Add input to an existing file with Bash - bash

I am working on a library record app (for school).
I need to be able to collect user input and write to an existent file (add new record). However, when I try to do so, I get the following error:
./ line 12: : No such file or directory
Here is my function for adding new records
records = "/lib_records.txt"
echo "Enter Book Name:"
read name
echo "Enter Book Author:"
read author_name
echo "$name $author_name" >> "$records" #this is my line 12
Any idea what may be causing the error? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here are the file permissions:
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 GSUAD\ GSUAD\domain^users 0 Oct 30 18:04 lib_records.txt
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 GSUAD\ GSUAD\domain^users 1253 Oct 30 18:40

Here are 2 issues for your shell script:
records="./lib_records.txt": should not have space before and after =
"./lib_records.txt" instead of "/lib_records.txt"
Here is modified script for you.
echo "Enter Book Name:"
read name
echo "Enter Book Author:"
read author_name
echo "$name $author_name" >> "$records" #this is my line 12

You shouldn't store file in / directory (/lib_records.txt), because you will probably get a Permission denied error. Secondly, remove spaces in the first line.


Bash script not recognizing existing file

I have to write a simple bash script, which does the compilation of multiple sql scripts which can contain recursive references to the other sql scripts with Oracle SQLPlus convention, so in the end the result will be only one SQL file, containing all statements from all (possibly also recursively) referenced subscripts.
I have created a simple script called with following bash code:
function err () {
echo $* > "/dev/stderr"
function replace_subscripts_placeholders() {
echo "-- processing file $PROCESSING_FILENAME"
while read script_line; do
local script_line_NO_LEAD_SPACE="$(echo -e "${script_line}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')"
if [[ $script_line_NO_LEAD_SPACE == \#\#* ]] ; then
local file_name="./${script_line_NO_LEAD_SPACE#\#\#}"
echo "-- found reference to file $file_name"
echo "-- starting with processing, pwd=$PWD"
# for debug purposes:
ls -la
# but this returns always false:
if [ -f "$file_name" ]; then
# so this part is never started:
. replace_subscripts_placeholders $file_name
err_msg="WARNING: Could not find the referenced file $file_name"
echo "-- $err_msg"
err $err_msg
echo "$script_line"
if test -z "$1" ; then
err "Usage: {file_name_to_process} [> output_file]"
err " Be aware, if the referenced files within {file_name_to_process} are not specified by absolute paths, you have to start the script from corresponding directory."
err " If the part [> output_file] is omitted, then this script writes to standard output"
err " If the part [>> output_file] is used, then the result will be appended to output_file it it exists before the processing"
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
replace_subscripts_placeholders $1
echo "file $1 does not exist"
and I am stuck on interesting problem - it seems, inside of the function replace_subscripts_placeholders() the file check
if [ -f "$file_name" ]; then
. replace_subscripts_placeholders $file_name
err_msg="WARNING: Could not find the referenced file $file_name"
echo "-- $err_msg"
err $err_msg
never goes to the recursion call and even, if I remove the if statement and really call the function in recursion with the correct referenced file name, which exists, it is still not recognized to be found and not passed into the loop over all lines of the referenced file in the recursive call (then the error file not found comes and the loop cannot be executed).
I have added the debug messages into script like mentioned above in the script, but still I am unable to find, why the hell should bash not find the file, if it is in the same directory. The scripts are placed in
user#mycomputer:/tmp/test$ ls -la
celkem 52
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 zář 14 21:47 .
drwxrwxrwt 38 root root 36864 zář 14 21:48 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 51 zář 14 21:45 a.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 51 zář 14 21:45 b.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 590 zář 14 21:46 start.sql
and the content of the file start.sql looks like this:
spool output__UpdSch.log
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
PROMPT a.sql - starting
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as START_TIMESTAMP from dual;
PROMPT a.sql - finished
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as FINISH_TIMESTAMP from dual;
PROMPT b.sql - starting
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as START_TIMESTAMP from dual;
PROMPT b.sql - finished
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as FINISH_TIMESTAMP from dual;
spool off
and if I execute the script, it seems it decoded the filenames correctly, but there is still the problem in bash - the testing of the file existence returns always false:
user#mycomputer:/tmp/test$ ~/tmp/ start.sql
-- processing file start.sql
spool output__UpdSch.log
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
PROMPT a.sql - starting
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as START_TIMESTAMP from dual;
-- found reference to file ./a.sql
-- starting with processing, pwd=/tmp/test
celkem 52
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 zář 14 21:47 .
drwxrwxrwt 38 root root 36864 zář 14 21:48 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 51 zář 14 21:45 a.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 51 zář 14 21:45 b.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 590 zář 14 21:46 start.sql
-- WARNING: Could not find the referenced file ./a.sql
WARNING: Could not find the referenced file ./a.sql
PROMPT a.sql - finished
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as FINISH_TIMESTAMP from dual;
PROMPT b.sql - starting
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as START_TIMESTAMP from dual;
-- found reference to file ./b.sql
-- starting with processing, pwd=/tmp/test
celkem 52
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 zář 14 21:47 .
drwxrwxrwt 38 root root 36864 zář 14 21:48 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 51 zář 14 21:45 a.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 51 zář 14 21:45 b.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 590 zář 14 21:46 start.sql
-- WARNING: Could not find the referenced file ./b.sql
WARNING: Could not find the referenced file ./b.sql
PROMPT b.sql - finished
select to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3') as FINISH_TIMESTAMP from dual;
spool off
The script has read access to files, everything is in the same folder, where I start the script, It also does not matter, if I reference the file with the current directory prefix "./" or not, it is just never found. Interesting is, the check during the start of the script passes correctly, the only problem is the searching within the function... I have also tried to call the function with preceded "." and without it, it makes no difference... There are also no trailing spaces in the referenced file names... It also makes no difference if I declare the variables inside of the function as local or not.
So I have no idea, what could be the problem, maybe I just looked too long on it and cannot see something - seems it has to be something trivial, like the function is started in some different current directory - (but pwd and ls shows the directory is always correct...???) - Any help or pointers will be appreciated.
Thank you for the comments, it brought me to the solution. I found out, this problem was related to the fact, the test sql files were created on Windows, so they had in the end of line always the <CR><LF> characters. This leads to the fact in the original bash script I posted, the script line
while read script_line
puts into the variable not only the given file name from the line, preceded by the characters ##
but also the <CR> character - in the variable is then the value
what was the cause the file a.sql etc. could never be found. Of course the character is invisible, so therefore it has not been shown on any debug echoing I made here - I had to put the content of $file_name between some another characters and then i could see it in the echoed test... I made also some other corrections and the final working script looks in the following way, if somebody needs to join referenced SQL scripts into one, this does it:
function err () {
echo $* > "/dev/stderr"
function replace_subscripts_placeholders() {
echo "-- processing file $PROCESSING_FILENAME"
while read script_line || [ -n "$script_line" ]; do
local script_line_NO_LEAD_SPACE="$(echo -e "${script_line}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | sed -e 's/^M$//')"
if [[ $script_line_NO_LEAD_SPACE == \#\#* ]] ; then
local file_name="${script_line_NO_LEAD_SPACE#\#\#}"
echo "-- found reference to file $file_name"
if [ -f "$file_name" ]; then
replace_subscripts_placeholders $file_name
err_msg="WARNING: Could not find the referenced file $file_name"
echo "-- $err_msg"
err $err_msg
echo "$script_line"
if test -z "$1" ; then
err "Usage: {file_name_to_process} [> output_file]"
err " Be aware, if the referenced files within {file_name_to_process} are not specified by absolute paths, you have to start the script from corresponding directory."
err " If the part [> output_file] is omitted, then this script writes to standard output"
err " If the part [>> output_file] is used, then the result will be appended to output_file it it exists before the processing"
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
replace_subscripts_placeholders $1
echo "file $1 does not exist"

how to process last x lines of a file

I want to Analyse a logfile for specific Errors.
Therefore i want to be able to loop through the last x lines of the files and check every line with a specific REGEX Pattern and then define a specific return value.
The logfile Looks in case of success as follows at the Moment when i want to check it.
sftp> get blahblah/blahblah
sftp> bye
In case of an Error there is something between the two sftp lines.
What i allready tried is to solve the Problem with a specific regex which worked fine on some online Regex testers but couldn´t get it to work in ksh.
My current Approach is the following
check_log_file() {
echo "ERRNBR = ${ERRNBR}"
echo "REGEX = ${REGEX}"
echo "TAIL = ${TAIL}"
while read line; do
echo "${line}"
if [[ "${line}" =~ ${REGEX} ]]; then
echo "bin hier"
echo "bin wo anders"
done <<<$(tail -${TAIL} ${LOG_FIL})
echo "${RETURN}"
return ${RETURN}
echo "sftp> get cwi/cdk_final*" >> ${LOG_FIL}
if [ "${MODE}" == "1" ]; then
echo "Werner ist der beste" >>${LOG_FIL}
check_log_file "22" "^(sftp> ).*$" "1"
echo "$?"
echo "sftp> bye" >> ${LOG_FIL}
check_log_file "21" "((sftp> ).*|(sftp> bye))" "2"
echo "$?"
The results i get are the following
edv> sh 1
REGEX = ^(sftp> ).*$
TAIL = 1
Werner ist der beste
bin wo anders
REGEX = ((sftp> ).*|(sftp> bye))
TAIL = 2
Werner ist der beste sftp> bye
bin hier
What i hoped to achieve was that the Output coming from the tail command would be seperated. So that i ccould test each line individually.
Your second regex:
((sftp> ).*|(sftp> bye))
Matches the following line, which is why your function returns 0:
Werner ist der beste sftp> bye
Since you want to match the following pattern on each line:
sftp> get blahblah/blahblah
sftp> bye
Your regex should look more like the first one you used to match:
^(sftp> ).*$

bash to verify file type integrity and create log

I am trying to use bash to verify the integrity of specific downloads .bam files. There are two parts (bash 1) runs the command to verify the .bam files which creates .txt files, and creates a process.log. That part works perfect, what I am getting an error in is checking each of the .txt files for a string (SUCCESS) and if it is found then in the process.log that file is verified if it is not found then that file is corrupt. Currently the terminal displays the status and then gives an error. Thank you :).
bash part 1
for f in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/NGS/API/5-4-2016/*.bam ; do
echo "Start bam validation creation: $(date) - File: $f"
bname=`basename $f`
bam validate --in $f --verbose 2> /home/cmccabe/Desktop/NGS/API/5-4-2016/bam_validation/${pref}_validation.txt
echo "End bam validation creation: $(date) - File: $f"
done >> "$logfile"
echo "Start verifying $(date) - File: $file"
value=$( grep -ic "(SUCCESS)" /home/cmccabe/Desktop/NGS/API/5-4-2016/bam_validation/*.txt )
bash part 2
if [ $value -eq 1 ]
echo "bam file is verified and complete"
echo "bam is corrupt, check log for reason"
echo "End bam verify: $(date) - File: $f"
done >> "$logfile"
Start verifying Thu May 5 12:49:10 CDT 2016 - File:
/home/cmccabe/Desktop/ line 11: [: too many arguments
bam is corrupt, check log for reason
End bam verify: Thu May 5 12:49:10 CDT 2016 - File: /home/cmccabe/Desktop/NGS/API/5-4-2016/NA19240.bam
/home/cmccabe/Desktop/ line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
/home/cmccabe/Desktop/ line 18: `done >> "$logfile"'
file that is created to check for SUCCESS
Number of records read = 24723078
Number of valid records = 24723078
TotalReads(e6) 24.72
MappedReads(e6) 24.57
PairedReads(e6) 0.00
ProperPair(e6) 0.00
DuplicateReads(e6) 7.33
QCFailureReads(e6) 0.00
MappingRate(%) 99.38
PairedReads(%) 0.00
ProperPair(%) 0.00
DupRate(%) 29.66
QCFailRate(%) 0.00
TotalBases(e6) 4332.46
BasesInMappedReads(e6) 4325.68
Returning: 0 (SUCCESS)
The error is due to simplest of the reasons, in bash if you use a single parentheses [] to evaluate a condition, it is nothing but an implicit way of using the bash test expression which expands the $value as a string containing spaces, special characters as separate parameters. Here you have left the variable ambiguous which could be expanded to multiple parameters for some error cases.
All you need to do is enclose that variable within double quotes, so that it is treated as one single string.
if [ "$value" == 1 ]; then

BASH script checking log files for current and previous month

I have been working on this on and off for the last two months, and despite how many times I look at it, I can't make it work.
This script checks daily log files for a user defined variable, so they don't have to look through every one manually. It worked great checking the current month, but if the user wants to check back 20 days, and today is the 12th of this month, I wanted to be able to then go back to the previous month (not look for the log file with a date of 20150399 and so on). I have checked the logic for my date/day computations, and they seem okay (if there is a better way to do that in BASH, I am open to suggestions). What happens when I try to debug is unexpected end of file. I am somewhat new to writing scripts that contain more than 20 or so lines, but I just can't come up with what I am missing.
I have tried various fixes, to no avail, but I think this is the last iteration.
# This script will take input from the user and report which
# CyberFusion MFT logs contain what the user is looking for.
# Hopefully this will save the user having to search through every
# stinking log file to find what they are looking for.
# 20150406 pxg007 started typing
# 20150413 pxg007 added && comparison for back out (line 28)
# added message for no entries found (line 32, 38, 48-52)
# Added some further description (line 16)
# 20150424 pxg007 Added logic to calculate previous month and if necessary, year. (Lines 16-24, 60-78 )
currDate=`date +%d%B%C%y`
currDay=`date +%d`
currMnth=`date +%m`
currYear=`date +%C%y`
case $currMnth in #Let's establish number of days for previous month
05 | 07 | 10 | 12 ) lastMnthD=30;;
01 |02 | 04 | 06 | 09 | 08 | 11 ) lastMnthD=31;;
03 ) lastMnthD=28;; ##and screw leap year
if [ $currMnth -eq 01 ]; then ##accounting for January
if [ $lastMnth -eq 12 ]; then ## accounting for Dec of previous year
echo "This script will find entries for your query in whatever available MFT logs you request."
echo " "
echo "For instance - how many log files have transfer entries with \"DOG\" in them?"
echo " "
echo "I also will also give an estimate of how many transfers per log file contain your query, give or take a couple."
echo " "
echo "This search is case sensitive, so \"DOG\" is *** NOT *** the same as \"dog\""
echo " "
read -p "What text you are looking for? Punctuation is okay, but no spaces please. " looking ### what we want to find
echo " "
echo "Today's date is: $currDate."
echo " "
read -p "How many days back do you want to search(up to 25)? " daysBack ### How far back we are going to look
if [ "$daysBack" == 0 ] && [ "$daysBack" >> 25 ]; then
echo "I said up to 25 days. We ain't got more than that!"
exit 1
echo " "
echo "I am going to search through the last $daysBack days of log files for:\"$looking\" "
echo " "
read -p "Does this look right? Press N to quit, or any other key to continue: " affirm
if [ "$affirm" = N ] && [ "$affirm" = n ]; then ###Yes, anything other than "N" or "n" is a go
echo "Quitter!"
exit 1
nada=0 ### Used to test for finding anything
backDate=$((currDay-daysBack)) ### current month iterator (assuming query covers only current month)
if (("$daysBack" => "$currDay")); then ## If there are more logs requested than days in the month...
lastMnthCnt=$((daysBack-currDay)) ### how many days to check last month
lastMnthStrt=$((lastMnthD-lastMnthCnt)) ## last month start and iterator
backDate=$(currDay-(daysBack-lastMnthCnt)) # Setting the iterator if we have to go back a month
while (("$lastMnthStrt" <= "$lastMnthD" )); do
foundIt=$(grep "$looking" /CyberFusion/log/Log.txt."$lastMnthYr$lastMnth$lastMnthStrt" | parsecflog | wc -l )
howMany=$((foundIt/40+1)) ### Add one in case there are less than 40 lines in the record.
if (("$foundIt" > 0))
echo "Log.txt.$lastMnthYr$lastMnth$lastMnthStrt contains $looking in approximately $howMany transfer records."
echo " "
backDate=$((currDay-daysBack)) ### current month iterator (assuming query covers only current month)
while (("$backDate" <= "$currDay")); do
foundIt=$(grep "$looking" /CyberFusion/log/Log.txt."$backDate" | parsecflog | wc -l )
howMany=$((foundIt/40+1)) ### Add one in case there are less than 40 lines in the record.
if (("$foundIt" > 0))
echo "Log.txt.$backDate contains $looking in approximately $howMany transfer records."
echo " "
if [ "$nada" \< 1 ]
echo " "
echo "I found no entries for $looking in any log file."
You are missing the keyword 'done' on lines 81 and 96 and also a final 'fi' keyword on the last line.
Also as others suggested you can do
date -d "20 days ago" +"%d%B%C%y"
to easily get dates in the past

Putting the output of a command with interaction inside a variable while using grep in bash

This program I use has it's own variables to set when you run it, so I want to set those variables and then greping the output then storing it inside a variable. However, I don't know how to go about this the correct way. The idea I have doesn't work. The focus is on lines 7 through 14.
1 #!/usr/local/bin/bash
2 source /home/gempak/NAWIPS/Gemenviron.profile
3 FILENAME="$(date -u '+%Y%m%d')_sao.gem"
5 echo -n "Enter the station ID: "
6 read -e STATION
7 OUTPUT=$(sflist << EOF
10 DATTIM = all
12 run
13 exit
14 EOF)
15 echo $OUTPUT
But I get this:
./listweather: line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `)'
./listweather: line 16: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Putting together everyone's answers, I came across a working solution myself. This code works for me:
source /home/gempak/NAWIPS/Gemenviron.profile
FILENAME="$(date -u '+%Y%m%d')_sao.gem"
echo -n "Enter the station ID: "
read -e STATION
OUTPUT=$(sflist << EOF
echo $OUTPUT | grep $STATION
Thanks everyone!
I'd put your program to run in a separate .sh script file, and then run the script from your first file, passing the arguments you want to pass as command line arguments. That way you can test them separately.
You could also do it in a function, but I like the modularity of the second script. I don't udnerstand exactly what you are trying to do above, but something like:
FILENAME="$(date -u '+%Y%m%d')_sao.gem"
DATTIM = all
grep $STATION | sflist
echo -n "Enter the station ID: "
read -e STATION
echo $OUTPUT
If sflist needs interaction, I'd try something like this:
( echo SFFILE = "$SFFILE"
echo AREA = "#$STATION"
echo DATTIM = all
echo run
) | sflist)
Unfortunately, you have to type exit as part of the interaction.
