"Setting up profile generation failed" - xcode

Xcode 7.3.1 is giving me this error when I try and run my UI tests:
The text is:
Setting up profile generation failed
Xcode could not generate profile information for bundle identifier (com.apple.test.XXXXXXXXUITests-Runner). The profile path was missing. The environment variables were valid.
Has anyone got any idea what might be causing this or how to fix it?


Missing productTypeIdentifier error using new Apple Build System (xcbuild)

I have an XCode project that builds with the legacy build system, but when using the new build system under xcode11 immediately fails with the err:
.. forcing incremental PIF cache clear after loading error: Required key 'productTypeIdentifier' is missing in StandardTarget dictionary
note: Using new build system
error: Build service could not start build operation: unknown error while handling message: MsgHandlingError(message: "no PIF transfer has been initiated")
I'm looking for any info that might help clarify this.
What is a 'StandardTarget dictionary'? Can I add the missing key directly? Or is this a consequence some other setting?
Are there any 'PIF transfer' experts out there?

What causes this webpack code 2 error and how to solve it?

Cannot even build in sidekick after a simple change
I created a new Core/TS project in Sidekick, I built the app and developed some stuff, but later I changed the icon to a nicer one (which requires a new build, no HMR for this type of change obviously), now I cannot build my app (cloud build, because I don't have Android Studio).
I checked the /main/assets/app/ and the icons were successfully changed there and they were existed.
What is happening? How do I fix this big issue? My patience bottle with all these critical errors even after simple changes is getting emptied.
I also tried "removing .cloud and folder directories", and clicking "clean cloud processes", adding "clean" option, etc...
But none worked.
I also updated the webpack.config.js file, with node_modules.bin\update-ns-webpack --configs
The file got successfully updated, but still did not solve the problem and I still cannot build.
Still after many hours cannot cloud build my app in sidekick. I also tried tns platform remove android, tns install, etc, etc... none worked out.
this is the error message:
[00:00:18.521] [WARN] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
[00:00:18.681] [ERROR] clean-webpack-plugin: /mnt/storage/builds/_/af8fe992d35e76b54f5523261a83dac973ffc9ed/5.3.4/5.3.1/Spread/platforms/android/app/src/main/assets/app/**/* has been removed.
Executing webpack failed with exit code 2.
'Build failed with error code 2'.
[19-06-10 19:13:56.767] Couldn't enable debugging for EP7333JKFA, Error: Couldn't enable debugging for EP7333JKFA
at Errors.fail (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\common\errors.js:126:28)
at Errors.failWithoutHelp (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\common\errors.js:136:21)
at LiveSyncService.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\services\livesync\livesync-service.js:253:30)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\services\livesync\livesync-service.js:13:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at __awaiter (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\services\livesync\livesync-service.js:9:12)
at LiveSyncService.enableDebuggingCoreWithoutWaitingCurrentAction (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\services\livesync\livesync-service.js:250:16)
at LiveSyncService.enableDebuggingCoreWithoutWaitingCurrentAction (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\common\decorators.js:67:47)
at LiveSyncService.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\services\livesync\livesync-service.js:290:25)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\services\livesync\livesync-service.js:10:58)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
I know this isn't an answer, but it is happening to me, too. I am running Nativescript 5.4.1. I can build with webpack, but as soon as I try to run with AOT or Uglify, I can't build and the error message isn't very helpful.
Try to remove and add 'nativescript-dev-webpack'-plugin using nativescript-sidekick-GUI, this resolve my issue...

bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitableCommand > /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

I am trying to run my existing code from one system to another and facing continue following error :
bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitableCommand
/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
How to resolve this error ? I didn't change a single line of code. However in my existing system, its working like a charm. Any hep appreciate.
This is the error you are getting because of some system settings changed. You can solve it by following below steps :
This error will say for which pod you are facing this issue. So select that pod file.
Now select Target for that Pod
Now got To General
Tap on Choose info.plist File
It will show you pods-yourprojectnae-acknowledgements.plist, so select that option
Now Build and check
you will not find this error again
This solution works for me. Try once.

while importing project in Android Studio throws 'Project refresh failed' error

I am a new bee for Android Studio,
while i import any android gradle(e.g. github.com/k9mail/k-9) project in studio,
it shows a bulk of errors:
Error:Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at http://gradle.org/docs/2.2.1/userguide/gradle_daemon.html
Please read the following process output to find out more:
Error: Could not find or load main class Xmx512m
i also changed the "Gradle VM option" under File>>Setting >>Gradle to "Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
but not worked for me.
Also in the "VM option" under File >> Setting >> Compiler(Gradle-based Android Projects) i changed the VM option to Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m, but not worked for me,
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.

Deployment error: windows.licensing failed to start WSService

I get the following error when I try to deploy a windows store app:
Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. error 0xC0020017:
windows.licensing failed to start WSService while installing
My developer license is valid. I changed the package name, still the error persists.
This problem occurs with old and completely new projects.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
Registration of app failed error usually occurs when you try to re-deploy an app with the same package ID from visual studio if it is already installed by a different user.
Solution is to change the Package Identity
Open the manifest
Go to the package tab
Modify the identity
