RFCOMM Bluetooth in ruby (linux) - ruby

I am trying to find a gem/library that has RFCOMM and other bluetooth access on linux through bluez or other means. I am trying to port a python server that interacts with a piece of hardware (https://code.google.com/p/adqmisc/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fliveview) although I can not seem to find any decent bluetooth support for ruby.
I found this: https://github.com/cfiorini/rbluez although it is not in the gem repository so I don't know how to install it. It seems to have basic RFCOMM support and HCI support which seems to be all I need in order to port the project.
So is there any good ruby gems that wrap around RFCOMM/HCI to allow access to a bluetooth adapter on linux?
Thank you.
How would I go about installing that rbluez library which is not in the gems repository?
Or is it possible to initiate a bluetooth socket as you can in C with AF_BLUETOOTH? If so would this done with a client/server example.

You can easily use the rbluez code by creating your own gem. That's easy but it may take you one or a couple of days to get used to it.
Follow the steps described here to create the gem and replace the appropriate files with the ones supplied by rbluez's repository (i.e. extconf.rb and rbluez.c).
I don't guarantee rbluez will compile on your system (you'll have to check dependencies, if any) but I can assure the process described by the steps I linked above work to successfully create your gem.


modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_rpi not found in directory /lib/modules/5.10.92-v7+

I am trying to Configure Lirc for my Rpi 3b+ for a personal project. I am using this guide. When running sudo modprobe lirc_rpiI get the error of modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_rpi not found in directory /lib/modules/5.10.92-v7+ Can anyone help me solve this?
That LIRC should not work on Rpi is a misunderstanding. LIRC works on all linux systems, RPi included, but certainly not on Arduino (Arduino don't run Linux).
The basic problem is that the guide you refer to is severely outdated. In particular, the hardware.conf file is not used on modern LIRC installations.
As for the possible need for a lirc_rpi kernel moduled this depends on the actual use case. In most cases, LIRC uses either the serial ports or the lirc0 device, neither of which needing any specific kernel module.
The complete upstream docs are available at https://www.lirc.org/html/configuration-guide.html. It might be possible to give some more feedback if you describe your use case in more detail.
Lirc is not meant to work on raspberry pi, only other computers. You should use something else like an ardino. Good luck

Installing a driver for a specific device

I would like to install a custom driver for a specific device in my machine programmatically:
The driver comes as an .inf file (with some other files as well).
The device is one of two identical network adapters in my computer.
As far as I know the only way to achieve this goal is to use the Microsoft Setup API. From reading the documentation I would assume that I need to perform two steps:
Use "DiInstallDriver" to install my .inf-based driver into the driver store (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/newdev/nf-newdev-diinstalldrivera).
Use "DiInstallDevice" to apply my driver to the device (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/newdev/nf-newdev-diinstalldevice).
Would this be the correct/easiest way to do this?
If so, here's a follow up question: DiInstallDevice requires two parameters which I don't know how to acquire:
DeviceInfoData: this should point to the network adapter I want to modify. How do I get this?
DriverInfoData: this should probably point to the driver I installed in step 1? How do I get this?
PS: Doing all this manually is uper easy: Open device manager, right-click the network adapter, select 'Update driver', choose .imf file from disk -> done!
But in this case I need to do it programmatically.
PPS: DevCon is not an option. It only allows to exchange the driver based on an Hardware ID. And that ID is the same for both of my network adapters (since they are exactly identical). So it would change the driver both devices.
You don’t need to call two methods, DiInstallDriver not only preinstalls a driver in the driver store, but also installs the driver on devices present in the system that the driver supports.
You can refer to the following documents: Functions that Simplify Driver Installation
It seems that UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices is the simplest way.
For DiInstallDevice, this function should only be use if both of the following are true:
The application incorporates more than one device instance of the same type, that is, all the device instances have the same hardware IDs and compatible IDs.
The application requires that device-instance-specific drivers be installed on the device instances.
UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices or DiInstallDriver is the
simplest way for an installation application to install a new driver
that is the best match for devices in the system. ... The basic operation
of UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices is similar to the operation of
DiInstallDriver. However UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices
supports additional installation options.
You can specify the HardwareId of network adapter for the UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices. If you want to install your .inf driver no matter what a better driver already exists on your computer, you also need to specify InstallFlags as INSTALLFLAG_FORCE.(Caution: Forcing the installation of the driver can result in replacing a more compatible or newer driver with a less compatible or older driver.)

NodeMCU version unknown

I'm new with NodeMCU firmware use. I have a Amica ESP-12E (v2?) dev kit connected to a DHT22 which I program using the Arduino IDE. All is setup and working fine.
My problem came when I wanted to update NodeMCU firmware. Since I don't really know what came pre installed from China, I downloaded ESPlorer to try to determine NodeMCU version. I get the following "error" when I reset the dev board:
Communication with MCU..Got answer! Communication with MCU established.
AutoDetect firmware...
Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue.
{{a long string of weird characters that I can't copy and paste appear here}}
At this point I'm totally clueless about what version of firmware I have. Is there a way to obtain NodeMCU firmware version by software via Arduino IDE code, ESPlorer GUI or something similar?
On the other hand, is there a really easy way to compile/download latest NodeMCU firmware BIN file? Even one with all the modules active will be fine for me now, I'm just trying to understand and test things.
You seem to be confusing two very different platforms. I leave out some details as not to confuse you any further.
Arduino: you use Arduino programming in the Arduino IDE then build and install a binary to your device whenever the application changes. No NodeMCU firmware needed!
NodeMCU: you flash the NodeMCU firmware once (e.g. using esptool.py) and then upload Lua code (e.g. using ESPlorer) whenever the application changes. This is more lightweight than the Arduino platform.
On the other hand, is there a really easy way to compile/download
latest NodeMCU firmware BIN file?
Yes, have a look at the NodeMCU documentation at http://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/en/build/. The easiest is to use the cloud builder at https://nodemcu-build.com/. I currently suggest to build from the dev branch because flashing is easier with it.
As pointed out you have several options for firmware and you'll need to make a choice as to which suits you going forward. If you are going to stick with the Nodemcu LUA firmware you can determine the version by typing:
at the command line prompt.
There are alternatives to using ESPlorer e.g. Putty or Coolterm that will give you the raw output from the device with no interpretation. So if you have the correct serial port settings and the device plugged into the USB port it will show the banner when you reset giving an indication of the origin and version of the installed firmware.
In ESPlorer, there is an option under settings which if unchecked will stop looking checking for the version of the code.
For whatever reason, ESPlorer is not designed to read nodemcu version.
The error message throws you off, could lead you to think, there is an error.
At best, the above error can be ignored. It has no impact at all. In background, init.lua is up and running.

do all drivers need to register a service?

As I know, for installing a driver, one can use SCM and installing a serivce for his driver or by using undocumented zwsetsysteminformation.
My question is, does all drivers need to have services if they are not installed using zwsetsysteminfo call?
I see my services in my windows, but some drivers like portcls.sys, TDI.SYS and etc have no services with them. so how they are installed?
No, there is absolutely no such need.
Many drivers are part of Windows and don't need installation whatsoever. Other drivers are installed when Plug and Play hardware is installed.

Installing a driver using Inno Setup

I'm creating setup for my application in Inno Setup, and I will probably need to install driver sometime in the future. However, I need to know some tips about installing drivers in Inno Setup now, so I can easily add the driver into the setup when it's needed.
Should I force the user to install program only into C:\Program Files\<app>\, or it doesn't matter and I should let him install it even on network drive?
Should I install the driver in C:\Windows\, to make it available anytime (even without network drive), or it doesn't matter as well?
Is it possible to start driver on-demand? I want to release new versions of my program, and I need to create the setup so it doesn't require reboot after updating my app. So is it possible to shutdown the driver, overwrite it with new version, and turn on again (as you can with services) without restarting Windows?
Is it possible to overwrite the driver so easily (as mentioned in question 3), or is it recommended to always fully uninstall the program, and then again install the new version?
Could you please include some additional tips about installing/uninstalling/updating drivers you find important? I'm sure I've missed some important points.
I don't have much driver-experience nor knowledge, so I apologize for somewhat confused questions.
And it is probably important what kind of driver would it be, so there is a related question, which should answer that:
Low level mouse hook and DirectX
Driver Development Resources
I've found some helpful links regarding driver development. Use this as a reference.
Driver Development at CodeProject - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Introduction to Device Drivers
Windows Driver Development Tutorial
Please don't do this, installing an upper-level filter driver on all HID devices is an extraordinarily bad idea. That being said, I'll answer your questions anyways.
When you install a driver, Windows manages where the driver itself gets put (in DriverStore), you don't worry about this.
See #1
For some drivers, yes. For a filter driver above HID, no. You'd have to force remove all mice and keyboards on their system and re-add them (which isn't possible with PS/2 devices).
Yes, it's fairly easy to update a driver given that you correctly version it and require a reboot.
Once again, while I don't want to be discouraging, you're only going to get yourself in a world of hurt via doing this.
