UITextfield in a custom uicollectioncell - delegate methods not being called - delegates

I have a simple uicollectionviewcell with some buttons and a uitextfield. Tapping the uitextfield pops the keyboard but my Done button makes the keyboard 'blink' and then the uppercase arrows fill in. Weird.
None of my uitextfield methods are called (I have them logged). The uitextfield is in the nib file and I tried setting delegate in code and in IB. Neither work but doing it in IB causes a crash with no info other than ldb.
I also have the Return key set to Done.
Any solutions?

Turns out I was dragging the delegate to the files owner - it needed to be dragged to the cells view. Solved.


Control-drag to AppDelegate only

Xcode 6.1, OSX not ios, allows me to Control-drag from a button in MainMenu.xib to AppDelegate only. This is unfortunate for me because my IBAction must include view methods like [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] . I need to Control-drag it into my MyView file, which will tolerate them. This also makes more sense.
Control-dragging from the button to any file other than AppDelegate does nothing.
Identity Inspector > Class is set to MYView.
How can I make this work, and how does the fix work?
Also, why is it now restricted to AppDelegate? Perhaps a timing issue?
Thanks ahead,
Try dragging an empty object from the object library to the area where you see 'AppDelegate' then selecting it and setting its' class to 'MyView' then secondary dragging to that object to create the IBAction.

How to get notified when NSWindow opens?

How to take notice when an NSWindow is about to be opened or have just opened? That is, the opposite of windowWillClose: delegate method (likewise the opposite of NSWindowWillCloseNotification.)
This is related to this question, but from the other direction.
The background is, I'm looking to couple a window with a tickmark on the main menu (among other things). When the window is shown, the corresponding ̨ menu item should be checked and vice-versa.
It should not normally be a mystery when or how a window is made visible. It should only happen in response to something that your own code is doing. If the window is in a NIB and is marked Visible At Launch, then it shows when your code loads that NIB. Otherwise, it should only show if you call one of the -order... methods other than -orderOut: (e.g. -orderFront:) or -makeKeyAndOrderFront:. If the window is controlled by a window controller, then it would show if you invoke -[NSWindowController showWindow:]. Etc.
If you really feel the need to be notified, you can subclass NSWindow and override -orderWindow:relativeTo: and, if orderingMode is not NSWindowOut and the window was not already visible, post a notification of your own.
By macOS 10.10, this is somewhat solved by the call to NSViewController's viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear. Have an NSViewController subclass and set it as the contentViewController of the window. Then its viewWillAppear/ viewDidAppear implementation can post a notification that the window will (or did) open.
You can bind your NSMenuItem value to the NSWindows visible binding Zero lines of code if you do it in IB.
A Boolean value that specifies if the NSWindow is visible.
If visible evaluates to YES, the NSWindow is visible.
Available in OS X v10.3 and later.
See the NSWindow Binding Documentation for more info.
You can either bind the NSMenuItem value binding to an existing NSWindow property on one of your existing classes, or add an NSObjectController to your nib and set its content to the NSWindow instance then bind to the controller.
Tested and confirmed on Mac OS 10.9. Works for window minimization and restoration too.

Dismiss Keyboard from TextField in a custom

In the UITableViewController is using custom cells. In the custom cell there is a TextField. Need to dismiss the the keyboard when the user touches outside of the keyboard. In the custom cell's .m file have added this code;
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
[holeScoreTextField resignFirstResponder];
This does work for when the user touches another cell or inside the same cell. Issue is that in the UITableViewController is a view with some information. The above code does not work for that view.
A very quick, dirty, and simple solution is to simply create a full screen sized invisible button over the entire screen. The keyboard will always appear over the top of that view.
Hide the view on viewWillAppear: and textFieldShouldEndEditing:, and show it on textFieldShouldBeginEditing:.
Should work like a charm.

Table cell only is highlighted when you tap on the disclosure icon

I place a single table view cell on my view using interface builder and add an accessory type, a selection color and enable user interaction.
My problem is that the cell only is highlighted when the user taps on the arrow icon. But it also should be highlighted when the user taps on the text label inside it, he can tap anywhere on the cell.
How can I achieve this?
A UITableViewCell is really only meant to be used within the context of a UITableView (which knows how to handle and/or delegate the selection & highlighting of the cell).
Having a UITableViewCell outside of the context of a table is a somewhat unexpected user interface.
Couldn't you do what you want to do with a UIButton instead?
Or a UIView that has two UIButton subviews (or at least one UIButton subview to contain a widget graphic that looks like the disclosure accessory)? That way the things you want to get highlighted would definitely happen, as opposed to depending on a nonexistent [UITableView didSelectCellAtIndexPath:] method that doesn't exist in a view that isn't a UITableView delegate.

How to pass scroll events to parent NSScrollView

I need fixed-size NSTextViews inside a larger scrolling window. IB requires that the textviews be inside their own NSScrollViews, even though their min/max sizes are fixed so that they won’t actually scroll. When trackpad gestures are made within the textview frames (regardless of whether they have focus), they are captured by the textviews’ scrollviews, so nothing happens.
How do I tell the textviews’ scrollviews to pass scroll events up to the window’s main scrollview? (Or perhaps I should be asking how I tell the window’s main scrollview to handle these events itself and not pass them on to its child scrollviews.)
The IB structure is like this:
window’s content view
big scrollview for window (desired target for scroll events)
swappable content view in separate xib
scrollview for textview
And, yes, the window does scroll correctly when the textviews do not have focus.
You needn't create a outlet "svActive" to track your super scrollview. Just write this sentence in scrollWheel event:
[[self nextResponder] scrollWheel:event];
this will pass the event to next responder in the responder chain.
IB does not require you have a text view inside a NSScrollView; this is just the default, because most of the time you'll want your view to scroll. Select the NSTextView and choose Layout > Unembed Objects. Note that after this point, you can no longer move or resize your view in IB. This seems to be a bug.
Here's an example of how to put two NSTextViews in a single NSScrollView.
Add two text views next to each other; put some text in them so you can see what's happening.
Select the views; choose Layout > Embed Objects In > Scroll View. This puts them in a generic NSView inside a NSScrollView.
Select the text views; choose Layout > Unembed Objects.
Turn off the springs and struts (autosizing) for each text view, so they don't resize when you shrink the scroll view.
Take note of the height of the document view (here it's 175).
Make the scroll view smaller. This also resizes the document view (NSView).
Restore the document view to its original size (I set the height back to 175).
Done! Scrolling works as you'd expect.
This is really embarrassing. After weeks of putting it off, I made a first attempt to get a subclassed NSScrollView to behave passively — and it turned out to be a no brainer.
Here’s the subclass:
h file:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface ScrollViewPassive : NSScrollView {
// This property is assigned a ref to windowController’s main scrollview.
NSScrollView *svActive;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSScrollView *svActive;
m file:
#import "ScrollViewPassive.h"
#implementation ScrollViewPassive
#synthesize svActive;
// Pass any gesture scrolling up to the main, active scrollview.
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)event {
[svActive scrollWheel:event];
There’s no need to make outlets for these passive scrollviews; I give them their refs to the main scrollview right after their xibs are assigned as content to the NSBox:
[self.boxDisplayingTextViews setContentView:self.subviewCtllr1.view];
// A textview's superview's superview is its scrollview:
((ScrollViewPassive *)[[self.subviewCtllr1.textview1 superview] superview]).svActive = self.scrollviewMain;
That’s it. Works like a charm.
I find that IB3 and Xcode4 both fight you if you try to do this directly, but you can do it indirectly. First, drag the textview out of the scrollview and delete the scrollview. You'll wind up with an orphaned textview. I don't know any way to get IB to allow you to put this into your window, but it'll be in your NIB. Now, attach an IBOutlet to it, and at runtime do a addSubview: and adjust its frame to move it into whatever scrollview you wanted it to be in.
In my experience, NIBs are a good thing, but every complex NIB I've ever worked with needed some final rearranging in code.
Based on #phaibin's answer, here's how you'd do it in Swift 4.2.
First, subclass NSScrollView and override scrollWheel:
class ScrollThingy: NSScrollView{
override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
self.nextResponder?.scrollWheel(with: event)
Then place the ScrollThingy class (or whatever you name it) on the NSScrollView that is wrapped around your NSTextView. The parent NSScrollView will get the scroll event thereafter.
