WSO2 - Manage - Add Data Service - Oracle ( The "Data Sources" page does not appear - is empty) - oracle

Trying to set-up a Oracle data source from the WSO2 Management Console. My problem is that the page where one would enter the connection details (url, username etc) shows up empty, there are no fields/columns.
From the Tools section - Database Explorer - I can connect to the database and retrieve data so I'm assuming that the drivers are ok.
Have tried to set-up the data source with several different browsers but all behave the same - I can enter the "Create Data Service" - page 1 and give a name to the data store. Then comes up the second page, titled "Data Sources" and there is the text/link "Add New Data Store". Clicking that open a new page (addDataSource.jsp) but it is totally empty, now even a single header or anything, only a help button on far right corner.
The version of DSS is 3.2.1.
Would someone know how to resolve this?


Oracle SQL Developer 20.4.1 - View Object Details Not Showing SQL?

I am using Oracle SQL Developer connecting to an Oracle 11g database
I have a view in the left hand side pane which I click on once and then on the right hand side it pulls up the object details.
So I see multiple tabs
Columns - Data - Grants - Dependancies - Details - Triggers - SQL - Errors
When I click on "SQL" a pop up comes up saying "Generating DDL" then it pulls up blank
Now when I go to the "Details" tab I can see some sort of SQL in the "TEXT" field as shown
So 2 questions
First I was wondering why doesnt the SQL just show up in the SQL tab? Is this a permissions issue with my loggged in user?
Second if the SQL is shown in the details TEXT column why have a SQL tab at all? Whats the difference between the two spots?
Thanks in advance
For a view, this is most likely a privileges issue.
For example, if I logon as SCOTT on my database, I can click on views in the SYS schema and see their Details, eg
But if click DDL, then I'll get a blank because I don't have privileges to query the contents of the view or its definition.
Views are an "odd" case, because the DDL is virtually synonymous with the data in ALL_VIEWS.TEXT_VC.
Sidenote: SQL Dev 20 is long in the tooth. Its trivial to upgrade so why not head over to SQL Dev 22.

Oracle apex report does not get printed when I click the button but gets printed when I test It from shared components

I am trying to use BI publisher as the printing server on my APEX app, but when I try to use the generated link (f?p=&APP_ID.:0:&SESSION.:PRINT_REPORT=COUNTRY%20INFO) on a button it does not work and gives a error as "Contact your application administrator. Details about this incident are available via debug id "4162"." but the debug log doesn't show any errors, however the report gets printed fine when i click the test report button in "Shared Components/Report Queries/Edit" tab.
I can't find the mistake here
I use oracle apex 22.0 on Oracle 21c xe locally, BI publisher server is also setup locally
I tried the link with different buttons in different pages but still it doesn't work

Using IBM Connections 5.5 - Unable to display Widgets in Community Detail Page and My Page

We are using IBM Connections 5.5. SSO has been done with IBM TAM environment.
Until some time back the application was working fine. However, now after creating a community, system is unable to load Widget details. Only the heading is shown with an option to Move Up / Down etc.
Bookmarks work fine as expected. No other widget like Status Updates, Forums, Members are shown
'My Page' is also unable to load any of the widget.
Upon doing F12 and viewing browser console it says:
Unable to Load data and Malformed json returned by processWidget call.
System.out log says:
Failed to generate process widget json. Unexpected character < on line1, column 1

URL validation failed error while accessing Oracle Form

I am developing custom application in Oracle Apps which will call an oracle form named form.fmx
I have put form.fmx in FORM_PATH variable of default.env
I have created section called vikram in formsweb.cfg
I am accessing as
And getting this error
URL validation failed. The error could have been caused through the use of the browser's navigation buttons ( the browser Back button or refresh, for example). If the error persists, Please contact system administrator.
Try one of the following methods to resolve your issue :
Goto Internet Options >> Security Tab >> Trusted sites >> Sites >>
Add this website to the zone.
Issue select fnd_profile.value('APPS_MAINTENANCE_MODE') from dual;
to see whether returns the result NORMAL, If this is not the case you're in the maintenance mode, and use :
sqlplus mySchema/myPassword#$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql DISABLE
Click on Lock and Edit, and then
Navigate to Domain structure >> Services >> Data sources Where you should see both oacore_cluster1 and forms_cluster1 in
the EBSDataSource targets.
Assume forms_cluster1 is missing in the EBSdatasource target list, then click on the EBSDatasource and then go to the
Targets section. In this page, check the box for forms_cluster1.
Save and Activate the changes and see the following view in you weblogic screen :
Issue was with Forms server configuration.
With correct config, it is running fine

Access 2013 Frontend fails to load - backend linking Issue

I splitted the database, and then did some changes directly into backend. and then i tried to open front end, it failed to open and just asking for new/other files to open. what am i missing here ?
I gave up and opened my another backup access file and splitted it in frontend-backend. let say frontend name :DBstore7_fe and backend name:Dbstore7_be. link is ok and i can update data from front end. but i have to keep my old version of backend(Dbstore6_be) in the same folder. if i remove this old backend version, my frontend fails to open.
i tried another thing, i imported back all the tables to the front end, i.e - no more backend/linking. but still it is looking for Dbstore6_be. if this one there database loads otherwise prompting for blank version.
You must run the "External Data", "Manage Linked Tables" wizard whenever you move or modify the backend file.
