Scale CMFCToolbar for DPI changes - winapi

I have several large toolbars in an MFC application for Window 8.1. Right now I am using the following code to replace the image of each button using current DPI scaling when the application is moved to a monitor with different DPI settings.
const auto& toolbars = m_cToolBarManager.GetToolbar();
for (const auto& toolbar : toolbars)
CMFCToolBarImages* images = toolbar->GetImages();
for (int index = 0; index < toolbar->GetCount(); ++index)
CMFCToolBarButton* button = (CMFCToolBarButton*)toolbar->GetButton(index);
if (button->m_nStyle & TBBS_SEPARATOR)
Each time the application is moved to a different monitor hundreds of images have to be loaded and set for the buttons. Moreover, due to a large number of images embedded as resources, the application executable becomes larger.
Is there more efficient way to do this?


How can I get the same look as the standard with an owner draw menu?

I consider using an owner draw menu in a Windows application that should have the same look as the standard menu. (Reason: the standard menu doesn't work well in some mixed DPI situations.)
Currently I have a problem providing the correct width during WM_MEASUREITEM.
This is a screenshot of the Edit menu of notepad where each item has a shortcut.
We can see that there is a constant gap between the item texts and shortcut texts as if they were columns. It seems as if the widths of the item texts and the widths of the shortcut texts are retrieved separately, as the longest item text "Time/Date" reserves a shortcut width suitable for Ctrl+A while it only needs one for F5.
I could not find any API functionality where I can give the width of the item text and the shortcut text separately, nor did I find any metric specifying the size of the gap.
So my question is: Is it possible to achieve the desired behavior within the usual WM_MEASUREITEM message and if yes, how? If not, is there any other means to get this right or is it just not possible at all?
This is how ReactOS does it:
To measure a menu item:
if ((p = wcschr( lpitem->Xlpstr, '\t' )) != NULL) {
RECT tmprc = rc;
LONG tmpheight;
int n = (int)( p - lpitem->Xlpstr);
/* Item contains a tab (only meaningful in popup menus) */
/* get text size before the tab */
txtheight = DrawTextW( hdc, lpitem->Xlpstr, n, &rc,
txtwidth = rc.right - rc.left;
p += 1; /* advance past the Tab */
/* get text size after the tab */
tmpheight = DrawTextW( hdc, p, -1, &tmprc,
lpitem->dxTab += txtwidth;
txtheight = max( txtheight, tmpheight);
txtwidth += + /* space for the tab */
tmprc.right - tmprc.left; /* space for the short cut */
Then to draw it:
Text = lpitem->Xlpstr;
for (i = 0; Text[i]; i++)
if (Text[i] == L'\t' || Text[i] == L'\b')
if(lpitem->fState & MF_GRAYED)
DrawTextW( hdc, Text, i, &rect, uFormat);
/* paint the shortcut text */
if (!menuBar && L'\0' != Text[i]) /* There's a tab or flush-right char */
if (L'\t' == Text[i])
rect.left = lpitem->dxTab;
rect.right = lpitem->dxTab;
DrawTextW( hdc, Text + i + 1, -1, &rect, uFormat );
So to insert a keyboard accelerator in a menu item, you simply separate it from the item text with the tab character. The measuring and drawing code then looks for this tab character and acts accordingly.
Note, however, that for the keyboard accelerator to be right-aligned in the menu like it is in your screenshot (which is achieved with DrawText with DT_RIGHT) the drawing code expects it to be separated from the item text with the '\b' character, not the tab character, and unless I'm missing something this is not accounted for in the measuring code, so you might want to compensate for that.
Replicating the standard menu with owner draw is a world of pain. You have to deal with Visual Styles on and off, mnemonics/Access keys, accessibility and all the undocumented metrics. It is better just to use the normal menu if you can.
Per-monitor DPI support seems to change in every Windows 10 release. 1607 added EnableNonClientDpiScaling which scales the menu and other non-client areas. 1703 added Per Monitor v2 and MSDN says this about PMv2:
Scaling of non-client area - All windows will automatically have their non-client area drawn in a DPI sensitive fashion. Calls to EnableNonClientDpiScaling are unnecessary.
Scaling of Win32 menus - All NTUSER menus created in Per Monitor v2 contexts will be scaling in a per-monitor fashion.
Notepad is PMv2 and its menu seems to work fine:
Windows 8.1 and < 10 Anniversary Update will require more work and I would suggest that you just don't declare yourself DPI aware on these systems and let Windows scale your window for you (with some blurriness) if the system has multiple monitors.

Using DEFAULT_GUI_FONT in high DPI Windows application

I have a Windows application which I want to look good at high DPI monitors. The application is using DEFAULT_GUI_FONT in lots of places, and the font created this way doesn't scale correctly.
Is there any simple way to fix this problem with not too much pain?
you need get NONCLIENTMETRICS by SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS,) and then use it LOGFONT data, for create self font. or you can query for SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT) and use it
The recommended fonts for different purposes can be obtained from the NONCLIENTMETRICS structure.
For automatically DPI-scaled fonts (Windows 10 1607+, must be per-monitor DPI-aware):
// Your window's handle
HWND window;
// Get the DPI for which your window should scale to
UINT dpi = GetDpiForWindow(window);
// Obtain the recommended fonts, which are already correctly scaled for the current DPI
NONCLIENTMETRICSW non_client_metrics;
if (!SystemParametersInfoForDpi(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(non_client_metrics), &non_client_metrics, 0, dpi)
// Error handling
// Create an appropriate font(s)
HFONT message_font = CreateFontIndirectW(&non_client_metrics.lfMessageFont);
if (!message_font)
// Error handling
For older Windows versions you can use the system-wide DPI and scale the font manually (Windows 7+, must be system DPI-aware):
// Your window's handle
HWND window;
// Obtain the recommended fonts, which are already correctly scaled for the current DPI
NONCLIENTMETRICSW non_client_metrics;
if (!SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(non_client_metrics), &non_client_metrics, 0)
// Error handling
// Get the system-wide DPI
HDC hdc = GetDC(nullptr);
if (!hdc)
// Error handling
UINT dpi = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
ReleaseDC(nullptr, hdc);
// Scale the font(s)
constexpr UINT font_size = 12;
non_client_metrics.lfMessageFont.lfHeight = -((font_size * dpi) / 72);
// Create the appropriate font(s)
HFONT message_font = CreateFontIndirectW(&non_client_metrics.lfMessageFont);
if (!message_font)
// Error handling
NONCLIENTMETRICS has also many other fonts in it. Make sure to choose the right one for your purpose.
You should set the DPI-awareness level in your application manifest as described here for best compatibility.
WinForms in the .NET framework internally converts the DEFAULT_GUI_FONT (which is in fact used to get the default font for WinForms Forms and Controls in most situations) by scaling its height from pixels (which is the unit GDI fonts use natively) to Points (which is preferred by GDI+). Drawing text using points implies that the physical size of the rendered text depends on the monitor DPI setting.
float emHeightInPoints;
IntPtr screenDC = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetDC(NativeMethods.NullHandleRef);
try {
using( Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(screenDC)){
float pixelsPerPoint = (float) (graphics.DpiY / 72.0);
float lineSpacingInPixels = this.GetHeight(graphics);
float emHeightInPixels = lineSpacingInPixels * FontFamily.GetEmHeight(Style) / FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(Style);
emHeightInPoints = emHeightInPixels / pixelsPerPoint;
finally {
UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseDC(NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, new HandleRef(null, screenDC));
return emHeightInPoints;
Obviously you cannot use this directly as it's C#. But besides that, this article suggests that you should scale pixel dimensions assuming a 96 dpi design, and use GetDpiForWindow to determine the actual DPI. Note that the "72" in the formula above has nothing to do with the monitor DPI setting, it comes from the fact that .NET likes to use fonts specified in points rather than pixels (otherwise just scale the LOGFONT's height by DPIy/96).
This site suggests something similar, but with GetDpiForMonitor.
I cannot say for sure whether the general approach of manually scaling the font size according to some DPI-dependent factor is a robust and future-proof for scaling fonts (it seems to be the way to go about scaling non-font GUI elements though). However, since .NET basically also just calculates some magic factor based on some sort of DPI value, it's probably a pretty good guess.
Also, you'll want to cache that HFONT. HFONT - LOGFONT conversions are not negligible.
See also (references):
WinForms gets its default using GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) (there are a few exceptions though, mostly obsolete):
IntPtr handle = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetStockObject(NativeMethods.DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
try {
Font fontInWorldUnits = null;
// SECREVIEW : We know that we got the handle from the stock object,
// : so this is always safe.
try {
fontInWorldUnits = Font.FromHfont(handle);
finally {
defaultFont = FontInPoints(fontInWorldUnits);
catch (ArgumentException) {
The HFONT is converted to GDI+, and then the GDI+ font retrieved this way is transformed using FontInPoints:
private static Font FontInPoints(Font font) {
return new Font(font.FontFamily, font.SizeInPoints, font.Style, GraphicsUnit.Point, font.GdiCharSet, font.GdiVerticalFont);
The content of the SizeInPoints getter is already listed above.,992

Maximum size of QMimeData (Windows Drag and Drop vs Clipboard)

I have a problem regarding QMimeData using drag and drop and QClipboard.
I have a medical image in SVG format (no file, only buffer) and different options for the user to export the image in different file formats (e.g. jpg, tiff, png, ...).
The user can select the resolution (in page format (e.g. DIN A7- DIN A3) and DPI (up to 600 DPI))
Drag and Drop/Clipboard is implemented with a subclassed QMimeData class and the following MIME header entries:
This allows drag and drop to the file system and to other apps (e.g. Powerpoint).
The implementation does only provide the necessary data (e.g. file system drags only need header/data 2-5 and drags to e.g. Powerpoint only need header/data 1). No intermediate files are used.
Construction of the MIME datatype (mimeData) is done in the following fashion:
void SCImageWidget::createDragAndDropData(QString mimeType)
if(mimeType == "application/x-qt-image" && !mimeData->gotImage)
QImage img;
this->renderSvgImage(img, ...)
mimeData->gotImage = true;
else if(mimeType == "FileName" && !mimeData->gotFileName)
QString DDFileName = ... ;
mimeData->setData("FileName", DDFileName.toLatin1());
mimeData->gotFileName = true;
else if(mimeType == "FileNameW" && !mimeData->gotFileNameW)
QString DDFileName = ... ;
mimeData->setData("FileNameW", QByteArray((const char*) (DDFileName.utf16()), DDFileName.size() * 2));
mimeData->gotFileNameW = true;
else if(mimeType == "FileContents" && !mimeData->gotFileContent)
QByteArray data;
QBuffer buffer(&data);;
this->renderSvgImageToDevice(buffer, ...);
mimeData->setData("FileContents", data);
mimeData->gotFileContent = true;
else if(mimeType == "FileGroupDescriptorW" && !mimeData->gotFileDesc)
QString DDFileName = ...;
desc.cItems = 1;
desc.fgd[0].dwFlags = FD_PROGRESSUI;
wcscpy_s(desc.fgd[0].cFileName, DDFileName.toStdWString().c_str());
mimeData->setData("FileGroupDescriptorW", QByteArray((const char*)&desc,
mimeData->gotFileDesc = true;
Drag and drop of bigger data entries (> 11 MB) to the filesystem does not work (error copying data/folder. Not enough space available) but does work via the clipboard (up to a certain point of approximately 50 MB).
Image data > 200 DPI cannot be dragged to Powerpoint (even small compressed pngs) with no error. Using the clipboard even A3/600 DPI tiffs work.
Question: Is there any limitation on Windows (besides the typical 1/16th of RAM for the clipboard) for clipboard and drag and drop actions? I could not really find any good information about this topic. Maybe anyone is aware of some hard-coded limits in Qt.
System Information: Dev. platform: Win 7 64/32GB RAM, Qt 5.3
SSCCE is not really possible - sorry.

Creating X11 window to span multiple displays

I'm having the exact problem described here. How to make X11 window span multiple monitors
I have six monitors and am trying to create a window larger than the size of one of the monitors. It keeps getting resized by the window manager.
Apologize if I should post within that thread, the etiquette is not clear to me.
Anhow, I do the following in my code:
/* Pass some information along to the window manager to size the window */
sizeHints.flags = USSize; // | PMinSize;
sizeHints.width = sizeHints.base_width = width;
sizeHints.height = sizeHints.base_height = height;
// sizeHints.min_width = width;
// sizeHints.min_height = height;
// sizeHints.max_width = mScreenWidth;
// sizeHints.max_height = mScreenHeight;
if (geometry->x != DONT_CARE && geometry->y != DONT_CARE) {
sizeHints.x = geometry->x;
sizeHints.y = geometry->y;
sizeHints.flags |= USPosition;
XSetNormalHints(mDisplay, mWindow, &sizeHints);
XSetStandardProperties(mDisplay, mWindow,
suggestedName.toAscii(), suggestedName.toAscii(),
None, (char **)NULL, 0, &sizeHints);
/* Bring it up; then wait for it to actually get here. */
XMapWindow(mDisplay, mWindow);
The problem I'm having is that if I set min_width and min_height, the user cannot resize the window, which is not what I want. But if I don't, then when I do any X11 call later, such as
XGetWindowAttributes(mDisplay, mWindow, &win_attributes);
the window manager resizes my window to fit into one monitor instead of being larger than the monitor. I cannot just get a window of the desired size for some reason. Note that WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen give me the combined width and height of all monitors as expected.
Can anyone help? I hope I'm explaining myself clearly enough.

How to display Images in a wxListCtrl (multicolumn report style)

I already managed to create wxListCtrls with either icons or multicolumn text like this
Picture of two wxListCtrls
Now I'd like to add an icon to each line of the text list on the left. I thought this should be possible as typical wxWidgets applications like code::blocks and wxSmith often diplay icons in list/tree views (resource browser window) and even in tabs of notebooks (compiler log window).
So how can I create something like this? (Everybody knows Windows Explorer)
Picture of Explorer Window with icons
I tried this...
SetImageList (ToolImages, wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL);
InsertColumn (0, "Icon");
SetColumnWidth (0, 40);
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
InsertItem (i, i);
SetItemColumnImage (i, 0, i);
SetItem (i, 1, IntToStr (i+1));
But as you can see, only the text gets displayd, the image column is blank. Is it possible at all to mix text and images in report mode? If not, what other wxControl class can I use to get the desired result?
Many Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is possible, and the listctrl sample shows how to do it, in particular see MyFrame::InitWithReportItems() function. The only difference with your code seems to be that you use a different InsertItem() overload, so perhaps you should use InsertItem(i, "") instead.
Also check that your image list does have the 5 icons in it.
More generally, trying to reduce the differences between your code and the (working) sample will almost always quickly find the problem.
Thanks, VZ, but I found out that it's not the InsertItem() but the SetImageList(). My image list was correct, but the "which" parameter wasn't. Replacing wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL by wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL fixes the problem! I thought "SMALL" was only meant for the SMALL_ICON mode and that "NORMAL" should be the default. But yes, that makes sense, normal icons are big and don't fit in the text display. Would be nice if the documentation had told us that before long trial and error...
This is a simple example for SMALL ICONIC VIEW USING WXLISTCTRL .Please place this code inside the class declaration.I did it in Frame based Windows Application using CODE BLOCKS.It will be useful to you.
wxImageList *il=new wxImageList(32,32,false,0);
wxImageList *i2=new wxImageList(32,32,false,0);
wxDir dir(wxGetCwd());
wxDir dir1(wxGetCwd());
if ( !dir.IsOpened() )
// deal with the error here - wxDir would already log an error message
// explaining the exact reason of the failure
if ( !dir1.IsOpened() )
// deal with the error here - wxDir would already log an error message
// explaining the exact reason of the failure
puts("Enumerating object files in current directory:");
wxString path, filename, dirstring,filename1, dirstring1, img,imgPath,path1,img1,imgPath1;
int i=0;
bool cont=dir.Open(path);
bool cont1=dir1.Open(path1);
cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DEFAULT);
cont1 = dir1.GetFirst(&filename1, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DEFAULT);
while ( cont )
cont = dir.GetNext(&filename);
// Consturct the imagepath
//Now, add the images to the imagelist
while ( cont1 )
cont1 = dir1.GetNext(&filename1);
// Consturct the imagepath
//Now, add the images to the imagelist
//assigning the imagelist to listctrl
ListCtrl1->AssignImageList(il, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);
ListCtrl3->AssignImageList(i2, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);
for(int j=0;j < il->GetImageCount()-1;j++)
wxListItem itemCol;
for(int k=0;k < i2->GetImageCount()-1;k++)
wxListItem itemCol1;
