Elevated privileges with specific user/password on Delphi - windows

I'm developing an application to run some default steps my co workers have to do, but i'm the only one which have the admin's password and my app need admin privileges, but i can't log in everytime for them...
I though in create a function to self elevate my program or launch it with the admin credential, but i can't find anything about without passing the user and password as parameters to third part applications, and this can easily tracked.
Does anyone know how to deal with this?

You can either:
use LogonUser() to login to the desired user account, then ImpersonateLoggedOnUser() to have the calling thread impersonate that user before performing the desired tasks, and then RevertToSelf() when finished to stop impersonating.
move the admin tasks to a separate process, and then use LogonUser() and CreateProcessAsUser(), or alternatively CreateProcessWithLogonW(), to launch that process using the user credentials when needed.


Executing multiple exe at the end of installation in Advanced Installer

I want to execute two files after installation is finished but i don't want them to shows UAC dialogs. I have tried to use maximum execution level but its not working.
I am assuming that the executables are launched outside of the "Install Execute" sequence. I am guessing you are trying to launch these executables when the user clicks on the "Finish" button on the Installation Finished dialog.
With UAC, applications and tasks always run in the security context of a non-administrator account, unless an administrator specifically authorizes administrator-level access to the system. i.e even if you are logged in as an administrator, any application that you run does not run with full administrative privileges. Each application that requires the administrator access token must prompt the administrator for consent. When an administrator logs on, two separate access tokens are created for the user: a standard user access token and an administrator access token.
The standard user access token contains the same user-specific information as the administrator access token, but the administrative Windows privileges and SIDs are removed. The standard user access token is used to start applications. The standard user access token is then used to display the desktop (Explorer.exe). Explorer.exe is the parent process from which all other user-initiated processes inherit their access token. As a result, all applications run as a standard user unless a user provides consent or credentials to approve an application to use a full administrative access token.
In your case, I am assuming that the msi package is being installed from a non elevated command prompt. Hence, the msi package is being run with standard user privileges. So, any child processes which are spawned from this msi package outside of the InstallExecute sequence will run with standard user privileges.
For an application to be UAC compliant, the application needs to specify the "requested execution level" in the application manifest. Requested execution levels specify the privileges required for an application.
What is the requested execution level in the application manifest for your executables? You can verify the requested execution level specified in the embedded manifest of your exectuable by making use of a tool from the Sysinternals suite called "sigcheck.exe".
Verify the requested execution level. I am thinking that its set to "requireAdministrator" because of which you are being prompted for elevation. Change this to "asInvoker" and then your problem should be solved.
You can read more about UAC at the below location:

UAC Elevation vs. Impersonation

(Skip to the bottom for the TLDR version.)
OK - so I have searched (really!) and all other UAC articles I have found seem to center on enabling, disabling, detecting or hiding UAC. My issue is not one of those, so here goes:
My user used to have the standard dual-token setup where I was in the Administrators group and the UAC's Consent UI would just ask me if I wanted to proceed. Now, we have separate administrative-level accounts that we need to use, and I have to authenticate with this new user. The problem I am having is that previously, starting an app as Administrator just elevated my current user, where now if I use the credentials of the new administrative user, whatever I am running runs AS that new user.
As an example, previously elevating CMD and typing whoami into the command prompt used to return my normal/current user, where it now returns the new administrative user.
This has serious negative consequences - since this is a new user, and an Administrative-level one, if any files are created using this new user, my normal user cannot write to or delete them unless I manually adjust permissions and ownership. If I use my development environment under the new account (e.g. I need to debug a service or work with a driver) and rebuild something, I end up with a bunch of files that I cannot manipulate unless I am an administrator. Likewise if I add a file while running as this new account - my SCM tool will not be able to update that file later unless it also runs under this new administrative account.
Also, Since a profile is associated with this user, things run under a completely different environment (different %USERNAME%, %USERPROFILE%, %LOCALAPPDATA%, etc.)
Installing an application will also work incorrectly if it is installed just for the current user (e.g. the "Just Me" option), instead of for all users. Things that are licensed to/in my normal user account also fail to function if run under the new account, because things are running as that new user.
The ripple effects of this change are getting larger and larger the more I work with it. So...
[TLDR] Is there a way to get temporary elevation of the current user without that user having the normal dual-token setup you get from being in the Administrative group? Or are you stuck with the impersonation behavior?

CreateProcessAsUser() gives "A required privilege is not held by the client" Which one?

Using System.Diagnostic.Process.Start() from IIS Express running in my interactive session, I can execute a program running as a different user with correction functionality. Unfortunately, it seems that this doesn't work from non-interactive sessions.
Process.Start internally calls CreateProcessWithLogonW(CPLW) when
credentials are specified. CreateProcessWithLogonW cannot be called
from a Windows Service Environment (such as an IIS WCF service). It
can only be called from an Interactive Process (an application
launched by a user who logged on via CTRL-ALT-DELETE).
-- from this SO answer
I need to publish this site to IIS 8 from the app pool account. So I CreateProcessAsUser as suggested by the above-quoted answer. I've set the service account and agent account with Local Security Policies and restarted as suggested in that answer - service account can replace token, modify quotas and agent account can logon as batch (and as service for that test). But I can't get it to work in IIS Express (or a console test app) nor IIS 8. I've tried running as LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH, LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK_CLEARTEXT, and LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE, and even LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE. I've even given my own account "logon as service" and "act as part of the operating system" privilege with no change - all tested after a reboot.
I'm getting "A required privilege is not held by the client" from IIS Express for all configurations. On the server, I get the same running the console app. But publishing the app, it seems to start the process just fine, but then I seem to be getting permissions errors subsequently.
I'd like to know WHICH privilege my accounts are missing when running locally so I can debug them properly (and eventually figure out whatever permissions error I'm getting). Is there any way to determine that? Either way, if you know what the issue is, I'd like that too!
Per the documentation:
CreateProcessAsUser function
Typically, the process that calls the CreateProcessAsUser function must have the SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privilege and may require the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME privilege if the token is not assignable. If this function fails with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314), use the CreateProcessWithLogonW function instead. CreateProcessWithLogonW requires no special privileges, but the specified user account must be allowed to log on interactively. Generally, it is best to use CreateProcessWithLogonW to create a process with alternate credentials.
If hToken is a restricted version of the caller's primary token, the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME privilege is not required. If the necessary privileges are not already enabled, CreateProcessAsUser enables them for the duration of the call.
The calling thread can use OpenThreadToken() and AdjustTokenPrivileges() to enable individual privileges as needed before calling CreateProcessAsUser(). But since it does that internally anyway, that implies the user associated with the calling thread does not have those privileges available to begin with.

Write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Windows 7 without Administrator privilleges

First of all, I realize this is a messy situation, but it's not of my design, and I'm just trying to help, and for that I need your help.
App A is getting installed automatically via SMS installer under the Administrator account, not the PC owner's User account. App A has a registry key defined in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.
After App A is installed, we want to edit the above mentioned registry key, to assign the User's C:\Users\USER_ID\Documents\ folder (I'm told we don't don't know who the user is and don't have access to USER_ID during step 1).
I know all about UAC, Application Manifest, and requestedExecutionLevel. However, I'm told we can't expect that all users will be in the Administrators group on their machine.
Solution must be backwards compatible with Windows XP as well.
I'm searching for options to get `C:\Users\USER_ID\Documents\' into the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' hive under the above listed conditions.
I found this thread that might be related to a similar situation, but I don't fully understand it yet (so I will give credit to anyone that explain it better):
Find out (read) logged in user in a cmd started as a different user
I also read something that rules out ClickOnce:
After App A is installed with admin privileges you are trying to run an additional script as the local user who does not have admin privileges . In order for your secondary script to write to the local machine key it will have to be run with administrative privileges ..period. That said, you have basically two choices:
1) Use the RunAs command to run the script with elevated privileges and have the user type in a admin username and password to run the script with elevated privileges.
2) This is the better way imo - Since SMS is being leveraged as the delivery tool, use its capability to detect and use local client configuration settings to write the key at the time of installation.
So basically the SMS package would have to be setup to run only when the local user logs on one time so that SMS can grab the current user and write it to a file somewhere.. after that is completed SMS can run a separate package as the admin (user will get prompted) to do the software install looking for the file containing the user and then consequently updating the local machine key to the correct user my document path.

Where can a user write to that can be accessed by a service when a user is logged off?

Where can a user write to that can be accessed by a service when a user is logged off? When a user runs the program they will be applying settings that a service needs to read, typically a user would need to be an administrator to be able to write to 'Program Files' or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE so is there a correct way to prompt for admin elevation at that point rather than running the program as administrator?
Many thanks
