Handle FTP error in shell script - shell

I am trying to do an ftp from a shell script, called by another one(parent script). the code is something like this:
ftp -inv <<EOF
open $hostname
user $username $password
cd $dir
put $renamed_file
when I check for the return code like:
it always returns 0, even if the ftp fails. I am new to shell scripting and is struggling with how to resolve this. Can someone please help me out?

You aren't going to get back the response you want if you look at the bash (or whatever shell) exit status. Bash thinks the command is working just fine - even if it's really an error. Your best bet is to use "batch mode" (your FTP program should have something like that). Capture any error output to a file or STDERR and parse to find your errors.


Using bash variable with expect

My script look like this , but not getting the password out.
export -p curdir=`basename ${PWD%/*/*/}`
/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
spawn scp -v -i ... <local file> <remote file containing $curdir>
expect -re "Enter passphrase.+:"
send "<password>\n"
Something is wrong, as the passsword is evidently not sent. Something wrong with the expect line, the send line, or ???
When this script is executed it is asking for the password.
Thanks for any help.
I made this way too hard. ftp does everything I needed to do. And there are lots of places on the internet that explain how to use it. One can define bash variables as part of a bash script, and the password is simply part of what you define. scp is great of one copy, but ftp as part of a script is really easy.

copy a txt file from Unix machine to Windows machine

I have the below shell script to copy a txt file from a Unix machine to a Windows machine in the same network:
user $USER
put $FILE
exit 0
It's giving the error as:
:connection failed.
I am giving all the correct info in the script. What could be the reason?
You might want to have a look here:
It gives a simple way to do what you want.
ftp doesn't accept input from stdin, so you can't just feed the login information in like that. You'd need to use a program like expect to automate the normal ftp command-line client. A better alternative may be to use another language instead of a Bourne shell script. Something like Perl (as mentioned by #sarathi), Ruby, or Python would allow you to write a fairly small script and use the FTP libraries available to them to more easily script it.
Here's a version of your script for expect:
set host "localhost"
set user "redacted"
set pass "redacted"
set file "/los_prod/scripts/log.txt"
spawn ftp $host
expect "Name"
send "$user\n"
expect "Password:"
send "$pass\n"
expect "ftp>"
send "put $file\n"
expect "ftp>"
send "quit\n"
You'll probably have to install expect on your system; it's not as widely available as other interpreters. Any modern Linux distro will have a package for it.

Can i automate a shellscript that will run a python file which asks for user input?

I know how to run shell scripts pretty easily.
I would have my file say:
python somefile.py
but the file, somefile in this case requires an input. example:
What is the password?
Can you write a script which will enter that password, or have pause while it waits for input?
My goal overall, is to run a tunneling python script to build a connection and watch a port, pull some data through the tunnel, and then close the python script.
Ideally: I want to have this shellscript option somefile.py in an alternate terminal, as i dont know if i can just no-hup until it is no longer needed then kill the process.
First thing is first. Can you have script which will do something like:
python somefile.py
echo admin12345
or something similar to auto enter info?
Assuming the python script reads from stdin, just do "echo admin12345 | somefile.py".
Usually, however, that's not the case, and scripts that read passwords will want to read from a terminal, not just any stdin.
In that case, look into "expect".
It worked for me with java and python examples:
echo "1234" | python somefile.py
Just give some permissions to your script chmod +x yourscript.sh, and run it ./yourscript.sh.

postfix pipe mail to script does not work

I've done my research and tried lots of way but to no avail, i still could not get my postfix mail to run the script.
content of /etc/aliases
test2: "|/home/testscript.sh"
content of /home/testscript.sh Note: i've tried many kind of ways in the script. even a simple echo does not work.
read msg
echo $MSG
i've tried running the script and it works fine.
So would you tell that it's working?
Even if you successfully direct mail to the script, you're not going to see the output of the "echo" command. If you expect to get an email response from the script, the script will need to call out to /bin/mail (or sendmail or contact an SMTP server or something) to generate the message. If you're just looking to verify that it's working, you need to create some output where you can see it -- for example, by writing the message to the filesystem:
cat > /tmp/msg
You should also look in your mail logs (often but not necessarily /var/log/mail) to see if there are any errors (or indications of success!).

FTP inside a shell script not working

My host upgraded my version of FreeBSD and now one of my scripts is broken. The script simply uploads a data feed to google for their merchant service.
The script (that was working prior to the upgrade):
ftp ftp://myusername:mypassword#uploads.google.com/<<END_SCRIPT
put /usr/www/users/myname/feeds/mymerchantfile.txt mymerchantfile.txt
Now the script says "unknown host". The same script works on OSX.
I've tried removing the "ftp://". - No effect
I can log in from the command line if I enter the username and password manually.
I've search around for other solutions and have also tried the following:
ftp -dni <<END_SCRIPT
open $HOST
quote USER $USER
quote PASS $PASS
put /usr/www/users/myname/feeds/mymerchantfile.txt mymerchantfile.txt
ftp -dni <<END_SCRIPT
open $HOST
user $USER $PASS
put /usr/www/users/myname/feeds/mymerchantfile.txt mymerchantfile.txt
Nothing I can find online seems to be doing the trick. Does anyone have any other ideas? I don't want to use a .netrc file since it is executed by cron under a different user.
ftp(1) shows that there is a simple -u command line switch to upload a file; and since ascii is the default (shudder), maybe you can replace your whole script with one command line:
ftp -u ftp://username:password#uploads.google.com/mymerchantfile.txt\
(Long line wrapped with \\n, feel free to remove the backslash and place it all on one line.)
Please note that the above code can be easily broken by, for example, using spaces in the variables in question. Also, this method gives you virtually no way to detect and handle failure reliably.
Look into the expect tool if you haven't already. You may find that it solves problems you didn't know you had.
Some ideas:
just a thought since this is executed in a subshell which should inherit correctly from parent, does an env show any difference when executed from within the script than from the shell?
Do you use a correct "shebang"?
Any proxy that requires authentication?
Can you ping the host?
In BSD, you can create a NETRC script that ftp can use for logging on. You can even specify the NETRC file in your ftp command too using the -N parameter. Otherwise, the default NETRC is used (which is $HOME/.netrc).
Can you check if there's a difference in the environment between your shell-login, and the cron-job? From your login, run env, and look out for ftp_proxy and http_proxy.
Next, include a line in the cron-job that will dump the environment, e.g. env >/tmp/your.env.
Maybe there's some difference...Also, did you double-check your correct usage of the -n switch?
