Gene Sequencing and Plasmapper - dna-sequence

Is there anything similar to "" in Java (especially the circular map sequencing along with hover effect) ?
For information I would like to convey that I am using Plasmapper and BioJava for achieving this, but, as the output is in image format, so I am not able to achieve the above said requirement.


Cubism with genomic data (or non-timeseries data)

I'd like to hear your thoughts on what would it take to make cubism work with non timeseries data, concretely, genomic data.
These type of data has a locus (a chromosome and coordinates within that chromosome) instead of a timestamp:
chrm1 145678123 value
chrm12 45345 value
chrmX 4535 value
What option do you think is best, hacking cubism's core to allow for these type of data (or any type of data for that matter) or spawning a new project all together?
UPDATE: I decided to implement a modified version of cubism for DNA. I call it DNAism and you can find it here. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Cubism is probably not the right kind of library for this task. You're going to have to modify the library in a pretty significant way. Instead of doing that I'd recommend you use the d3.horizon plugin so that you can gain a lot more control by creating custom scales.
Hope this answers your question.

Xcode, is it possible to type in co-ordinates and then get location?

I was wondering if this type of task is possible and if so how can it could be done or is there a tutorial on this? I believe a task like this involve collocation ,but I am not for sure.
Reverse Geocoding made simple
thats a great tutorial for reverse Geocoding. Adapt what they show you to switch input of a place to input of the coordinate and you will have what you want.

How to find out what an Image is about

Is there a way to understand what an image is about? I mean, if I scann a picture, how can I tell that the picture is about a spesific object? I am thinking that if I have some shape in mind, say the shape - pattern of a spesific object that meets its requirements against the object I am searhcing for, then it must be what I am looking for. Anyway I am thinking of an algorithm to scann a picture database and figure out the pictures I am actually looking for,Is there a known way to accomplish such operation?.
If I am reading your question correctly...
This is a very daunting task even for full-fledged corporations like Google, though they are attempting to create something along these lines.
Take a look at Google Goggles for Android if you'd like to see how this sort of system behaves. You'll also notice that it requires very specific circumstances to be even slightly reliable, but the base technology is there.

Feature Extraction from Images to use with LIBSVM

I'm really stuck right now. I want to apply LIBSVM for Image Classification. I captured lots of Training-Images (BITMAP-Format), from which I want to extract features.
The Training-Images contain people who are lying on the floor. The classifier should decide if there is a person lying on the floor or not in the given Image.
I read lots of papers, documentary, guides and tutorials, but in none of them is documented how to get a LIBSVM-Package. The only thing that is described is how to convert a LIBSVM-Package from a CSV-File like this one: CSV-File. On the LIBSVM-Website several Example-Data can be downloaded. The Example-Data is either prepared as CSV-Files or as ready-to-use Training- and Testdata.
If you look at the Values which are in the CSV-File, the first column are the labels (lying person or not) and the other Values are the extracted features, but I still can't reconstruct how those values are achieved.
I don't know if it's that simple that nobody has to mention it, but I just can't get trough it, so if anybody knows how to perform the feature extraction from Images, please help me.
Thank you in advance,
You need to do feature extraction first. There are many methods that are available. These include LBP,Gabor and many more.. These methods will help you get the features to input into libsvm..Hope this helps...

Pulling stats out of a text

I'd like to know what are the most recurrent in a given text or group of text (pulled from a database) in ruby.
Does anyone know what are the best practices?
You might start with statistical natural language processing. Also, you may be able to leverage one or more of the libraries mentioned on the AI Ruby Plugins page.
