Aggregate Terms Usage Count - elasticsearch

I'm trying to work out a way of finding the most popular terms and their usage in ElasticSearch. The Terms Aggregation is very close but returns the count of documents that the term appeared in, rather than how many times the term appeared.
For example, imagine an appropriate index has been created to index these example documents:
{ text: 'one two two' }
{ text: 'two three' }
Then executing the following search:
aggregations: {
popular_terms: {
terms: {
field: 'text'
Will return:
... {
buckets: [
{ key: 'two', value: 2 },
{ key: 'one', value: 1 },
{ key: 'three', value: 1 }
Is it possible to search with an aggregation counting instances of the terms in a similar way? So in this example returning 3 for the value 'two' as it appears twice in the first document?

Aggregation counts the number of documents based on a criteria (eg: terms ). So it won't return what you are expecting.
For your use case you can probably use the term vector


Counting records in elasticsearch by avoiding duplicates

For the search results of /_search, I would like to get the count of the total records, after applying a condition such that if there are multiple records with the same value in fieldxyz, I would like to count it only one record. For example, here are the full results:
Doc 1 {field_one:'value one' , fieldxyz: 'value four';}
Doc 2 {field_one:'value two' , fieldxyz: 'value five';}
Doc 3 {field_one:'value three' , fieldxyz: 'value four';}
Because 'value four' occurs twice, I would like to count those two records as one, and the final count should be 2.
How can I do that?
You can use the following elasticsearch cardinality aggregation to get the count of distinct values for a field:
"aggs": {
"counting": {
"cardinality": {
"field": "fieldxyz"

String range query in Elasticsearch

I'm trying to query data in an Elasticsearch cluster (2.3) using the following range query. To clarify, I'm searching on a field that contains an array of values that were derived by concatenating two ids together with a count. For example:
id1: 111,
id2: 222,
count: 5
The query I'm using looks like the following:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"range": {
"myfield": {
"from": "111_222_1",
"to": "111_222_2147483647",
"include_lower": true,
"include_upper": true
The to field uses Integer.MAX_VALUE
This works alright but doesn't exactly match the underlying data. Querying through other means produces more results than this method.
More strangely, trying 111_222_5 in the from field produces 0 results, while trying 111_222_10 does produce results.
How is ES (and/or Lucene) interpreting this range query and why is it producing such strange results? My initial guess is that it's not looking at the full value of the last portion of the String and possibly only looking at the first digit.
Is there a way to specify a format for the TermRange? I understand date ranging allows formatting.
A look here provides the answer.
The way it's doing range is lexicographic, 5 comes before 50 comes before 6, etc.
To get around this, I reindexed using a fixed length string for the count.

Elasticsearch, sorting by exact string match

I want to sort results, such that if one specific field (let's say 'first_name') is equal to an exact value (let's say 'Bob'), then those documents are returned first.
That would result in all documents where first_name is exactly 'Bob', would be returned first, and then all the other documents afterwards. Note that I don't intend to exclude documents where first_name is not 'Bob', merely sort them such that they're returned after all the Bobs.
I understand how numeric or alphabetical sorting works in Elasticsearch, but I can't find any part of the documentation covering this type of sorting.
Is this possible, and if so, how?
One solution is to manipulate the score of the results that contain the Bob in the first name field.
For example:
POST /test/users
"name": "Bob"
POST /test/users
"name": "Alice"
GET /test/users/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "Bob",
"boost" : 2
"match_all": {}
Would return both Bob and Alice in that order (with approximate scores of 1 and 0.2 respectively).
From the book:
Query-time boosting is the main tool that you can use to tune
relevance. Any type of query accepts a boost parameter. Setting a
boost of 2 doesn’t simply double the final _score; the actual boost
value that is applied goes through normalization and some internal
optimization. However, it does imply that a clause with a boost of 2
is twice as important as a clause with a boost of 1.
Meaning that if you also wanted "Fred" to come ahead of Bob you could just boost it with a 3 factor in the example above.

Boosting only results with a near-identical score in Elasticsearch

I'm using the following query to search through a database of names, allowing fuzzy matching but giving preference to exact matches.
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "x",
"operator": "and",
"boost": 10
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "x",
"fuzziness": "AUTO",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"altname": {
"query": "x",
"fuzziness": "AUTO",
"operator": "and"
The database contains entries with identical names. If that happens, I would like to boost those entries by a second field, let's call it weight. However, I only want the boost to be applied between the subset of results with a (near) identical score, not to all of the results.
This is further complicated by the fact that results with an identical name may receive a slightly different score, as they are influenced by the relevancy on the altname field.
For example, querying for dog could give 3 results:
Dog [id 1, score 2.3, weight 10]
Dog [id 2, score 2.2, weight 20]
Doge [id 3, score 1, weight 100]
I'm looking for a query that would boost the result with id 2 to the top score. The result with id 3 should always stay at the bottom due to its poor relevancy, regardless of its weight. Ideally with tunable parameters to tweak the factor of the score vs. the factor of the weight.
Any way to do this in a single pass in Elasticsearch, of course without ruining performance?
Looks like I figured it out.
First, I realised that the example in my original question was more complex than necessary. I narrowed it down to: "How to compose a query for 'blub' that returns the following documents in the order 2, 3, 1"
id: 1
name: blub
weight: 0.01
id: 2
name: blub
weight: 0.1
id: 3
name: blub stuff
weight: 1
Thus: for the two documents with an identical (or very similar) score, the weight should be used as a tie-breaker. But documents with a significantly lower score should never be allowed to trump other results, regardless of their weight.
I loaded the data in the excellent Play tool: and started experimenting.
Turned out the log2p modifier did exactly what I expected. Repeated it on a real-world dataset and everything looks exactly as expected.
name: blub
field: weight
modifier: log2p

Sorting by value in multivalued field in elasticsearch

I have a multivalue field with integers in the document, for example
values: [1,2,3,4,5]
I apply range filter, for example from 2 to 4 and get list of document with values, contains 2,3,4.
Now I'd like to sort results, and first return documents, which contains 3.
I could do it using script sorting:
_script: {
script: "doc['values'].getValues().contains(3) ? 0 : 1",
type: "number"
But I don't like it's performance, because getValues() returns a List actually, and contains methods is O(n).
Are any better ways?
