Maven execute external jar file - maven

In my project I have a .jar file called validator.jar in main/resources.
I want to validate the package that I made with by running this .jar file, both with maven.
What I tried so far is:
<argument>-f target/PROJECT-${project.version}-el6.myext</argument>
This runs the jar, but doesn't seem to take in the arguments.
on the commandline it should look like this (this works):
java -jar -f target/PROJECT-1.0-el6.myext

Try this:


Conditionally run a mvn plugin if a specific directory doesn't exist

Is it possible to conditionally run a maven plugin only if a specific directory doesn't exist?
I'm essentially trying to prevent npm ci from running unnecessarily as package.json rarely changes. So ideally it would only run when node_modules doesn't exists.
You can wrap it into a profile and activate that profile only if a given file does not exist.

Run Kotlin REPL from context of my Maven project?

How can I run the Kotlin REPL in the context of my Maven project?
This works, but is ugly:
kotlinc-jvm -cp target/classes/:`ruby -e "puts Dir['target/**/*.jar'].join(':')"`
I've tried different variations on the following (after using Maven to copy the compiler JAR as a dependency), but nothing works (Error: Could not find or load main class org.jetbrains.kotlin.runner.Main):
Please try K2JVMCompiler instead, since it's currently the entrypoint for REPL in kotlin-compiler.jar:

How to upload custom artifact after it was build using a windows bat command?

I have a windows batch file to create me a file
And I call this bat file using exec-maven-plugin
What I want to know is how can I install the file to my repo after the MyBat.bat was executed?
I first wanted to use an mvn command from the bat file to upload it but this job gets executed from a Jenkins server and it has its own maven config. If I run mvn from the bat file it will refer to the maven on the local system.
I would suggest to use the build-helper-maven-plugin to add the supplemental artifact to your build and afterwards it will be deployed in one go with the rest which can be done like this:
<file>some file</file>
<type>extension of your file </type>
May be you should bind the exec-maven-plugin to an earlier phase or the build-helper-maven-plugin to a later phase. I would suggest to use prepare-package for the exec-maven-plugin. Furthermore i would suggest to use uptodate versions of the plugins.

how to execute multiple command prompt commands using maven in single pom.xml

I want to run multiple command prompt commands in maven using single pom.xml. How can I do that?
For ex: I have 2 commands to execute. I am executing the first command by using exec-maven-plugin.
Below is the portion of my pom.xml to execute the first command:
<id>load files</id>
For this the build is success.
Is it possible to execute one more command just like above in the same pom.xml? I was not able to do that. So someone please help how to add it in pom.xml
The answer can be found in the FAQ.
The full answer is here:
Then you specify execution ids as:
mvn exec:exec#id2
But this syntax is possible starting from maven 3.3.1

Running Gradle from Maven

I'm looking for some Gradle executor plugin for Maven (similar to Maven ant-run plugin).
Google did not help. Is it possible that such plugin doesn't exist?
I should try this:
This is a maven plugin that makes it easy to invoke gradle from maven.
It is similar to the maven-antrun-plugin that allows ant to be invoked
from maven.
I probably would use:
Because of the following reasons:
I would prefer to trust in a plugin maintained by Codehaus.
If you use the gradle-maven-plugin, probably you'll have to configure additional information in your settings.xml. Otherwise this error can occur: Failed to execute goal org.fortasoft:gradle-maven-plugin:1.0.8
