Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 has broken web templates - visual-studio

After installing Update 4 on my Desktop workstation and laptop computers, both of them have lost the web templates.
When I try to create a new C# web project I only can see this:
And If I select it, then I can see this error:
I write the error message here to future search:
Error: this template attempted to load component assembly
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Project, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. For more information on this
problem and how to enable this template, please see documentation
on Customizing Project Templates.
Any idea how can I recover this templates?

I had this issue! Did a 'Repair' and it's now fixed!
To repair, go to Control Panel/Uninstall a program/View installed updates/Uninstall/Repair.

Check if All the templates are present in the given directories
"Visual Studio installation path"\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\
"Visual Studio installation path"\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\
then Open command with administrator navigate to "Visual Studio installation path"\Common7\IDE\" and Type devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates
If this doesn't Help Reinstalling definitely will


The “GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest” task failed unexpectedly

What to do to solve "The “GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest” task failed unexpectedly" when trying to debug a VS extension project??
Same question was already asked multiple times with different source reasons, all for VS2017 usually for upgrading VS extensions from VS2015, and it should have been solved with VS 2019. Yet, it just popped up.
The "GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest" task failed unexpectedly.
System.TypeLoadException: Method 'get_JoinableTaskFactory' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.ExtensionEngineHost' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.16.0, Version=16.9.2017.12405, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have an implementation.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.ExtensionManagerUtilities.GetExtensionEngine(ISettingsManager manager, Boolean deletePendingUninstalls)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__26.MoveNext()
I have tried all the solution for the same error found on SO, so far to no avail. I am using VS 2019 Community 16.9.2, updated all packages, downgraded some to try, nothing really changes this error.
This is my first attempt on VSIX and I just downloaded an existing project from github and compiled it.
The github project is working (probably) since the extension is available on the marketplace.
Any other suggestions? Searches on this error in combination with the JoinableTaskFactory dont return exactly many results.
For me the solution was to do at least one of the following steps:
Delete the obj-folder in the project
Execute Reset the Visual Studio 2019 Experimental Instance. You can find this tool when you search it in the windows search bar.
Clean and Rebuild the project
Sometimes it helped if I did only one step and sometimes it only worked after doing all the steps.
I couldn't find out if there is a specific pattern behind, but doing all of the above steps always fixed the error for me.
Another issue where I got the same error was if there was the wrong external program selected under Project Properties -> Debug -> Start external Program. For VS2019 I need to select C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
If I switched between Visual Studio Versions, then sometimes a different Visual Studio version was selected.
Uncheck: "Deploy VSIX content to experimental instance for debugging"
in solution properties->VSIX
Also Update installed NuGet packages.

Build error "Cannot find name 'Record'" with bootstrap 4

Today, I decided to migrate my ASP .NET MVC 5 project from bootstrap 3 to bootstrap 4 (the sass version).
After the migration, I got an error after the compilation of my project.
Error Build:Cannot find name 'Record'.
Error Build:Cannot find name 'undefined'.
How to solve this?
After some research, I found this link to have a better understanding of typescript and visual studio. If you want to improve your skills, you can go to this official page and have some readings.
The solution
You just have to update the typescript plugin for Visual studio. You can download the latest version here for visual studio 2015.
Here for visual studio 2017
If, for some reason you are unable to update your Visual Studio with the updated TypeScript .exe file (company/business IT policy, non-admin account, etc...), you can try this solution:
Single-click on the "index.d.ts" file in Visual Studio Solution Explorer.
Look in the Properties panel, under "Build Action".
Switch it from "TypeScriptCompile" to "Content".
Now, you'll be able to build your project without these errors.
Update 2019
I have found another workaround/solution that hasn't had any noticeable effects and still allows me to compile without erroring on index.d.ts. Just comment line 68 in your index.d.ts file as such:
//[name: string]: (BaseModifier & Record<string, any>) | undefined;
For Visual Studio 2015:
I downloaded TypeScript, installed and restarted Visual Studio. While restarting it prompted me the TypeScript my solution uses is older than what is installed(2.9.2) and whether I want to update it to the supported version, I clicked Yes and that fixed the issue.
My guess is TypeScript 2.9.2 is for VS 2017 maybe.
I uninstalled jpopper.cs and went to the Web.config file and added these lines of code
<add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" />
to deal with that validation error.
Out of the box, for me it has been fixed by update VS 17 to latest version!!
open your project in visual studio 2017 and it will ask you to upgrade the typescript just press upgrade
Upgrade your Typescript version

Visual studio redistributable & side-by-side / DependentAssembly error

(I'm running Windows7 and using Visual Studio 2010.)
I'm using ClamAV in a .NET Azure project, and I'm running into side-by-side errors whenever I run clamd.exe, either through my code or by running clamd.exe on it's own.
In Visual Studio 2010 I am getting the error:
Win32Exception was unhandled The application has failed to start
because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the
application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for
more detail
And in Event Viewer I get:
Activation context generation failed for
Dependent Assembly
could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
When I searched for "8.0.50727.6195" it led me to the 2005 redist, so I downloaded it
After a restart I am still getting the side-by-side error. Additionally, I think that the redist installer is not completing it's install-- like it's seeing visual studio 2010 and saying "oh, that's good enough, no need for me to install". I haven't tried uninstalling 2010 and using 2005, because the rest of my Dev team is using VS 2010.
What's the deal? How can this be fixed? I'm ready to pull out my hair.
The link Timores posted is the update for Visual Studio. The actual redistributable package is this:
The version you mention is actually at found here
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 MFC Security Update
Timores is right: the redist should be this one, which is related to this KB entry
As you can see there, msvcr80.dll has been updated to version 8.0.50727.6195.
It is the "security update" of the "SP1" of the 2005 C++ runtime..
Your exe probably requires (through an internal manifest) that specific version.
If it is not found on the system (there's a lot of places searched for) nor in the current folder (with a suitable manifest aside) it won't load the exe since it is not able to "activate the context", that is load the specific DLL required in the manifest.
I had similar issues when my system got updated (windows updates) and the newly compiled EXEs were not working with an old-versioned runtime placed on the same folder.
I had to update msvcr80.dll and its manifest (which I found deep in \windows\winsxs) to make everything work.
Context activation is a tricky matter, anyway :)

designer crash visual studio 2010 for windows phone 7

I'm having all kinds of problems getting Visual Studio 2010 to work with the Windows Phone 7 templates. All I have is a default portrait view added to the project, and the designer gives me the following error:
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Phone, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=24eec0d8c86cda1e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
followed by a bunch of crap that doesn't seem too helpful. If I rebuild the project and refresh the designer, it momentarily appears correctly (less than a second), and then Visual Studio crashes and tries to restart.
Anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
Well, sounds like the install didn't go well. Verify that this reference assembly is located where it is supposed to be, the default install location is c:\program files\reference assemblies\microsoft\framework\silverlight\v4.0\profile\windowsphone. Randomly retrying to reinstall might pay off but do check your machine health first, this doesn't go wrong very often. Ask questions about that at

WiX 3.0 with Visual Studio 2010 -- no user interface libs?

I've used Wix before to build installers, and it's great!
I recently re-imaged my machine, and only installed Visual Studio 2010, because I've updated all my projects to that version.
When I download and install WiX 3.0, it complains that Votive will not be installed because I don't have visual studio 2005 or 2008 "or later" installed. That's OK, I don't use Votive anyway (and I don't quite understand what VS 2008 has to do with that, but whatever...)
When I try to link my Wix installer using light.exe, I get a link error, because it can't find the UI wixlibs. Searching various locations on my drive (common files, Wix install dir, etc), I cannot find any wixlib files.
Is the problem that I need to find a separate download for the WiX UI libraries? If so, where? I can't find any promising links on the Wix web site.
Or is the problem that the UI libraries are somehow linked to the Votive installation? If so, how can I install them on a system that only has Visual Studio 2010?
The answer turns out to be that UI has moved away from wixlib files and into the WixUIExtension.dll extension.
Thus, when calling light to link, I can pass -ext WixUIExtension, and all is good.
This solves my problem with "Unresolved reference to symbol 'WixUI:WixUI_Minimal' in section Product"
The exact steps are:
Project Properties -> Tool Settings -> Linker -> add "-ext WixUIExtension"
Alternatively, if you created a WiX Setup Project, right-click on it and add a reference to WixUIExtension.dll, which is found in C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset [version]\bin\.
