Jdeveloper 12C MAF running extremely slow on MAC 10.9 - macos

MAC OSx 10.9
All of a sudden Jdeveloper is running extremely slow. Typing is almost impossible as I have to stop a few sec after typing a character! The "Close application" from menu takes about 15/20 minutes to complete. However deployment to Simulator time had not increased that much. Earlier I had difficulty in loading Jdeveloper alone with debugging true. The LEVEL.FINE is logger was not possible.
Even without debugging, can anyone help me to run the editor normally? I have 16GB memory on this MacBook pro. How can I utilize this? This slowing down phenomenon seems to come and go. I have checked the analyzer utility, this happens even when not many processes running on the mac. Has anyone experienced JDeveloper 12C slowing on Mac?


Xcode uses huge Ram memory (90gb)

Has someone noticed the same problem?
Currently installed version are macOS Catalina 10.15.1, Xcode Version 11.2 beta (11B41) .
While opening project - sometimes indexing takes to long, simulator does not launch, and all system slows down.
In activity monitor process swift appears and very fast - during couple of minutes it shows 73-90gb memory use, after which i have to restart, computer stops responding.
I am having trouble with working in Xcode, any help is much appreciated.

Xcode Too Slow to Work

I've been searching this question for quite a while but still none of the solutions work, this time I got the error message, Xcode playgrounds don't work and if I make a regular iOS app project and run it in the simulator it will have the loading screen for around 15 minutes and then gives the error message: The operation couldn't be completed. (Match error -308 - (IPC/might) server died)
I've recently tried using my iPhone to run projects which works. Is there and way to make Xcode work normally.
I am using a Mid-2012 MacBook Pro Non-Retina with 4GB RAM.
I had similar errors (if overly slow apps are an error). Your problem is that one process awaits another and has an expire timeout. The other process takes a large time to load.
you might be able to solve this by adding a substantial amount of ram and moving the simulators to a RAM disk, alternately you might upgrade to an ssd.
realistically your best bet is buying new retina MacBook Pro. Thats how I solved it...

Unity 4.6.x Editor Application crashes on load OS X Yosemite

Asking this on SO as well as the Unity network, hoping someone can give me a hand.. I'm running into an issue that seems to be specific to 4.6.x versions of Unity. First, the specs: I'm running a Mac Mini with an i7 Processor, 8GB of ram and OS X Yosemite.
Now, I've been able to run Unity 5.x without any issues (This is my last resort, If I have to I'll end up running Unity 5.x, but I'd rather run 4.6.x), but when I attempt to run any Unity 4.6.x version, the editor application itself attempts to start up, and immediately crashes. I've attempted uninstalling & removing preferences, rebooting, different versions, etc to no avail. Has anyone run into this issue before, if so what was the fix? I've heard that this was a known issue at one point, but was fixed in Unity 4.6.1 (which I've attempted to run unsuccessfully...)

xcode 5, Mountain Lion: Very slow performance

Installed Mountain Lion and Xcode5. Tried to open a project recently developed for iOS6. And now xcode is dramatically slow. Any ideas whats wrong with him now?
It works fast with new projects I create. It slows down only when I open the old projects.
Ok. I found the problem. The screen attached.
When I switch 'Opens in' to Default 5, Xcode changes the UI Presentations to ugly iOS7 design and xcode suddenly starts work fast like in good old times. Switching back to 4.5 brings the very slow performance back. Thats it guys!
It reminds a problem I had with xcode 5 ( also mountain lion), the typing was very slow..
what help to fix this was removing all breakpoints ( I had nice and big list of breakpoints)
It seems to be keeping previous windows open too, so the more you switch between source files or XIB's, the more it will lag. I didn't check the memory use, but maybe it's running me out of RAM since I have a limited amount free with my Windows VM running. Quite annoying, but it works for me to close and reopen Xcode when this starts happening.

Xcode freezes at indexing, randomly, iPhone dev

My Xcode version is 4.6.2, which is the latest at this moment 2013.6.2, when I try to run a project(not a specified one) in simulator, it randomly freezes(stops) at indexing. I don't know if it's my macbook's problem because it's relatively a old one. My project is very light-weighted, just some demo. I'm a newbie. Normally, it works well, but sometimes it freezes at indexing, say 5% possibility.
And I cannot stop it even I clicked the "Stop" button at the right of "Run", and either if I close the simulator. I have to force the computer to shut down by keep pressing the power button. It brings damage to computer.
Anyone knows how to fix this? Or I have to get a newer one? Any help will be appreciated. THANKS.
Xcode 4.6.2 in 1.4GHz, 2GB Ram
This is the main problem, the Xcode needs 2GB+ itself, and there are others applications and processes running in foreground and background.
I have 3GHz C2D, 4GB RAM, still at times it hangs at times :(
So, either you need to upgrade the hardware or degrade the Xcode version.
As you have Macbook air, you cant upgrade the RAM which is soldered to the motherboard.
