end to end test of a ruby console app - ruby

I have a ruby console app that you run with an argument, then once running outputs some text to the screen, asks for some more user input and then outputs some more text to the screen. I want to do an end to end test on this app and I don't know how. If I were writing an end to end test for an REST API, I would just hit the public endpoint, follow the links and then have an expect statement on the output. Easy. But on a console app I have no idea how to do the same thing. Are there any gems for stepping through a console app in the context of a test? I've been looking all day but can't find anything.
ANY help appreciated.

Inspired by this gem which has a fairly simple implementation, I wrote a method which captures console input & output and can, therefore, be used in tests:
require 'stringio'
module Kernel
def emulate_console(console_input)
$stdin = StringIO.new(console_input)
out = StringIO.new
$stdout = out
return out
$stdout = STDOUT
$stdin = STDIN
This method captures console output, and also provides as input the string value which you specify in the console_input parameter.
Basic usage
Here's a simple usage of the emulate_console method:
out = emulate_console("abc\n") do
input = gets.chomp
puts "You entered: #{input}!"
The return value out is a StringIO object. To access its value, use the #string method:
=> "You entered: abc!\n"
Note that the input contains a newline character (\n) to simulate pressing the ENTER key.
Now, let's assume that you want to test this method, that uses both stdin and stdout:
def console_add_numbers
x = Integer(gets)
y = Integer(gets)
puts x + y
The following RSpec test tests the happy path of this code:
require 'rspec/autorun'
RSpec.describe '#console_add_numbers' do
it 'computes correct result' do
input = <<-EOS
output = emulate_console(input) { console_add_numbers }
expect(output.string.chomp).to eql '5'


Mocking popen3 block form ruby

I am developing some test cases in Ruby using rspec.
I am attempting to mock the popen3 function.
However, while still keeping the blocking form, I am unable to capture the expected output information:
Class MyClass
def execute_command
Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
output['wait_thr'] = wait_thr.value
while line = stderr.gets
output['stderr'] += line
return output
To mock out the function, I am doing the following:
it 'should do something'
response = []
response << 'stdin'
response << 'stdout'
response << 'test'
response << 'exit 0'
# expect
allow(Open3).to receive(:popen3).with(command).and_yield(response)
# when
output = myClassInstance.execute_script
expect(output['wait_thr'].to_s).to include('exit 0')
Mocking out the function doesn't enter the "do" code and I'm left with an empty data structure.
I was wondering how I could properly do this?
To add some more context to Chris Reisor's answer, this is the approach that worked for me:
I have a piece of code that reads as shown here.
Open3.popen2e(*cmd) do |_, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr|
while (line = stdout_and_stderr.gets)
puts line
raise NonZeroExitCode, "Exited with exit code #{wait_thr.value.exitcode}" unless wait_thr.value.success?
And my testing setup looks like shown below.
let(:wait_thr) { double }
let(:wait_thr_value) { double }
let(:stdout_and_stderr) { double }
before do
allow(wait_thr).to receive(:value).and_return(wait_thr_value)
allow(wait_thr_value).to receive(:exitcode).and_return(0)
allow(wait_thr_value).to receive(:success?).and_return(true)
allow(stdout_and_stderr).to receive(:gets).and_return('output', nil)
allow(Open3).to receive(:popen2e).and_yield(nil, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr)
I think you needed to put "*response" instead of "response."
allow(Open3).to receive(:popen3).with(command).and_yield(*response)
That will send 4 string args to and_yield ("arity of 4"), rather than one arg which is an array.

Ruby: gets.chomp with default value

Is there some simple way how to ask for a user input in Ruby WHILE providing a default value?
Consider this code in bash:
function ask_q {
local PROMPT="$1"
local DEF_V="$2"
read -e -p "$PROMPT" -i "$DEF_V" REPLY
echo $REPLY
TEST=$(ask_q "Are you hungry?" "Yes")
echo "Answer was \"$TEST\"."
Can you achieve similar behaviour with Ruby's gets.chomp?
function ask_q(prompt, default="")
puts prompt
reply = gets.chomp() # ???
return reply
reply = ask_q("Are you hungry?", "Yes")
I understand I can sort replicate the functionality in Ruby this way ...
def ask_q(prompt, default="")
default_msg = (default.to_s.empty?) ? "" : "[default: \"#{default}\"]"
puts "${prompt} ${default}"
reply = gets.chomp()
reply = (default.to_s.empty?) ? default : reply
return reply
... but it does not seem very pretty. I also need to show the default value manually and the user needs to retype it in the prompt line, if he wants to use modified version of it (say yes! instead of yes).
I'm starting with Ruby now, so there may be a lot of syntax mistakes and I also may be missing something obvious ... Also, I googled a lot but surprisingly found no clue.
To make the question clearer, this is what you should see in terminal and what I am able to achieve in bash (and not in Ruby, so far):
### Terminal output of `reply=ask_q("Are you hungry?" "Yes")`
$ Are you hungry?
$ Yes # default editable value
### Terminal output of `reply=ask_q("What do you want to eat?")`
$ What do you want to eat?
$ # blank line waiting for user input, since there is no second parameter
And the actual situation: I am building bootstrap script for my web apps. I need to provide users with existing configuration data, that they can change if needed.
### Terminal output of `reply=ask_q("Define name of database." "CURR_DB_NAME")`
I don't think it's that fancy functionality, that would require switch to GUI app world.
And as I've said before, this is quite easily achievable in bash. Problem is, that other things are pure pain (associative arrays, no return values from functions, passing parameters, ...). I guess I just need to decide what sucks the least in my case ...
You need to do one of two things:
1) Create a gui program.
2) Use curses.
Personally, I think it's a waste of time to spend any time learning curses. Curses has even been removed from the Ruby Standard Library.
A GUI program:
Here is what a gui app looks like using the Tkinter GUI Framework:
def ask_q(prompt, default="")
require 'tk'
root = TkRoot.new
root.title = "Your Info"
#Display the prompt:
TkLabel.new(root) do
text "#{prompt}: "
pack("side" => "left")
#Create a textbox that displays the default value:
results_var = TkVariable.new
results_var.value = default
TkEntry.new(root) do
textvariable results_var
pack("side" => "left")
user_input = nil
#Create a button for the user to click to send the input to your program:
TkButton.new(root) do
text "OK"
command(Proc.new do
user_input = results_var.value
pack("side" => "right", "padx"=> "50", "pady"=> "10")
puts ask_q("What is your name", "Petr Cibulka")
Calling a function in a bash script from ruby:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function ask_q {
local QUESTION="$1"
read -p "$PROMPT $DEFAULT_ANSWER" USERS_ANSWER #I left out the -i stuff, because it doesn't work for my version of bash
answer = %x{
source ../bash_programs/ask_q.sh; #When ask_q.sh is not in a directory in your $PATH, this allows the file to be seen.
ask_q 'Are you Hungry?' 'Yes' #Now you can call functions defined inside ask_q.sh
p answer.chomp #=> "Maybe"
Using curses:
require 'rbcurse/core/util/app'
def help_text
Enter as much help text
here as you want
user_answer = "error"
App.new do #Ctrl+Q to terminate curses, or F10(some terminals don't process function keys)
#form.help_manager.help_text = help_text() #User can hit F1 to get help text (some terminals do not process function keys)
question = "Are You Hungry?"
default_answer = "Yes"
row_position = 1
column_position = 10
text_field = Field.new(#form).
text_field.bind_key(13, 'return') do
user_answer = text_field.text
throw :close
puts user_answer

Testing with RSpec - Output activity messages to STDOUT in Ruby

I'm looking for some help outputting the activity messages into the command line window. I know this may seem backwards but this is the task I've been given. I've already written tests so that they all pass but I need to convert the below activity into the command line window. It's just a game that resembles the Impossible Machine game.
Firstly I need to create a process which starts the Impossible Machine, then simulate each of the activities being initiated in succession before finishing.
Of what I understand, all the messages displayed should be sent to the STDOUT channel. These are some of the tests that have been written:
module ImpossibleMachine
# Input and output constants processed by subprocesses
# RSpec Tests
describe Game do
describe "#start The impossible machine game" do
before(:each) do
#process = []
#output = double('output').as_null_object
#game = Game.new(#output)
it "sends a welcome message" do
#output.should_receive(:puts).with('Welcome to the Impossible Machine!')
it "should contain a method created_by which returns the students name" do
myname = #game.created_by
myname.should == "My Name"
it "should perform lifts_lever_turns_wheel activity which returns REPEAT_ARROW" do
#output.should_receive(:puts).with("Input: #{UP_ARROW}, Activity: Heave_ho_squeek_squeek")
#process[1] = #game.lifts_lever_turns_wheel(UP_ARROW)
#process[1].should == REPEAT_ARROW
it "sends a finishing message" do
#output.should_receive(:puts).with('...Game finished.')
My only knowledge is that I need to start the module like this and then proceed to add code below it so that it outputs the activity messages to the command line:
module ImpossibleMachine
#process = []
g = Game.new(STDOUT)
Hope that makes sense.
It is not very clear from your question - you want the game to show its output to STDOUT when you run the rspec?
If this is the case, I'll explain why in your code as you post it, it does not happen:
When you create the new game #game you create it with Game.new(#output). The #output is a double, which means that it is not really an output object at all, but it is a mock object instead.
This is totally fine, by the way. The only problem with it is that it doesn't actually print anything to the console.
If you want to make the tests, while actually printing to the console, you should pass the actual STDOUT object:
before(:each) do
#process = []
#output = STDOUT
#game = Game.new(#output)
This will almost work, as it will print all messages except the ones you stub in your tests #output.should_receive(...). To make those work, you should add and_call_original to each expectation:
#output.should_receive(:puts).with('Welcome to the Impossible Machine!').and_call_original
You can do this without doubles:
it "should perform lifts_lever_turns_wheel activity which returns REPEAT_ARROW" do
expect(STDOUT).to receive(:puts).with("Input: #{UP_ARROW}, Activity: Heave_ho_squeek_squeek")
#process[1] = #game.lifts_lever_turns_wheel(UP_ARROW)
#process[1].should == REPEAT_ARROW

How can I capture STDOUT to a string?

puts "hi"
puts "bye"
I want to store the STDOUT of the code so far (in this case hi \nbye into a variable say 'result' and print it )
puts result
The reason I am doing this is I have integrate an R code into my Ruby code, output of which is given to the STDOUT as the R code runs , but the ouput cannot be accessed inside the code to do some evaluations. Sorry if this is confusing. So the "puts result" line should give me hi and bye.
A handy function for capturing stdout into a string...
The following method is a handy general purpose tool to capture stdout and return it as a string. (I use this frequently in unit tests where I want to verify something printed to stdout.) Note especially the use of the ensure clause to restore $stdout (and avoid astonishment):
def with_captured_stdout
original_stdout = $stdout # capture previous value of $stdout
$stdout = StringIO.new # assign a string buffer to $stdout
yield # perform the body of the user code
$stdout.string # return the contents of the string buffer
$stdout = original_stdout # restore $stdout to its previous value
So, for example:
>> str = with_captured_stdout { puts "hi"; puts "bye"}
=> "hi\nbye\n"
>> print str
=> nil
Redirect Standard Output to a StringIO Object
You can certainly redirect standard output to a variable. For example:
# Set up standard output as a StringIO object.
foo = StringIO.new
$stdout = foo
# Send some text to $stdout.
puts 'hi'
puts 'bye'
# Access the data written to standard output.
# => "hi\nbye\n"
# Send your captured output to the original output stream.
STDOUT.puts $stdout.string
In practice, this is probably not a great idea, but at least now you know it's possible.
You can do this by making a call to your R script inside backticks, like this:
result = `./run-your-script`
puts result # will contain STDOUT from run-your-script
For more information on running subprocesses in Ruby, check out this Stack Overflow question.
If activesupport is available in your project you may do the following:
output = capture(:stdout) do
More info about Kernel.capture can be found here
For most practical purposes you can put anything into $stdout that responds to write, flush, sync, sync= and tty?.
In this example I use a modified Queue from the stdlib.
class Captor < Queue
alias_method :write, :push
def method_missing(meth, *args)
def respond_to_missing?(*args)
stream = Captor.new
orig_stdout = $stdout
$stdout = stream
puts_thread = Thread.new do
loop do
puts Time.now
sleep 0.5
5.times do
STDOUT.print ">> #{stream.shift}"
$stdout = orig_stdout
You need something like this if you want to actively act on the data and not just look at it after the task has finished. Using StringIO or a file will have be problematic with multiple threads trying to sync reads and writes simultaneously.
Capture stdout (or stderr) for both Ruby code and subprocesses
# capture_stream(stream) { block } -> String
# Captures output on +stream+ for both Ruby code and subprocesses
# === Example
# capture_stream($stdout) { puts 1; system("echo 2") }
# produces
# "1\n2\n"
def capture_stream(stream)
raise ArgumentError, 'missing block' unless block_given?
orig_stream = stream.dup
IO.pipe do |r, w|
# system call dup2() replaces the file descriptor
# there must be only one write end of the pipe;
# otherwise the read end does not get an EOF
# by the final `reopen`
t = Thread.new { r.read }
stream.reopen orig_stream # restore file descriptor
t.value # join and get the result of the thread
I got inspiration from Zhon.
Minitest versions:
assert_output if you need to ensure if some output is generated:
assert_output "Registrars processed: 1\n" do
puts 'Registrars processed: 1'
or use capture_io if you really need to capture it:
out, err = capture_io do
puts "Some info"
warn "You did a bad thing"
assert_match %r%info%, out
assert_match %r%bad%, err
Minitest itself is available in any Ruby version starting from 1.9.3
For RinRuby, please know that R has capture.output:
R.eval <<EOF
captured <- capture.output( ... )
puts R.captured
Credit to #girasquid's answer. I modified it to a single file version:
def capture_output(string)
`echo #{string.inspect}`.chomp
# example usage
response_body = "https:\\x2F\\x2Faccounts.google.com\\x2Faccounts"
puts response_body #=> https:\x2F\x2Faccounts.google.com\x2Faccounts
capture_output(response_body) #=> https://accounts.google.com/accounts

Sinatra 1.3 Streaming w/ Ruby stdout redirection

I would like to use Sinatra's Streaming capability introduced in 1.3 coupled with some stdout redirection. It would basically be a live streaming output of a long running job. I looked into this question and the Sinatra streaming sample in the README.
Running 1.8.7 on OSX:
require 'stringio'
require 'sinatra'
$stdout.sync = true
module Kernel
def capture_stdout
out = StringIO.new
$stdout = out
yield out
$stdout = STDOUT
get '/' do
stream do |out|
out << "Part one of a three part series... <br>\n"
sleep 1
out << "...part two... <br>\n"
sleep 1
out << "...and now the conclusion...\n"
Kernel.capture_stdout do |stream|
Thread.new do
until (line = stream.gets).nil? do
out << line
def method_that_prints_text
puts "starting long running job..."
sleep 3
puts "almost there..."
sleep 3
puts "work complete!"
So this bit of code prints out the first three strings properly, and blocks while the method_that_prints_text executes and does not print anything to the browser. My feeling is that stdout is empty on the first call and it never outputs to the out buffer. I'm not quite sure what the proper ordering would be and would appreciate any suggestions.
I tried a few of the EventMachine implementations mentioned in the question above, but couldn't get them to work.
I tried something slightly different to where I had the method run in a new thread, and override STDOUT for that thread as described here...
Instead of Kernel.capture_stdout above...
s = StringIO.new
Thread.start do
Thread.current[:stdout] = s
while line = s.gets do
out << line
out << s.string
With the ThreadOut module listed in the link above, this seems to work a bit better. However it doesn't stream. The only time something is printed to the browser is on the final line out << s.string. Does StringIO not have the capability to stream?
I ended up solving this by discovering that s.string was updated periodically as time went on, so I just captured the output in a separate thread and grabbed the differences and streamed them out. It appears as though string redirection doesn't behave like a normal IO object.
s = StringIO.new
t = Thread.start do
Thread.current[:stdout] = s
sleep 2
displayed_text = ''
while t.alive? do
current_text = s.string
unless (current_text.eql?(displayed_text))
new_text = current_text[displayed_text.length..current_text.length]
out << new_text
displayed_text = current_text * 1
sleep 2
