Shortest path tree claim (Graph) - algorithm

Claim: If all the edges weights in a graph are distinct, then there is a unique shortest path tree. Either give a convincing argument that the claim is true or give a counterexample.

If you have MST then there is a unique path from every two vertices which makes the shortest path tree senseless. I assume you meant the result is a MST. However, this is not true. Shortest path trees are different from minimum spanning trees for the same graph and even for the same root. Shortest Path tree rooted on vertex v is usually the result of applying Dijkstra's algorithm over v.
In general, uniqueness for trees over graphs is hard to be believed in unless strict requirements were given (like the new weights equal old ones +1). #rici gave a counterexample with a polytree structure. Here is another counterexample for undirected graphs. Both trees are shortest path trees rooted at A. Note that:
While both are shortest path trees, their total cost differ.
Both are spanning trees but neither one of them is a minimum.

If I understand the question, correctly:


Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on directed tree with negative weight edges

Will Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm return correct results on a directed tree with negative weight edges?
On a general graph with negative weights, the algorithm will fail, but since it’s a directed tree it feels like the algorithm will succeed.
From other answers, you know that there is no good reason to run Dijkstra's algorithm if you know that the graph is a tree.
If you do run it, though, it will work even if the tree has negative edge weights.
The reason that Dijkstra's algorithm doesn't work for graphs with negative weights, is that negative weights allow a 2nd, shorter, path to be found to a vertex after its distance has already been decided. In a tree there are no 2nd paths.
In a tree there is only one path between any two given nodes, so searching for the "shortest" path in a tree makes little sense: when you find a path it is the shortest, and this search does not need to take weights into account, so there is no need to use Dijkstra's algorithm. A simple depth-first search will do.
If the graph is not a tree, but a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with negative edges, then Dijkstra's algorithm cannot be used to find a shortest path. Take this counter example:
If we have to look for the shortest path from A to C, Dijkstra's algorithm will proceed to visit B and C, and as it hits the target, it will stop looking further, never considering the edge from B to C.
Other attempts to apply Dijkstra
Another (now deleted) answer proposed to make all edge weights positive by adding an absolute value to all weights, but this does not yield correct results: what is the shortest path in the original graph, is not guaranteed to be still the shortest path in the derived graph.
Counter example:
Where in the original graph the shortest path from A to C runs via B, in the adjusted graph, the shortest path is A-C.

Spanning Trees with minimum number of leaves

So my problem is the following:
I have an undirected (complete) weighted graph G=(V,E), and I would like to generate all the possible spanning trees with minimum number of leaves, i.e. with minimum number of vertices of degree 1. Let's call this kind of trees MIN_LEAF.
Possibly, I would like to directly generate, among all trees with minimum number of leaves, the one which has also the minimum total weight (please note that this is not necessarily a minimum spanning tree).
Is the problem of deciding if a tree T is a MIN_LEAF for a given graph G NP-complete?
If so, I wonder if some kind of heuristic algorithm exists (greedy or local search) which can at least give an approximate solution for this problem.
Thanks in advance.
The first problem you described - finding a spanning tree with the fewest number of leaves possible - is NP-hard. You can see this by reducing the Hamiltonian path problem to this problem: notice that a Hamiltonian path is a spanning tree of a graph and only has two leaf nodes, and that any spanning tree of a graph with exactly two leaf nodes must be a Hamiltonian path. That means that the NP-hard problem of determining whether a Hamiltonian path exists in a graph can be solved by finding the minimum-leaf spanning tree of the graph: the path exists if and only if the minimum-leaf spanning tree has exactly two leaves. The second problem you've described contains that first problem as a special case and therefore is going to also be NP-hard.
A quick Google search turned up the paper "On finding spanning trees with few leaves", which seems like it might be a good starting point for approximation algorithms (they have a 2-approximation for arbitrary graphs) and further reading on the subject.

Widest path algorithm proof of correctness

How do you prove that that the maximum spanning tree of an undirected graph will contain the path that is the widest path between any two vertices A and B in the graph?
I have tried thinking about the proof for Kruskal's algorithm with an edit so it produces the maximum spanning tree but I do not see why the maximal spanning tree must contain the edges in the widest path especially if there are multiple widest paths.
Proofs about optimality are often by contradiction. Here you'd set yourself up to find one by saying
Suppose there are vertices A and B with a widest path between them containing at least one edge not in any maximum spanning tree of the graph.
Now you must show that the existence such an edge leads to the desired contradiction. One clear path would be to show that this edge can be used to construct a new spanning tree of weight greater than any of the graph's maximum spanning trees. Therefore they weren't maximum after all.
The existence of a contradiction shows that the hypothetical widest path from A to B doesn't exist. Therefore the proof is at hand.

Create a MST with depth-first search?

I have a symmetrical graph and created a tree with all shortest path from a random vertex to any other vertex. Can I use the tree to construct a Minimum Spanning Tree(MST)? My algorithm is similar to depth-first algorithm.
In the worst case, a shortest path tree does not help in finding a minimum spanning tree. Consider a graph where we want to find the MST. Add a source vertex with edges of an identical large length to each other vertex. The shortest path tree from that source consists of the very long edges, which we knew a priori, hence the shortest path tree is not useful in this case.

Single shortest path of an acyclic undirected disconnected graph

Is there a graph algorithm that given a start(v) and an end(u) will find a shortest path through the given set of edges, but if u is a disconnected vertex, it will also determine the shortest path to add missing edges until u is no longer disconnected?
I have a pixel matrix where lines are made of 255's(black) and 0's(white). lines(255) can have breaks or spurs and I must get rid of both. I could have a pixel matrix forest with say 7 or so trees of black pixels. I need to find the true end points of each tree, find the single shortest path of each tree, then union all skew trees together to form 1 single line(ie, a single shortest path from the furthest 2 end points in the original matrix). all edge weights could be considered 1.
How about running Dijkstra's algorithm and if disconnected, connect v and u? What's your criteria for "best place to add a missing edge?" Do edges have weights (like distance)?
For one idea of "the best place," you could try the path that has minimal sum of shortest paths between all connected pairs. Floyd–Warshall algorithm can be used to find shortest paths between all pairs. So, run Floyd-Warshall for each node in v's tree and u.
Your problem isn't well defined for disconnected graphs. I can always add and edge between v and u.
If you meant that given an acyclic undirected disconnected graph, actually known as a forest, and given a subset of edges as a subgraph, can you find the shortest path between vertices, than this problem is trivial since if there is a path in the full graph, there is one path only.
If this is a general graph G, and you are talking about a forest subgraph G', than we need more info. Is this weighted? Is it only positive weights? If it is unweighted, do some variant of Dijksta. Define the diameter of a tree to be the length of the longest path between two leaves (this is well defined in a tree, since ther is only one such path). Let S be the sum of the diameters of all the trees in G', then set the weight all edges out of G' to 2S, then Dijkstra's algorithm will automatically prefer to step through G', stepping outside G' only when there is no choice, since walking through G' would always be cheaper.
Here you have following scenarios:
case:1. (all edges>0)
Negate all edges
find the longest path in graph using this:
negate the final result
case2: edges might be or might not be negative
Read Floyd–Warshall algorithm for this
