Three.js place an object in rotating camera's fov - three.js

I have a fixed-position, perspective camera that rotates around all 3 axes via keyboard input. At random intervals, independent of user input, I need to place objects within the camera's field of view no matter what direction the camera is looking. The objects will also need to be offset specific x and y distances from the center of the camera's fov and offset a specific z distance from the camera's position. I cannot use camera.addChild because once the object is added I need to move the object via tweening independent of the camera's movements.
How can this be done?

You want to transform a point from camera space to world space.
In the camera's coordinate system, the camera is located at the origin, and is looking down its negative z-axis.
Place the object in front of the camera (in the camera's coordinate system).
object.position.set( x, y, - z ); // z is the distance in front of the camera, and is positive
Now, transform the object's position from camera space to world space:
object.position.applyMatrix4( camera.matrixWorld );
three.js r.69


Convert screen space X,Y position into perspective projection with a specific z position

I'm using ThreeJS, but this is a general math question.
My end goal is to position an object in my scene using 2D screen space coordinates; however, I want a specific z position in the perspective projection.
As an example, I have a sphere that I want to place towards the bottom left of the screen while having the sphere be 5 units away from the camera. If the camera were to move, the sphere would maintain its perceived size and position.
I can't use an orthographic camera because the sphere needs to be able to move around in the perspective projection. At some point the sphere will be undocked from the screen and interact with the scene using physics.
I'm sure the solution is somewhere in the camera inverse matrix, however, that is beyond my abilities at the current moment.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Your post includes too many questions, which is out of scope for StackOverflow. But I’ll try to answer just the main one:
Create a plane Mesh using PlaneGeometry.
Rotate it to face the camera, place it 5 units away from the camera.
Add it as a child with camera.add(plane); so whenever the camera moves, the plane moves with it.
Use a Raycaster’s .setfromCamera(cords, cam)
method to convert x, y screen cords into an x, y, z world position where it
intersects the plane. You can read about it in the docs.
Once it’s working, make the plane invisible with visible = false
You can see the raycaster working in this official example:

ThreeJS - pan camera vertically without tilting?

I am using Mr Doob's periodic table code in my web app:
I am using it in Helix view. When I rotate the object left, I shift the camera's Y position by a certain amount too. My desire is to give the impression that the Helix is corkscrewing vertically up and down as you rotate the camera. This is the code I'm using, where angle and panAmount are constants that control how much rotation and vertical pan takes place per second:
let g_RotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
// Apply matrix like this to rotate the camera.
// Shift it vertically too.
self.object.position.y += panAmount;
// Make camera look at the target.
The problem I'm having is that from the camera's perspective, the object appears to tilt towards you and away from you respectively, depending on the rotation direction, as the camera shifts vertically. This makes sense to me because the I'm guessing that the lookat() function causes the camera to look at the center of the target, and not at point on the target that is closest point to it, so the camera has to tilt to focus on the targe's center of mass. I see the same effect when I use the mouse to pan vertically using the Orbit controls. I believe another way to describe the effect is that the object appears to pitch up and down as the camera shifts vertically.
The effect I want instead is that of a window washer on an automated lift being raised up and down the side of building, with the side of the building appearing perfectly flat to the camera regardless of the camera's current Y position.
How can I achieve this effect with the camera?
Make the camera lookAt the target, but at the same y level as the camera.
Assuming is a vector3 object and self.object is the camera:
If, for example, is the camera's rotation center of the object, you wouldn't want to change the actual vector. Make a copy of it first.
const newTarget = new THREE.Vector3( );
function render( ){
// copy the target vector to newTarget so that the original
// will not change and the camera can still rotate around the original
// target.
newTarget.copy( );
// Set newTarget's Y from the camera Y. So that is looks horizontal.
newTarget.y = self.object.position.y;
// Make the camera look at the objects newTarget
self.object.lookAt( newTarget);

three.js rotate planes so they are always perpendicular to the camera axis without changing z rotation

I'm trying to add clouds to my scene using the approach in, which is to make a large number of plane objects at random positions that each rotate continuously around their z axes.
But I would like to be able to move my camera, change its target, etc., and still have the cloud planes look right.
What I need to do is rotate the planes so that as the camera moves and changes target, the cloud planes stay perpendicular to the camera's axis. And I need to do this without changing the planes' rotation around their own z-axis, because otherwise that would break the cloudlike appearance.
I've tried cloudplane.lookAt(camera.position) but of course that doesn't work. It aims all of the planes at the camera, instead of making them all perpendicular to the camera axis. It also sets the object's z-axis, so the clouds don't evolve.
Any advice is appreciated. (I'm new to three.js, so if I have some of the terminology wrong, I apologize for that.)
Setting the cloudplane's rotation.x and rotation.y to match the camera's rotation.x and rotation.y seems to get me pretty close, but it doesn't quite get there - its still possible to orbit the camera to a position where the clouds are all invisible because they're all parallel to the camera.

Get the new camera position with onmousemove event on a sphere object and transforming it onto 2D map location

I have made a sphere object with a camera.position(0,0,1) and using orbit controls(camera). Now when i drag mouse on my sphere either of the sides how can i get my new camera positions and transform them onto a 2-D map ? I have searched but could not find any relevant sources if somebody can help, it could be really great-full.
Your camera position is stored as a vector3 in camera.position, you can also add the face direction with With the camera.position vector you can easily calculate the position on a 2D map with the x and z position of the camera.

Three.js: cause an Object3D to travel parallel to my camera's X axis

Say I have a simple triangle as the only element/child in an Object3D class. I have a PerspectiveCamera looking at it, and I would like to have the Object3D travel down the camera's positive X axis, say, when I press a key.
How can I manipulate things so that the Object3D travels parallel along the camera's X axis? In looking at the inner workings of the PerspectiveCamera, I see members for things like matrixWorld and matrixWorldInverse but am not sure what they represent or how best to use them here.
Can I use the camera's matrixWorldInverse matrix to get the Object3D into camera coordinates, then move the object along the camera's x-axis (which I'm not sure how to find, as I don't see an entry for it in PerspectiveCamera, though I may not be seeing it) then multiply the Object3D by the 'matrixWorld' matrix again to move it back to world coordinates?
Have you tried making your object a child of your camera? Then any movement of the camera would affect your object. And if you place the camera lets say on the y-z plane of your object, then any movement of the object on its x-axis will also appear to be on the x-axis of the camera.
