Unable to run the app on IOS device - xcode

I have created a sample titanium project, I am able to run my app on emulator. But when i try to deploy the same device I'm getting the following error,
[ERROR] : Error details: Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) that match the provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“Plan India Feedback App”) were found.
[ERROR] : Error details: CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 8.1'
Can any one suggest me what is the issue and how to resolve the same.
Phone version is: 6.1.6
Emulator version: 8.1

It indicates that your app id and Provisioning profiles dont match.Please make them same and you would be good to go


CodePush 400: {"status":400,"name":"Error","message":"Missing required query parameter \"deployment_key\""}

After rebuilding with React Native 0.70.1/react-native-code-push 7.05 project/Xcode 14/Monterey , npx react-native run-ios launch successfully without any error but the console screen throws error:
[CodePush] An unknown error occurred.
LOG [CodePush] 400: {"status":400,"name":"Error","message":"Missing required query parameter \"deployment_key\""}
Then I create a new app in MS appcenter for IOS and replaced the app secret with the new one just created in AppCenter-Config.plist in Xcode. But the error is the same. Before rebuilding the app, I verify that the latest react native code push 7.0.5 works with the release of React Native 0.70.
The app build in Xcode 14 went successfully. What is missing with the appcenter or app config?
In my case, I got this error because I forgot to set the CodePushDeploymentKey inInfo.plist :)
Now that I have a configuration-specific CODEPUSH_KEY in build settings, and have set the CodePushDeploymentKey to $(CODEPUSH_KEY) in Info.plist, it works!

"Setting up profile generation failed"

Xcode 7.3.1 is giving me this error when I try and run my UI tests:
The text is:
Setting up profile generation failed
Xcode could not generate profile information for bundle identifier (com.apple.test.XXXXXXXXUITests-Runner). The profile path was missing. The environment variables were valid.
Has anyone got any idea what might be causing this or how to fix it?

mobilefirst native ios keychain wrapper issue

I am working on a project for a native iOS app using xcode to develop the project, but including both MobileFirst Platform Foundation capabilities and mobile data capabilities from Bluemix. We are using a shared git repository on IBM DevOps services (jazzhub) to share project source code and work collaboratively on it.
Most of the native apps I have built in the past have been on my own, so this is my first attempt to collaborate using git/xcode working together.
All that is just context for the issue, which is a project using the above environment on my collegues mac build/runs fine. Once I git clone the project and try to run it on my mac I am getting the following error:
*** Assertion failure in -[KeychainItemWrapper writeToKeychain], /tmp/builds/bld-00-20141218-1823-2824648/worklight-ios/framework-xcode-project/NativeSDK-Sources/WorkLight/KeychainItemWrapper.m:311
2015-01-31 13:16:27.657 IBMBankNativeApp[88827:11348297] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Couldn't add the Keychain Item.'
Above this message in the xcode log I see a secussful initialization of the Bluemix and the call to initialize the MFP connection:
2015-01-31 13:16:27.439 NativeApp[88827:11348297] INFO: IBMBluemix initialization successful.
IBMBluemix SDK Version:
BlueMix Target: https://mybank.mybluemix.net
applicationId: ea36d23f-....
2015-01-31 13:16:27.530 NativeApp[88827:11348297] IBMData SDK initialization successful.
2015-01-31 13:16:27.580 NativeApp[88827:11348297] ViewController - connectToServer - Initializing ...
2015-01-31 13:16:27.591 NativeApp[88827:11348297] [DEBUG] [WL_CONFIG] -[WLConfig init] in WLConfig.m:68 :: {
"application id" = NativeiOSApi;
"application version" = "1.0";
environment = iOSnative;
host = "";
platformVersion = "";
port = 10080;
protocol = http;
wlServerContext = "/MFProject/";
wlUid = "wY/mbnwKTDDYQUvuQCdSgg==";
Before the MFP callback for initialization of the connection the application terminates with the keychain error.
I did not add the keychain access to the project, I'm using cocoapods to set-up bluemix support and wonder if that somehow is adding the keychain support?
I tried removing and running, removing then re-adding they keychain support in the project capabilities, all with the same error.
Is there something checked in and replicated by git that shouldn't be?
Thanks in advance!
Verify that the following Key exists under the Root key in both entitlements-debug.plist and entitlements-release.plist:
Key: keychain-access-groups
Type: Array
Inside the above Key:
Key: Item 0
Type: String
Value: $(AppIdentifierPrefix)worklight.group

Deployment error: windows.licensing failed to start WSService

I get the following error when I try to deploy a windows store app:
Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. error 0xC0020017:
windows.licensing failed to start WSService while installing
My developer license is valid. I changed the package name, still the error persists.
This problem occurs with old and completely new projects.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
Registration of app failed error usually occurs when you try to re-deploy an app with the same package ID from visual studio if it is already installed by a different user.
Solution is to change the Package Identity
Open the manifest
Go to the package tab
Modify the identity

My iOS simulator doesn't work from the root account, but works from the user's accounts

When running from the root account only shows a black screen iOS simulator.
How to solve this problem?
sh-3.2# /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
com.apple.dt.instruments.backgroundinstruments: Already loaded
2012-05-20 21:57:32.871 Xcode[2538:107] ERROR: Failed to create an alert for ID "enabled" based on defaults: 1
2012-05-20 21:57:34.277 Xcode[2538:107] Error launching simulated application: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=1 "iOS Simulator failed to install application." UserInfo=0x400e8b820 {NSLocalizedDescription=iOS Simulator failed to install application., DTiPhoneSimulatorUnderlyingErrorCodeKey=-1}
Launching the iOS simulator from the root account
Link: pastebin.com/1Z8XxxcH
Screenshot: imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/20120520101127pm.png
