How to run "hadoop jar" as another user? - hadoop

hadoop jar uses the name of the currently logged-in user. Is there a way to change this without adding a new system user?

There is, through a feature called Secure Impersonation, which lets one user submit on behalf of another (that user must exist though). If you're running as the hadoop superuser, it's as simple as setting the env variable $HADOOP_PROXY_USER.
If you want to impersonate a user which doesn't exist, you'll have to do the above and then implement your own AuthenticationHandler.
If you don't have to impersonate too many users, I find it easiest to just create those users on the namenode and use secure impersonation in my scripts.


How to use the ResourceManager web interface as an user

Every time i try to use the Hadoop Resource Manager web interface ( i show up logged in as dr.who.
My question, how can I login as another user? In this case i want to login as myself and have a higher lever of privileges than dr.who.
The user infomation is got from HttpServletRequest#getRemoteUser().
1. If you deployed an insecure cluster, the simplest way to pass the username to server is by url parameter. For example, http://localhost:8088/cluster?
2. If you deployed a secure cluster, you probably use Kerberos authentication. You can use kinit to get a kerberos tgt, then configure the browser to negotiate. (network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris for firefox, and --auth-server-whitelist for chromium. I'm sure there's lots of answers about this)
For more information, you can check hadoop official documentation.(
You should set the access control list by changing the default configuration of:
to something else,which is Cluster-specific
The ACLs the ResourceManager uses for the znode structure to store the internal state.

How to use OozieClient.doAs

I'm trying to start an Oozie workflow from a web service. One of the actions should delete and create some folders. Concretely, I want to empty a folder before starting a Java action (which actually serves as a driver for MapReduce job). I know that there is a "prepare" part where in java action where you can specify the path to delete,but I need to delete all the files in a folder, but to keep the folder. That's why I'm using fs action, to delete the folder and than to make the folder.
The problem is, when I run this using I get an exception that says that there is a problem with permissions, since I'm running the workflow as root user.
I found that I can use OozieClient.doAs to impersonate a specific user, but I'm not able to use it for some reason. I get internal oozie exception.
Can anyone show me how to run a workflow as a specific user, or at least point me to some good example?
One way to run oozie job with specific user is to secure oozie using kerberos with Active Directory. So that you can authenticate for any user from active directory and run the oozie job for authenticated user.

Elevated privileges with specific user/password on Delphi

I'm developing an application to run some default steps my co workers have to do, but i'm the only one which have the admin's password and my app need admin privileges, but i can't log in everytime for them...
I though in create a function to self elevate my program or launch it with the admin credential, but i can't find anything about without passing the user and password as parameters to third part applications, and this can easily tracked.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?
You can either:
use LogonUser() to login to the desired user account, then ImpersonateLoggedOnUser() to have the calling thread impersonate that user before performing the desired tasks, and then RevertToSelf() when finished to stop impersonating.
move the admin tasks to a separate process, and then use LogonUser() and CreateProcessAsUser(), or alternatively CreateProcessWithLogonW(), to launch that process using the user credentials when needed.

How can I have better priviledges management in Azure roles?

AFAIK when I set up my Azure roles I have only one way to specify how much priviledges the process running role code will have - by using <Runtime executionContext> XML tag.
However this looks coarse grained. If I specify "elevated" my code runs under "Local system" which is unlimited priviledges and if I specify "limited" my code runs under some low priviledges user that doesn't have priviledges my code needs.
Is there some convenient way to run Azure role code under some custom user that has limited priviledges that I myself would control?
Right now, your code will already run as a limited user. In fact, there are no users on the VM - it is using a SID injection technique to get a security context at all. From your question, it seems like you need more than a normal user, but less than an admin?
If you really want to have different permissions, you need to create some users (use Startup tasks and net add or DirectoryServices) and set permissions. All of this is scriptable.
The more challenging part comes now to run your code as that user. For this, you need to do what is called impersonation. Your more privileged code (an admin process typically) can obtain a token for a local user and use that to impersonate a user. The code then runs as the user and is restricted. Impersonation is a well covered topic in .NET and other languages.
If you want a clever example of running code as another user, check this post by David Aiken:

Write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Windows 7 without Administrator privilleges

First of all, I realize this is a messy situation, but it's not of my design, and I'm just trying to help, and for that I need your help.
App A is getting installed automatically via SMS installer under the Administrator account, not the PC owner's User account. App A has a registry key defined in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.
After App A is installed, we want to edit the above mentioned registry key, to assign the User's C:\Users\USER_ID\Documents\ folder (I'm told we don't don't know who the user is and don't have access to USER_ID during step 1).
I know all about UAC, Application Manifest, and requestedExecutionLevel. However, I'm told we can't expect that all users will be in the Administrators group on their machine.
Solution must be backwards compatible with Windows XP as well.
I'm searching for options to get `C:\Users\USER_ID\Documents\' into the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' hive under the above listed conditions.
I found this thread that might be related to a similar situation, but I don't fully understand it yet (so I will give credit to anyone that explain it better):
Find out (read) logged in user in a cmd started as a different user
I also read something that rules out ClickOnce:
After App A is installed with admin privileges you are trying to run an additional script as the local user who does not have admin privileges . In order for your secondary script to write to the local machine key it will have to be run with administrative privileges ..period. That said, you have basically two choices:
1) Use the RunAs command to run the script with elevated privileges and have the user type in a admin username and password to run the script with elevated privileges.
2) This is the better way imo - Since SMS is being leveraged as the delivery tool, use its capability to detect and use local client configuration settings to write the key at the time of installation.
So basically the SMS package would have to be setup to run only when the local user logs on one time so that SMS can grab the current user and write it to a file somewhere.. after that is completed SMS can run a separate package as the admin (user will get prompted) to do the software install looking for the file containing the user and then consequently updating the local machine key to the correct user my document path.
