Boosting only results with a near-identical score in Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I'm using the following query to search through a database of names, allowing fuzzy matching but giving preference to exact matches.
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "x",
"operator": "and",
"boost": 10
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "x",
"fuzziness": "AUTO",
"operator": "and"
"match": {
"altname": {
"query": "x",
"fuzziness": "AUTO",
"operator": "and"
The database contains entries with identical names. If that happens, I would like to boost those entries by a second field, let's call it weight. However, I only want the boost to be applied between the subset of results with a (near) identical score, not to all of the results.
This is further complicated by the fact that results with an identical name may receive a slightly different score, as they are influenced by the relevancy on the altname field.
For example, querying for dog could give 3 results:
Dog [id 1, score 2.3, weight 10]
Dog [id 2, score 2.2, weight 20]
Doge [id 3, score 1, weight 100]
I'm looking for a query that would boost the result with id 2 to the top score. The result with id 3 should always stay at the bottom due to its poor relevancy, regardless of its weight. Ideally with tunable parameters to tweak the factor of the score vs. the factor of the weight.
Any way to do this in a single pass in Elasticsearch, of course without ruining performance?

Looks like I figured it out.
First, I realised that the example in my original question was more complex than necessary. I narrowed it down to: "How to compose a query for 'blub' that returns the following documents in the order 2, 3, 1"
id: 1
name: blub
weight: 0.01
id: 2
name: blub
weight: 0.1
id: 3
name: blub stuff
weight: 1
Thus: for the two documents with an identical (or very similar) score, the weight should be used as a tie-breaker. But documents with a significantly lower score should never be allowed to trump other results, regardless of their weight.
I loaded the data in the excellent Play tool: and started experimenting.
Turned out the log2p modifier did exactly what I expected. Repeated it on a real-world dataset and everything looks exactly as expected.
name: blub
field: weight
modifier: log2p


Search string keyword by elasticsearch

I have an issue to implement elasticsearch with the query "energy saving tv".
I have 3 objects with "title" field:
T1: Phone with LG application is an energy saving tv
T2: That tv made by energy saving LG applications
T3: Phone with LG application ensures optimal energy saving
Then I used "match" and "AND" operator for query "energy saving tv":
GET my_index/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"title": {
"query": "energy saving tv",
"operator": "and"
Score T1: 5.0
Score T2: 5.37
So T2's score is higher than T1's score, but I wanna title that has form "energy*saving*tv" (in the order of words in the keyword) will have a score higher. Pls help me. Thank you very much!
You can use a Match phrase query to match a phrase comprised of several words.
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"title": "energy saving tv"
Note that this will only match T1 since the exact order is preserved.
If you also want to include other results with a more mixed up or spread apart word order you can add the slop parameter.
This will also match T2, but with a lower score:
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"title": {
"query": "energy saving tv",
"slop": 10
The slop basically defines the upper limit to how often you can move a query term to the right or left in order to match the document. It defaults to 0.
E.g. going from the query "energy saving tv" to the document "energy tv saving" would require a slop of 2, since tv moves one term to the left and saving moves one term to the right.
See this answer for a great visual explanation.

Elasticsearch compare long sequence strings with fuzzy query

I have two long String sequences that are similar:
Its distance is 41.
I would like to find those strings that are similar to eachother. I started a query like this:
GET my_index/_type/_search
"query": {
"fuzzy" : {
"sequence.keyword": {
"value": "C50FD711C2C43287351892A4D820B5EAC5F048C1E67CAC197AC1D1E921F11C3623C1DCD6493907518E6DCA18CD71016E7FD1160DAE276CB7716D11B94A6B762E4A591329B7AF973D17A7F9336342FFAAFD4D",
"boost": 1.0,
"fuzziness": 50,
"prefix_length": 10,
"max_expansions": 200
I tried with sequence.keyword and sequence, the field is of type text and type keyword.
However, it did not find the other similar sequence string in my index. Why?
The answer is pretty simple. The maximum edit distance that is allowed is 2 (as can be seen in the source code for the Fuzziness class
You can try with a simpler value, if you index AAAAAA and try to search for AAABBB with fuzziness: 3, you'll get nothing.

Fuzzy Matching Fails But Exact Match Passes

I've been constructing an ElasticSearch query using Fuzzy Matching to match a user in the system. When running it against a specific group of users (ones with my name), the query appears to work perfectly, but when running it against a random selection of users, it appears to fail.
For the purposes of my testing, I'm passing in the exact values of a specific user, so I would expect at least 1 match.
In narrowing this down, I found that an exact match against a name returns the data as expected, but putting the same value into a fuzzy block causes it to return 0 results.
For Instance, this query returns a user record as expected:
"from": 0,
"size": 1,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"firstName": {
"query": "sVxGBCkPYZ",
"boost": 30
"should": [
"fields": [
However replacing the match element with the below fails to return any records:
"fuzzy": {
"firstName": {
"value": "sVxGBCkPYZ",
"fuzziness": 2,
"boost": 30,
"min_similarity": 0.3
Why would this be happening, and is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?
For reference. This is the ES version i'm currently using:
"version": {
"number": "1.7.1",
"build_hash": "b88f43fc40b0bcd7f173a1f9ee2e97816de80b19",
"build_timestamp": "2015-07-29T09:54:16Z",
"build_snapshot": false,
"lucene_version": "4.10.4"
The match fails because fuzzy searches are term level queries meaning the query string would not be analysed while the data that got indexed, I assume, if of type text with standard analyzer, would be converted to svxgbckpyz in the inverted index.
You can instead, implement fuzziness with match query as below:
POST testindex/_search
You can change the value from AUTO to 2 or 3 depending on your use case.
The exact match you mentioned also works because query string would get analysed and converts the input string into lower case, which is available in inverted index.
As for how fuzzy query (that you've mentioned) works behind the scene, as per this LINK, is as follows:
The fuzzy query works by taking the original term and building a
Levenshtein automaton—like a big graph representing all the strings
that are within the specified edit distance of the original string.
The fuzzy query then uses the automaton to step efficiently through
all of the terms in the term dictionary to see if they match. Once it
has collected all of the matching terms that exist in the term
dictionary, it can compute the list of matching documents.
Of course, depending on the type of data stored in the index, a fuzzy
query with an edit distance of 2 can match a very large number of
terms and perform very badly.
Note this statement in particular, representing all the strings that are within the specified edit distance of the original string
For e.g. some of the words with distance of 1 for life would be aife, bife, cife, dife....lifz.
So in your case, fuzzy search's automaton would not be able to create term svxgbckpyz from input string sVxGBCkPYZ firstly because the distance between them is 7 (Remember distance is 1 between A and a) which I don't think AUTO option can create and even if you configure it to 7, it may not create the string as there would be huge list of words with distance 7
Adding one more LINK for more info. Hope it helps!

Elasticsearch, sorting by exact string match

I want to sort results, such that if one specific field (let's say 'first_name') is equal to an exact value (let's say 'Bob'), then those documents are returned first.
That would result in all documents where first_name is exactly 'Bob', would be returned first, and then all the other documents afterwards. Note that I don't intend to exclude documents where first_name is not 'Bob', merely sort them such that they're returned after all the Bobs.
I understand how numeric or alphabetical sorting works in Elasticsearch, but I can't find any part of the documentation covering this type of sorting.
Is this possible, and if so, how?
One solution is to manipulate the score of the results that contain the Bob in the first name field.
For example:
POST /test/users
"name": "Bob"
POST /test/users
"name": "Alice"
GET /test/users/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"name": {
"query": "Bob",
"boost" : 2
"match_all": {}
Would return both Bob and Alice in that order (with approximate scores of 1 and 0.2 respectively).
From the book:
Query-time boosting is the main tool that you can use to tune
relevance. Any type of query accepts a boost parameter. Setting a
boost of 2 doesn’t simply double the final _score; the actual boost
value that is applied goes through normalization and some internal
optimization. However, it does imply that a clause with a boost of 2
is twice as important as a clause with a boost of 1.
Meaning that if you also wanted "Fred" to come ahead of Bob you could just boost it with a 3 factor in the example above.

Constant Score Query elasticsearch boosting

My understanding of Constant Score Query in elasticsearch is that boost factor would be assigned as score for every matching query. The documentation says:
A query that wraps a filter or another query and simply returns a constant score equal to the query boost for every document in the filter.
However when I send this query:
"query": {
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"source": "BBC"
"boost": 3
"fields": ["title", "source"]
all the matching documents are given a score of 1?! I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, and had also tried with query instead of filter in constant_score.
Scores are only meant to be relative to all other scores in a given result set, so a result set where everything has the score of 3 is the same as a result set where everything has the score of 1.
Really, the only purpose of the relevance _score is to sort the results of the current query in the correct order. You should not try to compare the relevance scores from different queries. - Elasticsearch Guide
Either the constant score is being ignored because it's not being combined with another query or it's being normalized. As #keety said, check to the output of explain to see exactly what's going on.
Constant score query gives equal score to any matching document irrespective any scoring factors like TF, IDF etc. This can be used when you don't care whether how much a doc matched but just if a doc matched or not and give a score too, unlike filter.
If you want score as 3 literally for all the matching documents for a particular query, then you should be using function score query, something like
"query": {
"function_score": {
"functions": [
"filter": { "term": { "source": "BBC" } },
"weight": 3
