first item has the same distribution as the last one)
Find Min and Max of the list containing N items through linear search and name them as HighValue and LowValue
Let MedianIndex = (N+1)/2
1st Order Binary Search:
Repeat the following 4 steps until LowValue < HighValue.
Get MedianValue approximately = ( HighValue + LowValue ) / 2
Get NumberOfItemsWhichAreLessThanorEqualToMedianValue = K
is K = MedianIndex, then return MedianValue
is K > MedianIndex ? then HighValue = MedianValue Else LowValue = MedianValue
It will be faster without consuming memory
2nd Order Binary Search:
Repeat Following 5 Steps until (LowIndex < HighIndex)
Get Approximate DistrbutionPerUnit=(HighValue-LowValue)/(HighIndex-LowIndex)
Get Approximate MedianValue = LowValue + (MedianIndex-LowIndex) * DistributionPerUnit
Get NumberOfItemsWhichAreLessThanorEqualToMedianValue = K
is (K=MedianIndex) ? return MedianValue
is (K > MedianIndex) ? then HighIndex=K and HighValue=MedianValue Else LowIndex=K and LowValue=MedianValue
It will be faster than 1st order without consuming memory
We can also think of fitting HighValue, LowValue and MedianValue with HighIndex, LowIndex and MedianIndex to a Parabola, and can get ThirdOrder Binary Search which will be faster than 2nd order without consuming memory and so on...
Usually if the input is within a certain range, say 1 to 1 million, it's easy to create an array of counts: read the code for "quantile" and "ibucket" here:
This solution can be generalized as an approximation by coercing the input into an integer within some range using a function that you then reverse on the way out: IE: foo.push((int) input/1000000) and quantile(foo)*1000000.
If your input is an arbitrary double precision number, then you've got to autoscale your histogram as values come in that are out of range (see above).
Or you can use the median-triplets method described in this paper:
I picked up the idea of iterative quantile calculation. It is important to have a good value for starting point and eta, these may come from mean and sigma. So I programmed this:
Function QuantileIterative(Var x : Array of Double; n : Integer; p, mean, sigma : Double) : Double;
Var eta, quantile,q1, dq : Double;
i : Integer;
quantile:= mean + 1.25*sigma*(p-0.5);
eta:=0.2*sigma/xy(1+n,0.75); // should not be too large! sets accuracy
For i:=1 to n Do
quantile := quantile + eta * (signum_smooth(x[i] - quantile,eta) + 2*p - 1);
If dq>eta
then Begin
If dq<3*eta then eta:=eta/4;
For i:=1 to n Do
quantile := quantile + eta * (signum_smooth(x[i] - quantile,eta) + 2*p - 1);
As the median for two elements would be the mean, I used a smoothed signum function, and xy() is x^y. Are there ideas to make it better? Of course if we have some more a-priori knowledge we can add code using min and max of the array, skew, etc. For big data you would not use an array perhaps, but for testing it is easier.
On homogeneous random ordered and for big enough list, this pseudo code can work:
# find min on the fly
if minDataPoint > dataPoint:
minDataPoint = dataPoint
# find max on the fly
if maxDataPoint < dataPoint:
maxDataPoint = dataPoint
# estimate median base on the current data
estimate_mid = (maxDataPoint + minDataPoint) / 2
#if **new** dataPoint is closer to the mid? stor it
if abs(midDataPoint - estimate_mid) > abs(dataPoint - estimate_mid):
midDataPoint = dataPoint
Inspired by #lakshmanaraj
