Laravel Get products from multiple taxonomies - laravel

I have 3 tables, products, taxonomies and product_taxonomy. The 3rd table is a pivot table that contains product_id and taxonomy_id, meaning that product and taxonomy are many to many relationship. Given a list of taxonomy ids, how can I get all the products that belong to these taxonomies? NOTE: I want to have the products result set being able to paginated or order by maybe it's price or something.

You need to create many-to-many relationship and that requires relationship methods like:
// Product Model
public function taxonomies()
return $this->belongsToMany('Taxonomy');
// Taxonomy Model
public function products()
return $this->belongsToMany('Product');
The query:
$listOfTaxonomyIds = [1,2,3];
$products = Product::whereHas('taxonomies', function($query) use ($listOfTaxonomyIds){
$query->whereIn('taxonomy_id', $listOfTaxonomyIds);


Eloquent order model by its relationship hasManyTrough

I have 3 tables
products, product_categories and categories
product_categories is a pivot table that help me on the relationship between products & categories.
The relation is as follow in Product.php model:
public function categories() {
return $this->hasManyThrough(Category::class, ProductCategory::class, 'product_id', 'id', 'id', 'category_id');
So now I need to query the products so I am doing the following:
I can not find the way to sort my products list by the category name on the categories table...
is there any way?
My products table is quite large so it wont be possible to get all the results first and then sortBy()->take(25);
The categories table has multiple categories and subcategories... the product_categories relate products with only subcategories...
Basically what I want is to sort the products by the main category

laravel eloquent with pivot and another table

I have 4 table categories, initiatives, a pivot table for the "Many To Many" relationship category_initiative and initiativegroup table related with initiatives table with initiatives.initiativesgroup_id with one to many relation.
With pure sql I retrive the information I need with:
SELECT, categories.description,, initiatives.description,
FROM categories
LEFT JOIN category_initiative ON = category_initiative.category_id
LEFT JOIN initiatives ON category_initiative.initiative_id =
LEFT JOIN initiativegroups ON initiatives.initiativegroup_id =
WHERE = '40'
How can I use eloquent model to achieve same results?
Since you have such a specific query touching multiple tables, one possibility is to use query builder. That would preserve the precision of the query, retrieving only the data you specifically need. That would look something like this:
$categories = DB::table('categories')
->leftJoin('category_initiative', '', '=', 'category_initiative.category_id')
->leftJoin('initiatives', 'category_initiative.initiative_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('initiativegroups', 'initiatives.initiativegroup_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', 40)
In your models define the relationships:
Category.php model
public function initiatives()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Initiative');
Initiative.php model (If has many categories change to belongs to many)
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Category');
Then maybe change your initiativegroup -> groups table, and then create a pivot table called group_initiative. Create model for group. Group.php and define the relationship:
public function initiatives()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Initiative');
Then you can also add the following relationship definition to the Initiative.php model
public function group()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Group');
That should get you started.
for the record..
with my original relationship, but changing table name as alex suggest, in my controller:
$inits = Category::with('')->find($id_cat);
simple and clean

Laravel Fetching one to Many Relationship

Hello I am learning laravel and I am having an issue retrieving data from my relations.
In my database there are Product and Groups filled with dummy data.
I defined my relationship like this in product model:
public function Group()
return $this->hasMany('App\Groups','product_id', 'id');
And in my group vice versa with :
public function Product()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Product','product_id', 'id');
The way I am referencing to my products table is :
Now I have column product_id in my database under groups, and it is linked to if from products id it seems.
The groups table contains of its auto incremented id and product_id foreign key column.
While products table has auto incremented id and name column.
The issue is here :
How do I return the products that are not null or have value (of products id) in groups table.
I tried something like this in my filter controller:
public function getProductsWithGroup()
$Products = Product::with('groups')->get();
return $Products ;
But that is giving me call to undefined relations.
I am not sure how to access belongsTo or hasMany methods and whether I need an extra group_id column in my products table.
You named the relationship wrong. It should be groups & define in lowercase as
public function groups()
return $this->hasMany('App\Groups','product_id', 'id');
And use ->has() to check existence
public function getProductsWithGroup()
$Products = Product::has('groups')->get();
return $Products ;
->with() is used to eager load and ->has() is used to check existence & filter.
To get the products don't have any groups,
$Products = Product::doesntHave('groups')->get();
To see other ways to use ->has() check,

OneToMany + ManyToMany

I have 3 main tables (sellers, stores, products), and there is another table for relation between stores and products (store_product)
A seller has many stores (One to Many relationship)
A store has many products, but any of those products can be assigned to multiple stores, maybe in another seller's stores (Many To Many relationship)
Now, I have a confusion, I want to get all products for a specific seller.
If you defined the reserve of the relationships, you can do:
// your seller's id
$seller_id = 1;
// get your products
$products = Product::whereHas('stores.seller', function ($query) use ($seller_id) {
$query->where('id', $seller_id);
To get the count of products under every seller, you could use the withCount() method, just like this:
$sellers = Seller::withCount(['stores' => function ($query){
which will place a {relation}_count column inside the stores relationship of your resulting models. In this case, products_count:
foreach ($sellers as $seller) {
echo $seller->stores->first()->products_count;
What you need is the builder function whereHas('relation', $callback). With it your query is very straight forward:
$products = Product::query()
->whereHas('stores.seller', function ($query) use ($sellerId) {
$query->where('', $sellerId);
Apparently using (where sellers is the table name) is important because you most likely have a column called id on all three tables. If you omit the table name, the query will fail.

How to connect three tables in Laravel?

I have thee tables: Orders, Products, Products_images.
I need to get ll orders, for this I do:
$orders = Order::with("products")->where("user_id", Auth::guard('api')->user()->id)->orderBy('id')->get();
Where with("products") is function in model Order
public function products()
return $this->hasOne("App\Product", "id", "product_id");
So, I have connected two table. Also I need connect with table Products with table Products_images in this query.
How can I do this?
Add a product_images function to the Products Model
public function product_images() { return $this->hasMany("App\ProductImage");}
Modify the above line's App\ProductImage to reflect the model for your table. Then you can access all the product images records that belongs to your products by doing the following:
$orders = Order::with("products.product_images")->where("user_id", Auth::guard('api')->user()->id)->orderBy('id')->get();
Look under nested eager loading on this link :
