How to simulate modal dialog UI behaviour in a modeless dialog? - winapi

Is there an easy way to display a dialog modelessly while retaining the UI blocking a modal dialog provides?
I want to stop a user interacting with other dialogs/controls when the dialog is shown, but let the application carry on running. Is there a way to set a dialog as "exclusive focus" or something like that?

No, there is no easy way to do what you want.
If you really want to go the route you describe, I recommend first reading the whole 'modality' series on Raymond Chen's blog. First installment is on .
However, this seems like an instance of the XY problem. What is it that you are trying to do? Get the main application to keep updating itself? If so, I think (with the information we are given) that calling AfxPumpMessage() will do what you want. Or do you want to continue processing data in the main application? Then you'll save yourself a world of hurt by using a worker thread.

Untested, but you can try do disable the owner window (the app. main window), create a modeless dialog, and then, when the dialog is closed, enable it again:
To disable the main window:
To create the modal/non-blocking dialog:
And to enable it again, on the OnClose event, or similar:
There may be other details in a modal dialog that I'm not aware of. If you are willing to investigate, read the source code of MFC's CDialog::DoModal(). If I remember correctly, this MFC function simulates a modal-blocking dialog using the modeless Win32 API CreateDialog*() in order to implement global accelerators, hooks, messages and the like.

Here is possible answer to your question:
You could disable all the other controls in the application then re-enable them after the dialog has finished.
Use this callback
BOOL CALLBACK EnableDisableAllChildren ( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lp )
::EnableWindow ( hwnd, (BOOL)lp );
return TRUE;
With a Call to
EnumChildWindows ( HWNDToYourApp, EnableDisableAllChildren, true );
Do Modaless Dialog
EnumChildWindows ( HWNDToYourApp, EnableDisableAllChildren, false );
Something different to think about.


CPropertySheet app lauched with CreateProcess steals focus [duplicate]

I was investigating an issue related to losing focus and changing activation of windows. What I found was that if I create an invisible property sheet, the active/foreground window changes and so does the focus window. Here is some sample MFC code:
// ignore CAutoDeleter, just a template that calls "delete this " in PostNcDestroy()
CPropertySheet* pSheet = new CAutoDeleter<CPropertySheet>(_T("Test Sheet"));
CTestPage* pPage = new CAutoDeleter<CTestPage>();
// style |= WS_DISABLED; //does nothing to help
DWORD exStyle = 0;
//exStyle = WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY|WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; // does nothing to help
pSheet->Create(AfxGetMainWnd(), style, exStyle); // adding
After the call to pSheet->Create(), the active/foreground/focus window has changed and the application window is on top. If I use Spy++ and look at the window that is created, it turns out that a property sheet is a DIALOG window class. I am assuming it has a different WNDPROC, of course. What is interesting, is if I create an invisible modeless dialog using, it does not exhibit the problem. If I create the invisible modeless dialog, the active/foreground/focus window remains the same.
I tried setting various flags as in the code snippet, but alas they did not have any discernible effect--I still had the flashing and activation non-sense.
I could get some improvement by setting and clearing a hook (WH_CBT) before and after pSheet->Create()--and then eating the activation messages. When I do that, I don't have the horrible flashing and my application window does not come to the top. However, the focus (and caret for windows that have carets) does go away from whichever window had it before the Create().
Does anyone know a way to keep the focus and activation unchanged when creating an invisible property sheet? (At some point, the property sheet may or may not be set visible. And, if the property sheet is invisible when being destroyed, it also causes the blinking and activation changes.)
I tried using the values returned in GetUIThreadInfo() to try and restore things after the call to Create(), but it causes some flashing as well.
I just want to know how to create an invisible Property Sheet which won't cause the active, foreground, and focus window to change.
Unfortunately the underlying API function PropertySheet calls SetForegroundWindow on the main property sheet dialog after creation. There's no easy way around this - your kludge with the WH_CBT hook is probably your best option.
Edit: As suggested by #stephen in the comments on this duplicate question, you may be able to prevent the activation/focus change using LockSetForegroundWindow.
I have been struggling with this same issue for weeks, with a similar project, where my main application launches a secondary EXE process to act as a server in an audio application (which needs to be a separate process to shield the application from plugin faults, and so it can be high priority for real-time audio processing).
My secondary EXE is a modeless CPropertySheet, for status and diagnostic display, but is intended to be launched hidden and in the background. However it was always stealing the activation from the main application on launch, regardless of what workarounds I tried (such as overriding OnWindowPosChanging).
I thought I was going to go mad, so I was very happy to find this question. The WH_CBT trick is useful, but I found while it prevented activation of the secondary EXE, it did not prevent deactivation of the main application.
But then I discovered an excellent solution, in the LockSetForegroundWindow API (available since Win2K) which I had never heard of before. Looks like it is intended for exactly this purpose, to disable the change of foreground activation and prevent peer processes from stealing it.
It works very well to nullify the internal call to SetForegroundWindow that happens deep within the property sheet common control, and works equally well whether used in the main application before CreateProcess or in the secondary EXE. I chose the latter case, to wrap the property sheet creation:
pSheet->Create(NULL, dwStyle, dwExStyle);
This minimises the scope of the intervention and keeps the fix localised to the process that is the source of the problem. I hope this will save others from wasting as much time on this tedious issue as I did.

Creating invisible and modeless property sheet causes focus change?

I was investigating an issue related to losing focus and changing activation of windows. What I found was that if I create an invisible property sheet, the active/foreground window changes and so does the focus window. Here is some sample MFC code:
// ignore CAutoDeleter, just a template that calls "delete this " in PostNcDestroy()
CPropertySheet* pSheet = new CAutoDeleter<CPropertySheet>(_T("Test Sheet"));
CTestPage* pPage = new CAutoDeleter<CTestPage>();
// style |= WS_DISABLED; //does nothing to help
DWORD exStyle = 0;
//exStyle = WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY|WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; // does nothing to help
pSheet->Create(AfxGetMainWnd(), style, exStyle); // adding
After the call to pSheet->Create(), the active/foreground/focus window has changed and the application window is on top. If I use Spy++ and look at the window that is created, it turns out that a property sheet is a DIALOG window class. I am assuming it has a different WNDPROC, of course. What is interesting, is if I create an invisible modeless dialog using, it does not exhibit the problem. If I create the invisible modeless dialog, the active/foreground/focus window remains the same.
I tried setting various flags as in the code snippet, but alas they did not have any discernible effect--I still had the flashing and activation non-sense.
I could get some improvement by setting and clearing a hook (WH_CBT) before and after pSheet->Create()--and then eating the activation messages. When I do that, I don't have the horrible flashing and my application window does not come to the top. However, the focus (and caret for windows that have carets) does go away from whichever window had it before the Create().
Does anyone know a way to keep the focus and activation unchanged when creating an invisible property sheet? (At some point, the property sheet may or may not be set visible. And, if the property sheet is invisible when being destroyed, it also causes the blinking and activation changes.)
I tried using the values returned in GetUIThreadInfo() to try and restore things after the call to Create(), but it causes some flashing as well.
I just want to know how to create an invisible Property Sheet which won't cause the active, foreground, and focus window to change.
Unfortunately the underlying API function PropertySheet calls SetForegroundWindow on the main property sheet dialog after creation. There's no easy way around this - your kludge with the WH_CBT hook is probably your best option.
Edit: As suggested by #stephen in the comments on this duplicate question, you may be able to prevent the activation/focus change using LockSetForegroundWindow.
I have been struggling with this same issue for weeks, with a similar project, where my main application launches a secondary EXE process to act as a server in an audio application (which needs to be a separate process to shield the application from plugin faults, and so it can be high priority for real-time audio processing).
My secondary EXE is a modeless CPropertySheet, for status and diagnostic display, but is intended to be launched hidden and in the background. However it was always stealing the activation from the main application on launch, regardless of what workarounds I tried (such as overriding OnWindowPosChanging).
I thought I was going to go mad, so I was very happy to find this question. The WH_CBT trick is useful, but I found while it prevented activation of the secondary EXE, it did not prevent deactivation of the main application.
But then I discovered an excellent solution, in the LockSetForegroundWindow API (available since Win2K) which I had never heard of before. Looks like it is intended for exactly this purpose, to disable the change of foreground activation and prevent peer processes from stealing it.
It works very well to nullify the internal call to SetForegroundWindow that happens deep within the property sheet common control, and works equally well whether used in the main application before CreateProcess or in the secondary EXE. I chose the latter case, to wrap the property sheet creation:
pSheet->Create(NULL, dwStyle, dwExStyle);
This minimises the scope of the intervention and keeps the fix localised to the process that is the source of the problem. I hope this will save others from wasting as much time on this tedious issue as I did.

Is there any way to activate the Apply button from a print propery page with PrintDlgEx?

I have custom print property sheets/pages that have been added to the dialog displayed by PrintDlgEx. These property sheets are, of course, used to change additional options. The issue is that there does not appear to be any documented way to activate the Apply button from the property sheet's dialog function, or anywhere for that matter. This seems to be a huge omission on Microsoft's part.
Is there any "official" way to change the Apply button's state? If not, are there any possible workarounds?
Is there any "official" way to change the Apply button's state? If not, are there any possible workarounds?
Not directly, no. You would have to retrieve the button's HWND manually an then manipulate it as needed.
use SetWindowHookEx() to install a local WH_CBT hook for the thread that is calling PrintDlgEx(). The dialog's HWND will be available as a parameter of the callback function when it receives a HCBT_ACTIVATE notification. Then you can locate the Apply button's HWND within the dialog (use Spy++ or similar tool to get details about the button, then have your code use GetDlgItem() or FindWindowEx() to get the button's HWND). Be sure to call UnhookWindowsHookEx() after PrintDlgEx() exits (or at least after you are done using the button HWND).
use SetWinEventHook() to register for EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE, EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW, and/or EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART notification(s) for the thread that is calling PrintDlgEx(). The dialog and button HWNDs will be available as a parameter of the callback function. Be sure to call UnhookWinEvent() after PrintDlgEx() exits (or at least after you are done using the button HWND).
Once you have the button's HWND, you can do whatever you want with it. It is a standard button control, so any standard button message/function can be used with it.
A more close to "official" way is to call PropSheet_Changed().
The way I get the property sheet dialog is to look at the source of PSN_ notifications sent to IPrintDialogCallback::HandleMessage(). Or you can use GetParent(GetParent(generalDialog)).
Once you call PropSheet_Changed() the Apply button will activate.
You're right, it seems to be a huge omission on Microsoft's part, as it's not a simple thing to code, but it's something that most people adding property sheets would need.
I can put some code up if anyone needs it.

Winapi: window is "sent to back" when using EnableWindow() function

To prevent users from clicking in my main_window when a MessageBox appears I have used:
I got a sample MessageBox:
MessageBox(NULL,"some text here","About me",MB_ICONASTERISK);
The problem is that when I press "OK" on my MessageBox it closes and my main_window is send to back of all other system windows. Why this is happening?
I tried to put:
after and before : EnableWindow(main_window,TRUE) the result was strange: it worked 50/50. Guess I do it the way it shouldn't be.
Is there a better solution to BLOCK mouse click's on specific window than:
Displaying modal UI requires that the modal child is enabled and the owner is disabled. When the modal child is finished the procedure has to be reversed. The code you posted looks like a straight forward way to implement this.
Except, it isn't.
The problem is in between the calls to MessageBox and EnableWindow, code that you did not write. MessageBox returns after the modal child (the message box) has been destroyed. Since this is the window with foreground activiation the window manager then tries to find a new window to activate. There is no owning window, so it starts searching from the top of the Z-order. The first window it finds is yours, but it is still disabled. So the window manager skips it and looks for another window, one that is not disabled. By the time the call to EnableWindow is executed it is too late - the window manager has already concluded that another window should be activated.
The correct order would be to enable the owner prior to destroying the modal UI.
This, however, is only necessary if you have a reason to implement modality yourself. The system provides a standard implementation for modal UI. To make use of it pass a handle to the owning window to calls like MessageBox or CreateDialog (*), and the window manager will do all the heavy lifting for you.
(*): The formal parameter to CreateDialog is unfortunately misnamed as hWndParent. Parent-child and owner-owned relationships are very different (see About Windows).

Win32 custom message box

I want to make a custom message box. What I want to customize is the button's text.
L"Target folder already exists. Do you want to overwrite the folder?",
L"No title",
I'd like to just change the buttons text to Overwrite, Skip, Cancel.
What's the most simple way?
I have to make this as having same look and feel with Windows default messagebox.
As said by others, a typical way is to create a dialog resource and have a completely independent dialog, which GUI you need to design in the way that it looks like standard dialog (to meet your request for feel and look). If you want to accept text messages, you might probably need to add code which resizes the window appropriately.
Still, there is another option for those who feel like diving into advanced things. While MessageBox API does not offer much for fint tuning, you still have SetWindowsHookEx in your hands. Having registgered the hook, you can intercept standard MessageBox window procedure and subclass it in the way you like.
Typical things include:
changing button text
adding more controls
adding timed automatic close
Hooking standard window can do all of those.
UPD. Hey, I realized I have some code with SetWindowsHookEx to share:
You could create an own dialog. Or you could use a window hook as described in this article.
An archived version of the article can be found on
Make a dialog resource (with a GUI editor, or by hand) and call DialogBox on it. There's no way to alter MessageBox behaviour, other than what's supported by its arguments.
That said, your message box can very well use stock Yes/No options.
The task dialog functionality introduced in Vista does exactly what you want and follows the prevailing system theme. However, if you have to support XP, then this will be of little comfort to you.
I know this question is old, but I just stumbled upon it now.
I would like to expand the other answers in regards to using a TaskDialog instead of a MessageBox. Here's a concise example of using a TaskDialog to do precisely what was asked; change the button's texts:
const TASKDIALOG_BUTTON buttons[] = { {IDYES, L"Overwrite"}, {IDNO, L"Skip"}, {IDCANCEL, L"Cancel"} };
TASKDIALOGCONFIG taskDialogConfig = {
.cbSize = sizeof(TASKDIALOGCONFIG),
.pszMainIcon = TD_WARNING_ICON, // TaskDialog does not support a question icon; see below
.pButtons = buttons,
.cButtons = ARRAYSIZE(buttons),
.pszWindowTitle = L"No title",
.pszContent = L"Target folder already exists. Do you want to overwrite the folder?"
TaskDialogIndirect(&taskDialogConfig, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Some noteworthy things:
You need to use TaskDialogIndirect, not the basic TaskDialog function
when not specifying a parent window, the icon specified in pszMainIcon is displayed in the title bar as well
There is no equivalent to the MessageBox's MB_ICONQUESTION, quoting a quote from this forumpost: Don't use the question mark icon to ask questions. Again, use the question mark icon only for Help entry points. There is no need to ask questions using the question mark icon anyway—it's sufficient to present a main instruction as a question.
checking which button was selected would have to be done by passing a pointer to an int as the second argument of TaskDialogIndirect and checking its value on return (the documentation should be pretty clear)
Here is a small open source library that allows you to customize Message Boxes. Developed by Hans Ditrich.
I have successfully used it in another POC that allows embedding a custom icon in such MessageBox that can be called even from a Console application.
I should also point to the Task Dialog. Here is an example of using it:
int nButtonPressed = 0;
TaskDialog(NULL, hInst,
if (IDOK == nButtonPressed)
// OK button pressed
else if (IDCANCEL == nButtonPressed)
// Cancel pressed
