Run Kotlin REPL from context of my Maven project? - read-eval-print-loop

How can I run the Kotlin REPL in the context of my Maven project?
This works, but is ugly:
kotlinc-jvm -cp target/classes/:`ruby -e "puts Dir['target/**/*.jar'].join(':')"`
I've tried different variations on the following (after using Maven to copy the compiler JAR as a dependency), but nothing works (Error: Could not find or load main class org.jetbrains.kotlin.runner.Main):

Please try K2JVMCompiler instead, since it's currently the entrypoint for REPL in kotlin-compiler.jar:


maven wsdl2java configuration not working properly

I am looking to execute wsdl2java via maven and have tried several different methods with no full success. The first way I was doing it:
This version will create the exact structure that I am looking for due to the call to org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java, but will not continue with any other maven plugins beyond that. It ends the log with executing main or something to that effect.
The other method I have tried:
The problem with this execution is that it generates a lot more java files than the previous execution stated higher up. I have checked the compatibility of this larger fileset and found it will work fine, but would like to find a way to force it to execute with the same java class as the first example. This version will, however, complete and allow me to move on to the following plugins called by maven.
This version isn't even being recognized... wondering if I am calling the plugin incorrectly because it isn't even showing up anywhere with verbose logging.
I have been searching quite a bit and have yet to find a successful answer. I am very close to just writing a shell script to run the maven set-up by calling the first example then moving on. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Instead of using the exec-maven-plugin invoking WSDL2Java, you should use axistools-maven-plugin. Your pom would look like this:
By the way, Apache Axis is quite old and broken. You should think about moving to Apache CXF which is more recent and more robust.
I gave in and ended up using the antrun plugin for maven:
<java classname="org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java" fork="true">
<arg value="-client"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="gensrc"/>
<arg value="wsdl/JobAPIWebWrapped.wsdl"/>
<classpath refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>

Maven execute external jar file

In my project I have a .jar file called validator.jar in main/resources.
I want to validate the package that I made with by running this .jar file, both with maven.
What I tried so far is:
<argument>-f target/PROJECT-${project.version}-el6.myext</argument>
This runs the jar, but doesn't seem to take in the arguments.
on the commandline it should look like this (this works):
java -jar -f target/PROJECT-1.0-el6.myext
Try this:

how to execute multiple command prompt commands using maven in single pom.xml

I want to run multiple command prompt commands in maven using single pom.xml. How can I do that?
For ex: I have 2 commands to execute. I am executing the first command by using exec-maven-plugin.
Below is the portion of my pom.xml to execute the first command:
<id>load files</id>
For this the build is success.
Is it possible to execute one more command just like above in the same pom.xml? I was not able to do that. So someone please help how to add it in pom.xml
The answer can be found in the FAQ.
The full answer is here:
Then you specify execution ids as:
mvn exec:exec#id2
But this syntax is possible starting from maven 3.3.1

Running Gradle from Maven

I'm looking for some Gradle executor plugin for Maven (similar to Maven ant-run plugin).
Google did not help. Is it possible that such plugin doesn't exist?
I should try this:
This is a maven plugin that makes it easy to invoke gradle from maven.
It is similar to the maven-antrun-plugin that allows ant to be invoked
from maven.
I probably would use:
Because of the following reasons:
I would prefer to trust in a plugin maintained by Codehaus.
If you use the gradle-maven-plugin, probably you'll have to configure additional information in your settings.xml. Otherwise this error can occur: Failed to execute goal org.fortasoft:gradle-maven-plugin:1.0.8

"exec-maven-plugin" does not execute

I have the following profile which I am executing successfully ("mvn exec:exec -DrunMule"):
<!-- automatically creates the classpath using all project dependencies, also adding the project build directory -->
I am trying to convert it to run at a specific stage when performing a maven build within the same pom.xml:
This new plugin does not execute when I perform a "mvn clean install". It is unclear to me why it would not.
-------------- update --------------
Once suggestion was to put the configuration inside the execution. This is what I tried and it still did not execute.
'configuration' should be under 'execution':
The plugin was defined under another, much larger profile. I thought I was adding it to the general build when I really was not. I moved it out of the profile and it worked. Lesson learned. Thank-you for the responses.
