Performing `distinct` on more than one field in mongoid - ruby

I need to retrieve all the tuples over two certain fields in my MongoDB collection. For example, saying I have documents representing people, with fields such as first_name, last_name and age, and I wish to get all the full names in my collection. If I only needed to find all the first names, I would have done the following:
But since I need a list of all the full names, what I'm looking for is a way to supply two fields to the distinct method. Unfortunately, the following is incorrect:
People.distinct(:first_name, :last_name)
How can I perform the distinct operation on more than a single field?

You can't do this with distinct() in Mongo - distinct only takes a single field.
However, you should be able to use the aggregation framework to get what you need:
{$group: {_id: {first_name: "$first_name", last_name: "$last_name"}}}
You'll have to iterate and extract the first/last name from each record rather than receiving an array back from Mongo, but it'll get you what you need.


elasticseach similarity mechanism in array field

My usecase is I have a field called subjects in elasticsearch index which is a list. This field will be having multiple values. For example one doc has ['subject one', 'subject two', 'subject three'] in field subjects, another doc has ['one test', 'one example', 'two'] in field name. So when I search for subject one in field name, I should get the first document first since it is most relevant, but I was getting the second doc first, even though I am sorting the result by _score.
Basically what I want is for when the user searches multiple search terms, and if all the search terms are present in one documents field then that document should get listed first. For text fields and all, it works fine, But for array fields, it didn't. my list field has more data.
Is there anyway that we can achieve this using any ES similarity mechanisms like BM25..
Thank you

Possible to use GroupBy in ElasticSearch querystring?

I have a few records in my elasticsearch collection and i want to use a GroupBy aggregation in elasticsearch querystring.
I want to know if it is possible, because i tried to google it always give result about this
i want to use this something like this in the query string , which can
give me records in the group.
For i.e.
This will give me count of all the records which has name starts from Pu and Kim,
But i want to know that how many records are there has name starting with Pu
and Kim,
aggregations need to be specified in addition in the search request, you cannot specify them as part of a query string query.
You could also just execute two queries to find out this particular requirement...

Elasticsearch indexed database table column structure

I have a question regarding the setup of my elasticsearch database index... I have created a table which I have rivered to index in elasticsearch. The table is built from a script that queries multiple tables to denormalize data making it easier to index by a unique id 1:1 ratio
An example of a set of fields I have is street, city, state, zip, which I can query on, but my question is , should I be keeping those fields individually indexed , or be concatenating them as one big field like address which contains all of the previous fields into one? Or be putting in the extra time to setup parent-child indexes?
The use case example is I have a customer with billing info coming from one direction, I want to query elasticsearch to see if that customer already exists, or at least return the closest result
I know this question is more conceptual than programming, I just can't find any information of best practices.
For the first part of your question: I wouldn't concatenate the different fields into a field containing all information. Having multiple fields gives you the advantage of calculating facets and aggregates on those fields, e.g. how many customers are from a specific city or have a specific zip. You can still use a match or multimatch query to query for information from different fields.
In addition to having the information in separate fields I would use multifields with an analyzed and not_analyzed part (fieldname.raw). This again allows for aggregates, facets and sorting.
Think of 'New York': if you analyze it will be stored as ['New', 'York'] and you will not be able to see all People from 'New York'. What you'd see are all people from 'New' and 'York'.
_all field
There is a special _all field in elasticsearch which does the concatenation in the background. You don't have to do it yourself. It is possible to enable/disable it.
Parent Child relationship
Concerning the part whether to use nested objects or parent child relationship: I think that using a parent child relationship is more appropriate for your case. Nested objects are stored in a 'flattened' way, i.e. the information from the nested objects in arrays is stored as being part of one object. Consider the following example:
You have an order for a client:
client: 'Samuel Thomson'
orderline: 'Strong Thinkpad'
orderline: 'Light Macbook'
client: 'Jay Rizzi'
orderline: 'Strong Macbook'
Using nested objects if you search for clients who ordered 'Strong Macbook' you'd get both clients. This because 'Samuel Thomson' and his orders are stored altogether, i.e. ['Strong' 'Thinkpad' 'Light' 'Macbook'], there is no distinction between the two orderlines.
By using parent child documents, the orderlines for the same client are not mixed and preserve their identity.

Sort on a Ref<?> attribute - Objectify Query

I am struck in a data operation where I want to sort results of a query by a Ref field.
Lets say I have the following Data Objects.
EmployeeDO {Long id, String name, Ref refCompany}
CompanyDO {Long id, String name}
Now i want to query employees arranged by company name.
I tried the query
Query<EmployeeDO> query = ofy().load().type(EmployeeDO.class).order("refCompany");
Obviously this did not sort results with company name, but this compiled successfully too.
Please suggest if such sorting is possible by this way or some other workaround can be tried?
You can order by refCompany if you #Index refCompany, but it won't sort by company name - it will index by the key (if you aren't using #Parent, just an id order).
There are two 'usual' choices:
Load the data into ram and sort there. This is what an RDBMS would do internally. It's not exactly true that GAE doesn't support joins; it's just that you're the query planner.
Denormalize and pre-index the companyName. Put #Index companyName in the EmployeeDO. This is what you would do with an RDBMS if you the magic sorting performed poorly (say, there are too many employees).

Sorting Solr multivalue fields based on field values

I have multiple Solr instances with separate schemas.
I need to receive multivalue field in sorted order, e.g. by type: train_station, airport, city_district, and so on:
q=köln&sort=query({!v="type:(airport OR train_station)"}) desc
I would like to see airport type document before train_station type. For now I am always getting train_station type at the top.
How should I write the query?
You are getting train_stations at the top because of the IDF.
A quick hack to fix it would be to use a range query (which has the advantage of having constant scores) and query boosts: q=köln&sort=query({!v="type:([airport TO airport]^3 OR [train_station TO train_station]^2)"}) desc.
This way, documents which have airport in their type field will have a score of 3, documents which have train_station in their type field will have a score of 2 and documents which have airport and train_station in their field type will have a score of 2+3=5 (to a multiplicative constant).
A more elegant (and effective) way of doing this would be to write a custom query parser (or even a function query).
You can sort on a function only if it returns a single value per document. You definitely can't sort on a multiValued field or any field that is tokenized. Seems like you would need a function that returns "airport" if the field contains "airport" (even if it contains "train station") and "train station" if it contains "train station" but not "airport", and then sort on that.
Another option would be to handle this at index time. Add a field called "airport_train_station_sort" that returns 1 if the field contains "airport", 2 if the field contains "train station" but NOT airport, and 3 if it contains neither. Then simply sort on that field.
You cannot solve this problem inside SOLR. Check the documentation, SOLR does not sort multivalued fields. Older versions of SOLR let you try, but the results were undefined and unpredictable.
You either change your schema and put this sort data into single value indexed fields, or you need to make several queries, first for airports, then city districts, then train stations.
To order items within the field itself you have to either index it in order you want, or do post processing. Solr's sort will sort only docs!
