Sorting Solr multivalue fields based on field values - sorting

I have multiple Solr instances with separate schemas.
I need to receive multivalue field in sorted order, e.g. by type: train_station, airport, city_district, and so on:
q=köln&sort=query({!v="type:(airport OR train_station)"}) desc
I would like to see airport type document before train_station type. For now I am always getting train_station type at the top.
How should I write the query?

You are getting train_stations at the top because of the IDF.
A quick hack to fix it would be to use a range query (which has the advantage of having constant scores) and query boosts: q=köln&sort=query({!v="type:([airport TO airport]^3 OR [train_station TO train_station]^2)"}) desc.
This way, documents which have airport in their type field will have a score of 3, documents which have train_station in their type field will have a score of 2 and documents which have airport and train_station in their field type will have a score of 2+3=5 (to a multiplicative constant).
A more elegant (and effective) way of doing this would be to write a custom query parser (or even a function query).

You can sort on a function only if it returns a single value per document. You definitely can't sort on a multiValued field or any field that is tokenized. Seems like you would need a function that returns "airport" if the field contains "airport" (even if it contains "train station") and "train station" if it contains "train station" but not "airport", and then sort on that.
Another option would be to handle this at index time. Add a field called "airport_train_station_sort" that returns 1 if the field contains "airport", 2 if the field contains "train station" but NOT airport, and 3 if it contains neither. Then simply sort on that field.

You cannot solve this problem inside SOLR. Check the documentation, SOLR does not sort multivalued fields. Older versions of SOLR let you try, but the results were undefined and unpredictable.
You either change your schema and put this sort data into single value indexed fields, or you need to make several queries, first for airports, then city districts, then train stations.

To order items within the field itself you have to either index it in order you want, or do post processing. Solr's sort will sort only docs!


Query a text/keyword field in Elasticsearch that contains at least one item not matching a set

I have a document has a "bag.contents" field (indexed as text with a .keyword derivative) that contains a comma separated list of items contained in it. Below are some samples:
`Apple, Apple, Apple`
`Apple, Orange`
`Car, Apple` <--
`Bus` <--
`Grape, Car` <--
'Car, Bus` <--
The desired query results should be all documents where there is at least one instance of something other than 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Grape', as per the arrows above.
I'm sure the DSL is a combination of must and not but after 20 or so iterations it seems very difficult to get Elasticsearch to return the correct result set short of one that doesn't contain any of those 3 things.
It is also worth noting that this field in the original document is a JSON array and Kibana shows it as a single field with the elements as a comma-separated field. I suspect this may be complicating it.
1 - If it is showing up as single field, probably its not indexed as array - Please make sure document to index is formed properly. i.e, you need it to be
{ "contents": ["apple","orange","grape"]}
and not
{"contents": "apple,orange,grape"}
2- Regarding query - if you know all the terms possible while doing query- you can form a term_set query with all other terms but apple , orange and grape. termset query allows to control min matches required ( 1 in your case)
If you dont know all possible terms , may be create a separate field for indexing all other words minus apple orange and grape and query against that field.

How to calculate Elasticsearch Field Size

The question, is there a way to calculate the most expensive field in a Elasticsearch index.
AIM is to calculate and compare the storage and index size of two fields in a elasticsearch Index.
Also is it wise to use dual type fields?
like a string in elasticsearch has text field which is searchable and .keyword field which is aggregatable
Will it use double the storage and index space?
is it wise to use dual-type fields. Like a string in elasticsearch has text field which is searchable and .keyword field which is aggregatable
It totally depends on the use case. Maintain both keyword & text representation of a field value if :
a) You need advance searching capability on the field
b) Either your current or future requirements requires capability to either sort or aggregate on the field.
In real life i have seen for short text fields like 'name', 'business-name','tag' etc it makes sense to maintain both. But for larger texts e.g description i don't think there are use cases for aggregation & sorting (in general).

Elasticsearch query on string representation of number

Good day:
I have an indexed field called amount, which is of string type. The value of amount can be either one or 1. Say in this example, we have amount=1 as an indexed document but, I try to search for one, ElasticSearch will not return the value unless I put 1 for the search query. Thoughts on how I can get this to work? I'm thinking a tokenizer is what's needed.
You probably don't want this for sevenmillionfourhundredfifteenthousendtwohundredfourteen and the like, but only for a small number of values.
At index time I would convert everything to a proper number and store it in a numerical field, which then even allows to sort --- if you need it. Apart from this I would use synonyms at index and at query time and map everything to the digit-strings, but in a general text field that is searched by default.

Weird results using Search After () elastic search

i am having issues with search after api in elastic search.
please see this link where i posted the full description of the problem
As per the documentation for searchAfter
A field with one unique value per document should be used as the
tiebreaker of the sort specification. Otherwise the sort order for
documents that have the same sort values would be undefined. The
recommended way is to use the field _id which is certain to contain
one unique value for each document.
Since you are only passing gender as sorting criteria, on your next second request it assumes that you are expecting results after Female, which will be results with gender Male.
Try adding _id as sort and searchafter parameter too

In ElasticSearch - How can we sort a text field alphabetically?

We hit an odd behaviour in ElasticSearch (ES). We have a database of companies, and wanted to sort results by company name (which is a field of type text). This failed, because ES sorted on any word in the name. So e.g. the name "Zoo on a Bus" would come out near the top, as it contains "a" which gets sorted highly.
As a work-around solution, we're using a type keyword field to sort.
Is there a better solution? A parameter we could pass into sort that would make it work alphabetically on the whole field.
