Can I convert from swf (or fla or svg or snap or sprite.js) to bodymovin - bodymovin

I have a bunch of animated vector graphic files that I would like to convert to bodymovin (I assume I would need to convert them into after effects first and use the bodymovin extension).
I animated files in swf, fla, svg (using the animate element inside the svg), snap and sprite.js html5 formats. I need to preserve the animations (recreating them is not an option)
Is this possible? Any ideas?
I have imported one of my animated swfs directly into after effects and exported to an mp4 but it won't export to bodymovin (I think swf and the vector graphics are very different)

I had the same problem. You should get Bodymovin plugin for Adobe Animate CC. Have a look here:


why bodymovin result animation looks more stretched than the source frames

im making an animation of some product that listens to you and reacts accordingly,
however, i want to upload my animation to my webflow project
my animation resolution is 1080x720, however i export the keyframes as PNG images (like webflow tutorial recomends) and then i import those images inside a new After Effects project and then i export the animation (I would like to say that I follow each step of the tutorial exactly as it is) but the problem comes when i test my result json inside LottieFiles previewer, the animation looks stretched (i cant explain it so ill upload 2 images to show the problem)
the original frame is a png image used in the bodymovin sequence
the json output frame is a base64 image (the first frame of animation) stored in the bodymovin animation result data.json
the two images above are the same resolution but looks diferents, i want to know why and how to fix it
thanks in advance
link to the original webflow tutorial that i follow
sorry this was just a problem of configuration, i figured out how to fix this, i just have to set bodymovin settings > assets > "Copy original a Assets" turn on, in fact, bodymovin use a low-level AI that remove the white / transparent padding and expand the content, enabling original Copy forces bodymovin to avoid using that AI

Inkscape - Not fully converting png into svg

I opened one PNG file in Inkscape and exported it as SVG. When I opened that file with notepad I came to know that the PNG file is embedded within it. If the conversion happened then the resulting file should have only SVG related tags. It shouldn't embed the image within it. Or Am I doing anything wrong.
Note: Save as option also producing the same kind of file. I am using Inkscape version 0.48 in Windows 7 - 64 bit.
This is a bit of an old thread, but it comes up early in Google so I thought I'd contribute something.
In Inkscape, you must do a trace to change the image into SVG. Look at the Path | Trace bitmap menu item and play with the options on that screen.
After creating the trace, you can remove your source image and have a pure svg in your saved file.
I've found it helpful to create layers in Inkscape and move the source image to one layer and put the trace on another layer to let me make quick comparisons using the 'hide layer' buttons.
BTW, your source image can be anything - bmp, jpg, png, etc.
A .png file is a raster image file. In order to convert it to a vector graphic based format like .svg and have it be "native" svg rather than an included image you are going to either have to use a program that can rasterize it or in Inkscape trace the bitmap and turn it into paths. Inkscape provides information on tracing:

Convert SVG to image

How do I convert an svg file to an image using Go ?
I found the amazing svgo library and would like to use it to generate a custom set of playing cards. The idea is to store the text and layout of a card in a text file and then read and process it with go. This would be a huge improvement of my current workflow where I use gimp to edit each individual card. The problem is that I need to have an image of the card for printing. Preferably png since the printing script so far only works with that format. But I could easily adapt it to accept jpeg, too.
Unfortunately svgo doesn't seem to offer export functionality. Can you recommend a go library to convert svg to png ?
One possible strategy is to write your SVG to files and invoke an external tool to convert them. For example, ImageMagick and its related GraphicsMagick will both convert SVG to PNG via command-line options. You would need to use the convert verb, possibly within their batch support if you're converting lots of images at once.
GraphicsMagick has bindings for C and Go and other languages that you could use directly from your Go scripts, although I've not tried this myself.
I can't find a native Go library to do it, but there seems to be a way to convert an HTML canvas element to PNG quite simply in Javascript.
You can therefore output SVG to an HTML canvas element, and then use JS to export to SVG.
See this answer for details.

Using Zwoptex - Getting a Plist

I want to create a plist from a SpriteSheet using Zwoptex, I've got the spriteSheet(1 Png file with all the sprites I need) and I would like the Plist to be showed as If there were many frames. (I dragged a sprite sheet with 3x4 sprites in it) but I don't have the individual sprites to drag them, do you by any chance know any program that will cut the spritesheet for me to drag them into Zwoptex or is there a way that Zwoptex can Identify each sprite in the sheet? And get the frames like this
HumanUp3..etc etc
instead of
* ...etc
Thanks for your time!!
AlfredSpriteUnlocker can help you extract images from your spritesheet.
Here is tool: SpriteSheet-Unpacker
This works for png sheet. For pvr, just open source and change .png to .pvr
You need to extract the sprites from png then import those sprites to Zwoptex.
I can recommend this software for your problem, but first I would suggest to check video of this software and then go for it.

Rendering SVG file to Image-object in Mono

Is there an easy way to render an SVG-image resulting in an image-object or a bitmap byte-array (Not saving the file in another type but just put it as an image in main memory)?
You could have a look at Mono.Cairo, which is a low-level vector library for Mono. Here is an example for loading images, including SVG.
