Export view to animated GIF in NetLogo - view

Is there a way to export a NetLogo model's view into an animated GIF? I'm trying to create an animated GIF for a dynamic population density model and I'd like to embed the output as a moving GIF image on a webpage so the reader can see how the pattern is moving.

My method is to use export-view on every tick using sequential file names
export-view (word ticks ".png")
in your "Go" procedure. Make sure your images are in their own directory. Use a gif making tool to convert the images to a gif. I use the gimp.


why bodymovin result animation looks more stretched than the source frames

im making an animation of some product that listens to you and reacts accordingly,
however, i want to upload my animation to my webflow project
my animation resolution is 1080x720, however i export the keyframes as PNG images (like webflow tutorial recomends) and then i import those images inside a new After Effects project and then i export the animation (I would like to say that I follow each step of the tutorial exactly as it is) but the problem comes when i test my result json inside LottieFiles previewer, the animation looks stretched (i cant explain it so ill upload 2 images to show the problem)
the original frame is a png image used in the bodymovin sequence
the json output frame is a base64 image (the first frame of animation) stored in the bodymovin animation result data.json
the two images above are the same resolution but looks diferents, i want to know why and how to fix it
thanks in advance
link to the original webflow tutorial that i follow
sorry this was just a problem of configuration, i figured out how to fix this, i just have to set bodymovin settings > assets > "Copy original a Assets" turn on, in fact, bodymovin use a low-level AI that remove the white / transparent padding and expand the content, enabling original Copy forces bodymovin to avoid using that AI

Can I convert from swf (or fla or svg or snap or sprite.js) to bodymovin

I have a bunch of animated vector graphic files that I would like to convert to bodymovin (I assume I would need to convert them into after effects first and use the bodymovin extension).
I animated files in swf, fla, svg (using the animate element inside the svg), snap and sprite.js html5 formats. I need to preserve the animations (recreating them is not an option)
Is this possible? Any ideas?
I have imported one of my animated swfs directly into after effects and exported to an mp4 but it won't export to bodymovin (I think swf and the vector graphics are very different)
I had the same problem. You should get Bodymovin plugin for Adobe Animate CC. Have a look here: https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-web/issues/1604

Render 3d .obj file to .png image

Is there at least some way to get a picture of a .obj model without displaying the model ?
I have a lot of .obj models and I need to convert them to .png images.
I need only image without display anything
You don't really need libgdx for obj rendering. This can be done by either opengl, or some custom render libs.
Consider using this library written in c++ for obj rendering. Here's its description in russian
Do you need to do this in libgdx? I think you can also call blender via command line, let it render the scene and output to an image. Make a short bash script to do this for all .obj files in your folder.
If you do need to use libgdx, I think a good approach is to render to a framebuffer, then write its contents to a file.

Merging a gif image with a png image

I'd like to merge this ordinary png file:
with this gif animation:
(source: mytree.co.il)
I don't want to use css' position and Z-index, it messes up my images which are located in table cells.
If you are looking to make gif image, try GIMP. Here are steps to make gif image with GIMP.
Good Luck.
Extract the gif frames with a software like http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/how-to-extract-frames-from-gif-animation-image/
Use photoshop, GIMP or any similar image editor to merge the background to the images. Tools like magic wands with a precise threshold might help in the matter
Put it all together into a new gif file
Good luck

Ungroup powerpoint objects of a jpg image

Is there a way to ungroup objects of a saved powerpoint jpg file ?
like a rectangular shape over a text made using powerpoint and saved image as jpg , is there a way to separate rectangular shape and review the text ?
A jpg file is flat. It doesn't care if it was a face photo or a converted powerpoint; the information you want is not present in the file any more.
